MTL - Transmigrating into the Prince Regent’s Beloved Runaway Wife-Chapter 122

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Shan Xing's eyelids jumped suddenly: "What does the prince mean?"

Without saying a word, Lin Bozhou only said, "Go."

Shan Xing's face was sad and joyful: "Your Highness is wise!"

After finishing speaking, he wished to give himself two slaps, would Lin Bozhou still be a unilateral loser now? !

He tightened the reins of the horse, turned around and ran towards the city gate. He couldn't wait, and his figure disappeared in the billowing smoke.

Chun Lie encountered an unexpected situation, Shan Xing went back to report the news first, Meng Huan and Lin Bozhou turned back to the city.

Meng Huan let out a sigh of relief, a few strands of clean hair fell down to cover the corners of his eyes, and he finally recovered from the sudden incident.

As the weather started to heat up, he took out the water bottle and took another sip.

Lin Bozhou's voice sounded in his ears: "Disappointed?"

"What?" Meng Huan stopped what he was doing.

The horses rode side by side with him, and Lin Bozhou said softly, "I promised to take you hunting, halfway through the journey, but I lost my mood and wanted to go back."


It turned out that he cared about this.

Meng Huan really didn't feel disappointed, but Lin Bozhou took care of his emotions, his heart was warm, and his almond eyes were bright: "I'm not disappointed, let's go again next time!"

Lin Bozhou's frown did not ease, he tightened the reins thoughtfully, and looked at the poor refugees around him.

After a short silence, he inexplicably started a conversation after the horseshoe pacing: "The hunting ground we are going to today is not the most extensive and fattest hunting ground. Wait a little longer, and my husband will take you to the best hunting ground in Dazong."

After Meng Huan finished drinking the water, he tightened the spout and turned to look at him: "What?"

He didn't quite understand why Lin Bozhou said this.

To be honest, although Meng Huan was looking forward to hunting, he was only going out for fun after all. He had a rather Buddhist personality. If he couldn't go today, he could go another day. It didn't mean that he had to be responsive.

Instead, Lin Bozhou's bass sounded in his ears.

"I'm sorry, Huanhuan. I won't go out of the house as a husband during this time, and I can't go hunting with you anymore."


Meng Huan's mind seemed to go blank for a moment.

He looked at Lin Bozhou for a while, swallowed slowly, his lips were still stained with wet water, and he felt a sense of loss traveling around space: "Why?"

"The people are suffering."

Lin Bozhou's breath was a bit heavy, "For my husband, I want to stay behind closed doors and chant sutras in the Buddhist hall, praying for the blessings of the common people."

This answer is easy to understand.

Lin Bozhou belongs to the royal family of Dazong, and many of his actions have political significance. When the dynasty was in turmoil and disasters were frequent, he prayed to Buddha behind closed doors at home, which was a manifestation of benevolence, love for the people and suffering with the people. If he chooses to be a benevolent lord that the people want, at least from now on, he can no longer live any flashy life.

"Oh, so, your husband is really considerate."

Meng Huan understood his purpose and gave him a thumbs up.

But Meng Huan realized that it didn't seem that simple, so he raised his eyes to observe Lin Bozhou's expression.

Lin Bozhou's brows and eyes overflowed with a little tiredness, and the high mood when he went out was swept away, the black brows were covered with clouds, his lips were tightly pursed, and his brows and eyes had a sullen air.

The last time Meng Huan saw him so solemn and upright, but when he witnessed the massacre of refugees by Zhu Lizhen in Liaodong, he also kept his face upright. Even if he could endure his emotions again, it was hard to hide his anger and pity for life and death.

...Meng Huan was a little silent.

He knew that although Lin Bozhou had come to Guzhou, he hadn't really let go of a large number of Shengmin, but now he seemed to have no chance to return to the court and make a living for the Shengmin.

Not knowing how to comfort him, Meng Huan nodded and tried to comfort him as much as possible: "Okay, my husband, go. You are a prince, and you are also a person blessed by destiny. Maybe if you go to pray for blessings, there will be fewer people suffering."

Lin Bozhou gently hooked his fingertips: "OK."

Pulling the reins back to the direction of the palace, the atmosphere was silent all the way.

Went to the palace of the king, Lin Bozhou exchanged for his sparse and tasteless white robe, and hurried to the Buddhist hall.

"I'll accompany you there." Meng Huan followed behind him.

You Jin heard that they were halfway back to the house, and stepped into the threshold with a high voice: "Master, why don't you go hunting anymore, is the weather bad—"

The voice seemed cheerful and loud in the Buddhist hall, Meng Huan pulled him over, put his hand on his lips and said seriously: "Shh."

"..." You Jin didn't dare to speak for a moment.

Meng Huan turned his gaze and saw Lin Bozhou took the rosary from the monk, his plain white robe was hanging down very low, his straight spine was slightly bent, and he bowed his head to listen to something.

After a while, he rolled up his robe sleeves and knelt under the seat of the Buddha, his handsome and gloomy side face was illuminated by the dim light of the lantern, and the Buddha's chant was repeated, as if he was reciting a flustered but pious poem.

——The letter from the prefect of Guzhou was delivered to the capital ten days later.

Inside Wenyuan Pavilion, Emperor Xuanhe sat in the dragon chair, with a veil on his forehead, pale lips, and morbidly staring at the busy ministers in the cabinet.

Lin Bozhou left the capital for more than four months, his eyes are more mature than before, but more sinister, making the backs of the cabinet ministers feel cold, and the fingers holding the memorial are stiff.

Emperor Xuanhe was used to going to court every day, and he was exhausted: "Is there anything important to discuss today?"

Chen Que said in a stiff voice: "Your Majesty, Jincheng General Zhou's military report, Jincheng was defeated, and the army was short of food and grass. Please send the arrears of military salary to the place as soon as possible—"

Emperor Xuanhe's eyes turned hard, and his mandibles gnawed: "There are more!"

Chen Que fought between the two, wiped off his sweat, and then picked up the next letter: "Liaodong urgent delivery, the Marquis of Zhenguan has broken through Jizhou, and it is already at the foot of Yanshan Mountain."

Emperor Xuanhe's face became even more ferocious, with veins sprouting from his neck.

"Jincheng Rebellion, Refugees Displaced—"

"Stop reading it!" A manic dragon chant echoed up the beam.

Emperor Xuanhe grabbed the veil on his forehead and smashed it on the ground, stood up and clenched his fists and roared, "What the **** are you doing? There is no good news? Everywhere is nothing but riots, defeats and money. Why are you all trash? ! No one can share my worries! Is this world my world alone?"

The cabinet ministers panicked and knelt down all over the room, not daring to say anything, just kowtowed to death, the knock was loud, blood was leaking from the skin on his forehead.

"Your Majesty, forgive me, Your Majesty forgive me..."

"This humble official is not effective enough to share your majesty's worries, this humble official deserves to die..."

"Stop kneeling! What's the use of just kneeling and kowtowing! Let me settle the matter!" Emperor Xuanhe's eyes were on fire, his heart throbbed with pain, he stared at the large stack of letters left on the table and gasped. He took a deep breath, and said forcefully, "If these are all funeral letters, I don't want to read any of them. You can deal with them yourself! If there is no important matter, I will go down!"

At this time, Chen Que's weak voice sounded.

"—Your Majesty, this letter is from Guzhou."

"...Guzhou." Emperor Xuanhe stopped abruptly, his dead fish-like eyes were a little gray: "Is this a letter from the emperor?"

The cabinet ministers met their gazes one after another. Emperor Xuanhe was violent in dealing with political affairs, but he continued to fear the regent in his heart, and wanted to prove to Lin Bozhou that he was a hard-working man, and he could still manage the court well without Lin Bozhou.

Chen Que: "Reply to His Majesty, yes."

Emperor Xuanhe didn't leave, he straightened his back a little, went to the table and took the letter and scanned it: "Refugees from Jincheng? Want money?"

Chen Que added in a timely manner: "Jincheng's general army rebelled, and the refugees fled to Guzhou. The prefect of Guzhou accepted it wholeheartedly to quell the rebellion of the victims, but the treasury is empty. I am here to implore Your Majesty to allocate funds to help the victims."

"...It turns out that they want money again."

Emperor Xuanhe lost interest all of a sudden, his eyes turned red, "The national treasury is empty, and the military salaries in many places are in arrears. Where did the money come from to help the victims? Why did the emperor... also come to force me?"

His voice was much lower, as if the emperor had suffered infinitely.

Upon hearing his tone, the cabinet ministers stopped talking, quietly waiting for Xuan and Di to express their depression.

Emperor Xuanhe was not healthy physically and mentally, and was sentimental, but he didn't allow people to talk about it, and his thoughts went back and forth, which made people feel very tired.

Emperor Xuanhe stood red-eyed for a while, and after losing his pity for himself, an inexplicable hostility gushed out: "How is Guzhou now?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Guzhou is currently at peace, and the people live in peace and contentment without any rebellion."

Emperor Xuanhe squeezed the memorial tightly, with a disappointed expression on his face, but he said: "It is worthy of being the vassal state where the emperor's brother sits."

He rolled his eyes and looked at the cabinet ministers with dark eyes: "Compared with the emperor, I am really far behind, isn't it?"


Emperor Xuanhe went crazy again.

At this time, the silent cabinet ministers could no longer be silent, and said one after another: "Your Majesty has just been in charge, and there are too many political affairs in the imperial court. Your Majesty has already dealt with them very well..."

"Your Majesty manages politics with vigor, His Majesty manages politics with lenient, only the method is different, there is no distinction between superior and inferior..."

"If the various ills faced by the court cannot be solved by the prince, it has been delayed until now, let your majesty solve it. Speaking of which, I think it is the long-standing malpractice of the prince's administration..."


Emperor Xuanhe's complexion became better: "Don't say such beautiful words, I know it well."

The cabinet ministers were speechless.

At this time, Emperor Xuanhe remembered to ask: "The emperor's kingdom has been in the country for more than four months, what have you been doing during this time?"

The **** beside him stepped forward and took out a letter from his pocket.

Emperor Xuanhe was all proud.

After he took power, he quickly developed the spy organization and sent his eyes and ears to Guzhou to monitor Lin Bozhou's movements anytime and anywhere. This letter describes what Lin Bozhou is doing now.

"Closing the door and keeping filial piety..." Emperor Xuanhe turned to the next page impatiently, and when he saw that line of words, his face became cloudy and uncertain.

"...Stay in the Buddhist hall, burn incense every day, eat fast and chant Buddha, pray for the majority of people..."

Emperor Xuanhe tore up the paper in a burst of extreme anger, his heart was filled with jealousy and cursed: "This hypocrite is better at pretending than me!"

The passage of time in the Buddhist hall seems to be fast, and it seems to be very slow.

Meng Huan originally thought that Lin Bozhou was just praying for a few days, but he didn't expect that he would spend most of the time in the Buddhist hall, which lasted for almost a month.

But Lin Bozhou is not pure. There have been people sending letters to the palace in the past, and now, more and more letters are being sent. Meng Huan also read a few of them, almost all of which were about the victory and defeat of the Marquis of Zhenguan in Yanshan, the march of Jincheng soldiers to Jizhou, the march of Huanghuai bandits to Nanjing, and so on.

After reading it, Lin Bozhou put the letter aside, twisted the beads with his fingertips, and recited scriptures in a low voice.

There was another letter on the table.

Meng Huan went to the Buddhist hall to look for Lin Bozhou. In the past, Lin Bozhou would stay under the seat of the Buddha, dressed in white clothes better than snow, and recite wholeheartedly.

But after Meng Huan went in, he rarely saw anyone.

The monk approached, added oil to the long-burning lamp and put a thin silk cover on it: "My lord has something to go to the back hall."

"Okay." Meng Huan said, "Then I'll wait for him."

Bored while waiting, Meng Huan picked up the letter on the small table and tried to identify it with difficulty.

"...The Marquis of Zhenguan defeated Anchu, General Zuoye of the Beijing Army, and the rebels repeatedly invaded Gyeonggi—Xu Tingjian, the general of Jincheng, bypassed Jizhou and entered Xuanhua.

As Meng Huan read, he roughly sketched the route and context in his mind.

From behind, a gentle low voice sounded: "Huanhuan."

"Husband." Meng Huan held the letter and turned around, his eyelids twitched.

Lin Bozhou wore the pure white mourning clothes for more than three months, and changed back to the crimson royal clothes entangled with dragons. He stood at the door holding a string of rosary beads, and the wide cuffs covered half of his wrists.

Unlike the believers who guarded the Buddha statue for a month, bowed their heads and chanted sutras, and were almost as devout as Bo Xunwen, Lin Bozhou's clothes were bright red like fire, his eyebrows and eyes fluttered strangely, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

He asked, "Have you been waiting long?"

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