MTL - Transmigration with QQ Farm-Chapter 115 : Leave the moment and arrive at a different place

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For the mother's difficulties and uneasiness, Cheng Hao is silent. At this moment, she really does not know what to say.

Fang Shuyun screamed at their mother and daughter, and could not help but sigh, saying: "Children always have a day of growth. No matter who they are, they will experience some hardships. Everyone has a way to go. Everyone has the same path. The way to go, there is her own thing, our elders must learn to let go!"

"Mother, I, I understand -" Luo Yuqin wiped a tear and nodded.

"Do not worry, we believe!"

Fang Shuyun looked at her and then asked Cheng Hao: "What preparations are there? Or what else needs to be arranged? Say it, we will prepare for you!"

"Yes, Missy, what do we need?" The old man took over the topic, and his eyes looked at her eagerly!

Cheng Hao shook his head and said: "No need to prepare anything, I will leave after a few days of rest!"

"Missy, I have to follow you!" The old-fashioned and serious expectation should be made by the old man.

"You, are you following me?"

After blinking a bit, Cheng Hao asked inexplicably: "You are here, why are you thinking about leaving? Do you have any thoughts?"

"Yes, of course, Missy, I don't want anything else. I just need Missy to go anywhere, let the old slaves follow, and hope that Missy will be perfect!"

When he spoke, the old man stood up. He bent over and explained his requirements and thoughts again.

Waiting for her to respond, Xiao Yuteng squinted his eyes and curiously asked: "Old man, you are here as a character standing on the top of the mountain. Why do you want to follow us? Don't you know, we are leaving here, still not Know what you will face, you are an old person, why not cherish the present day, do you have to follow us?"

"Small jade is right, old man, you don't have to follow us now!"

Cheng Hao thought for a moment and then said: "If you want to go to other mainlands to have a look, long-sightedness, as long as we can come back later, it will be fine to bring you in the past. There is no need to follow us now, if there is any accident. If you are, your old life will be lost!"

"No, Missy, I don't care!"

The old man shook his head, his expression was serious and determined, and said: "No matter what the future, this time I will leave with Missy, and hope that Missy will be perfect!"


Cheng Hao did not intend to take anyone away, so, for a while, can't make a decision.

"Hey, Grandma will leave with you!" Fang Shuyun made his own request.

Sitting in the main position, the ancestors who have never spoken, at this time, he also made a statement, "Shantou, I am also ready to go with you, count me!"

"Grandma, ancestors, you have to go with me?" Cheng Hao was dumbfounded, looking at the people in front of him.

The three people who asked for it did not seem to be joking. It was obvious that they were serious and they really wanted to leave with them.

Fang Shuyun nodded, and her meaning has already been shown.

In the eyes of the ancestors of the celestial plane, a glimpse of the fine mans, said: "I have been promoted, think outside to open my eyes, no matter what will be faced in the future, or how to fall to the end, it does not matter to me, after all, here Without my chance, I can only go anywhere else!"


Cheng Hao can't refuse! I don't know how to respond to the three seniors!

Although they all have their own reasons, Cheng Hao can feel that they are to accompany themselves, in order to have familiar people around when they are in different places!

Others looked at her. At this time, Mo Yuze and Rong Jing poetry looked at each other and saw the persistence and firmness in the other's eyes. Mo Yuze, who is a master, also made a sound. "Hey, my mother and you." Also follow you, let's go find the mysterious!"

"Master, are you going to go with the teacher?"

Cheng Hao was stagnant again, and looked at them a little unbelievable. After all, they are now the master of the Heavenly Temple, who is in charge of all matters, how can they be put down and go together!

Mo Yuze and Rong Jing’s poems nodded in unison, and Rong Jing’s poem said: “Hey, you can rest assured that the things of the Heavenly Temple are temporarily held by the masters and the old people, and they also cultivate disciples, as long as we will respect Come back, we still have to come back!"

Explain that the things in the Heavenly Temple have been dealt with, and they are also the ones to follow.

Then, at least five people will leave with her.

Xiao Yuteng also stunned. It smashed this and aimed at it. It can be said that everyone proposed to leave, absolutely out of its accident, and all could not believe it.

"You are not kidding?"

Knowing that they are not joking, Xiao Yuteng couldn't help but ask, and in her little face, this stupid expression rarely appeared.

The five nodded again, looking serious, without a little joke.

"Good thing -"

Xiao Yuteng blinked and suddenly smiled and smiled. He patted his hand and said happily: "You all walk with us. It’s great. When we are swearing, there will be helpers!"

"Yes, yes, I can swear, it is definitely a first-class hitter!" The head of the old man’s head kept on, and he smiled and took over the topic.

Others showed the color of envy, especially the elders. They also had this kind of thought, but they knew that this time they could not have their place. Therefore, envy was envious, and none of them proposed to accompany them.

They only look forward to the future. After Cheng Hao returns from their return, they dare to make such a request.

After all, their cultivation is not high, but Wudi is trying to be a helper, and they are not needed for the time being. Maybe this opportunity will come later.

Cheng Hao did not refuse, it is the default of their requirements, after all, the predecessors in front of her, she really can not give any reason to refuse, and she knows that even if they refuse, they will not agree, will use other methods Let yourself promise.

In the following days, Cheng Hao companion's own family, at the same time, Xiao Yuteng made all the resources in the space, leaving only a little of their spare things, and the rest were handed over.

It is only the resources left by the Central Plains Holy Land this time. It is definitely an amazing data to apply for the Fifty Years of the Central Plains Holy Land. When receiving these resources, even the well-informed Cheng Biyuan was shocked by these resources. It took only half a day to return to God.

With these resources, he is not happy because he knows that his daughter is leaving, she does not know when she will return, and how much resources are there. He prefers his daughter not to leave.

This is just the idea of ​​his father. It is a must for her daughter to find a son-in-law. Of course, there are still many people accompanying her daughter this time, and finally let him feel relieved.

In the garden!

Cheng Hao, Gong Ziwei, Luo Junhao, Zhu Xiangyu, Cheng Huihui, five people sat together, no one spoke quietly.

For a long while, Luo Junhao looked up at the niece in front of him. His eyes were complicated. It can be said that everything he has now is all given by him, so that he has today's day and status.

Although he is his own relatives, he is grateful, especially his own happiness, but also a niece matchmaking. Otherwise, he does not necessarily have his own marriage.

"Hey, no matter when you come back, we are waiting for you to come back to the wedding!" Luo Junhao said.


Cheng Hao thought that he had got it wrong. When he saw nodding, she asked in confusion: "Why? I don't know when I will come back!"

"Hey, I am not kidding, Zi Yan agrees!" When talking, Luo Junhao glanced at the person next to him and smiled silently.

Gong Zi’s lips smiled slightly and said to her: “Hey, I’m like Jun Hao’s wish. When you come back, as long as you don’t come back, we won’t hold a wedding until the day you come back, we will wait for you. Come back with Brother Mo, so no matter what difficulties you will encounter, you must come back and come back to our wedding!"

"-" Cheng Hao stared at the two people in front of me, for a long time!

Zhu Xiangyu squinted at the three people. He slowly said: "Miss Cheng Da, we have known each other for a few years. Although I have seen you several times, although I saw you once, I was killed once, and it was considered a special. 'Good friend, in order to find the opportunity I can kill you, only when I am married, so I also decided to wait for you to come back and hold the wedding, otherwise, I can not find the opportunity to slaughter you, too bad, this kind of thing Can't do it, in a word, it will be safe to kill you, remember to come back to my wedding!"

"Your wedding?"

Cheng Hao was speechless, and he took it for granted. He couldn’t help but say: "Where is your fiancee? Is your request too interesting?"

"No jokes, my decision is like this. For our happiness, you have to find your man back, I am waiting to drink your wedding!" Zhu Xiangyu said indifferently.

"-" Cheng Hao aimed at the other side, dumbfounded.


The person sitting on the other side of her face was ashamed and embarrassed, only to see her whispered: "Hey, my relatives are not many, I hope that on the day I am married, you can come back, I will wait. Come back!"

"Hui Hui Xiao Gu, you -"

Cheng Hao was moved and funny, and of course she could understand what they meant, and at the same time let her guarantee herself, she must come back, everyone is waiting for her here.

In the face of their long-awaited and sincere eyes, Cheng Hao put all his words in his heart and nodded silently!

In addition to the promise, she really couldn't think of anything to respond to them.

A few days passed by!

My mother is with her every day, and she will let the family go to the people below. The younger brothers did not go to retreat and practice. They talked around her. The family eats every meal. Everyone keeps giving. She picks up the vegetables, she eats desperately, even if it is eaten, and immediately luck to turn the food into a fairy, to ensure that all the food in the bowl is finished!

The sixth day!

Xiao Yuteng ran out of the space, and handed a space ring in his hand to Cheng Biyuan's hand. Then, facing Cheng Xiaodao: "Little Lord, let's go!"

Yes, it's time to go!

The crowd showed their expressions, but no one said that they would stay.

The people who followed, also appeared, Xiao Yuteng said nothing, and put the five into the space!

"Hey, these clothes are all prepared for you by the mother. You are changing to wear outside. If the clothes are old, they will be lost. Mother is here to give you more clothes, waiting for you to come back!"

With tears in her eyes, Luo Yuqin pulled out a space ring and stuffed it into her daughter's hand. This was the piece of clothing that she had stitched out in the first few months of her hair, all in accordance with her daughter's favorite style. Out of the clothes, she hopes that her daughter will wear the clothes she has made.

"Mother, thank you!" Cheng Hao put away the ring, tears in his eyes, she did not let the tears fall, gently hug the mother, "Mother, we will definitely come back, wait for us to go home!"

"Good, good, good, my mother waiting for you to go home, my sister will definitely go home!" Luo Yuqin couldn't help it anymore, tears rained, but she couldn't care about wiping tears and clinging her daughter tightly. .

For a while, Cheng Hao let go of his mother, and then hugged with his father. The father and the daughter did not say a word. Cheng Biyuan’s eyes were red, just patted her daughter’s shoulders, loving father’s care and love. it is more than words!

Then he said a few words with the younger brother and sister, nodded to the people who sent off, and then turned and walked into the void, alongside Xiao Yuteng.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xiao Yuteng waved his hands, and the sky swayed a ripple of water, tearing open an unusual entrance in the void, watching one person and one elf stepping into the door.

"Hey, take care of yourself-" Luo Yuqin couldn't help but lick his throat and yell at the void.

Just Cheng Hao’s back into the virtual door has disappeared, and she has not heard her reply.

The virtual door disappeared, and the people below were still obsessed, and no one left!

Qingfeng stretches for a long time, the green hills are surrounded by smoke, a waterfall on the shore, the sunset is shining, and the clear stream is reflected in Dan red.

There is a big and a small figure standing beside the stream. Although it is not old, it looks like a generation, and the wind is unparalleled. Fortunately, there is no one here. Otherwise, everyone will be shocked.

Standing here is a big one, not everyone else. It is Cheng Hao and Xiao Yuteng who came from the tearing space. When they crossed the void, they appeared here.

Because there is no place in this place, there is no special thing except that the aura here is ten times thicker than the original mainland.

Where is this, what continent, one person and one elf have no knowledge!

"Little master, it seems that we have to leave this place, find someone somewhere, and ask, where is this place!" Xiao Yuteng looked around, and under his scan of the gods, he did not see a half-personal shadow.

Want to find out where it is, only find someone, ask others to know where they came.

Cheng Hao nodded and licked the cute little guy in front of him and asked, "Are you back in space, or follow me?"

"Go together, I don't want to go back to the space!" Xiao Yuteng wrinkled the cute little nose and decided not to hide. After all, with its strength, even if it came to the Bohai Sea, it believed that he would not be bullied.

Indeed, today's Xiao Yuteng can fully exert the strength of Wu Zun. The average person is not its opponent at all.

Cheng Hao nodded and said: "Well, let's find a direction, find someone to say!"

"it is good!"

With a flash of light, the two figures flew past the east, and the mountains below moved in a lightning-fast manner. The big and small figures disappeared in the middle of the mountain.

I don't know how long it took, one person and one elf finally left the mountain, looking at the front, a splendid city, the tall city walls, the row upon row of houses and pavilions, are really in front of you.

The city is very wide, and the walls are not known for hundreds of miles. Inside the city walls, there are tall and luxurious houses and buildings. The attic palace, from a distance, is full of brilliance and splendor. It is like a fairyland on earth.

In the whole city, the voices are boiling, even if it is hundreds of miles away, Cheng Hao seems to be able to hear the sounds of sings, horseshoes, and a prosperous appearance has appeared in the mind of one person and one elf.

"Wow, it’s beautiful, little master, it’s more beautiful than the palace compound where we are!” Xiao Yuteng couldn’t help it.

Cheng Hao nodded, but his expression was light. He said: "This should not be a small town. Let's go and see, we should be able to hear the news!"

"Little master, we have to understand the situation well, it seems that it is really not easy here!"

"Let's go, go to the front, let's walk in the past, so as not to see anything!"

Just arrived in a strange place, Cheng Hao still feels cautious, it is better to rush to the city gate, afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

"Listen to the little master!" On these details, Xiao Yuteng generally obeys arrangements. After all, she still doesn't quite understand.

The two carefully avoided the crowd and the beast, and stopped in the nearest mountain peak of the city gate.

Looking at the gates of people coming and going, Xiao Yuteng is amazed. "It’s amazing, we really haven’t seen the world, it’s like a mountain, it’s amazing!”

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