MTL - Transmigration with QQ Farm-Chapter 172 : Feeling deep, in public

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"You're fine, you're fine!"

Her heart trembled, the alum with water mist, the eyelashes were very long, fluttering, watching people who missed thousands of times, whispered and responded: "Okay, I am fine!"

"No, you are not good, I already know that everyone is bullying you, hey, stupid girl--" Mo Xuanzun has a warm current in his heart, quietly diffusing.

He knew all, even if it was just what happened in Qingyang City, he did not escape his perception. He would not know what she was facing. When he thought of it, his heart seemed to be picked up by one hand, hurting. He wants to worry.

Cheng Hao smiled and smiled. There was a mist in the eyes, but the smile was very bright. The relatives said: "If you are well, I will be fine!"

"Oh--" The emotions in my heart swayed out, and Mo Xuanzun couldn't help but hold the person in front of his eyes and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't know if you are coming. I have lost my memory for a while. I don't remember, I don't even know that you are here, hey, you have worked hard, sorry -"

The meeting is very dull, there is no big sadness, some are just a kind of warmth, there is a kind of real emotions, and care for each other.

Everyone stared at the eyes, opened their mouths, and stared at the pair of people who were together.

However, the old monsters sitting in the main station, after they were shocked, secretly complained, they did not dream, the little temple master of the Heavenly Temple, since it is Cheng Hao's man.

This, what is this?

Half an hour ago, they were still discussing how to target the ‘the soul mercenary group’, but among them, there was a person from the other side. This is not to embarrass them.

Thinking of this, some of the oldest old monsters, their sights are not on the lover of tenderness, but on the face of the old man.

However, the old man saw the moment when Cheng Hao appeared, he was stunned, and then could not help but smile.

This is a big game!

The ‘弑魂 Mercenary Corps’ turned out to be the power of the disciples of their disciples, what should I do?

The old man couldn’t help but lick his forehead. He had a headache and waited for a big problem.

As for the great elder of the Tianji Temple, he was stagnant at this moment. At this moment, he had a chill in his heart.

He, he is looking for death!

The mercenary group of the Lady of the Lord of the Temple is equal to the mercenary of the Lord of the Temple. However, the Lord of the Temple is the one who belongs to their temple. He helps the outsiders to find the things of their own temple. This is not looking for death. Rhythm!

Finished, finished!

Everyone's reaction was different. Mo Yuze and Fang Shuyun and others were full of smiles and happy at the bottom of their hearts.

Cheng Hao quickly suppressed his emotions and struggled from his arms. He said calmly: "I still have things to deal with, wait a minute and talk!"

"Good!" Mo Xuanzun naturally knew what she was dealing with. He took her hand and turned her head. The sword-like gaze cast on the boss, sweeping through the old monsters and making them feel guilty. disturbed.

"My lady has something to deal with. Since everyone is here, no one should leave here for the time being!"

After all, Mo Xuanzun waved with his hand, and a colorful charm exudes, blocking all the world.

"Holy area--"

The old head of the ‘Ao Cang Mercenary Corps’ was shocked and suddenly shouted.

Holy area? !

Half of the people present didn't know what it meant, but the other half heard the words, including the old man, all showing shock.

The domain of the gods, that is, the cultivator above the celestial being has this ability, and the cultivator under the celestial being has absolutely no such ability.

The domain of the gods is similar to the space of the blockade, but the space blockade can be torn away by means of means, and the gods can't escape without any means, unless it is higher than the fairy, it has this ability.

In other words, Ming Xuanzun’s cultivation has reached the fairy!

Why don't you shock them!

Even the bad old man does not know that his disciples have become the masters of the Immortals.

I don’t know how many years have been seen in the Canghai mainland. It has appeared, and it is such a young fairy.

The old monsters have recovered from the stunned, and they have shown the color of ecstasy.

They had no chance to break through the repairs of the mainland of Canghai. Now they see someone breaking through, and their silent heart is starting to heat up again.

Tian Xian, who is also a top figure of the repairer, also said that it is possible to go to the most mysterious world of God at any time.

Although the Canghai Lu mainland began to have no celestial cultivators hundreds of years ago, there are various legends about the Tianxian strong people. In addition to the old monsters, all the elite disciples and people of all major powers have heard of it.

Therefore, these people were amazed, especially Huangpu Shaojun and Huangfu Yimo. These two sons of the world, in addition to being surprised, left nothing, and they felt that there was no hope.

Tian Xian repairer!

They may not be able to break through for hundreds of years. However, the people in front of them are only those who are in their twenties, and they are already immortal. This kind of talent is really making them feel speechless and scared.

Cheng Hao also heard that she was very beautiful and had an amazing brilliance. Not surprised, but silently asked.

Mo Xuanzun understood her meaning and nodded slightly, believing that she was already a fact of the immortal.

Get an accurate promise, Cheng Hao Zhan Yan Yi smile, my heart is full of joy.

At this time, her eyes were also cast on the main platform, faintly saying: "The elders of the 'Ao Cang Mercenary Group' can be in the? The elders of the mercenary trade unions can be in?? The elders of Wandan Zong can be there? The elders of the Yunyun sect can be there? The elders of the Heavenly Temple can be there? The elders of all major sects and forces should be here today!"


Her voice was not small, cold and elegant, and it was introduced into the ears of all people. All the people in the audience were screaming, and they did not know what happened.

However, the elders of all major forces, they know clearly, what is going on.

In particular, they knew that the four elders who sent out were in the hands of the little girl who was in front of them, and told them not to know how to choose.

The elders on the main stage all sank their old faces, and none of them responded with a voice. It was particularly strange to be silent.

Today is the alchemy conference, and no one has thought of unexpected things.

Everyone in the audience seems to be aware that something big is happening and it will soon be quiet.

For their silent resistance, Cheng Hao smiled coldly. "You should know my identity!"


The people on the main station still did not respond, and the following audience could not help but scream: "Girl, who are you, what is going on?"

"That is, there is something to say, don't forget, now it is the alchemy conference, don't waste time!"

"We still have to fight, what the hell!"

“Is there something big that didn’t happen?”

"Who is she, why are you looking for the elders of the major sects?"

"Is there something happening, we don't know?"


The following begins to discuss, so far, everyone is still confused.

At this time, Xiao Yuteng said: "Come, please quietly, wait until you know what happened. My family's inquiry is naturally purposeful. Everyone should not know who my family is. She It is the head of the 'Empire Mercenary Group'!"

"What, the head of the ‘the soul mercenary group’?”

"She is the head of the ‘soul mercenary group,’ not it!”

"How can a girl be the head of the ‘the soul mercenary group?’

"Oh, the head of the original 弑 佣 佣 佣 就是 就是 就是 就是 就是 就是 就是 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣 佣

"She is the head of the ‘soul mercenary group’, is it not the owner of the ‘Zhongyuan Building’?”

"Yes, yes, it must be her!"

"Headmaster, why do you want to close the ‘Zhongyuan Building’? We have no place to buy anything!”

"When the head of the group, ‘Zhongyuan Lou’ reopened, let us know!”

"What happened, the owner of the ‘Zhongyuan Building’ and the head of the ‘the soul mercenary group will appear here?’


The whole square once again set off the excitement, and all kinds of inquiries undulating. From the reaction of the people, it is not difficult to see that everyone is looking forward to the reopening of 'Zhongyuan Building'. Of course, they also seem to have a good operation. Why do you want to turn it off!

The reaction of everyone, Cheng Hao and others are very happy, but everyone on the main stage, his face is even more ugly, can be said how ugly it is ugly, they did not think that they have not started, the other party has already Grab the right to speak.

This is a very bad situation.

The ugly face of the old man’s face is ugly, and the chill of his body is looming. As for the two elders next to him, the sweat on their foreheads is DC, and a big disaster is on the way.

"Don't worry, these questions will be known soon!"

Xiao Yuteng once again made a noise, and the noisy square gradually calmed down. At this moment, they provoked curiosity and waited for the development of things.

Quiet, she retreated to the other side, Mo Xuanzun just wanted to say something, Cheng Hao gently touched him, her gentle voice patrolled the people below, faintly asked: "You, I do It is the head of the 'Live Soul Mercenary Group'. Two years ago, he registered in the Wasteland City, 'The Enemy Mercenary Group', the mercenary trade unions and the people of the Heavenly Temple, the Lord of the Wild City, the proud arrogant The group 'elders, they all participated in our '弑魂 Mercenary Group' and the 'Zhongyuan Building' opened, as long as everyone carefully inquiries, I know I did not tell lies."

"I can testify that I was in the city of the smoky city that year. Two years ago, the ‘the soul servant group’ was actually registered there, we saw it with our own eyes!”

"Yes, I am also a witness!"

"I am also a witness!"

In the square, there are several practitioners from the smoky city, shouting at the people hanging in the air.

"Yes, it’s best to have someone to prove it!" Cheng Hao nodded lightly, and his eyes turned to the main stage again. "Actually, everyone sitting in the upper position, they also know my identity, or me." When you enter Qingyang City, they will know!"

"Here, I want to ask the people, can I have bullied others in my 'soul mercenary group'? Can you kill innocent people? Can you commit crimes? There are millions of people here, my journey I ask you to take your own conscience and say a fair word. The person who swears the mercenary group can commit unforgivable crimes. Please answer me, then I will tell you, 'The soul mercenary Why does the group's disappear, and why the 'Zhongyuan Building' will be closed!"

Cheng Hao’s voice echoed in the ears of everyone, but although the sound did not ring, it was clearly introduced into everyone’s ears!

At the same time, everyone can appreciate the anger in her tone.


The whole square was quiet, everyone looked at each other, and then they shook their heads. They did not hear any abhorrent crimes committed by the ‘the soul mercenary group’.

"Is there?" Xiao Yuteng whispered in a cold voice, and the voice seemed to be blowing in everyone's ear, causing people to tremble.


"We have not heard of it!"

"They didn't do bad things, they are very good to people!"

"Yes, the ‘the soul servant group’ is good, and often helps people!”

"I also know that the last time the "Ao Cang Mercenary Corps" people fell into the mud pond, almost all the army was destroyed, or the ‘the soul mercenary group’ rescued them!”

"I have also listened to the Lord, and the people of the sorcerer's mercenary group often help the poor, especially the ordinary people who have no ability to live, often send them something!"

"They also have a lot of homeless children!"


Everyone once again said what they knew, and they were all good people who did not know what they did bad things.

These words were heard in the ears of Mo Yuze and Fang Shuyun. Everyone showed a happy smile. However, the old monsters sitting on the main table, their faces are not ugly, they are just black. The black carbon head is still black.

However, they dare not do it because there is a fairy here!

According to legend, under the fairy, they are all ants!

In other words, as long as you break through the repairers of the fairy, you can repair under the heavens, even if you are more enchanting, how powerful the magical powers will not be the opponents of the fairy.

The gods of others are enough to kill everyone.

In other words, as many people in the domain of God today, as long as Mo Xuanzun is willing, no one can escape the palm of his hand.

"Thank you for telling the truth!"

Cheng Hao slowly spoke. With her voice, everyone stopped responding. Everyone stared at her and waited for her to continue to speak.

Did not disappoint everyone, Cheng Hao once again said: "You, I am closed to the "Zhongyuan Building", because the people of the major sects are surrounded by the Gods elders, personally dispatched, killing our 'soul mercenary group' personnel , one hundred and sixty-seven people, died in their hands!"


"No, right?"


"Why do you want to kill the ‘the soul mercenary group’!”

"All are sent by the elders, not!"


The people who were in the middle were all shocked. They couldn’t believe it, and they couldn’t help themselves. They all went to the main stage. Because the elders of the major sects are on the stage today, I believe they will speak out.