MTL - Transmigrating into the Prince Regent’s Beloved Runaway Wife-Chapter 2

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Behind Meng Huan, little Xi Nu suddenly looked up at him.

It was written all over his face: Mr. Meng, when did you become such a person?

Meng Huan ignored it.

The original owner is extremely smart, but Meng Huan doesn't have this ability. Since Lin Bozhou also likes his beauty, he can only... serve others with tears in his eyes...

Meng Huan comforted himself.

Serve lightly, serve lightly.

If he finds an opportunity, he has to run away. Gong is a big treacherous minister. If he is raped and beheaded by everyone in the future, as his concubine, wouldn't he also become a small traitor? In order to avoid blood splashing on himself when the head is beheaded, the line must be drawn as soon as possible.

When Meng Huan was thinking seriously, a low voice sounded in his ear: "I heard that you want to commit suicide by hitting a pillar this afternoon?"

Meng Huan smiled stiffly: "It was accidentally bumped into it."

The little Xi Nu, who witnessed the original owner reciting poems, went berserk and committed suicide, had a more complicated expression, and his lips were trembling, as if he had experienced a strange thing.


Meng Huan scratched her hair guiltily, and sneered in her ear, Lin Bozhou stared at him with dark eyes: "So, are you willing to follow me?"

Meng Huan: "I am willing."

After speaking, he felt that his answer was too fast and not sincere enough, so Meng Huan coughed: "After all, my lord..."

He tried to say some gorgeous adjectives to praise the regent to prove that he had good reasons with him, such as his handsome appearance, noble moral character, and great human nature, but his mind turned around, and it was completely blank...

Meng Huan: "..."

Why did my young master, who was kind all his life, enter into the power play?

He had no choice but to repeat dryly: "I, yes, am willing."

When he said this, he lowered his head slightly, his handsome and fresh face was extremely confusing, but instead showed a bit of the shyness of a teenager falling in love, and also somewhat unclear persuasion.

"So enamored with this king?"

The end of the tune is drawn out.

As soon as Meng Huan raised his eyes, his jaw was caught by Lin Bozhou's protruding fingers. The regent's knuckles were slender and distinct, pinching him as if playing with him, his gaze followed Meng Huan's eyebrows and eyes.


Meng Huan squeezed his cheeks and squeezed out a small meat bun, not daring to breathe.


But when he finally couldn't help breathing, he smelled a **** smell at the tip of his nose.

Meng Huan's back trembled, and the corners of Lin Bozhou's lips curled slightly, the light in his eyes shrank, as if he was very interested in his reaction.

"The prince just came back from Beizhen Fusi and hasn't washed yet, so his body smells like human blood. The little princess doesn't need to be surprised or afraid." Luo Juan added.

not afraid?

Meng Huan's face turned pale with fright.

Beizhen Fusi, also known as Jinyiwei's prison institution, is used by the Regent to interrogate court ministers. These scholars, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple have to be punished for their crimes. They follow the procedure, but when they arrive at Beizhen Fusi, they are the chopping board. The fish on the table is at the mercy of Lin Bozhou.

Meng Huan's voice trembled: "No, I'm not afraid."

Lin Bozhou's smile deepened: "Good boy, since you're not afraid, then come over and wait for the king to take a bath."

Although he was laughing, it was the happy smile of a meat eater before eating, and the scalp of the laughing person was numb.

...If he hadn't known that he was writing an essay on historical scheming, Meng Huan would have felt that he was about to be sent to the cave to be fed to the demon king and eaten.


Meng Huan bumped into the room after following him.

The servants who filed in brought hot water, while Lin Bozhou stood behind the screen, holding the white jade bead string in his hand.

He reaches out.

Meng Huan took the things in his hand reluctantly but still wisely.

The white jade beads were also stained with blood.



What kind of **** is this.

"Take off your clothes." Lin Bozhou said.

Meng Huan's legs were weak, and he put the jade beads on the wooden tray supported by the servant, walked quickly to Lin Bozhou's side, and stretched out his hand to take off his clothes.

Lin Bozhou was half a head taller than him. At this time, he lowered his eyes and stared at him intently, and his slightly warm breath fell into Meng Huan's ears.


Meng Huan didn't even dare to lift his eyelids, he untied the outer robe of his king's suit, and put his white hands on his inner robe. The clothes of the ancients were different from those of modern people. Meng Huan didn't know where to unbutton them, so he walked around him a couple of times in a daze.

Then, he heard a low laugh.


Meng Huanxin said please don't laugh, I'm afraid.

After finally finding the loose buckle, Meng Huan pulled the end of the rope and gently tugged, and the smooth satin shirt was slowly released, revealing the male body covered in it.

Just by looking at it, Meng Huan blushed again.

"Jiangshan Pillow Beauty" is obviously a conspiracy novel, so why would an old critic like Meng Huan who only reads the emotional line read it? There is only one reason, and that is that the car drives well.

In the book, the Regent... how to put it in particular.

On the bed... especially fierce.

So, in excellent shape.

Meng Huan looked away and tried to pretend not to look sideways, but from the corner of his eye, he had already noticed the powerful male body in front of him. The collarbone was thin, the shoulders were broad and neat, and the thin skin was covered with extremely powerful muscles. Imagine the trend of this shoulder and waist movement...

When reading the article, Meng Huan was amazed at the energy contained in this perfect and lean body.

Meng Huan was a little scared again, and looked dizzy again, so he quickly changed the subject: "It's time to enter the water."


Lin Bozhou asked in an unclear manner.

Meng Huan: "Huh?"

The corner of Lin Bozhou's lips twitched slightly: "The lower body hasn't taken off yet."

Meng Huan: "..."

No, people on TV don't take off their pants in the shower!

A rush of hot blood rushed directly to his forehead, making Meng Huan flushed all over his face. He looked at Lin Bozhou as if confirming, and after realizing that he was not joking, he resignedly stretched his hand to his waist.


—You are lofty, you are amazing, you want me to take off your pants.

The smooth silk cloth hangs down to the ground.

Although Meng Huan had already reminded himself to avoid his gaze, he still hadn't had time. In the book, he repeatedly used words such as "magnificence", "weapon", "dagger", "expanding territory", "plundering", "piling machine" and other words to describe the closeness of things. In close proximity, Meng Huan quickly closed his eyes, screaming in his heart that Amitabha is guilty, and turned his face away as if being stung by a needle.

——The image I just saw flashed through my mind.

It's really... no exaggeration.

Meng Huan panicked like a kitten, and scooped up a handful of water in a panic: "My lord, let me help you see if the water is hot..."

The water splashed and Meng Huan's fingers trembled.

"Huh? Is it hot?" Lin Bozhou looked down at his face with a smile in his voice.

He seemed to take a step forward, and was very close to Meng Huan's back. Meng Huan almost felt the hot air fall to his ears, and it blew past his ears, making the back of his ears wet, very seductive.

Not only is Meng Huan blushing so badly now, but his fingers are burning red, and he can hardly tell whether it is the water heat or his own heat.

How could this be so?

Shouldn't it?

Is it so emotional the problem described in the book? After all, it is often written in the original text that Gongshou and his body fit well, and when they meet each other, they will be dry wood and fire... Meng Huan confirmed it, so he will trigger this strange switch, and he is very excited about Lin Bozhou.

That's right.

He has no interest in the treacherous minister!

Meng Huan patted his forehead to force himself to calm down: "It's not hot, the water temperature is just right, the prince can go into the water now."

The corners of Lin Bozhou's lips raised slightly, still showing a slightly cruel smile of a carnivore: "Thank you, concubine."

With a "crash", Lin Bozhou entered the pool.

He propped his chin with one hand, like a mermaid lying on the shore, his slender knuckles tapped against his ears one after another, still staring at Meng Huan intently.

Under his gaze, Meng Huan had to keep reminding himself that he could breathe when he was with him in order to relieve the tension in his back.

Meng Huan followed his duty as a concubine and walked to the side of the pool, Yu Yan picked up his hair, only to see some light pink smudged from the depths of his long black hair.


Meng Huan finally knew where the **** smell on his body was coming from.

hair. His hair was stained with human blood.

Meng Huan's heart beat wildly, his small face became pale, his fingers stiffened suddenly, his back tensed again after he had just relaxed, and his eyes rolled.

The corners of Lin Bozhou's lips twitched slightly, as if he was amused by his frightened appearance, and said with a smile: "The Fusi of Beizhen has recently arrested some dishonest rotten scholars, and this king just went to interrogate their accomplices, so the methods are a bit rough. Have nothing to do with you relationship, don’t be afraid.”

do not be afraid.

As a modern person, had Meng Huan ever seen such **** scenes?

Meng Huan nodded stiffly and continued to wash his hair. The layer of dark red blood flowed down and gradually spread out, dyeing the surrounding water light red.

And Lin Bozhou sat in the water in his free time, with his wet black hair sticking to his skin, he looked like a handsome Shura ghost.

...the better the better the uglier it is.

While Meng Huan was muttering to himself, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by him, Lin Bozhou turned his head, the shadow of the candlelight fell on his eyebrows and eyes: "Does my concubine want to take a bath with the king?"

Meng Huan: "To be honest, I don't really think so."

But after he finished speaking, he saw Lin Bozhou's slender fingertips knocking on the edge of the pool for a while, and he didn't continue to knock, but paused inexplicably.

The atmosphere became silent and quiet.

Meng Huan untied his clothes numbly, without saying a word: "This concubine will come down now."

The slender fingers resumed tapping.

Lin Bozhou smiled: "What a good boy."


The clothes were almost taken off, but Meng Huan still left the last pair of safety pants, stepped on the bank of the pool and entered the water, and then walked a few feet away from the Lin Bo boat as if avoiding the plague, scooped water and washed it on his body, pretending to be a Looks like he's busy taking a shower.

His complexion was fair and smooth, as white as smooth porcelain, so white that it almost glistened. But maybe because of the heat or shyness, the cheeks, ears, neck, backs of hands and joints are all blush, which is quite attractive.

After washing his body, Meng Huan took a sneak peek at Lin Bozhou who was completely undisguised, the red behind his ears became even more intense, and he slowly lowered his head.

Lin Bozhou paused with his fingers, and then he saw Meng Huan's head hooked extremely low, and then sank into the pool water, "huluhulu" puffed up a few bubbles, and swam slightly like a small fish.

— as if he would rather drown than face him.


The corners of Lin Bozhou's lips twitched a little.

He stretched out his arm, swayed gently in the water waves, then slowly moved up as if he was grabbing something, then, he pinched Meng Huan's jaw and raised his entire face.

The young man's eyelashes were stained with water, and his lips were moist and vermilion. He looked very handsome, but his eyes looked at him blankly.

Lin Bozhou's eyes were full of inexplicable emotions, he clasped his fingers tightly, and gently stroked his chin until his fingertips felt scorching heat.

—Meng Huan.

The court impeached him five days ago to Meng Xueming's son.

Meng Xueming was exiled to Fengxiang as a military member, only Meng Huan was stopped by him in his life and stayed in the capital. I heard that she scolded him in the yard for several days and nights, and she was at odds with him, but when she saw her face... she was unbelievably soft and cute.

Lin Bozhou's slender fingers moved down slowly, and touched Meng Huan's slender and fragile throat, as if he could crush it with just a light squeeze.

But he didn't want to do that.

Lin Bozhou turned his head and stared pensively at Meng Huan, who was playing the little fish in the pool.

So cute.

What kind of trick is hiding?

Read The Duke's Passion