MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 16 live a small life

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Zhou Yuan was angry and ignored people, cleaning and tidying up the house nimbly, Wei Cheng followed him around, Zhou Yuan took a step, he followed, Zhou Yuan carried water to change the wash, and he hurriedly took the portable water to change the water.

Zhou Yuan was not still angry, but he was a little embarrassed and used anger to cover it up. Moreover, Wei Cheng walked around behind him coaxing him, the anger in his heart had long since disappeared.

"Yuan Yuan, do we still need to clean?" Wei Cheng looked at the sun and counted the time.

"It needs to be cleaned. Many places in the house have not been cleaned." Zhou Yuan twisted the linen cloth and continued to wipe the table.

"But we will go to the county town to go to my parents' house later, it will be too late." Wei Cheng had to remind him after dinner was probably already ready.

In fact, it was fine for him to be alone later in the past. At most, it would be painless for Zhou's mother to swear, but he didn't want his wife to be treated the same as him.

Zhou Yuan froze in place after hearing the whole thing, and the rag in his hand fell to the ground.

Wei Cheng picked it up suspiciously, and asked, "Yuan Yuan, what's wrong?"

Zhou Yuan turned around with an anxious and panicked expression: "I didn't serve tea to my parents this morning, why didn't you remind me?" He even forgot to serve tea to his parents-in-law, would he be blamed, would he think he didn't Tutor.

Why didn't my husband remind him earlier? !

Wei Cheng reassured: "Don't worry, we just need to go over to have dinner and then serve tea. This is what my mother ordered yesterday."

Zhou Yuan: "Really?"

Wei Cheng: "Really, I won't lie to you!"

Zhou Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll go back to the room and change clothes." Zhou Yuan also didn't want the rag and bucket, turned around and went back to the room to change clothes.

He wore new clothes in the morning, and when it was time to clean the house, Zhou Yuan would change into the clothes he brought with him. If he wanted to go to Wei’s house, he still had to change back into new clothes.

"Mother, the second child and the others haven't come yet. The new daughter-in-law came so late to see you on the first day. It's really unruly."

Wei Cheng's sister-in-law didn't wash the dishes, cut the meat, and didn't clean up the kitchen. She just waited for Wei Cheng's daughter-in-law to come over, do some cooking and work, and let him know that she should be respected when he saw her as a sister-in-law.

Originally, Aunt Zhu, a servant woman, shared the share with her, so Aunt Zhu asked Mother Wei to arrange to accompany Wei Fang home. Mother Wei gave a lot of things, and Wei Fang couldn't carry them all. If there is no carriage, let Aunt Zhu carry some and send her back.

"Okay, no one came, you can't cook by yourself, what are you talking about."

"Mother, don't make me yell. This is the rule. On the first day a bride enters the house, he cooks all the meals. I feel dissatisfied for my mother."

"You still count on people not coming. When Ah Liang and Dabao come back, if you don't cook, you still have to starve them."

Wei's mother didn't expect the daughter-in-law of the second family to come to cook, and she was very dissatisfied with the lack of rules, but she said yesterday that someone would come to eat, but she didn't explain clearly that she wanted someone to cook. She knew that the second child was dull-tempered, and there was no elder in the family, so how could she expect the newly married couple to know more about the rules.

Wei Cheng's sister-in-law didn't dare to disobey Wei's mother, besides, her husband came back from the store and her son came back from school, and she had to eat, and she had to cook if she didn't want to.

In my heart, I cursed people for being unruly, and I was reluctant to cook.

Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan arrived at Wei's house earlier than his elder brother Wei Liang's return. When his elder sister saw them, she said in a strange way: "Yo, the second brother and sister-in-law are really on time. Is it okay to come back for dinner?"

However, even though Wei Cheng understood her sarcasm, his expression remained unchanged: "Sister-in-law, mother asked us to come back for dinner."

Wei Cheng's sister-in-law was choked.

Wei Cheng's sister-in-law scolded: "What to eat, the cook didn't come to cook, so I have the nerve to come to eat."

Zhou Yuan's expression tightened, he was flustered and wanted to explain but couldn't explain, he was late.

Wei Cheng squeezed his wife's hand to comfort him, and said to his sister-in-law: "Could it be that sister-in-law didn't cook?"


Wei Cheng's sister-in-law's drink was heard by Wei Liang who had just entered the door. He held the hand of Wei Dabao who had been brought back from the school, and asked with such displeasure: "Ah Fang, you didn't cook tonight?"

Wei Cheng's sister-in-law's full name is Wu Fang.

"Mom, I'm hungry! I want to eat!" Wei Dabao quarreled.

The son was arguing about his hunger, but Wu Fang hurriedly comforted her, not caring about finding fault, "You guys are back, the rice is ready. Son, if you're hungry, let's serve the meal."

"Brother." Wei Cheng shouted

"Brother." Zhou Yuan followed suit.

Wei Liang smiled and said: "Second brother and sister-in-law are here, sit in the room, father and mother should be waiting in the room."

Entering the main room, Wei's father and Wei's mother sat in the main seat and waited. Wei Cheng took Zhou Yuan's little hand, and the two of them greeted the two elders together, "Father, mother."

Father Wei said, "Second brother, you are back."

Wei's mother hummed, and when she saw Wei Liang and Wei Dabao came back, she directly ordered Wei Cheng's sister-in-law to cook.

Seeing that Zhou Yuan was late, he felt uneasy, fearing that the elders would not like it, and when he heard that dinner was about to be served, he went to help in the kitchen. When Wei Cheng saw his daughter-in-law helping in the kitchen, he also followed.

In the past, when Wei Cheng returned to Wei's house, he also helped with the work, and the others were not surprised.

There were not many people at the dinner table of Wei's family, so there was no sharing of meals. There were meat and fish on the table, and the rice was mixed grains, and it was not rice every meal.

Half of the fish on the dinner table went into Wei Dabao's bowl, and Wei Dabao ate it with his head down. The rice in his rice bowl was all on the table, and the hard-to-bite meat was eaten by his hands. Mother Wei and Wei Sister-in-law Cheng took care of her.

Wei Cheng concentrates on bringing vegetables to his daughter-in-law. If he doesn't bring vegetables, his daughter-in-law will only eat two bites of green vegetables and no meat. Wei Cheng frequently picked up vegetables, causing his sister-in-law to stare, and Wei's father and Wei Liang just buried their heads in eating.

Wei's mother also noticed that she didn't like the second child's frequent pickling of food, but she didn't complain.

Mother Wei: "Second brother, your father and I are too old to do heavy work, your elder brother is busy with the store business, your sister-in-law has to take care of Dabao, and the house has to be empty-handed. I just learned yesterday that no one is taking care of the fields at home. , all grow grass."

"You planted the fields in the village before, and you have to go back to the village to plant the fields, so you can take care of them along the way. This is what you used to do. Your parents also have a share of the fields under your elder brother's name, so you should help We will take care of it, and your wife can also help you."

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Wei Cheng's eyes.

He thought Wei's mother would ask him to help with farming, but he didn't expect it to come true.

He was wronged for the original owner, but in fact, there was also a reason for the original owner's disappointment, so Mother Wei felt it was easy to speak.

But Wei Cheng is not the original owner, he has taken over his body, he should be filial and will be filial, it is no problem to provide for the elderly, and he does not need to serve others.

Zhou Yuan was also surprised by Mother Wei's words.

The family was separated, and the son who was separated out was also asked to help the family farm. Even if he didn't know the situation of the Wei family, Zhou Yuan felt wronged for his husband.

"Father and eldest brother also agree with what mother said?" Wei Cheng picked up the rice with chopsticks, instead of responding to what Zhou's mother said, he asked instead.

Father Wei stopped his chopsticks, thought for a while and said, "Second brother, what your mother means is what I mean."

Wei Liang took a mouthful of rice, before chewing it all, he said: "Second brother, I'll listen to mother."

He didn't listen to Wei's mother, he just wished someone could help with farming, and the rice and vegetables grown could be eaten at home, which would save a lot of money.

Wei Cheng was half full, put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at Wei's mother and said, "Mother, I'm afraid I can't help you with this."

Ignoring the slightly angry expressions of the others, Wei Cheng said, "All the fields under my name are rented out. I won't go back to the village to farm. I plan to do some small business and sell small commodities on the street."

Street vending is a peddler who walks through the streets.

As soon as Wei Yuan's words came out, the expressions of the Wei family were different.

Wei's mother and Wei's father didn't believe it. His eldest brother and sister-in-law thought he was whimsical, and he was a dull and silent person doing business? It's not a dumb man versus a blind man, it's useless!

Can Mother Wei force it? She couldn't help it, she just got angry. If Wei Cheng is separated, she can't directly order him not to be a salesman, but to help his brother farm.

Compared to Wei Cheng being a salesman, she was even more angry that the second child had changed and didn't listen to her.

Once people get used to it, they will think that they will always be like that and obey her orders.

"Second child, after this meal, you will be officially separated, and you will live on your own in the future. Your parents can't control you anymore."

The meal was still not finished, and there was no more to eat, so Wei Cheng took Zhou Yuan away.

Not even tea.

On the way back, Wei Cheng remained silent, and Zhou Yuan showed worry.

Seeing that the people around him were worried, Wei Cheng squeezed his daughter-in-law's hand, which had rough marks from work and was also very soft.

"Yuanyuan, I'm going to be a salesman, do you think I won't be able to sell it?"

Zhou Yuan blurted out: "It can definitely be sold!"

Wei Cheng chuckled: "Well, my wife is right."

Seeing that Wei Cheng returned to his usual smile, Zhou Yuan felt relieved.

Wei Cheng wasn't sad, he was just feeling emotional.

Those who cannot get along well with you, even if they are a family, will never be like a family.

The original owner just couldn't blend in like that.

He, a foreign life, was even more unable to blend in.

I just don't know if Wei's father and Wei's mother will be sad when they know that the original second son is gone.

It cannot be guessed.

He didn't have a family before, and if he had a family, he wouldn't be considered a family. Fortunately, he has a new family in his life.

The two followed the way they had come, step by step, towards home.

"Yuanyuan, let's go home."

"Well, go home."

"Yuanyuan, I'm not full, you go back and cook noodles for me."

"Okay, let's cook when we get back."

"Yuanyuan, continue to do what you did last night tonight."

What about last night?


Zhou Yuan: "......"

On the third day, Zhou Yuan returned home.

Unlike going to Wei's house, Wei Cheng didn't carry anything. Went to his father-in-law's house, Wei Cheng bought a chicken, five catties of meat, twenty catties of rice noodles, peanuts and melon seeds, and wanted to go to Baixiangzhai in the county town to buy two boxes of pastries, but Zhou Yuan insisted on stopping him Go, he stopped.

Wei Cheng came here with so many things, Zhou's father and Zhou mother were dumbfounded, and they also felt the joy of being valued.

However, this thing seems to be a bit much to buy.

When the nephews and nieces saw Wei Cheng, they shouted happily, "Hello, uncle." They liked this uncle who had given red envelopes twice the most, and every time the uncle came, he would have snacks.

Wei Cheng took out the peanuts and melon seeds: "Good boy, take out the points."

The child cheered and took the snacks to eat.

"City boy, why did you buy so many things here?" There are chickens, meat, and white rice and noodles. How much does it cost? It's not that you won't live.

"Yuanyuan, why didn't you stop me and let my son-in-law bring so many things?" Mother Zhou glared at her brother.

Zhou Yuan pouted, "I didn't see it until my husband bought it, so I can't stop it."

If he knew, he wouldn't stop him.

Father Zhou waited all morning, and finally saw his brother and son-in-law come back, he will be very happy, "Okay, you were talking about when you will come back early in the morning, and now Yuan Yuan and your son-in-law are coming back, you are talking about it again." , my brother and my son-in-law have traveled a long way, and you still don’t want people to go back to the house to rest.”

Zhou's mother glared at Zhou's father angrily. She was talking about it, better than someone who started talking about it last night, thinking about how my brother is doing well, and whether his brother-in-law is treating him well......

After all, it's normal for my elder brother who has been doting on me for more than ten years to get married, and Zhou's mother didn't expose him.

Father Zhou smiled: "Son-in-law, do you know how to drink? Accompany me and your elder brothers to drink."

Wei Cheng: "......"

Looking at his daughter-in-law, he seemed to be asking: Yesterday I asked your father-in-law if he drank alcohol, didn't you say that he doesn't drink alcohol?

So he didn't buy wine.

Zhou Yuan blinked innocently, his father didn't drink alcohol, but his three older brothers knew how to drink.

The three brothers of the Zhou family also pulled people enthusiastically, "Brother-in-law, come, let's drink and chat."

Unable to refuse, Wei Cheng was ready to get drunk.

Before Wei Cheng left, he looked at Zhou Yuan pitifully, and Zhou Yuan covered his mouth and smiled secretly. Even Zhou's mother saw it, and felt relieved that the brother-in-law and the brother-in-law got along so warmly, and laughed.

All the men went in to drink, and Zhou Yuan's three sisters-in-law leaned forward, seeing Wei Cheng's return ceremony clearly, all three of them smiled from ear to ear.

Sister-in-law Zhou: "My brother-in-law really values ​​Yuan Yuan in our family, so he brought so many things back home." This can eat a few points, and the white rice and noodles can be eaten for ten days and a half months without this.

Sister-in-law on Tuesday: "Yes, Yuan Yuan really married the wrong person." There is white rice and white noodles to eat, which has not been eaten for a long time.

Sister-in-law on Wednesday: "Our family, Yuanyuan, is the most blessed." With so many things, it would be great if it belonged to her!

Mother Zhou glared at them angrily.

Mrs. Zhou asked, "Mom, what dishes are you going to cook today?"

Zhou's mother: "I'll cook today, you three will help me." When her brother returns home, he will definitely cook in the kitchen himself.

"Boss, you go to the kitchen and get some snacks to bring to the house."

"Hey! Good girl!"

"You two take your things in and put them away."


Wei's mother took Zhou Yuan back to his room before he got married. Zhou Yuan's room hadn't been changed, so he kept it for the time being.

Zhou's mother took her brother and asked Wei Cheng if he was good to him, and how he got along with the Wei family. Zhou Yuan said one by one that Wei Cheng treated him very well and was very careful, and even bought him new clothes. When he talked about the Wei family, his speech was a bit broken, so he still told Zhou's mother about the matter.

Zhou's mother frowned after hearing this: "...The Wei family is indeed too much. Fortunately, if you separate out, they won't interfere too much if your life is going well. Don't worry too much, I think My son-in-law is a stable person and will handle it well."

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Mother, I know."

The three brothers of the Zhou family still didn't get Wei Cheng drunk in the end, not because they were merciful, but because the three of them combined didn't have one-third of Wei Cheng's alcohol capacity.

Wei Cheng's drinking capacity has been accumulated. He rarely drinks, because drinking too much is bad for his health. If he drinks, his drinking capacity will definitely be excessive.

Wei Cheng didn't want to embarrass the three uncles too much, pretending to be a little drunk, the three found a step, let him go, and stopped feeding him.

After lunch, the two went home.

Officially opened the little days that belonged to the two of them.

interlocking fingers.

Walking on country roads—

The wind blows gently.

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