MTL - Transmigration with QQ Farm-Chapter 118 : Missing into the bones, sad tears

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"Shu Yun, you mean --"

The ancestors of the celestial frown frowned. "We were originally the people of the Heavenly Temple. No matter what, it is easier for us to go in and find people. It is more likely to meet Xiaoxuan Zun!"

"Yes, the predecessors said that the key is that Xuan Zun is on this continent. You are the best choice when you enter the Heavenly Temple!"

Fang Shuyun thinks and thinks "In fact, Xuan Zun is more likely to be on this continent. As far as I know, other continents are much worse than the Bohai Sea. It is similar to our original mainland. It is very powerful to capture the daughter of Xuan Zun. I believe that Xuan Zun should have been caught in this continent."

"That's good, as long as Xuan Zun is on this continent, we will find him, I will!" Rong Jing's poem is firm.

"Alright, the name of the Temple of Heaven is good, I also believe that you can go in, but -"

Having said that, Fang Shuyun couldn't help but look at them and said: "After all, you are foreign disciples. Every sect is a staggered interest, especially a big one. Everything will happen. You used to be a sect. I believe that there is a certain understanding of the situation. When you enter the Heavenly Temple, you must be careful, lest the Xuan Zun has not yet recovered, you are in other troubles!"

Fang Shuyun was originally here to travel to the Bohai Sea. How can these things be clearer than everyone else? Although she is not older than the ancestors and the old man, her reminder is that everyone is very willing to listen.

"In fact, everything is the same, the interests are the first, especially to guard against people who are not familiar with, killing resources, always happening, and our cultivation is not high, it is easy to be targeted by those repairers. Everyone is here, be careful step by step."

"Grandma, rest assured, everyone has a number in mind!" Cheng Hao took the topic faintly.

Everyone nodded, not to mention them, that is, Xiao Yuteng also understands that killing people and winning treasures is a normal thing on any continent.

"Old lady, what's next, how do we arrange it?" The old man couldn't help but ask.


Fang Shuyun just said two words, her eyes fell outside the window, her eyes fell and helpless.

Cheng Hao took the topic and said: "Let's rest here for a few days. If there is no identity chip, we will handle the identity chip. Then we will find the branch of the Heavenly Temple. The ancestors, masters and teachers will go to the temple to assess. However, we will return home!"

Grandma has long been eager to go home to see her loved ones. Cheng Hao thinks that no matter what, since he came to the Bohai Sea, he must first go back to the house.

Everyone understands the meaning of Cheng Hao, no one has any opinions!

Fang Shuyun’s gaze came back from the outside and said: “I’m not in a hurry to return home, my repair is still-”

What is the situation in the family, Fang Shuyun is very clear, she was originally a proud woman in the sky, the status in the home is not bad, now, for another 40 years, repair is also cursed, what will happen when going back, she does not Hard to guess.

She does not want her granddaughter to go to the house to suffer, or to dislike it!

When she saw her grandmother's expression, Cheng Hao knew what she was thinking. "Grandma, we don't know how long it will take to go to Qingyang City. We try our best to help my grandmother's repair!"

"too difficult--"

"It's not difficult, old lady, it's really not difficult. Let's go to the Bohai Sea. We can definitely buy the magic charm. At that time, we can help the old lady to lift. Even if we can't, we can also find the spiritual teacher for the old lady. As long as we take out the treasures in the hearts of others, we will definitely help!"

Xiao Yuteng's face is full of self-confidence. She hasn't officially noticed the inheritance of the charm. The difference is an opportunity. What's more, there are many treasures in the space. It is easy to ask people to do it!

"No matter where it is, handle the main things first!"

Cheng Hao is the default of Xiao Yuteng, grandma's repair seems to be difficult, to solve the problem can also find a way, so, not too worried.

"There is a strong aura here, which has a great effect on our cultivation. In these few days, we are better to make a breakthrough and break through the first layer. Only the higher the strength, the easier it is to survive here!"

"I said it is good, I will ask you for the news and handle the identity chip for you!" Fang Shuyun agreed with the arrangement of the female grandson.

Everyone else nodded, no matter what, strength is respect!

Their cultivation is too low, even if it is outside the store, the second is the repair of Wu Sheng, saying that it is hard to hear, even the second is not as good!

In addition to Fang Shuyun, Cheng Hao and Xiao Yuteng, the remaining four people all closed their heads, and other things were handed over to three different beautiful women to deal with.

In the evening, everyone went back to the room to rest, Xiao Yuteng and Cheng Hao lived in a room. Although the little guy didn't have to rest and sleep, she ran to the bed early and lay down. It seemed to be the first time to sleep with a new child. Soft quilt, closed his eyes, a small smile on his face, as if he was asleep.

Cheng Hao knows that she is just playing, she does not care about her, standing by the window, watching the night sky in the dark, the sky is shining with stars, like a grain of pearl, like a piece of gold, scattered in On the jasper plate. It is so quiet and serene at the moment!

However, her mood was not peaceful, and the familiar face appeared in the night sky. Her heart seemed to be picked up by her, and her face was white!

At this moment, she was filled with tears in her eyes, and she couldn't help but think of a song called "Previous Life and Present Life". The soft song seems to be written for her.

I don't know how many nights I wait for, I miss the endless spread, the meteor is the signal to start when it is dawn, I am coming to the side of the mountain, this is what kind of past and present, the flowers are like tears in my heart, the dreams of past lives, the life of this life The song is empty, the legendary love replays tomorrow, I think you are the last lonely, I have bound the love letter to a book, will always love you is the best poem!

This is what the past and present life, the falling flowers are like tears in the heart, the dreams of the past life are lingering, the songs of this life are like smoke, this is what kind of past and present life, only true love will be passed down day and night, when it was an instant agreement, after the millennium became an ancient vow, This is what kind of past and present life, the face that can not be forgotten in the cycle!

This loves you involuntarily, looks at the sea and the stone, this is the agreement of our past lives, love this life, never change!

As the tears drip down, she couldn't help but sing her love, telling her emotions and inner expectations. She hadn't shed tears for half a year. I don't know what it is. When she got here, she was sad again. Tears hurt!

Although her singing voice was small, people who lived in the right and left rooms heard it. They sighed in unison, and Rong Jing’s poems silently wiped away tears.

Xiao Yuteng somehow opened her eyes and stared at the crystal clear tears like rain. She didn't know what to say.

I evoked the feelings of missing, sang "Previous and Present" and then she sang a song called "I Will".

Missing is a very mysterious thing, such as shadow~ with silence and interestlessness in the bottom of my heart, swallowing me in the blink of an eye, I can not resist especially in the night! I miss you, I can't breathe, I can't immediately rush to you, tell you loudly, I am willing to do it for you, I am willing to do it for you, I am willing to do it for you, forget my name, even if I stay in your arms for a second, lose the world. It is a pity!

I am willing to do it for you, I am willing to do it for you, I am willing to exile you for the sky, as long as you are sincere, take love and respond to me, I am willing to do anything, I am willing to do anything for you, I am powerless to resist especially at night! I miss you, I can't breathe, I can't immediately rush to you, tell you loudly, I am willing to do it for you, I am willing to do it for you, I am willing to forget my name for you, even if it is more than a second, stay in your arms and lose the world. It is a pity!

I am willing to do it for you, I am willing to do it for you, I am willing to exile you for the sky, as long as you are sincere, take love and respond to me, do whatever you want, do whatever you want, for you, I am willing, willing to do anything, for you!

As the songs show confession, even this song is getting smaller and smaller, and it is still inaudible. It is still heard by the vast people.

It can be said that such a bold, straightforward, explicit, affectionate and full of missed songs, all the elders heard for the first time, or they are not used to such white feelings, but they are deeply capable of being The feelings in her heart!

Xiao Yuteng did not know when to fly from the bed, came directly to her side, and reached out and hugged the figure as if to stay away from himself.

At the moment when Xiao Yuteng reached out and hugged himself, Cheng Hao’s body trembled. For a few years with Xiao Yuteng, it took the initiative to hold himself for the first time.

She was sad in her heart, and at this moment, she gradually recovered her heart!

"Little master, you and your aunt have a heart and soul, he will be able to feel your miss, and he must be thinking about the little master somewhere, trying to find a way to come back to see you!"

Xiao Yuteng’s crisp voice sounded, and Cheng Hao’s eyes turned and did not say anything.

"Little master, willing to give everything, I hope to find my grandfather, I believe that my grandfather is also the same, willing to give everything, the little master, we will find my grandfather!"


"Grandpa loves the little master, little master, do you remember? The last two songs you sang, my grandfather will sing, it is my secret church grandfather, because my grandfather said, I want to sing to you, in your marriage. I sing to you one day, the little master, the grandfather singing very well, really nice!"


"Little master, although I still don't know where my grandfather is, but I vaguely think that my grandfather is in the Bohai Sea. Really, I can feel this kind of breath. Little Lord, don't be sad, we are with my aunt, There must be a day to meet!"


Xiao Yuteng kept groaning, as if he didn’t know the tired little sparrow, and he kept talking, but it’s awkward, but let Cheng Hao think back to him when he first met him. In his own eyes, that long A handsome man, like a chicken, hey, endless, a super man!

However, this man, unconsciously, broke into her heart, told her to know what is unforgettable, let her know what is stunned!

the next day!

Fang Shuyun, who grew up in the Bohai Sea, had an identity chip, and it was the identity chip of Qingyang City. It was several grades higher than the identity chip of the Chaocheng Mall. It was like the people who saw the national civil servants, except respect or respect!

She has the identity crystal, among the inns, there are four people without identity chips, they must do the identity chip for them, so act!

When she came to the place where the identity blue chip was sent with a big beautiful girl, she worked as an identity chip for the four people in the inn. Since her identity chip belongs to the top color identity chip, the governor in the city did not even see the four. The appearance of people, also obeying the requirements of Fang Shuyun, for the four people from the Central Plains holy land, handled the identity chip of the mall.

Representative of the color of the identity chip, the ordinary people, the male is black, the female is the twilight, the identity of the repairer is the color of the wafer, the male is white, the female is pink, the color of the official identity wafer, the male is yellow, the female is green, The identity of the royal family is the color of the wafer. The male is golden, the female is red, and there are two identity colors. The blue is the person in the big family. The other, the most respected golden identity chip, is purple, and can get the purple identity. The wafer, in addition to being a person at the master level, is to cultivate to reach the ancestor or the god.

Therefore, the elders of the office will see that Fang Shuyun has nothing to do, and the girls who are brought to the size of the girl are not high, but they dare not have any martyrdom. They just saw the blue chip as a big family identity. Otherwise, generally He is absolutely impossible, he has not seen anyone, and he has also sent identity chips.

Out of the city's office, three beautiful women walked on the streets, as if they had a lot of people dressed up, so for the time being did not attract much attention.

"Grandma, are we going to look at the places where cheats and charms and medicinal herbs are sold here?"

Cheng Hao wanted to solve the problem of her grandmother earlier and raised this question softly.

“Good!” Fang Shuyun nodded slightly. “It’s a three-tier city towards the mall. The things here are not too bad. Although it’s not as good as the second level, it’s not bad. Maybe, we can really find what we need. s things."

"There should be, good is also a third level, it should not be bad!" Xiao Yuteng's beautiful eyes, dripping around!

Fang Shuyun reached out and touched her little head, smiled, and took her directly into a building called ‘Wan Shanghui’.

Although I don’t know what to sell, with this ‘万商汇’ signboard, it’s definitely not a simple thing to sell.

After the introduction, a faint scent of medicine came out. As a refining pharmacist, Cheng Hao naturally understood what it was. I don’t have to guess, I know that I’m sure to sell all kinds of medicinal herbs and liquids.

Looking at it, the dozens of squares of the shop, the shelves are full of all kinds of things, it seems that everything has, the most important thing is these things, Cheng Hao can feel a hint of aura.

The appearance of three beautiful women has attracted the attention of the people in the shop. Several practitioners who are looking at the goods can't help but cast their eyes on them. Especially when they see that the three people are not high, they are male. The repairer, the eyeballs are unceremoniously glued to the two beautiful women, as the little guys are ignored.

Although Fang Shuyun’s age is already in her 50s, she still looks like she is twenty or thirty years old. In the eyes of others, she is a beautiful woman.

"Several customers, what do you need?" A veteran with a smile came to them.

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