MTL - Transmigration with QQ Farm-Chapter 130 : The joy of the Yaozu, registered mercenary

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"No problem, little master!" Xiao Yuteng stretched out, a golden light flashed into Cheng Hao's eyebrows.

The eyebrows were slightly painful and quickly returned to normal. Cheng Hao looked at it casually and felt very simple. He couldn’t help but smile.

Sun Monkey’s has seventy-two magical powers, and his own is a magical power. This does not mean that only one hundred things can be changed. It can be ever-changing. Except for the invisible air, it seems that as long as you can find shapes and things, Can be changed.

"Yes, this magical power is really good!" Cheng Hao was overjoyed. It will be much more convenient in the future. This kind of magical power is definitely not something that ordinary people can have. Later, they can't find it with others.

"Of course!"

Xiao Yuteng responded with a smile and smiled. Then he patrolled many fairy beasts and smiled. "Small Lord, we are not going to register a mercenary group. It’s definitely not enough for our number. Besides, just a few of us go to register. It is really too bad to register a five-level mercenary group. At the very least, we must also reach the fourth-level or third-level mercenary group. Otherwise, according to our current situation, we want to send the number of people up. It is too difficult."

"Do you mean to register for Level 4 or Level 3?"

Cheng Xiaoyan raised his brow and said: "Although you said it is good, but the members are our biggest shortcomings. What's more, the number of people at the fourth or third level is several hundred. All of a sudden, where can we go? People are not necessary!"

"Hey, little master, now I am taking you to pick people, make up the number!" Xiao Yuteng proudly smiled.

"Pick up people?"

Cheng Hao went to see the demon people from the scene, and then looked at Xiao Yuteng's appearance. She suddenly realized and smiled: "Does this magical power of yours be taught to the fairy beast?"

"Ha ha ha, the little master is smart!"

Xiao Yuteng smiled cheerfully. "The little masters, although the fairy beasts have not weathered the thunder, but they have been transformed by the gas of the last time, it is equal to the thunder, as long as they have learned the magical powers, They can all be changed to adults, and we can take them out."


This time, Cheng Hao was really a bit surprised. She didn't think about it. Xiao Yuteng said that it was this thing. She had to say that she was very surprised.

"Of course, little master, as long as we pass the magic to them, how many mercenaries you want!"

"This is a good thing, good thing!"

If these fairy beasts can transform into adult form, for Cheng Hao, the help is really too big. It is really difficult to find people in Canghai mainland.

If these beasts can appear with themselves, then everything is not a problem!

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao also understands why Xiao Yuteng intends to register for a four-level or three-level mercenary group. After all, these fairy beasts appear, and the strength is absolutely sufficient, because the fighting strength of each fairy beast is around Wushen, I want It's ok, it's really important.

"Small jade vine, is it a demon in our space, as long as it is cultivated into a fairy, you can cultivate a variety of magical powers, and then directly transform into adults?"

Cheng Hao thought of the key issues.

This issue is not only her concern, but all the demon people present are concerned about this issue, and they are involuntarily looking at Xiao Yuteng.

"This issue is not important. In the future, our space will be upgraded. As long as there is still a temperament to transform their bodies, we can cultivate all kinds of magical powers in the future. Little masters, we don't have to care about this issue."


The enchanting heads of the squadrons screamed and screamed, and the demons in the distance screamed, and after a while, the whole space rang a continuous sound.

The sound is getting farther and farther, and I am afraid that it will be transmitted to tens of thousands of hectares.

"Well, this two days will prepare for this matter. We are also going to register the mercenary group. The days of the examination of the master and the teacher are not a few days. We have done this and then escorted the master and the teacher to the assessment. ”

These two things can be said to be the most important in Cheng Xin’s heart!

"Little master, rest assured, this is a small meaning, the things of the fairy beasts will be handed over to me!" Xiao Yuteng Yu waved a hand, and took this matter over.

"Right, little master, fairy beasts can be quite a lot. At that time, we don't need so many fairy beasts to go out to help, how do other adult beasts change?"

"this problem--"

When I mentioned this problem, Cheng Hao slightly frowned, and his eyes couldn't help but plunged into the distance. Looking at the boundless space, there was a wave of ripples in his heart.

"Although they are demon, after all, they have already turned into adults, then, according to the habits of the number of people!"

Cheng Hao gently said, after recycling the line of sight, and looked at the thousands of Yaozu in front of them, they all want to get out of the animal, turn adult, even their pursuit is this desire, let them not achieve.

"Small jade, there are some things in our space, that is, a lot of cities and towns, we let the demon people who are separated from the adult body of the beasts begin to suggest civilized cities in our space. We will give them advice when we have time. But we can't rely on us to help them achieve it, let them build a village, town, city, or a dynasty!"

"Good, good, good, great, little master, I am also trying to open up our space, build a city, and make a dynasty."

Xiao Yuteng's eyes are shining, and it seems that she sees the days after the space. This is exactly what she wants.

Cheng Hao smiled silently!

Next, Xiao Yuteng stayed busy in the space, Cheng Hao came out, she was going to register the mercenary group.

A few people at home are sitting together!

Fang Shuyun glared at the female grandson next to him and said softly: "Hey, now it is settled. When are you going to register the mercenary group?"

"Just tomorrow!" Cheng Hao thought about it and decided to register tomorrow.

The ancestors smiled and said: "Shantou, you are ready to register a few levels of mercenary groups, mercenary registration, at least a dozen or twenty people, it seems that our number is not enough!"

"Old ancestors, rest assured, I have already solved this problem. I will register the four-level mercenary group for the time being!" Cheng Hao smiled lightly and responded softly.

"What, level four?"

"Four levels?"

"Missy, our people are simply not qualified. How do you register for Level 4?"

The three people present thought that they had got it wrong. How could they register for Level 4? How many people are there, everyone is very clear.

Seeing their reaction, Cheng Hao Yang smiled, "grandfather, grandma, should be old man, of course, I am not joking, I am ready to register a four-level mercenary group, you have not heard it wrong!"

"Hey, don't hide it. What is going on?" Fang Shuyun knew that something happened that he didn't know. She naturally believed that her granddaughter was not joking.

"Things are like this!"

Meeting the curious and doubtful eyes of the three men, Cheng Hao told them about the situation of the beasts.

"Missy, do you mean that we let the beasts come out as our mercenary members?" The old man should have his eyes wide open and an unbelievable look.

It took a long time for the ancestors of the celestial system to slow down. He had a happy look in his eyebrows and smiled: "Good things, good things!"

"Oh, if the fairy beast becomes a member, let alone be a fourth level, you can register directly for the second and second ones!"

Fang Shuyun made a joke in a good mood and looked at his granddaughter. He sighed: "Hey, the biggest difficulty in front of us has been solved. The road ahead is easier!"

"Grandma, I know!" This is true. Since Cheng Hao confirmed this news, she is in a much better mood. She believes that she will soon find the people in her heart.

In the future, no matter who she is, what kind of power, she is not afraid, because there are countless fairy beasts behind her, she has a space to support herself, nothing terrible.

"Ha ha ha, Missy, it is better, we will directly register the first-level mercenary group, and then swept across the entire Canghai continent, what legends, what myths, we are called legends, this is called myth, hahaha -"

The elders should be happy and laughed loudly. If they say it, they will be the best in the world.

It’s rare to see the old man’s disappointment. Cheng Hao is too lazy to attack him. He also knows that he is really happy for himself.

"not like this--"

Fang Shuyun shook his head and said: "It's not good for us to be too publicized. What's more, directly registering a first-level mercenary is not a publicity. It is simply a sensation of landslides. Even if we have the ability to fight against any forces, people join forces. Get up, the consequences of this will only lead to the hostility of the entire Canghai continent, which is of no benefit to us."

"Shu Yun said that it is good. In the eyes of people on the mainland of Canghai, we are like outsiders. If the strength of an outsider can directly cover the situation or power of the mainland, it will only cause all parties. Our suppression, or swallowing, has no advantage for us!" Tianji ancestors also expressed their views.

The words of the two people suddenly said that the old man was embarrassed and couldn’t speak. It took a while to squeeze out a sentence: "I am just joking!"


Cheng Hao couldn't help but chuckle and joked: "It seems that the old man still likes to show off the limelight. It's okay. In the future, our mercenary group will be taken care of by you and your ancestors, and you will have a beautiful day."

"Ah, Missy, really?"

The surprise of the old man seems to really like the limelight.

"Of course, you can work hard to cultivate. If you give ordinary members a flattening, I see what face management mercenary group you have!"

"Missy, please rest assured, I am fighting for my life, and there will be no such problems!"

"That's good!"

The two people next to them heard these words and did not feel surprised. The established mercenary group originally needed to be stationed by their own people. Although the cultivation of the beasts was high, they did not know how to deal with them. They could only rely on people to give pointers. And teach them.

The people here, apart from the ancestors and the old man, there really are no other suitable people. As for Cheng Hao and Grandma Fang Shuyun, their grandparents and grandchildren will definitely leave here.

"Right, Shantou, since you are ready to register the mercenary group, what name are you going to use?" Tianji ancestors asked.

Fang Shuyun also said: "Yes, hey, do you want a good name? With Xiao Yuteng, your mercenary group is destined to leave an indelible mark in the historical rivers of Canghai mainland. This name You have to think about it!"

"Old ancestors, old lady, don't worry about it, we are the people of the Central Plains holy land, directly called the Central Plains mercenary group not to have it?" Should the old man think without thinking, directly took over the topic.

The ancestors of the celestial plane nodded and said: "This name is not bad, just a little less, you can think of other names!"

"Hey, are you thinking about it?" Fang Shuyun looked at the granddaughter who had never spoken, and asked softly.

Cheng Hao hooked his lips and said: "I thought of a name. Our mercenary group was born not for the task, the mercenary group that survived, our mercenary group was born because of the war. We will face the battle of big and small. As for the name of the Central Plains Mercenary Corps, as the ancestors said, there is less spirit and domineering. Therefore, the name in my heart is called the Enemy Mercenary!"

"The soul mercenary group?"

"Killing the soul--"

"The soul mercenary?"

The three people invariably evoked the name, their expressions were different, and the old man’s reaction was the fastest. He smiled and said: "Good name, Missy, this name is powerful enough, domineering, old slaves like, hahaha-"

"This name is really good. There should be very few people who take such a name. If the members can't afford this kind of regiment, they will only fall into the end of the demise." Fang Shuyun took the granddaughter and whispered.

The expression of the ancestors of the celestial plane is somewhat complicated, and the sigh sighs and sighs. "It is indeed a good name. Everything is very good. It is just too murderous. Shuyun is worried, and gimmicks can be seen in your heart-"

"Old ancestor, just a name, don't worry too much!" Cheng Hao responded faintly.

The three men looked at each other silently and each saw the fear in the other's eyes.

Since Mo Xuanzun left, everyone knows that her heart is suppressing a anger and resentment. She has never vented it. Now, they believe that this anger and resentment have turned into a strong killing.

Or in the days that followed, they saw the scene of the killing, they had to worry!

the next day!

Cheng Hao summoned ten big-shaped big men out, they are nearly two meters or so, one by one, the tiger's back, the prestige, the arrogant momentum is frightening.

Without taking other people, Cheng Hao took them out of the mansion and came to the Mercenary Guild!

Along the way, their appearance immediately caused a lot of people to register, and the repairers were the most sensitive. When these big men were strong and powerful, they could all feel that they would not attract the attention of others.

Some people soon started to follow them. Some people want to find out who they are. Some people want to see where they are going, whether they are looking for someone, some people -

Everyone has the idea of ​​everyone. Cheng Hao knows the people who follow him, but she doesn't put those people in her eyes.

Ever since, there was a strange phenomenon in this street called Qinghua Street. A group of people followed behind a head-on bucket and ten guards and went straight to the Mercenary Guild.

After seeing the people in front of the mercenary guild, many people did not give up, still curious to follow in, want to see if these people come to pick up the task, or come to release the task.

Many mercenary guilds, if the big square hall gathered hundreds of people, all busy, but this time, the emergence of a group of people, still alarmed a lot of people.

Cheng Hao first appeared here, and also saw the so-called mercenary guild, have to say that the mercenary guild is rich and sturdy, just the square lobby here, almost the same as the half of the house of the family, here Ten thousand people are definitely not a problem.

Just looking at it a bit, Cheng Hao took back his eyes and went straight to the main hall.

There was an old man sitting in the main hall. He seemed to be doing nothing, but in front of the counter in front of him, he clearly wrote the mercenary registration.

At this time, the old man sitting in front of the counter seemed to find the arrival of Cheng Hao and others. His vision was projected, and a fine flash of light flashed. Then, his heart burst into a shock.

There are eleven martial arts in front of you!

When is Wushen so worthless in the city of Awamie, there is a group, especially the leading girl, only in her teenage years, since it is the peak of the Valkyrie, this, this -

Not waiting for him to think of it, Cheng Hao has already appeared in front of him, she took off the fight, Yu Rong hangs a faint smile, whispered: "His seniors, we are here to register the mercenary group!"


"God, beautiful people -"

"She is a fairy--"

"Beautiful, beautiful, it is so beautiful -"

“The so-called fascinating heavenly posture is just like this—”

When everyone saw Cheng Hao’s face, they all looked like the rice in the pot, and suddenly it exploded.

These people don't know that in today's day, they witnessed a legendary fabulous mercenary group picking up and calling them to death and forgetting, the woman who is only a teenager, has a fairy-like appearance, registered A mercenary group that the world is horrified and admired.

All kinds of gaze fell on Cheng Hao, and the ten guards did not move, surrounded Cheng Hao and prevented anyone from approaching.

The old man in front of his eyes flashed, and he was amazed and surprised. It was obvious that he was also sighing at her appearance and recovered his normal color in a moment.

"Little girl, do you want to register a mercenary group?" The old man asked with a smile.

Cheng Hao’s look was as early as a smattering nod. “Yes, let’s come to register the mercenary group. I don’t know what requirements are needed?”

"There are not many requests!" The old man smiled and then asked: "Can a little girl come with a chip with identity? I don't know how to register a few levels of mercenary group?"

"Yes!" Turned the right hand, Cheng Hao handed over his identity chip, said: "I am going to register for the four-level mercenary group!"

"Four levels?"

The old man stunned and looked at her in confusion. He said: "Little girl, you know that the fourth level requires at least three martial arts. This requires the old man to know that you have reached it. However, the four-level mercenary group needs at least fifty people. Because the old mercenary group was not promoted, you just registered, the number must reach 100, in order to register the four-level mercenary group, I don’t know you-"

"Predecessors can rest assured that we definitely have more than one hundred people. If you don't believe it before, you can go to Qinghua Street in time to meet our members at any time. You will see our members, not to mention one hundred people, and two hundred people are no problem!"

This is not a joke. Xiao Yuteng directly released 500 males from the space. In her words, this is the guard of our family. It is not regarded as a member of the mercenary group.

When she heard her, the old man nodded silently. He picked up the book on the table, picked up a few pages, picked up the brush and asked, "What is your group name ready for?"

"Killing the soul!"

"What--" the old man suddenly looked up, slightly blinking his eyes, and it was astonished, as if he did not hear clearly.

Cheng Hao looked at him deeply, still indifferent appearance, said: "The soul, our mercenary group is called the soul mercenary group!"

"-" The old man returned to the state of trepidation, as to whether his mind was calm, only he himself knew.

"What is the name of the head?"

"Cheng Wei!"

"Where to live!"

"Qinghua Street Chengfu!"


With the inquiry of the old man, all the information is registered!

After putting down the pen and ink, the old man looked at the little girl in front of him and said: "The four-level mercenary group needs to pay 10,000 lower-priced spirit stones. People who have a guild tomorrow will come to see the members!"

"it is good!"

Cheng Hao did not say anything more. After paying Lingshi directly, he immediately left with someone.

As they left, the square of the Mercenary Guild was once again bustling. At this time, everyone was not busy with their own affairs, but was discussing what had just happened.

After all, the news of the registration just now, everyone has heard, one by one is discussing this woman named Cheng Wei and her soul mercenary group!

"High-definition Yang, your kid should not toast and not eat, to eat fine wine, Laozi looks at the three of you guys, is to give you face, don't give face shame!"

When Cheng Haogang walked out of the door of the guild, he heard the words of rudeness and couldn’t help but hear.

I saw that the three people in high-definition Yang were surrounded by a few people. The look of the three of them was very difficult to see. In particular, they were the three faces, and they were swollen and bruised. It was obvious that they had already suffered a lot.

"Lv head, our three brothers really joined the new mercenary group, can't promise you!" HD Yang is still not humble, and Shen Sheng explained to them.

"His grandmother's bear, high-definition, you think clearly to Laozi, give you a last chance, no longer agree, no doubt that Laozi interrupts your doglegs, so that you will climb the life of this life."

The arrogant words finally made Cheng Hao angry, not the most shameless, only shameless, this is really not false, forced to force this to the weight, it is absolutely.

"High-definition, come over--" shouted, and Cheng Hao took the fight he had just put on, revealing his face to the three.

The high-definition Yang, who was preparing to speak, turned his head and saw the woman who looked like a fairy. He was completely stunned and shouted: "Big, Missy-"

After waiting for a few days, they have not waited for the call of Xiao Yuteng, but they have to stay at the gate of the guild every day, hoping to meet the appearance of Xiao Yuteng.

It’s just that they didn’t think about it. After waiting for a few days, Xiao Yuteng didn’t wait, but waited for Miss Cheng.

They unconsciously summed them into sisters.

"Our mercenary group is registered, you go with me!" Cheng Hao faintly told, the indifferent eyes turned to a few people who had been demented, coldly asked: "You dare to interrupt the legs of our mercenaries? ”