MTL - Transmigration with QQ Farm-Chapter 138 : Open your mind, find someone who is jealous

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For the elders of the 'Ao Cang Mercenary Group', the urban master does not seem to be surprised, and it is not a surprise to call Jiang.

The master of the city seems to know what he is thinking, laughing: "It is not surprising that they come to the city. Fortunately, the city owner is an official here. Some things, they need to ask for it!"

"The city owner, are they coming for the Cheng family?" asked the elder Jiang.

"Oh, at this moment, the city is full of wind and rain, because they come to the door at this time, not for Chengfu, but for whom, interesting, more and more interesting!"

Looking at the eyes of the city, the adults almost clap their hands and applaud. The elders of Jiang also did not think about it. "When the last time the number of 'soul mercenary groups' was assessed, the elder Wu of the trade union invited them to go, but they all resigned. Now it’s happening again, are they letting us inquire about it?”

"Hey, they don't go to Chengfu. It doesn't mean they don't deserve to come out. Don't you know that the people of the "Ao Cang Mercenary Group" think they are extraordinary and don't easily walk with the mercenary group below."

The city owner said faintly.

Elder Chiang agreed to nod, and his mouth was ridiculously smiling. He said: "It is said that they are afraid of the mercenary groups below, and they are bullying other mercenaries in the capacity of their subordinates of the "Ao Cang Mercenary Group"!"

"Oh, all of them are excuses. What happened to their affiliated mercenary group bullying people?"

"The master of the city, though, the people are like this, who told them to be the 'Ao Cang Mercenary Group' of the First Mercenary Group!"

"Well, they have already arrived, and the city owners are going to talk to them!"

Speaking, the master of the city lost his book and stood up. He glanced at the clothes on his body and took a big stride. The elder Jiang behind him is keeping up!

"The master of the city is coming -"

With the embarrassment of Elder Jiang, the three people sitting in the living room got up and greeted.

"Ha ha ha, how can the two elders come to the city's main house today?"

The urban master laughed and entered, and arbitrarily arched the two elders as if they were old friends with many years.

The elders of the two 'Ao Cang Mercenary Group' were outside their nostrils, and no one was in the eyes, but in the city's main house, they smiled and said very politely: "The old man disturbs the urban master, Don’t be surprised by the Lord of the City!"

"Congratulations to the master of the city, repairing another step, congratulations, congratulations -"

"Ha ha ha, two elders, kind, polite, please sit!"

The smiling city owner sat down in the main position, and the beautiful rings quickly sent hot tea cakes and quickly left.

"Please--" The master of the city took the teacup and smiled at them.

"The city owner is very polite, please!"


The people took the teacup, took a sip, and then put the teacup down. The master of the city swept them and said: "The two elders came to the door, I don't know what it is?"

"Haha, the lord of the city is quick and quick, the old is not hiding, the other is not much to say, this time we really have something to ask the lord!" The old man wearing a light blue robes smiled.

"Oh, Zhang elders please say, you are welcome!" The eyes of the urban master flashed a little, and returned lightly.

Zhang Changla arched his hand and his expression was slightly more serious. He said: "The urban master, nowadays, there are things about the ‘the soul mercenary group’ in the city. I don’t know what the city owner thinks?”

"View? The city owner has no opinion, and an additional mercenary group is also a good thing for us!"

Good thing?

When I heard these two characters, the two elders of the ‘Ao Cang Mercenary Corps’ gave a slight glimpse, and they did not think that the lord of the city would be indifferent.

Is it true that the ‘the soul mercenary group’ really unions with the urban master?

The thought flashed through their minds, and both of them looked at each other and quickly put away the sight of the confrontation.

"The master of the city said that the more mercenaries, the better for us. After all, it can be said that it is the mercenary of the world!" Another elder of the ‘Ao Cang Mercenary Group’ sighed.

"The mercenary world? Lin Elder, although there are many mercenaries on the mainland of China, it is not a mercenary world!"

Elder Jiang picked up his eyebrows, his expression was like a smile, and he also had a hint of sarcasm.

There was nothing wrong with this, but they were the people of the mercenary group, and the elders of the first mercenary group, who said this in front of the Lord of the city, had a little headline meaning, so that the city owner People in the house are comfortable!

Zhang Elder immediately recalled it. He glanced at the face of the lord of the city, and immediately pulled out a splendid smile. He said: "Elder Jiang, the elder of Lin means that our mercenaries are quite a lot, driving the cities. The business is running, this is the truth!"

"Oh, this matter, you don't have to discuss it here. The two elders came to the ‘the soul mercenary group'?”

The main man of the city brows slightly raised, squinting at the two people in front of him, with a proud attitude in his tone, it seems that he did not put the two in his heart.

Indeed, the master of the city has the pride of the great master of the city. Since he took office, he has never been pleased with anyone. Instead, countless people want to squeeze into the city, because most people know that the landlord’s background is extraordinary, even if it’ The elders of the Ao Cang Mercenary Group are not too slow.

The urban master is not polite to anyone, straightforward, and will not be arrogant with others.

"Yes, the old man wants to know how the urban master looks like a ‘the soul mercenary group.’” The embarrassment of Zhang’s face was gone, but he did not dare to show a little dissatisfaction.

The owner of the city faintly glanced at him and responded with a mouthful: "The city owner will personally participate in the opening ceremony of the pavilion in Chengfu!"

In a word, the direct explanation of the two elders stunned and then returned to normal!

After a quarter of an hour, the two elders walked out of the city government!

"Elder Lin, it seems that the city owner and Cheng Fu are really alliances. How do we respond to the 'Dark Mercenary Group'?" Zhang elders raised their brows slightly, and their looks were a little unpleasant.

The elders of Lin were at a slow pace, saying: "They are them, we are us, Zhang Elder, the meaning of the urban master is very clear, we do not need to offend the city owner for the 'dark mercenary group'!"

"This one--"

"Don't forget, if the 'Empire Mercenary Group' really does not have a bit of strength, it is worth the city owner to stand on their side? I see, before we figure out the strength of the 'Empire Mercenary Group', we still watched the drama. it is good!"

"-" Zhang elders looked pale and didn't know what they were thinking.

Elder Lin sneaked at him and sneered in secret, saying: "The people of the 'Dark Mercenary Group' are not worthy to take us as guns, they are not worthy!"

Dropping this sentence, the figure of Elder Lin disappeared. Fortunately, they are invisible to people who can't find it. Otherwise, if this word is passed out, the city of Yanyan will definitely set off a new topic.

The Central Plains Building opened!

This topic has long been circulated. Due to the enthusiasm of the people, Cheng Hao saved the advertising fee. It is already a well-known scene that no one has to publicize.

Today, the original 'Spring and Building' was renamed as 'Zhongyuan Building', surrounded by thousands of people, one by one waiting to see the good play.

The most important thing is that everyone wants to see that the head of the ‘Employed Mercenary Corps’ is said to be a beautiful person. The people who have actually seen her are few and far between.

Now, when the Central Plains Building begins, she will definitely appear. What's more, the '弑魂 Mercenary Corps' and the 'Dark Mercenary Corps' confront each other, everyone knows well, there are more and more people to watch, more and more The people gathered in the streets of the 'Zhongyuan Building'.

Cheng Hao had already expected this problem, and hundreds of mercenary members were all dispatched, guarding the front of the ‘Zhongyuan Building’.

Seeing the emergence of these mercenaries, all the people who came to see the excitement were stunned. They really saw hundreds of martial arts appear!

What is more shocking than this, soon, the news was passed out.

After the city master heard it, he smiled like an old fox and got up and squatted at the several elders: "Time is almost up, let's go and see!"

"Yes, the city owner!" The faces of the elders overflowed with a smile and followed the master of the city.

After the two elders of the 'Ao Cang Mercenary Group' heard the news, they had a smiley face, suddenly stiffened, and opened their mouths, but they seemed to be caught in the neck, and could not say a word for a long time. words.

For a long time, Zhang Elder smiled and shook his head, facing the humanity next to him: "Lin Lin, you are right, fortunately we have not done anything stupid, otherwise -"

If the words are not finished, the two people understand that Lin Elder nodded and said: "Prepare for the ceremony, let's go!"

"Yes, we should go!"

Not only are they so, the elders of many powers have been grateful to hear the news, but fortunately they have not done anything excessive, or else, big things!

No one can resist the attack of hundreds of martial gods, and provoke these people, I am afraid that they will bring trouble to their own heads.

When the people of all major forces took the gift to the ‘Zhongyuan Building’, the “Dark Mercenary Group”, who was so arrogant and prepared to go to the field, heard the news and stayed alone.

This news is simply a thunderous thunder, and they directly stunned them and could not find the southeast and northwest.

For a long time, Lu Tuan grew up to find his own voice, looking at the same brother who was next to him, and asked: "Weihua, you think we --"

"Go, be sure to go!"

Wei Huajun took a sigh of relief and seemed to know what he was going to say. "We must not only go, but also bring things to their ‘Zhongyuan Building’!”

"They saw our 'things' sent by us, I'm afraid -" At this moment, the head of Lv, there was a expression of "repentance" on his face. He finally felt that he should not provoke the soul. The mercenary group's people, or else, will not make a confrontation.

In fact, they have no hatred with the 'Employed Mercenary Group'. Apart from the face-to-face battle, it is such a bit of interest. However, people all over the city know that if they look at their actions, if they are indifferent, I am afraid that the entire 'Dark Mercenary Group' cannot stay in the mercenary world.

This question, Weihua, who is a think tank, sees the most clearly. He sighs helplessly and sighs: "The right and wrong are not important. Since we choose this road, we can only go on. We should not look down on others. Especially, don't know the situation, don't go to offend people easily!"

The head of the group understands the meaning of his words precisely because he has sinned the head of the ‘the soul mercenary group’ in front of everyone for the sake of the moment.

"Go, don't think too much, take a step, count one step!" Hua Wei looks firm, some things can't be done, can't choose.

The two did not say much, waved and asked people to carry the ‘gifts’ and follow them out of the gate.

‘Zhongyuan Building’ opened, Cheng Hao had to appear, not only her, everyone in the family appeared!

Xiao Yuteng recovered from the age of thirteen or four, looks beautiful and cute, and is definitely a shining point.

"The elders of the Heavenly Temple come to congratulate -"

"The mercenary union elders come to congratulate -"

"Liu Yunzong elders come to congratulate -"

"The elders of the demon sects come to congratulate -"

"The Elders of the League will come to congratulate -"


As more and more forces sent elders to congratulate, the crowds of the crowds stretched their necks, widened their eyes, and looked at the people who appeared.

Almost all the representatives of the forces appeared, and Cheng Hao laughed at the corners of her mouth, but she had to wait for the guests to enter again and again.

“The elders of the ‘Ao Cang Mercenary Group’ are congratulated—”

This sounded, the excited people shouted again, Cheng Hao slightly stunned, and immediately raised a smile, the two famous elders of the famous ‘Ao Cang Mercenary Group’ greeted them.

Their appearance is indeed called Cheng Hao accident. After all, where the name of the family is, it is not surprising to receive the post.

When people came, they naturally greeted them. Just greeted them. Cheng Hao knew that the people who came should be almost the same. The last one who came out of the finale didn’t know whether to come or not.

This character is naturally an urban master. Cheng Hao also dare not guarantee that the lord of the day will appear, but still have to wait for some time.

Fang Shuyun and the celestial ancestors accompanied the smiling elders. The elders should pay attention to the inside and outside of the 'Zhongyuan Building'. Xiao Yuteng’s whereabouts are uncertain, sometimes appear, sometimes disappear, no one knows what she is playing. Trick.

For her, Cheng Hao is not worried, and regardless of the bundle, how to play with her!

"The owner of the city is driving -"

Because it is an official, the gold dispensers who are outside are excited and their voices are shaking. The outside audience has long been stunned. No one dares to disrespect the city owners!

Not only did Cheng Yi’s voice come out, but the first-time elders who arrived first couldn’t sit still. They all got up and walked out to meet the drive of the master!

"The owner of the city is approaching, the shop is full of glory, thank you for the lord of the city!" Cheng Hao greeted the first time, and the man in front of the city bowed slightly.

"Ha ha ha -"

The masters of the city did not say that they laughed first, and the elders who had sharp eyes swept away, nodded and said: "The 'Zhongyuan Building' has opened up, and the city's owners come to join in the heat. You are welcome, please -"

Speaking of the last sentence, the urban master has turned to the people who are kneeling on the ground, and the voice is amiable.

"Xiecheng Lord Adult -"

After everyone thanked them, they got up and stood up. The city owner was even more satisfied. He rushed to Cheng Hao and said: "The city owner came to discuss the drink and the team leader will not mind!"

"Don't dare, don't dare, the city owner is very polite, the city owner is the guest who please do not come, the honor is extremely, the honor is extremely!"

Cheng Hao said that he was polite and respectful. When he saw the lord of the city, he was really giving face. He said: "At this moment, it is the time of the Kyrgyzstan. The little woman is daring to ask the lord of the city to open the building to us, and the city's main adult is perfect!"

"Ha ha ha, let's say, let's say!"

The master of the city laughed constantly, and Xiao Yuteng did not know where he had drilled out, and rushed to the city owner: "The city owner, our ‘Zhongyuan Building’ will become the first, so you will be proud!”

"a ha ha ha--"

When the master of the city saw the small jade vine that flashed out, he accidentally slammed it, then burst into laughter, and the deep scorpion looked at Xiao Yuteng, but his heart was shocked.

In the face of this little girl, the urban master smelled the dangerous taste, which made him really difficult to believe.

However, he believes in his own consciousness. Because of his perception, there has never been an accident. It can be seen that this little girl who looks like a petite sweet and lovely girl is definitely not an ordinary girl.

At this time, the elders were also the first to see Xiao Yuteng. They saw the little girl in front of me, and they were more surprised than seeing Cheng Hao.

If Cheng Hao shocked them, then Xiao Yuteng in front of them called them horror and horror. There was only one thought in their hearts. Cheng Fu couldn’t help, and the 'soul mercenary group' could not be provoked. may not.

"Well, the city owner is open to you, and I believe that the city will be proud of the ‘Zhongyuan Building’, hahaha—”

With the laughter of the great man of the city, he pulled up the red silk next to him and took up the side with the ancestors of the heavenly machine. The two men also pulled off the concealed silk cloth, revealing three arrogant fonts.

"徘徊 徘徊 , 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊 徘徊

"Good, good words -"

"The momentum is extraordinary, this word is beautiful!"

"The photo is good, good words!"


Everyone has opened their mouths and praised them. All of them are all called good voices. In the end, whether they are true or false, no one is too lazy to care!

Cheng Hao saw everyone, Yu Rong showed a light smile, said: "You join, the little woman thank you, the 'Lai Yue Inn' and 'Jin Fu Lai Restaurant' in front of us have been included, please look up, go Lunch in front, thank you!"

"God, no!"

"Please let us all eat, is this true?"

"Really invite us to eat?"

"God, am I not mistaken, is this really true?"


The people bombed again. After all, the crowds of other people’s business opened up and they were invited to eat. This kind of thing happened in the wild smoke for the first time.

Not only did the audience not believe it, even the elders who came to congratulate, when they heard Cheng Hao, they all showed incredible expressions.

The people of Chengfu are too big!

"Please be quiet -"

At this time, the old man should come forward, he runs the fairy, the voice echoes in the whole piece of the void, and it is introduced into the ears of all people. "If we say what the young lady said, I will say peace of mind, please feel at ease. We are indeed Packing two restaurants, you can go to eat now, lunch, we 'Allegily House' all-inclusive, I hope you can come to our 'Zhongyuan Building' in the future, pay more attention to our business, thank you!"


The next big man in the city took the first palm, and then the elders behind him also patted the palms, and then all the people in the audience followed the clapping. Suddenly, a round of applause rang through the clouds, and all the mercenaries no longer had a point. The meaning of rejection.

When the master of the city saw this scene, he couldn’t help but sigh the good means of the Cheng family. At this appropriate time, he would like everyone’s favor.

This is the people who have lived in the city of the wild smoke for many years. Their existence is to drive the whole city of the smoky city. With their support, I believe that as long as the 'soul mercenary group' does not make too much things, It will not let the people in the city of the smoky city crowd out. On the contrary, it will really take care of it.

The people who saw this problem were not only the urban masters, but the other elders were all old fox-level figures. They did not know that this was the means by which the Chengfu people bought the hearts of the people.

But what can they do to expose their minds? Obviously it is impossible, that is to say, the ordinary people and the ordinary mercenaries will not believe.

"Thank you all, please, wait for the old and gold treasurers to personally greet the public!" The voice of the old man sounded again.

"It should be polite, congratulations! Congratulations!"

“Congratulations to the 'Zhongyuan Building’ opening!”

“Congratulations, I wish the business of “Zhongyuan Building” is booming!”

"I wish the 'Zhongyuan Building' is red and hot!"


Everyone was happy, and all kinds of blessings were shouted out of their mouths. It was a crowd of people who were watching the crowds. Now they are all congratulations.

When a pavilion opened, it was congratulated by the people of the city. I am afraid that no one except the ‘Zhongyuan Building’ would have this kind of original.

Today's things have been circulated for many years, and many versions have been published. For this lively topic, it is still the capital that everyone likes to talk to.

"And slow -"

A strong and arrogant voice interrupted everyone's congratulations, and everyone closed their mouths and looked at the place where the sound was heard.

Cheng Hao is no exception. The people standing in front of the pavilion also saw the coming people. After seeing those people, the elders all showed their strange expressions.

Then their sights aimed at the sightings, only to see her face calm, as if nothing happened, which made them feel very surprised.

Everyone can see that these people appear to find faults, especially when they open, which is equal to the business of breaking people. This hatred is big.

Seeing dozens of people coming over among the people, Cheng Hao’s expression was as calm as ever, and Xiao Yuteng’s face was not calm. On the contrary, her lovely face was full of killing!

A group of people looking for death!

"Our ‘ Dark Mercenary Corps’ congratulates the ‘Central Plains’ and the gift is delivered –”

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