MTL - Transmigrating Into The Male Lead’s Villainess Older Sister-Chapter 57

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After emphasizing once again that the person around is his own sister, Ji Lin listened to the neat shouts of the fans, and immediately felt refreshed, Si Yu covered his face. With the warm gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes, the whole person is almost steamed.

In fact, as a star, she should get used to this high-profile feeling, but unfortunately, she did not intend to work in the entertainment industry at all, so except for filming and variety shows, she has never been contacted by fans at close range. I only know these people today. How crazy.

Si Yu was staring at so many people with staring eyes, feeling very uncomfortable, and quickly pulled Ji Lin, who wanted to show off, and sat down. Fortunately, the actors and auditoriums were separated from each other. She was petite and sat down. Retreating into the seat, I felt those hot eyes blocked out.

"Alin, stop playing, this is a trial screening, we are not the protagonist today." Si Yu whispered to Ji Lin, thinking about it, she knew why Ji Lin did that. Last time in the live broadcast, This guy was about to proudly announce the relationship between the two brothers and sisters, but the netizens did n’t think he was breaking the news. It was just playing with a terrier, Ji Linbai was happy for a while, and was mourned for a long time after the show. Huo Huo wants to find another good time to announce.

This secret relationship involves the private affairs of two families. If one is not done well, it will cause damage to Ji Lin's image. Si Yu later thought about it, it is better to open it step by step, at least it is necessary to first Ji Lin Picked from the Ji family.

"I just gave some gifts, and I didn't make them shout ..." Ji Lin excused, then saw the helpless look of his sister, and immediately changed his face, admitting that he was wrong, "I am wrong, I will not So reckless! "

Si Yu: "......" Soft clothes are so fast, what else can you say? I just let it go.

When the movie was about to open, Si Yu saw Han Tiantian and Xu Qingwan coming back one after the other. Han Tiantian's lips were tight and her face was always sweet and dark, like walking with anger behind her. Xu Qingwan was obviously dressed up carefully. From head to toe, he was a precious banker. He walked up and walked up, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his face seemed a little proud.

Han Tiantian didn't even look at it, rushed directly to the empty position on the other side of Si Yu, sat down with one butt, and didn't speak coldly.

Xu Qingwan had a clear goal and walked directly in the direction of Ji Lin, apparently trying to occupy the empty position next to Ji Lin.

Damn, Ji Lin scolded in her heart. Will this woman look at people? She obviously has been regarded as semi-publicly rejecting her in the circle, and she can still squint her face together? When a normal person encounters this kind of thing, he does n’t say he is far away from him. At least he never dares to go up, but Xu Qingwan is partial. She still seizes every opportunity and wants to be close to Ji Lin. Ji Lin is not. Understood, is it possible that Xu Qingwan is a masochist?

Ji Lin immediately thought of changing positions, but Si Yu ’s other position was already occupied by Han Tiantian. Besides, so many people stared, he could n’t do anything like a child who was noisy to drive Xu Qingwan away. Otherwise, what's lost is the entire crew's face.

Xu Qingwan was convinced of this. He walked over without hesitation, and when she saw her, she was going to sit down. Ji Lin's eyes lighted up, and she found that Liang Zhengzheng came over the entrance, so she spoke softly to Si Yu and immediately stood up towards Director Liang ushered in, and naturally chatted with others, chatting and chatting, and then took the opportunity to sit among the director's group.

Xu Qingwan watched Ji Lin slip away without looking back, and his sharp long nails made marks on the soft leather seat: "..."

Xu Qingwan was a little scared of Liang Dao. Knowing that people didn't like herself, Ji Lin hid near Liang Dao, and she naturally had no courage to catch up.

As soon as Ji Lin left, she certainly could not lie near Si Yu, and when she turned around, she sat in a farther position.

Han Tiantian sat aside, taking a good look at everything that just happened, without concealing the irony in his eyes, humming, and muttering, "Deserve it!"

"Xu Qingwan is this to trick you?" Si Yu turned his head and asked Han Tiantian in a low voice. In her impressions, Han Tiantian and Xu Qingwan didn't meet very much. The two should have no holiday, but Han Tiantian suddenly rushed in, and even taunted, it must be Xu Qingwan that provoked her.

Han Tiantian and Si Yu have a good relationship. At this time, they are not hiding, and said coldly, "She snatched my announcement, and that's it. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the entertainment industry. What can compete is Someone behind it, as long as they don't do too much, they generally give up decisively to compete for the next opportunity, but this Xu Qingwan is not the same, but also came over to apologize to me! "

Although Han Tiantian is on the sweet line, he is hot-tempered, otherwise he will not kick it out immediately when he finds that the original company is holding high and low. Ji Lin has always been a movie cafe. Therefore, he blocked Xu Qingwan ’s path in the movie circle. He has not been able to reach into the TV circle. Xu Qingwan bumped against the wall. There was no other way, so he had to give up the line of the gods in the movie circle and planned to take the film. TV series.

It ’s just that she ’s not a front-line actress. Good TV series ’protagonists ca n’t make it to her, and she ’s not willing to run the dragon, so she comes up with another way—take out the dividends she invests in investing in online dramas. It happened that he collided with Han Tiantian who was looking for opportunities after flying alone. Originally this web drama was already in talks with Han Tiantian. Xu Qingwan smashed people with money. The net drama has always been short of money, so he betrayed Han Tiantian and gave up the role to Xu Qingwan.

Han Tiantian didn't want to care about it, but she just collided with Xu Qingwan in the corridor, but Xu Qingwan apologized, saying that she really needed this opportunity, and she would try her best to compensate her in the future, and asked Han Tiantian if she wanted to act supporting role.

Han Tian is sweet and vomiting blood, supporting role? She hasn't fallen to the point of matching Xu Qingwan!

Before, she still didn't understand why Ji Lin was so hostile to Xu Qingwan. Now she finally understands that this woman really has a problem in her head!

Han Tiantian became more and more angry. It didn't matter if she lost an opportunity. Yao Wuyangwei was hitting her face when she ran into the face. She couldn't bear the tone, so she always quarreled with Xu Qingwan in the corridor.

That corridor was the backstage employee passageway. At the time, Han Tiantian didn't see anyone at all, but she cursed for a while. She suddenly heard the sound of pressing the shutter. When she looked around, she only glanced at a figure who quickly slipped away from the back door. Her curse must have been heard.

Han Tiantian immediately questioned Xu Qingwan, but Xu Qingwan gritted his teeth, and kept saying that he hadn't done anything, didn't recognize him, but just cried. Han Tiantian didn't catch any confrontation and couldn't take her.

To this day, if Han Tiantian didn't want to understand that this was a trap, he would be fooling around for so many years.

"I asked the assistant to check it, and let the public relations side keep an eye on it. What I was most afraid of was recording." Han Tiantian's face was calm. "No wonder Xu Qingwan said nothing at the time. I was scolded, and the courage was well designed. of."

Si Yu frowned: "She's crazy?"

Xu Qingwan was just like a person who was too radical, and she became more and more unscrupulous. She seemed to want to repeat her tricks. Like the last time he bought a water army and black rain, she stepped down by stepping on Han Tiantian. She Just want to gain a sense of existence?

Han Tian sweetly said: "I don't know if she's crazy or not. I won't just let it go."

This guy is a mad dog who bites people. She didn't offend her. She didn't say a few words, but she was secretly involved. Han Tiantian was also anxious. She left the original company to do it all by herself. It ’s not as good as before. There are only a few people in the studio. The ability is extremely limited. Although she vowed to investigate Si Yu, she knew that she was going to lose money this time.

"Don't be afraid, I'll help you figure out a way." Si Yu turned the mobile phone in his hand and thought of Lu Xingzhou. He is the president of Huan Yi and the chief supervisor of Xu Qingwan. Han Tiantian cannot do it alone. However, Huan Yi can, as long as you say hello to the major media in advance and suppress the unfavorable news about Han Tiantian.

Han Tiantian smiled reluctantly, but didn't take Si Yu's words seriously. She knew that Si Yu and Ji Lin had a good relationship, but couldn't control the mouth of all the media? Not to mention she still doesn't know who is playing the trick behind her!

"Thank you ... forget it, I'll fix it myself. You can't afford to get that annoying fly." When mentioning Xu Qingwan, Han Tiantian is now full of disgust.

Si Yu leaned in to grab her arm, and patted it comfortably.

When the people arrived, Mr. Liang, as usual, said a few words of welcome, and let the film show clearly. As the film passed, followed by a long shot, followed by a group of scattered women in palace costumes, walking through the corridor. , Through the Royal Garden, through the magnificent palace, the killing sound continued, the smoke spread around, some of these female relatives were accidentally wounded and killed by knife and halter, and some panic escaped the wrong place, the last group of people were only two people, Cloud and dream with cloud.

At the beginning of the film, there was no line, but Liang Dao had a deep foundation and used only a long lens to perfectly render the era of the city's escape. The fans behind him could not help holding their breath, especially the next step. The two sisters were discovered by the rebels. When they started a chase in the narrow palace, they were even afraid to show up, and some girls were sweating in their hands.

Liu Yu was still carrying the milk bag from Ji Lin, but was quickly attracted by the exciting and compact plot. She stared intently at the screen, and even forgot about half of the buns, she played Yunmeng. In order to escape, she pushed her sister to attract the attention of the enemy, and she slipped into the secret road while she was rudely **** by the rebels. When she used various punishments to extort her confession, she seemed to feel the same. Suddenly choked.

Liu Yu was not the only one. The fans present at the scene saw the pale face of the boss on the screen and the body constantly coughing up blood and shaking like a bran sieve, they couldn't stop the pity of pity.

Si Yu's health is not good, these fans know, but she usually uses makeup to cover up on the show. It doesn't seem to be serious, but I heard the crew said that when she was filming, Si Yu basically went into battle. In other words, what they saw now is The most real state of Si Yu!

Wouldn't vomiting blood be true?

Strange to say, Si Yu has a very special aura when playing a sick beauty. Even if other actors perform better than her and are more experienced than her, it is difficult to perform that kind of taste. Her sickness is revealed between her hands and feet. It is soft and brittle, as if the porcelain doll is fine, so the fans can't control the heartache.

But when the film was placed in Yun and met with Xindi for the first time, this distress quickly turned into eager expectations.

Their long-awaited sister and brother stalls finally arrived!

One is the new emperor who has already become king, and the other is the imprisoned prisoner. The two eyes collided together. The new emperor has never seen such a woman. He is proud of the world and sees the world. There is no shortage of counselors around him, but one Knowing his confidante, the new emperor hid everyone and secretly imprisoned Yun and He under the dormitory.

When the new emperor provokes Yunhe's chin to force her to look directly at her, Liu Yu can control her excitement. When the new emperor holds Yun and walks into the underground palace, Liu Yu ’s aunt ’s smile never disappears. However, when the new emperor completely surrendered to Yunhe's scholarship, he changed his attitude toward the captives to the elder-like dependence on the elders, especially when there was a scene where the new emperor fell asleep while leaning against the edge of the bed, Kneeling carefully to the ground, gently resting her head on her thigh, and flicking with attachment, Liu Yu almost screamed.

At this moment, there were countless little people in her heart howling. What a shocking sugar is this--

On the cast, Si Yu also took it very seriously. She also saw the film for the first time. She originally thought that her performance of halfway monk would not be very good, but when she looked at it, she was a bit surprised: she could still act Is it like this?

She looked attentive.

The lights in the stadium are very dim, people ca n’t see their faces, and occasionally someone walks out, so when a person walks in front of Si Yu, she does n’t care much, but this person did n’t go far, but he was empty beside Si Yu. Sit down.

An unusually familiar scent of sandalwood was uploaded from the person around him, and it took a moment to trigger Si Yu's radar alarm.

Her mind was taken back from the movie being played, and she turned her head almost in a panic. At such a short distance, she barely saw the person's side face with a little light, and it really confirmed her. guess.

"Five Lords?" Si Yu whispered. Fortunately, the sound effect of the film was good enough to cover her voice. Han Tian beside him ate the popcorn sweetly, without paying attention to the movement of Si Yu.

Lu Wuye sat in the position, as if it was a normal and reasonable thing for him to suddenly appear in this place. Only when he heard Si Yu's title, he smiled slightly: "You're wrong."

Si Yu froze for a while, then remembered the last time Lu Wuye asked himself to call his name directly, hesitated for a few seconds, and then Si Yu did so. His voice was like a mosquito: "Lu ... Yuanhe?"

Lu Wuye twisted the beads, and seemed very happy, so he praised her with a face: "It was a good performance."

Although he has just arrived, he did n’t see much at all, but speaking from his mouth raised 100% credibility. Si Yu thanked him awkwardly, always feeling strange in her heart, and it was not her sensitivity. After all, Lu Wuye is moody, who knows what he wants to do next.

Rare and Yan Yuesi, Si Yu was conditioned to reflect.

However, as soon as Lu Wuye's words fell, a new emperor sneaked into the cloud and fell asleep, and then went to the palace. He lay on the edge of the bed and watched her for a night, and finally couldn't help holding her hand to sleep. Five Lords gave a meal, immediately changed his tone, and relentlessly evaluated:

"This scene is superfluous, it's too bad."

Si Yu: "???? !!!"

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