MTL - Transmigrating into the Prince Regent’s Beloved Runaway Wife-Chapter 93

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Meng Huan tried to describe to him everything under the tower.

"The cavalry was dispersed, and the camp on the left was in chaos first. Their horses rushed forward, frightening the other horses. There was a mess in the camp. Some people tried desperately to control the horses, but they could only be thrown down."

"The catapults in the valley on the left disrupted Zhu Lizhen's retreating cavalry. Someone ran into the valley by chance, but was intercepted and killed by a large number of soldiers and horses. Only some remnants escaped, but they were also pursued by taking advantage of the victory."

Meng Huan tried hard to describe it, but it was unavoidable to be plain and dry.

After a while, he thought about it and asked, "I'll draw it when I go back and show it to you, okay?"

— It is not troublesome, nor does it feel like a heavy task.

He wanted Lin Bozhou to see the glory that belonged to him.

The Lin Bozhou he cherishes is not the treacherous regent who was reprimanded by the officials, the loser who was crushed by the enemy, the slave who lost his dignity in shackles, the north wind and autumn geese, the dark blood gathered, and the dead bones belonged to Lin Bozhou. Glory should go to Lin Bozhou.

"It doesn't matter whether you look at it or not." Lin Bozhou said softly.

"It's related." Meng Huan seriously interrupted him.

The original book was unfair to him and made him suffer and scolded, but now that I am here, I can't be unfair to him anymore.

Meng Huan's eyes were bright, and he said each word clearly: "This is a battle you led the troops to fight. You should see it if you win. They threw away their armor and armor and scattered in all directions. This is the greatest compliment to you."

— No one is allowed to confuse right and wrong and scold you any more.

Meng Huan tried his best to express himself, and spoke in a polite manner.

The north wind was cold, and the boy's voice trembled from the cold. Lin Bozhou gave a low laugh, as if he was making fun of him, and squeezed his fingertips with Meng Huan's cold hand.

With warm palms, he said, "Okay, Huanhuan will go back and draw for me."

The fire in the valley flickered from evening to early morning, occasionally accompanied by the neighing of horses, and the battlefield moved from under the tower to the valley.

Whether you win or not will be tested in the morning, and you will have to wait tonight.

Without sleep all night, everyone squatted in the snow and watched the eve of victory.

A small table was set up on Chenglou Mountain, and Meng Huan stayed up late with Lin Bozhou, sitting next to him and whispering, "Have you taken all the medicine that Shanxing gave you?"

Lin Bozhou: "Drink it."

"You still threw my jar." Meng Huan frowned when he thought of this, "I'm angry."

Lin Bozhou thought about it for a while, frowned, and said in a gentle voice: "I'm sorry, my husband was too irritable at the time, so I took something casually and threw it out. I didn't expect it to be Huanhuan's medicine jar. I knew I would definitely not drop it."

There was a burst of heat in the ears.

Lin Bozhou apologized so earnestly, as if he cared so much about his opinion, Meng Huan felt a little embarrassed, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, forgive you."


Meng Huan really couldn't resist the way he took himself seriously.

It was cold at night, Lin Bozhou held his hand.

The north wind was bleak, and the city gate in the distance was turning white, as if it was dawn.

Unknowingly, in order to see the first banner of victory on a bone-chilling winter night, they guarded it all night with the cold wind blowing.

When Meng Huan was dozing off, Chen An, who had been overlooking the city tower, suddenly saw something and slapped the city wall vigorously.

"I'm coming!"

In the distance, a row of cavalry came galloping, wearing neat uniforms of the large barracks, carrying flags flying in the ice and snow, like sharp arrows galloping.

Chen An's voice trembled: "My lord! General Si led the left army and came back carrying the red flag!"

—The red flag is good news.

Meng Huan suddenly woke up from his drowsiness and raised his head.

The surrounding officials were even more excited than him.

"Red flag? That must be a big victory! General Si is the bravest! He will definitely kill every single one of Zhu Lizhen's cavalry!"

"This is the happiest and most bitter fight since the fight against Zhu Lizhen!"

"My lord is wise, my lord is wise!"

Meng Huan was so excited that he couldn't help but look down the tower.

Lin Bozhou also stood up from his chair, his shoulders were covered with snow, it was rare to see a smile on his face, and said, "Thank you."

After a while, a new red flag was seen.

"My lord, Commander Zhang Hu and his generals are back, carrying the red flag!"

Another victory.

"General Zhang Hu is unparalleled in bravery! Last night, it was all thanks to General Zhang rushing into Zhu Lizhen's camp as a striker and being the first to capture the flag. His morale soared and he defeated the opponent to pieces!"


Meng Huan also nodded. Last night he saw the city gate opened with his own eyes, and the guards of the Royal Mansion fought against Zhu Lizhen. It is indispensable.

Praise him, praise him!

Meng Huan jumped for joy, but there was no sound in his ears.

She turned her head and saw that Lin Bozhou's smile was flat, his lips were pursed, and his expression was a little dignified.

"Let Zhang Hu enter the city through the small gate, and don't compete with the regiment soldiers." Lin Bozhou only said this sentence.

Meng Huan was stunned and didn't understand what he meant.

Zhang Hu, the commander of the Prince Regent's Palace, joined the army with Lin Bozhou and led the guards of the palace to participate in the interception.

The name Meng Huan is no stranger to him. Before he entered Shanhaiguan City, it was Lin Bozhou's palace guards who were able to successfully enter the customs. In this Battle of Jizhou, the battalion had practiced for three months, and they managed to look a little better, but they still couldn't compete with the savage Zhu Lizhen. Only the guards of the palace were brave, and as a forward, they rushed into Zhu Lizhen's formation, drove and defeated him, Made a lot of contributions.

—Why doesn't Lin Bozhou praise the palace's own people?

When Meng Huan was pondering, Shan Xing said two words in his ear: "Zangfeng."

In an instant, Meng Huan remembered the conversation last night. Emperor Xuanhe had doubts about Lin Bozhou. If he knew that Lin Bozhou was skilled in training soldiers and had a powerful guard in his hands, he would definitely be even more afraid.

...But without Lin Bozhou's guards, what would they use to fight Zhu Lizhen?

Meng Huan really couldn't understand, so he pursed his lips and didn't ask any more questions.

News of victory was frequently reported under the city tower, and the generals returned to their positions carrying red flags, and the next step was to reward meritorious deeds.

"Call all the generals to return to your command." Lin Bozhou said.

"Yes." The general turned and left.

The city tower was very cold in the morning.

The wind and snow were blowing on the tower, although it was cold, but everyone was smiling, and Lin Bozhou sat upright, waiting for the generals' good news.

However, the expected general came to pay a visit with great interest but did not appear. There was no movement in the tower, even the footsteps were quiet, like a forgotten tower.

Lin Bozhou: "The person hasn't arrived yet?"

"If you go back to the prince, no." Chen An said.

"Who's delayed?"

Lin Bozhou's knuckles were resting on the table, and he was tapping slowly, but now he stopped.

"It doesn't seem like a delay," Chen An looked and looked downstairs, as if he didn't know what to say, sweating on his forehead, "The lower official saw that the guards of the palace were stopped outside the city and were not allowed to enter the city. I don't know. Why, the other generals were also stopped."



Chen An answered with concern.

Not allowing the guards to enter the city means that Lin Bozhou will no longer be protected by anyone around him, and not allowing the generals to enter the city means that Lin Bozhou cannot communicate with the soldiers and loses the right to lead the army.

Thinking about it, there is some misunderstanding.

Thinking about it in a big way, it is to imprison Lin Bozhou and seize military power.

Tens of thousands of teams under the city tower returned to the camp, only a lone army guarding the palace and other generals stayed, circling around in place, it seemed that they didn't understand why they were intercepted.

The wind blew wildly with snow flakes.

Lin Bozhou closed his lips, as if thinking, and frowned.

In an instant, many things flashed through his mind, lowered his chin, and stood up suddenly, "The general guarding the city gate is Zhenguanhou—"

Chen An: "Exactly."

The blood on Lin Bozhou's lips faded.

"not good."

The two words slipped out of his throat as if by mistake. The voice is not loud, the tone is not heavy, it seems that he just lost his voice.

But Lin Bozhou, who has always been calm, calm, rational, and able to handle everything in an orderly manner without any confusion, actually uttered these two words, which caused waves to other officials no less than an earthquake. Everyone looked around, driven by the tense atmosphere, stared at him in panic.

"What happened-"

Meng Huan rolled his eyes and stood up.

But before he could finish his sentence, his wrist was suddenly held by Lin Bozhou with great force, which made the skin of his wrist hot and painful. You could see the blue veins on Lin Bozhou's wrist rising, and his slender fingers were ferocious.

He heard Lin Bozhou's exhortation: "Look for Zhang Hu."

After saying a word, there was the sound of orderly footsteps in the silent aisle of the city tower, and the sound of iron armor, obviously fully armed soldiers were coming up the tower.

Under the city tower, the guards of the palace must have realized something, Zhang Hu punched his fist and hit the city gate.

"Who dares to murder the prince! Open the city gate immediately!"

Lin Bozhou stood up unsteadily, and felt for the first time that his bones were broken and his clothes were heavy, and he had to be supported to stand upright. There are not many guards behind him, and they cannot fight against the Zhenguanhou army stationed in the city; there are guards from the palace outside the city, but the siege takes a long time, and far water cannot save the nearby fire.

If you are trapped in the city, you can only be caught passively.

It seems that after weighing and thinking.

Lin Bozhou said wearily: "Set fire, burn Jizhou."

— This is a poisonous plan.

The expressions of the people on the left and right changed. Deliberately arson, injuring people's property and even their lives, is a serious crime, and their hands and ashes are thrown on the ground. But chaos was the only way for them to escape. Someone quickly took out the fire bag in his arms, burned his clothes into flames, and threw them into the wooden tower frame. "Boom", the fire ignited.

The guards and soldiers rushing up will fight each other, and the flames will increase. Lin Bozhou can't see, he is supported and surrounded by people, and he walks down.

"My lord, be careful!"

"Guard the prince! Protect the prince!"

After leaving the city tower, they set fires everywhere, and loudly reminded, "It's flooding! It's flooding! Run! Run!!" In the chaos, the people came out of their homes one after another, stood on the street in a hurry and looked around, not knowing what to do , and followed the crowd towards the gate of the city.

The crowd was extremely chaotic, Lin Bozhou clenched Meng Huan's hand tightly, and repeatedly checked: "Huanhuan, are you there?"

The fire was soaring into the sky, and there were chasing soldiers behind them. There were originally many guards beside them, but with the crowding and running, there were fewer and fewer people, and only Lin Bozhou held his hand tightly.

It was hot, and Meng Huan's bones ached when he held it tightly.

Lin Bozhou seemed afraid of losing him.

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here." Meng Huan repeated.

They blended into the crowd to hide from the sight of the pursuers.

... and Chen An got lost.

...and the mountain walk is lost.

... and the guard supporting Lin Bozhou got lost.

Meng Huan held Lin Bozhou's hand, and the pursuers behind him were getting farther and farther away, but all around him were unfamiliar faces, and the people who had burned down their houses anxiously took to the streets. They managed to save their lives and their homes with Lin Bozhou, but I don't know who killed thousands of knives and burned their house down again.

Meng Huan lowered his head and hid in the chaotic crowd, trying to avoid the looking eyes.

"Is the prince here?"

"Is the prince here?"

"Anyone who can provide the whereabouts of the prince will be rewarded!"

"The one wearing fox fur, jade crown, and white silk is the prince! The one wearing fox fur, jade crown, and white silk is the prince! Who has seen the prince?"

Soldiers galloped past on horseback and asked the people.

They are the soldiers of the Marquis of Zhenguan.

Meng Huan's hands shook violently, and he said in a low voice, "Husband, bow your head quickly, your clothes are very dangerous!"

Lin Bozhou was tall, and letting him press his shoulders lowered his haughty spine that seemed never to bend.

Meng Huan took off the white silk that covered his eyes, the jade crown that tied his hair, and the royal fur. He also took off his expensive fox fur, rolled it into a ball, and threw it into the ditch with all his might.

"Okay, okay, it's okay..."

After all traces were destroyed, Meng Huan's beating heart eased a lot.

He saw with his own eyes that the guard was stabbed to death for Lin Bozhou's rear, and the blood splashed on his face. He was terrified, but when he thought that Lin Bozhou's eyes were now blind, the fear in his heart was dispelled.

Meng Huan's eyes were still distracted, panting, as if comforting a child: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

There was no answer.

Lin Bozhou, who was led away by him, had neatly dressed and elegant black hair hanging down. He was completely different from the decent and noble before. His lips were pale, his straight nose was stained with blood, his face was not clean, and he was dressed in luxurious clothes. The robe was torn to pieces by Meng Huan, stained with dust, it was far from the nobles and royal blood.

His thick eyelashes trembled, and he said softly, "Huanhuan."

He couldn't see it, but the flickering flames made his eyelids tremble. As soon as he opened his eyes, a string of photophobic water drops fell from the corners of his eyes.

—he was in tears.

No one will cover the light source for him when he is afraid of light, so he shows his ugly appearance and his true colors.

The current Lin Bozhou is so disrespectful, not expensive, and not powerful.

Without Meng Huan, he would be a wild dog left by the side of the road.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my husband is not afraid."

Looking at the water in the corner of his eyes, Meng Huan's heart ached terribly.

When he took Lin Bozhou's hand, he found that his fingers were shaking.

There is no eye disease that can be blocked by a fig leaf. When exposed to the broad daylight, the darkness cannot be broken, and people will still be displaced. Compared with the past when the eye disease recurred, he did nothing and took good care of it. Now he has to run away, find his way, and the useless and troublesome eyes will only make Lin Bozhou feel more self-loathing, extremely embarrassing, right?

His heart must have been filled with darkness, full of gloom and dampness.

Thinking of this, Meng Huan's throat became sore and choked.

If it weren't for the crowd, Meng Huan really wanted to hug Lin Bozhou and tell him that it doesn't matter if he can't see.

He can be his eyes.

He will always protect him too.

With smaller hands, Meng Huan could only hold a part of Lin Bozhou's palm, holding it tightly: "With me here, no one can hurt you."

After saying this, Meng Huan's heart became more powerful.

He led Lin Bozhou and followed the crowd, and after the city gate was pushed open in the chaos, he joined the people and poured out of the city gate one after another.

Meng Huan also walked out of Jizhou City, leading Lin Bozhou.

Read The Duke's Passion