MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 46 Boss Gu

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Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan were busy with Xianmanju business, and Zhou Muzi in Qinghe Village was almost beaten by his in-laws.

The cause was the brown sugar that Zhou Muzi gave to her natal family—

"Zhou Muzi, you still want to come back. You eat and drink for free and you dare to hide money privately, and use the money to subsidize your mother's family to buy brown sugar. You white-eyed wolf, kill a thousand knives—"

Zhou Muzi just came back from the field, before he entered the house, he was stood outside the door in shock when his mother Li Hu yelled at him.

Li Hu's mother pointed at Zhou Muzi and yelled at the door, neighbors and villagers all saw it when they passed by, it seemed that Li Hu's mother did it on purpose.

Zhou Muzi still doesn't know what happened, why her mother-in-law got so angry at him, why she said he hid money.

"Mom, I..."

Zhou Muzi looked eager to ask why, but his younger brother and sister Zhou He interrupted, "Sister-in-law, I found this from your room, and it contained a tael of silver. I heard mother said that you came in without any dowry. Where did you get the money, sister-in-law?" She proudly raised the red purse in her hand.

It was a purse given to him by his friend Zhou Yuan, and there was still a tael of silver in it. Zhou Muzi felt angry when he recognized the purse.

He has always cherished the purse and hid it at the bottom of the clothes box. Now that someone found it, it must be that the family members took advantage of him and Li Hu's absence to enter their room and rummaged through their things.

"Don't ask, the white-eyed wolf must have stolen it." Li Hu's mother said viciously.

The words are serious, accuse Zhou Muzi of stealing money from the family, and say it in front of the villagers at the door of the house, if this is a false accusation, Zhou Muzi will become a thief. This false accusation for a brother will have serious consequences.

This is to destroy the next half of life. At the least, he will be abandoned by his husband's family, or at the worst, he will commit suicide to prove his innocence.

Zhou Muzi is a person who has no confidence, now being framed in public, his eyes are red with anxiety.

"This is my silver, I didn't steal it!"

"What are you called!" Li's mother saw that he still didn't admit it, and she became even more vicious, "This is obviously my Li family's money. I have kept my Li family's money privately, and I paid so much for a tael of silver. No wonder the rich family bought brown sugar to subsidize it. Mother's house."

A tael of silver is a lot of money in the countryside, and what Li's mother said caused an uproar among the surrounding villagers, pointing fingers at Zhou Muzi. Zhou Muzi became more anxious, "No, this money is mine, not..."

How could Li Hu's mother listen to his explanation? Today, I learned from outsiders that Zhou Muzi's family had brown sugar to drink, and Zhou Muzi's weak brother looked much better.

At that time, I heard that Zhou Muzi must have subsidized her mother's family behind her back. She was angry and went home to teach others. When she got home, her daughter-in-law said that she had seen Zhou Muzi hiding a delicate purse under the box. She didn't know what it was. It wasn't that she hid the money, and then she went into the room to look for it, and she found it. If it was a tael of silver, she was even more furious.

"My son's money is my Li family's money. How dare you say that the money belongs to you. I think if you don't teach you a lesson today, you will go against it."

Mother Li shouted: "Kneel down for me—"

How could Zhou Muzi be willing, if he knelt down, he would admit that he stole money from the family, he did not steal money.

"I didn't steal the money, listen to me, this money..."

The younger brother and sister Zhou He didn't think it was a big deal when they watched the excitement, and said: "Oh, I said beat my sister-in-law, and you just admit it. You get all the stolen goods. It's true if you don't admit it. If you admit that your mother will be angry at most, you will be punished by kneeling. It’s good to have the money back.”

"He Xiaocui, you..."

"Boss, why don't you hurry up and kneel down." Seeing that the person was motionless, Li's mother was furious, and raised her hand to slap Zhou Muzi, but before the slap touched Zhou Muzi's face, Zhou Muzi was pulled away.


The slap fell on Li Hu's face, and Li Hu's thick-skinned face was slapped with red marks.

One can imagine how strong this hand is.

"Boss, why are you—"

Li Hu looked at his mother expressionlessly, his eyes were still the same as usual, but he looked straight at his mother's eyes, which made Li mother shrink back.

"Boss, your daughter-in-law's white-eyed wolf actually hid money, so I'm going to teach him a lesson." Mother Li's angry voice was filled with guilt.

The younger brother and sister Zhou He were afraid of Li Hu, and Li Hu's gaze made her feel deep and terrifying, and she didn't dare to speak to him when she stood aside.

Li Hu protected Zhou Muzi behind him, glanced at his sister-in-law and saw the purse in her hand, met his mother's eyes, and said calmly: "If you have anything to say, go to the house and talk about it. Continue at the door."

When the eldest son came back, Li's mother couldn't make Zhou Muzi make a fool of himself in front of him.

She knew that Zhou Muzi was important to the eldest son, and if he offended the eldest son, he would dare not hand over to the family. She had threatened the family before, and the family agreed to him marrying Zhou Muzi.

He was able to threaten his parents, not because he won't hand in the money he earned, but because he would make excuses not to go to work at home like his second brother Li Zhi, because if there is no work, there will be no money.

After entering the room, Li Hu said in a deep voice, "This money is Muzi's dowry, not our Li family's money."

Li Hu knew his mother well enough, she thought he gave Muzi the one tael of silver in her pocket.

As soon as Li Hu's words came out, Li Hu's mother and Zhou He didn't believe it.

"Dowry—" Li Hu's mother said, "His family is poor, how can there be a dowry of a tael of silver, and you are not the one to subsidize it."

Li Hu: "Whether I have money to subsidize, doesn't my mother know the best?"

Li's mother's eyes shrank. Of course she knew that Li Hu had no money. He married Zhou Muzi and his family didn't hold a banquet for him. He borrowed money for the banquet from his family.

"Sister-in-law's money is not subsidized by elder brother. Where did it come from? With the family background of sister-in-law, she can't afford a tael of silver. Could it be true..." He didn't say the stolen words, and Zhou He's yin and yang were strange, clearly implying that it was Zhou. Muzi steals money.

Mother Li thought it was possible.

Li Hu couldn't tolerate his family members slandering his wife, so he said: "The one tael of silver in the purse is Zhou Yuan's makeup money for Muzi."

Mother Li and Zhou He were both stunned.

She asked Zhou Yuan to give it to her, Mother Li didn't doubt it, she knew that Zhou Yuan married in the county, so it was not surprising that he was generous.

It's just that, when she got the silver, she wanted to return it, but Li's mother didn't want to pay it back, she wanted to find an excuse to keep it for herself, it was only one tael of silver.

"Marry in, that's also..."

Li Hu interrupted his mother, "Mother, you continue to say that the dowry is the money of the family. I remember that when my sister-in-law gets married, there are a few taels of dowry silver. If you hand it in, you should hand it in together."

The younger sister-in-law Zhou He couldn't agree to it when she heard it, and said with an apologetic smile: "Brother, since it is the sister-in-law's dowry, it is not a private possession of money." She will not hand it in.

She is greedy for one or two, but her dowry money is more important.

Mother Li wanted it, but the rules were like this, and she couldn't just say that her daughter-in-law's dowry was family money.

She also wanted some face.

The money was given by Zhou Yuan, she can’t hold on to it, the brown sugar matter must be that Zhou Muzi used her Li family’s money to subsidize her natal family, he hid a tael of silver himself, and used family money to subsidize her natal family—

Mother Li also wanted to use this matter to trouble Zhou Muzi, so that she would have an excuse to punish him, and if she didn't want to be punished, she would hand over a tael of silver.

Mother Li's plan was really shrewd, and Li Hu immediately dismissed her plan, "The brown sugar was given by Zhou Yuan."

Why is it Zhou Yuan again? Li's mother was stunned, she was planning to find someone to settle the score and got stuck again.

The younger sister-in-law Zhou He deliberately said to herself: "Everything is given by Zhou Yuan, the elder brother is partial to the elder sister-in-law, it is nonsense."

Li Hu cast a cold glance at Zhou He, then turned his gaze back to his mother and said, "If you don't believe me, you can go to Shangcun to ask Lord Zhou's home. The brown sugar from his granddaughter-in-law was given by Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan's family, Zhou Qiu and Muzi both have it." , you’ll know if I’m lying if you ask me.”

Mother Li has nowhere to vent her anger, so she will stare at the second daughter-in-law, as if she wants to vent her anger.

"Oops, stomach ache—"

Zhou He suddenly complained of stomach pain, and the three of them were taken aback. Li's mother didn't believe it at first. Seeing Zhou He's face turned pale, she said in disgust, "It's really troublesome." Let Li Hu go to the doctor.

Before the doctor arrived, Father Li and the three of them came back. At this time, they all came back from outside for dinner. He couldn't eat, Zhou He's stomach hurts, and the family members are waiting for the doctor to come.

The doctor came with a pulse number one and told Li's family that she would have a stomachache when she was happy. It was because her mood fluctuated too much, and she could just take a dose of anti-fetal medicine, and there was no major problem.

Mrs. Zhou He was pregnant with the Li family's first grandson. Li's father and Li's mother laughed happily from ear to ear, and Li Zhi shouted even more happily that he was going to be a father.

This matter was left alone, but the fuse was planted—

Zhou He used to do less work before being in the Li family, but now relying on her pregnancy, her coquettishness makes excuses for being uncomfortable, and the housework falls entirely on Zhou Muzi.

Li Hu's mother is even an excuse to take care of others, Damei wants to marry a good man, Li Hu's father doesn't work, Li Zhi still goes out every day if he wants to go out to find a job, and stays idle at home if he doesn't go out Zhou Muzi did all the laundry, cooking, cleaning the fields and chopping firewood for the whole family.

Li Hu went out to work every day, so he didn't know it at all. He found that his daughter-in-law looked tired every day, and fell asleep when she returned to her room at night.

He knew that Zhou Muzi was stubborn, so he wouldn't say anything to him. He bought his younger sister Li Damei with his pocket money, and Li Damei told Zhou Muzi that he took care of the whole family's work every day.

The Li family quarreled once.

On the other side, Boss Gu, a ship merchant, came to his door.

As soon as Boss Gu's ship docked at the pier, he couldn't wait to take the boatman Lu Dashan to Wei Cheng's stall.

Thanks to Wei Cheng, Lu Dashan is now Boss Gu's guard, and his salary has increased by more than one digit.

The two came to the food street, but they couldn't find the stall. Why did the stall with such a good business disappear?

Got someone to ask.

"You're talking about the Weiji food stall. It's on the street. You can see it when you walk past it."

Even though he was puzzled, he walked over.

They found Wei Ji's food stall. It was almost lunch time, and the smell of food was wafting from the stall. Boss Gu and Lu Dashan felt hungry after smelling it.

The people at the stall didn't know each other at all, so Boss Gu and Lu Dashan went over to ask.

"Excuse me, do you know Wei Cheng?"

Wei Yuan heard that the person in front of him was asking about Wei Cheng, and Wei Cheng had explained before that whenever he came to the stall to look for him, he would directly bring someone to him.

Wei Yuan said: "Wei Cheng is not here. Do you want him? I can take you there."

Seeing that the person in front of them really knew Wei Cheng, Boss Gu and Lu Dashan asked Wei Yuan to take them to find Wei Cheng.

The stall was hired by a relative of Wei Yuan's family.

After receiving a month's dividend, his family knew how good the stall business was. It is very hot to get the money, I always feel that I have taken advantage of Wei Cheng, and I have to give some of the money back to Wei Cheng, Wei Cheng refuses to accept anything.

Wei Yuan's family discussed, please two more people, and the wages of the invited people will be distributed from his family. With two more people, the stall business will be booming, and more money will be made to give back to Wei Cheng. This will make their family feel better.

The relatives were invited to be grateful to Weiyuan's family, but they didn't know that Weiyuan's family received dividends at the stall, so they didn't know how much Weiyuan's family had a month, so they thought they would receive monthly money just like them.

The stall was manned, Wei Yuan left because he was busy at most.

Wei Yuan's parents heard that they were looking for Wei Cheng, and asked their son to take someone there quickly. He didn't need to take care of the stalls, and Wei Cheng's matters were more important.

Wei Yuan brought him to Xianmanju, and before he entered, he could smell the smell of meat.

Meat is stewed in several pots by the side window, and different stewed vegetables are placed on top of the big pot, and many people line up at the window to pack and buy them home.

"smell good-"

"This is stew and stewed meat." Wei Yuan explained that every day when the stalls close, he comes to Xianmanju to help out. His brother Wei Cheng gives his family so much dividends, so he has to make more. Even if Wei Cheng disagrees, he also come.

As soon as you enter the lobby, the lobby will be full of guests.

Wei Yuan took people to the counter, Xiao Liu was alone at the counter, she knew Wei Yuan, and greeted Wei Yuan: "Yuan Shao, why are you here, do you want to find the master?"

Wei Yuan asked: "Xiao Liu, I came to look for Chengzi, isn't Chengzi here?" When Wei Cheng's servants called him Yuan Shao, Wei Yuan was not so comfortable with it.

Xiao Liu smiled and said, "The master and the master are having lunch upstairs, you know which private room, you just go up and find someone."

Xiao Liu didn't know that there was an extra person in Wei Cheng's private room at this time.

Wei Yuan brought him up, and walked behind, Boss Gu was startled, he hadn't seen him for a few months, Wei Cheng had opened such a large restaurant, and the business was really booming.

Boss Gu has some plans in mind, and he wants to build a good relationship with people.

Lu Dashan was also shocked.

Wei Yuan took someone up and knocked on the door, and when he heard Wei Cheng letting him in, Wei Yuan pushed open the door of the private room and yelled, "Chengzi, there is a Boss Gu—" His eyes saw that there was nothing but Wei Cheng in the private room. And Zhou Yuan, the young owner of Taifulou was also there, and Wei Yuan stayed there.

Boss Gu, who was following behind, also saw Yun Chengfeng. Yun Chengfeng was dressed up, and Boss Gu's eyes flashed with shock.

Wei Cheng and Yun Chengfeng came and went, and they both became friends, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with Wei Yuanchuang, and Yun Chengfeng was not that kind of stingy person.

Wei Yuan was foolishly afraid of offending Yun Chengfeng and causing trouble for Wei Cheng, so he was about to leave in a hurry, when Wei Cheng said, "Yuanzi, thank you for bringing someone here."

Wei Cheng saw an acquaintance, it was Boss Gu, a ship merchant.

Wei Cheng stood up and said hello: "Boss Gu, long time no see."

Boss Gu responded: "Boss Wei, long time no see."

"Boss Gu, please sit down." Wei Cheng made a gesture of invitation, and then said to Wei Yuan, "Have you had lunch, how about eating together?"

Wei Yuan refused, he had to go back to the stall to work, and then left.

When Wei Cheng saw Lu Dashan, he had no pretensions to greet Lu Dashan, so that Lu Dashan was flattered and responded by calling Boss Wei.

Wei Cheng introduced to Boss Gu, and when he introduced Yun Chengfeng, he introduced him as the young owner of Taifulou, and didn't say anything else.

Several men were talking about things, Zhou Yuan couldn't stay, so he opened his mouth to leave. How could Wei Cheng not know that his daughter-in-law was uncomfortable, so he didn't keep him. He lowered his head and said softly, "Let the kitchen make you some food, and then go to work when you're full, otherwise you can't go to the counter."


If not, Zhou Yuan knew that his husband would go out and arrange everything for him in person, so he might as well go and eat obediently.


Zhou Yuan just left.

Yun Chengfeng is used to Wei Cheng's attitude towards his daughter-in-law. He ate at the same table in Xianmanju for a few days, and they didn't pick up food, but were gentle and caring... He was like a superfluous—

He has never seen any couple so sticky.

Wei Cheng asked his servants to add extra bowls and chopsticks, and also asked his servants to take Lu Dashan to the lobby to order some food.

After a round of wine.

Wei Cheng asked: "Boss Gu came to see Wei today for something?"

Boss Gu said: "I want to order a batch of sauces, but last time the batch was sold out."

Wei Cheng and Yun Chengfeng looked at each other. Just now they were discussing how to sell the first batch of sauce made by the sauce workshop, and someone came to buy it.

Boss Gu bought the sauce once, and if he cooperates with him later, it must sell well.

Wei Cheng asked: "How much does Boss Gu want this time?"

"Two thousand catties of soybean paste and one thousand catties of chili oil." Boss Gu asked, "Can Boss Wei provide it?"

"Yes." Wei Cheng said, "However, it will take a few days for the goods to be available."

"No hurry, I just arrived in the county seat today, and I will live in the county seat for about ten days. I can deliver the goods before I leave." Boss Gu smiled, "I'm really afraid that if I want something urgently, Boss Wei won't be able to provide the goods. This time Come on, Boss Wei's business seems to be getting bigger."

"I have cooperated with Taifulou Shaodong to open a sauce workshop. The workshop has not been started for a long time, and there are still some products for Gu Boss." Wei Cheng said, "The sauce workshop has added a lot of sauces, Boss Gu is interested learn."

Boss Gu asked: "I don't know, what new sauce is added, how is it compared to the previous miso and chili oil?"

"Boss Gu, what do you think of Xianmanju's dishes?" Wei Cheng didn't answer, but asked instead.

"Gu has traveled all over the world, and Xianmanju's dishes are novel and delicious." He has never eaten them before. I have to say a word of appreciation. "The seafood pot, stewed meat, and stews are all in my taste."

He used to think that the dishes made by miso sauce were delicious and unique, but now he feels that they are not as good as Xianman Juli's dishes.

Wei Cheng smiled and said, "Except for the seafood pot, all other dishes are cooked with the newly added sauce."

"That's true." Boss Gu was surprised.

"How could Wei smash his own signboard?"

On the contrary, Boss Gu is interested in the new sauces added by the sauce workshop. The previous sauces sell well, and if there are new ones that can make better dishes, he can expand the business.

Make an appointment with Wei Cheng to go to the sauce workshop. Wei Cheng asks people to go to the grocery store in the suburbs. Let him taste and judge better.

Yun Chengfeng took a sip of his tea and thought to himself, so there is still this use for building a shop in the workshop area.

Been taught a lesson.

After getting along for a long time, Yun Chengfeng's business mind gradually increased, and his thoughts developed new ideas.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-2119:06:15~2022-05-2223:43:23~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of green skin mung bean;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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