MTL - Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure-Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

Yang Yi decided that public classes would be arranged during the trade fair. Each tribe or team can have five people in the school classroom to take classes together.

However, pen and paper are not provided, and textbooks are just borrowed.

It's not Yang Yi being stingy, it's because their textbooks are not enough. Each textbook is reused, and it will be left to the next level students after further studies.

Tribal papermaking and printing are only just beginning, the efficiency is not high, and what can be produced is very limited.

Paper is also a hard currency, and most of it is used for necessities such as food, so the tribe doesn't keep much of it.

The news spread, and many tribes who had originally planned to leave remained.

Even the caravan that was anxious to bring the news of the Maple City Caravan back, also stayed behind and temporarily put the matter behind.

"Everyone is very enthusiastic, and they want to know what God will teach, and what makes the Spark Tribe develop so fast." Han Bingdao.

Yang Yi nodded. Although these local people are low in productivity, they are very clear-headed.

Even the orcs with a relatively high rate of learning-wearing are very aware of this, but they can't do it themselves, hoping that others will complete it for themselves.

Since the orcs were arranged for universal education, more and more orcs have been actively searching for the East Mainland people.

They all pin their hopes on their partners and children, so they can be lazy ...

"Are there enough seats in the classroom?"

"A lot of people are standing, saying that they only accept five, and most of the tribes have mixed in too much." Han Bing said with a bit of laughter.

Yang Yi looked at him with a strange expression, and was curious and asked, "What happened?"

"Some orcs have sold their 'places'."


Yang Yifu, who said that the orcs had no brains, just look at it, and have only done a few days of business, so they will use the resources at hand.

"Someone told me before that they were willing to give up their positions. I didn't agree. I didn't expect them to do this." Han Bing was helpless.

Yun Qing is the principal of the school and is responsible for the educational activities of the tribe.

In the past, he was the most literati in the tribe. He was personable, gentle, and really good at learning clever.

However, since the orcs entered the school, his painting style changed suddenly, and he often heard his lion roar.

"Go back and think about how to solve it." Yang Yi did not know how to evaluate.

Other tribe people have to mix in to listen, and some orcs want to skip class, and they really want to be hated.

"How is the feedback from the open class?"

Han Bing's eyebrows fluttered: "We are asking when we will open the school so that they can have the opportunity to come in and learn. They have shown their hopes and hope to become the earliest batch.

After all, the Starfire Tribe is a new tribe. The rapid development of people is not to be underestimated, but it will also be scary.

After the open class, many tribes were more willing to get close to the Starfire tribe, achieving the desired effect of Yang Yi.

At the end of the fair, many tribes reluctantly left, and almost every tribe took away a multiplication formula before leaving.

The pronunciation of numbers here is different from that of Chinese. In order to make it easier for everyone to recite the formula, when teaching math, the numbers are all pronounced in Chinese.

At first, other tribes were not used to it, and now when they leave, they have basically adapted to this change.

Numbers have been used in transactions, and everyone has basically learned how to write numbers, and defaults to general number writing.

"The food brought by this trade will allow the tribe to worry about the lack of food before the next bumper harvest."

Yang Yi looked at the report handed in, excited.

Suddenly the tribe soared so many people. There were too few people involved in farming before, and the food they got was not enough in front of the newcomers.

Now that the food problem is basically solved, I ca n’t guarantee fullness, and I can still be hungry.

Hei Xun was pleased to see him, and his mouth could not help rising:

"We can still go hunting in winter. We have collected a lot of animal skins and cotton. The cold will not affect our going out."

Yang Yi was still immersed in joy as a whole, a result much better than he had previously expected.

The paper, pottery, and wine are all very popular, and everyone is willing to exchange them for large prices.

When Yang Yi considered how much wine to make, it was still conservative, worried that too much grain to make wine would cause oversupply.

The price of Yitan wine is very expensive, it can be described as profiteering.

It turns out that Yang Yi underestimated the people's pursuit of wine or a better life.

Most tribes are very generous and don't mind exchanging so many items for something that can't fill their stomachs.

"Qing said that some cold-resistant vegetables in winter can still be planted. In addition to the greenhouse, I think we can have a good year this year."

Yang Yi walked around the house excitedly. Before that, he was very worried that the tribe would not be able to support it.

Once you start to feel hungry, it is easy to break up this newly built tribe with mixed personnel.

Now that the crisis has passed, Yang Yi has been relaxed a lot.

He later reflected that he was still a little too leap forward, and it was easy to bury hidden dangers.

For example, the previous attacks caused so many people in one breath that they could not be effectively screened.

At that time, there were about 2,000 spies hidden in the entire tribe. If neither the orcs nor the eastern and western continents were involved, it would be trustworthy and the losses would be much greater than now.

The management of the tribe also has to rely on black hunting and the talents he has selected, otherwise it will not be so smooth.

"The focus of winter can be on manufacturing. After the snow has cleared in the coming year, there will be tribes and caravans to send us items." Black Hunt Road.

Yang Yi nodded: "We will grow more grain next year, otherwise it will be too dangerous."

"In winter, we can save a little more snow to prepare for the next year's irrigation."

Yang Yi heard a lot of questions about water, and his excitement cleared up a lot.

The tribe currently relies on groundwater. Water resources are still abundant, but Yang Yi feels that he cannot always rely on groundwater.

There are many of them, and long-term dependence on groundwater is not the answer.

Especially here is not a dry place. They also need to vigorously develop agriculture, small handicrafts and so on. Groundwater alone is not enough.

At present, the tribe is still in the development period, and this trade fair has also attracted some tribes to have the intention of refuge.

Jing they only retrieved a small number of people at the beginning. If the place where the mid-level tribes are located makes it impossible for them to survive, it is likely that a large number of people will flock here.

In the long run, development is very limited based on the supply of groundwater alone.

"How do you frown, and think of it again?" Hei Ye gently stroked Yang Yi's brows with his hand, trying to smooth his brows.

Yang Yi expressed his concern: "Although there is not much problem now, I still feel unstable."

"A person who has no long-term concerns will have near-term concerns, and you are justified in worrying."

Black Hunt put out a map, which was taken and measured by Frost.

Although the level of cartography is relatively low and the whole is rough and not fine enough, there is no problem with the approximate scale, orientation, distance, etc.

"Here is the tributary of the Great Wilderness River. It belongs to the junction of the two big rivers. The river is wide but the current is very rapid and it has abundant water sources."

Yang Yi looked at it. According to the scale of the map, it takes five or six days for ordinary people to get faster from the tribe.

"Do you mean, dig a canal?"

"Yes, according to my observation, this river is slightly higher than our tribe. Because the river flows relatively quickly, the animals drink less water here and the river is relatively clean."

"High terrain?" Yang Yi touched his chin. "If water is brought to the tribe, it can be manufactured with water conservancy, which can save a lot of manpower."

"From this riverside road to the tribe, there are plains with loose soil. There are no trees to block them. They will be excavated well."

What Yang Yi thought of, his eyes lit up: "If you dig this canal, it will be easier to introduce fry, right?"

Heihe couldn't help laughing, "Of course, there are a lot of fish in the two rivers of the Wasteland, and we will know each time we return with a full load. You have not tasted the fresh fish, and the taste just killed is very delicious."

The fish in the wasteland river are very fierce, and the nets brought by Yang Yi cannot catch them and will be bitten.

Hunting teams now use archery to shoot and shoot, arrows are tied directly with ropes, and arrows are hooked, which makes it easier to pull ashore.

Although this method does not have a large net like a net fish, the efficiency is still very high.

There are really too many fish in it, much more than the animals on the wasteland, and some are very large. Although they are fierce, as long as they do not enter the water, there is no way for this group of fish to be relatively safe.

"This is a big project." Yang Yi sighed. It took a long time to dig a shovel at such a long distance.

Heihun disagreed: "This is nothing, it happens that many people have nothing to do in the cold season and take this opportunity to exercise their muscles."

In the winter season, many of his jobs have to slow down or stagnate. Although the manufacturing and processing industry requires many people, the number of skilled workers is limited, and the scale will be limited.

Therefore, like many places on the earth, the cold season, whether it is the eastern or western continent, is a season for everyone to rest.

In a richer place, the food accumulated in the harvest season is consumed in winter, and occasionally the weather will go out for food.

Barren points, the winter season will be much less than usual, otherwise it is too easy to freeze to death or frost.

"I'm afraid it will be frozen in the cold season, right?"

It's already zero at night, and it will only get colder in the cold season, and there is a high possibility that the land will be frozen.

"No matter how hard it is, it will not be harder than iron."

Yang Yi was so excited that he could use it in winter.

In winter, there will be much more manpower than usual. Now that the tribe has more than 20,000 people, it is not difficult to form a team of tens of thousands.

Although ironware is inadequate, stone tools and bronzes can be used to dig water channels.

In this way, the canal can be dug quickly. According to the pervertedness of the people here, we can definitely tap through next year.

"We wouldn't be said to be Zhou Zhoupi, right?"

Other tribes are resting in the winter, and their tribes are still very busy, so they don't give them any vacation time.

Heihe laughed: "It will be a problem if you don't arrange this way."


"There is nothing to do when you are full, drink enough, and you ca n’t let go of your extra energy. At that time, all the time on the battlefield was full except for the sleeping time."

The author has something to say: Double Eleven is scheduled to start soon, is there any plan to kill 23333?

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

25 bottles; tarjei, 20 bottles of fake and fake; 10 bottles of t, Xiyalan, Chaqi, and 吆 吆 吆; 5 bottles of glass kite; 2 bottles of white shirt cuffs;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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