MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 4 blind date! brothers?

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Blind date!

It was really the first time.

Wei Cheng simply packed up his clothes and stepped on the clock.

The meeting place is in a small teahouse on the second floor in the outer city of Nanshan County. This teahouse sells herbal tea on weekdays. It costs a few pennies a bowl, which is very affordable. Ordinary doormen in the outer city like to sit and chat here, and then order a plate of three Peanuts and melon seeds worth two pennies are enough to chat for a long time.

Wei Cheng's family chose to make an appointment here because they saw that the teahouse was cheap. Even if a table of six or seven people had a bowl of tea per person, and a few plates of peanuts and melon seeds, the total would only cost a few tens of pennies.

Wei Cheng didn't know that his parents planned carefully.

It was the first blind date, although Wei Cheng planned to go through the motions and find an excuse to leave after a few pleasantries, but there was no need to be so shabby anyway.

When Wei Cheng came, his parents and the other party also came. There were quite a lot of people from the other party, except for two women, but they all seemed to be men. Could it be that the women didn't come, and looked at the group with doubts, Wei Cheng generously walked over and sat down on the empty seat, and also said hello after sitting down.

Seeing Wei Cheng's arrival, everyone present had different thoughts.

Wei Cheng's parents were satisfied with what he was wearing today, and the second child didn't come in tattered clothes this time, so he didn't feel ashamed.

Zhou Yuan's parents and eldest brother were satisfied when they saw Wei Cheng, who was neatly dressed, tall and energetic, but they didn't know his character.

Before Wei Cheng approached, Zhou Yuan took a look from a distance. He didn't see Wei Cheng clearly, but thought he was quite tall. After all, he was a brother, so he had to maintain the reserve he should have.

Aunt Zhou Yuan was obviously stunned when she saw Wei Cheng, and murmured in her heart, this time, the person in the clothes looked like a man, and her face was no longer haggard, poor and shabby. Son, how could it be Zhou Yuan's turn in this marriage.

But thinking that the other party only had three acres of land after the separation, he was not a poor person, Zhou Yuan's aunt Zhou Wu's disgusted him again.

"Oh, the young man is really energetic. Come on, let me introduce you to Wei Cheng first. Wei Cheng hasn't come yet, everyone has introduced you in advance, so I won't introduce you again, just introduce you to Wei Cheng." Zhou Wu smiled. He was very enthusiastic, waving a handkerchief in his hand, "Wei Cheng, this is Zhou Yuan's parents, and that is Zhou Yuan's elder brother. This is my nephew Zhou Yuan, who is your blind date today."

"His second uncle, this is the person who introduced him to Zhou Yuan. The son of the Wei family, Wei Cheng, isn't he a good young man? He is definitely a good match for your Zhou Yuan. Oh, if my family Lan Lan and Wei Cheng didn't match each other, How can Zhou Yuan meet with this?" Zhou Wu said enthusiastically to the Zhou family.

Now Wei Cheng finally understood that the handsome man sitting across from him was his blind date, and he also noticed the red dot between his eyebrows, which was the sign of a brother, and realized that today's blind date was not a girl, but a brother.

He is still amazed at the gender of my brother in this era. My brother is a man, but he can give birth.

Today's blind date is still brother.

Wei Cheng had a girlfriend once before, and his brother was a man in his eyes, and a man would go on a blind date with a man. He really never thought that he would meet him.

At least he knew he wasn't gay.

Wei Cheng had a pensive expression and didn't speak. Everyone thought he didn't like his brother so he didn't even respond to his words.

Wei's father, Wei's mother, and the others were dissatisfied at first with Zhou Wu's introduction of his brother to his second child. Although he didn't pay much attention to the second child, he was still their son.

But Zhou Wu said that marrying a brother doesn’t cost much money, and it can save money. Wei’s father and Wei mother wanted to save some money, so they also divided Weicheng and married a brother. It's not in the way of sight, so let's arrange a meeting.

Seeing his son's expression, he thought he was dissatisfied with his brother, and asked his elder brother to pass the message to him before the blind date. If this blind date fails, the family will not arrange for him again.

He doesn't like it, and he will find it by himself in the future.

Zhou Yuan's parents sighed in their hearts, the other party looked down on his brother, and this time his marriage was doomed to fail.

Zhou Yuan's eldest brother, Zhou Yong, was worried that his younger brother would be sad.

Zhou Yuan felt disappointed. He knew that he was a brother, and the other party was tall and handsome, and he was from the county. It was normal to look down on him as a brother. However, when he saw Wei Cheng, there was a momentary touch in his heart, destined to be empty.

Although Zhou Wu's heart regretted not being able to get the thank-you gift, she also felt a little gloating in her heart. Wei Cheng was wearing Zhou Zheng today, and Wei Cheng didn't take a fancy to her family Lanlan. If she looked at Brother Zhou, she would definitely feel uncomfortable. According to the current situation, Wei Cheng can't see Zhou Ge'er, and it's not surprising that Zhou Ge'er is looked down upon by others.

Mrs. Zhou Wu could not see any relatives living better than her.

Wei Cheng didn't expect him to meditate on this kung fu, and other people's thoughts went back and forth.

He looked at his brother secretly, with plain clothes, black and black silk in half a bundle, clear eyebrows, eyes as clear as autumn water, no makeup, clean, skin is not fair, very good-looking, compared to the sissy in memory, This is what a teenager should look like.

When Wei Cheng looked at Zhou Yuan, he naturally saw that Zhou Yuan's originally clear eyes seemed to lose their brilliance, and his sad expression was filled with disappointment. Wei Cheng felt a little uncomfortable, and seemed to think that those autumn water eyes looked better when they were clear.

After thinking about it, Wei Cheng thought Zhou Yuan didn't like him.

But what Zhou Wu said made Wei Cheng suddenly realize that it wasn't that Zhou Yuan didn't like him, but that they all thought that Wei Cheng despised Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Wu pretended to sigh: "Oh! It seems that Wei Cheng is looking down on my nephew Zhou Yuan, so this trip is useless. Brother Zhou, don't be sad, it will definitely not be so easy to marry, another day Auntie, pay more attention to it for you."

There was something in Zhou Wu's words, with sarcasm, mocking Brother Zhou secretly because no one wanted him. The Zhou family felt very uncomfortable when they heard this, but they couldn't say something about running against Brother Wei on the spot, for fear that the Wei family would misunderstand that they were not good enough to join the family, so they became angry from embarrassment.

Wei Cheng frowned when he heard Zhou Wu's family. Isn't this aunt Zhou Ge'er's aunt? No matter what you say, you are secretly belittling people.

Wei's father and Wei's mother didn't want to see their brother at first, and now they didn't bother to stay any longer. They got up and wanted to go back, and they didn't even bother to say goodbye. Now the faces of the Zhou family were even more worried. The unpopular Zhou Lao Er's family.

Wei Cheng spoke at this time.

"Father, why did you leave?" Isn't it a blind date? He left without saying a word. Is it suitable, at least don't talk a few words first?

Wei Cheng's words stopped Wei's father and Wei's mother from getting up to leave, and the Zhou family was even more puzzled by the meaning of Wei Cheng's words, and looked down on his elder brother. This is clearly a dislike of his brother's status, and a disdain for their muddy legs.

If Wei Cheng knew what the Zhou family was thinking, he would definitely yell for injustice, but he was just thinking in silence.

Generally, before going on a blind date, both parties will first understand each other's family background.

Generally, the gap between portals like this is too large. If you take a look, if you don't like it, you will leave immediately.

Wei's father and Wei's mother claimed to be from the county town, and they felt that it would be demeaning to stay with the countrymen for a while. Since the second son didn't like it, there was no need to stay any longer.

Wei Cheng is a modern person, no matter how he has the memory of the original owner, how can he turn around and leave without saying a word when he is on a blind date? For a decent meal, there are only a few cups of tea and a few plates of melon seeds and peanuts on the table. …

His parents left like this, not to embarrass the Zhou family.

Wei's mother said: "You don't even like it. I said earlier that it doesn't matter whether I look at a brother or not. If it wasn't for your marriage, I wouldn't have the time to look at a brother."

As soon as Wei's mother said this, she trampled on the Zhou family's face to the end, and she looked down on her elder brother inside and outside the words.

After Wei's mother finished speaking, she left with Wei's father, and Zhou Wu also chased after her. She calculated in her heart that if she got on good terms with Wei's mother, she might be able to let Wei's mother introduce someone from the county to her family, Lan Lan.

It was Wei Cheng, whose mother Wei's words made him dumbfounded.

what! ?

When did he say he didn't like it.

Seeing that Zhou's family looked bad and got up to leave, Wei Cheng hurriedly stopped them. For some reason, he was afraid that Zhou's family might misunderstand, and Brother Zhou seemed a little angry...

"Uncle and Aunt Zhou, please stop. I'm really sorry. I was thinking about something just now, and my parents misunderstood it. You are willing to come. No matter how rude I am, Wei Cheng, I still have to be considerate. As for my parents, if there is something wrong Proper behavior, I, Wei Cheng, apologize here."

After Wei Cheng's words, the faces of the Zhou family improved a bit.

Seeing that the Zhou family members were a little relieved, Wei Cheng immediately asked the waiter in the teahouse to serve some special snacks, and then invited the Zhou family members to sit down.

Wei Cheng made it this far, invited him to have some snacks, and apologized. The Zhou family even wiped out the embarrassment just now, but they were embarrassed to make Wei Cheng spend more money. The family background is good, and they are from the county, so it is normal to look down on them, farmers.

Wei Cheng's behavior made the Zhou family see that his character was worthy of entrustment, but it was a pity that his brother was not worthy.

Wei Cheng asked the Zhou family to stay and asked for some snacks, and he left. After all, it is not proper for a foreigner to get along with his elder brother. In ancient times, reputation was very important to an unmarried elder brother. If he does not leave, It's not good to spread any gossip.

Coming down from the second floor of the teahouse, I remembered that Zhou’s family had to walk a long way from the village. It’s noon now, and they probably haven’t had lunch yet, so I gave some copper coins to the waiter in the teahouse to buy noodle soup and packed it. The shop waiter paid a few pennies for running errands, the shop waiter was very happy, and patted his chest to promise that it would be done.

On the second floor, Zhou's family looked at each other with seven or eight plates of pastries. Most of the pastries on the table were named but never eaten.

When the waiter in the teahouse brought four bowls of shredded pork noodle soup and said that the son bought it just now, the Zhou family was even more at a loss.

Their peasant family, how could they have seen such a battle, and pastries, and shredded pork noodle soup... have never been so extravagant.

Now it's a little timid.

Zhou Yuan, who was a little sad at first, was also dumbfounded.

"Father, what should we do now?" Zhou Yong swallowed, he was hungry.

"Since it's Wei Cheng's sincerity, and things can't be returned, everyone is hungry, so they ate the noodle soup and packed the pastries back."

Zhou's father spoke, and the Zhou family started.

Zhou Yuan was eating noodle soup, biting his chopsticks in a daze from time to time. Seeing this, Zhou's mother thought he was sad, and comforted him: "Yuan'er, I didn't find a match this time. Mom will look for you again, and I will find a suitable one."

"Your mother is right, Wei Cheng is a good young man, but our Zhou family is not worthy of him." Father Zhou sighed.

Such a good young man did not look down on the country people, but the other party's family background was much higher than them.

Zhou Yuan smiled slightly: "Father, don't worry, I won't think too much about it."

"That's good!"

The Zhou family packed the leftover cakes and returned to the village in the afternoon. The neighbors knew that the brother of the Zhou family had a blind date with the people in the county, and they all came to inquire about the result. The villagers also paid attention to the things in the hands of the Zhou family. The Zhou family members were also unwilling to say a few more casual words, so they sent them away if they failed.

After a while, the village also knew that the Zhou family's brother had failed in a blind date.

The children of Zhou's family jumped up happily when they saw Zhou's father packing so many delicious pastries. Zhou Yuan's sisters-in-law thought that Zhou Yuan was favored by the county people, and they also looked happy.

When Zhou's father and Zhou mother were tired, they went back to the room first, and Zhou Yuan followed.

Zhou Yong explained clearly to his family.

Although the sisters-in-law of the Zhou family were disappointed that Zhou Yuan still couldn't get married, they were happy that at least they had cakes to eat.

The people in the county town are really generous. This is a pastry in a teahouse. How much does it cost?

The sisters-in-law were happy to share and eat, and secretly hid some back to the house, but they didn't dare to finish all of them, so they kept some and put them back in the kitchen.

The happy laughter of nephews and nieces came from the yard.

Zhou Yuan lay prone on the quilt, listless.

Thinking of the situation when he first saw Wei Cheng, he felt faintly lost in his heart.

You can know whether you are worthy of him or not.

He didn't know that one of his hearts fell on the person he had just met.

Later, when someone came to introduce him to someone, Zhou Yuan refused.

Don't even want to get married.

Read The Duke's Passion