MTL - Transmigrating Into The Male Lead’s Villainess Older Sister-Chapter 52

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Ji Lin had simulated many times what he wanted to say before running to Si Yu, but when he really saw Si Yu, those words were I can't remember a word, only restlessness left.

If it weren't for the parents' quarrel, Ji Lin would never know. In fact, it was not a glorious thing for his mother, Duan Rulan, to marry into Ji's family, because Duan Rulan had derailed and married Ji Wenhan in the previous marriage. Going to myself, this caused the mother's crooked thought of marrying Zigui into a wealthy family, which led to Si Yu being abandoned by her mother at a young age.

So Ji Lin suddenly realized that his birth was an outright disaster for Si Yu. If he did not exist, how could a venerable businessman such as Ji Wenhan marry a married woman such as Duan Rulan, but who is wrong with Ji Wenhan? He had raised so many lovers outside, and for decades, only Duan Rulan had successfully conceived, so she had to marry her back.

It can be said that without Ji Lin's stepping stone, Duan Rulan will only be Ji Wenhan's lover in his life, not Mrs. Ji.

Derailed during the marriage, dark knots in the bead, and the ex-husband's dead body, he turned his head and left the young daughter, and ran off with a **** ... Ji Lin listened to the Ji family's husband and wife unveiling the old scandals in a fierce quarrel. It's like falling into cold water, so cold.

Ji Lin didn't dare to imagine whether Si Yu had known these facts long ago. If she knew everything, then what would she think when she saw herself? Would you feel that your so-called younger brother is really shameless, who is clearly destroying her family, but still puts her face together, very shameless?

Will it ... In fact, his sister wouldn't wait to see him at all?

This kind of thing can't be thought about, once you start, you can't close the brakes like flood discharge. Ji Lin became more and more frightened, and his cold sweat almost soaked his back, so he waited until Duan Rulan had left the house, and immediately ran downstairs to Siyu.

But when the matter came to an end, he didn't dare to go up, so he squatted downstairs and waited. At first, when he saw Si Yu, he wanted to explain it, saying that he didn't know that Duan Rulan had done so much to her. Things happened, but when Si Yu came up, he asked with concern, whether he was cold or not, Ji Lin's mind was hot, and the finished draft was immediately thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun, almost instinctively hugging his sister.

"Sister, I'm sorry ..." Ji Lin lay asleep on Si Yu's shoulder and mourned apologetically.

Si Yu was quiet for a few seconds. Although Ji Lin didn't make a preface, but from his piecemeal words, Si Yu could already guess why he was dysfunctional.

The two couples in the Ji family are used to pretending to be whitewashed. They are a match made in heaven. Since they have been in love for so many years, they will not tell the truth of Ji Lin. The group overturned, and the two of them couldn't perform any more. Only then would the fox tail be caught by Ji Lin.

Si Yu could feel the perplexity in Ji Lin's words, so the hand on his back strengthened the appeasement, and asked, "What do you say to me?"

Ji Lin answered in a sullen voice: "If it weren't for me, my mother wouldn't have left you ..."

"It's none of your business." Si Yu interrupted him, saying in a rational, almost indifferent tone, "This is just an excuse. Duan Rulan didn't like me since he was a child. Even without you, even if your father didn't show up at that time , She will also find a chance to leave, believe it or not? "

Ji Lin said a blankly "ah" and didn't seem to understand.

Si Yu explained patiently: "I have been sick since birth. Basically, my family's money has been put into medicine jars. There is no extra money for Duan Rulan to enjoy. She can't live a hard time. She has long been upset and met you My father can only say that he hit the Grand Canal. In fact, before that, she had already thought about divorce. She said that she was still young and could not let me take it down. "

Ji Lin listened for a moment, and half-snawed, "But my mother was pregnant with me ... sister, I'm just afraid ..."

"Are you afraid that I don't like Duan Rulan, and I don't like you even with me?" Si Yushun took the words that Ji Lin did not finish, and nodded reflexively when he saw him. "I'm different from Duan Rulan, I won't Enraging others, you are you, she is her, and you come to tell me that you totally disapprove of her approach, why should I hate you for this reason? "

For the first time, Si Yu saw Ji Lin's insecure performance. She thought about it and calmed her with a resolute tone: "You are my brother, no matter how I view Duan Rulan, it will not change. You can rest assured that I can clearly distinguish who really treats me and who is false. "

Ji Lin rubbed his shoulders unconsciously, and now he felt a bit of grievance for a long time. He thought about it all night, and the thick uneasiness seemed to be wiped out by Si Yu easily.

He was really too scared. The original family had no temperature. He faced the empty home every day. He wandered like a ghost alone. He always had no sense of belonging and felt like he didn't belong here. But after Si Yu appeared, Ji Lin suddenly found out that the original family had different meanings. This half-sister had never met, but gave him an unusual sense of closeness from the beginning.

She is like the sunshine in the cold winter. Because of her existence, Ji Lin remembered her family's icy heart before she felt the heat, and felt the hotness for the first time.

So he was too afraid to lose.

"That means ... sister, wouldn't you ignore me and would like to continue to recognize my brother?" Ji Lin looked up and asked Si Yu's eyes carefully.

Looking at him as if he were close to the enemy, Si Yu's bad thoughts were about to move. She deliberately prolonged the tone and said, "Fool you--"

"Sister!" Ji Lin suddenly anxious, "You don't matter!"

Si Yu tapped gently on his forehead: "Stupid."

Ji Lin was covering her forehead and staring resentfully at her, and her sister was too disgusted!

But at this time Ji Lin also reflected that she was joking and muttered quietly: "Sister, you didn't do this before ..."

"So you're getting stupid." Si Yu knocked him again, walked forward with two steps on his back, smiled and looked at Ji Lin, "I'm going out, I'm going to the supermarket to order something, and lunch is Do you eat here? "

"Yes, I want!" Ji Lin was instantly resurrected with blood, catching up with Si Yu and walking out, "Sister, I want to eat your crayfish!"

"Eating crayfish in the morning, don't you think it's greasy? Also, what about your sunglasses? Let's go out with such a swing, we don't even want to come back tonight!"

"Sister, don't worry, I'll take it with me! ..."

Less than ten minutes after the two went out, a famous luxury car drove into the community, stopping downstairs in Siyu's house. The door opened, Duan Rulan stepped down, greeted the driver to lift the gifts in the back seat together, then raised his hands to tidy his hair, and looked up at the floor where Yan Siyu lived.

That girl really wasn't born with a rich life. Since she took the golden thigh of Lujia Wuye, she still lived in such a poor environment. It really was a poor ghost, and she could not change to a phoenix on a branch.

Duan Rulan's eyes were full of irony. She stroked the corners of her mouth. The tingling in her hands made her feel resentful. This was all the injuries she made when she was torn from her husband yesterday. Today she specially applied heavy makeup. The lilac is covered. Ji Wenhan blame her for not treating her ex-husband's daughter well, which brought in such a great **** like Lu Wuye, but can this blame her?

Zhou Siyu's girl didn't say anything, she didn't have her mother in her eyes!

In fact, honestly, Ji Wenhan forced her to apologize to Si Yu. Duan Rulan was not hesitant. Why should there always be only children who honor their mother? Where is the reason for a mother to honor her children?

Ke Wenhan was distracted by the bad news from the company. The thunder broke everything that could be smashed in the living room. Looking at Duan Rulan's eyes became colder, Duan Rulan always felt that if he dared not agree, he might have everything. If he can do it, he will nod his head reluctantly.

"Take all these things up." Duan Rulan stood by and instructed the driver. Of course, these gifts were not prepared by her. They were all sent to buy. She didn't seem to think about what would happen if Si Yu didn't accept them. No, I came to the door by myself.

The driver responded, and proceeded to move things, but they have not been able to enter the corridor. I don't know where the seven or eight murderous black bodyguards came out, and they blocked the way up.

Duan Rulan was just stared at the ground dug by these people for a day. Now when I saw this group of people again, the soul was so scared that they flew back and forth. "You, how do you ..."

These bodyguards are left by Lu Wuye, especially since the last fire incident, they dare not have any slackness. No matter where Si Yu goes, someone will follow him secretly, and people like Duan Rulan ... Lu Wu Before the Lord left, he specifically told him that if these flies dared to come, they would throw them as far as they would go.

"Mrs. Ji, did you learn enough yesterday?" The head of the group stared at Duan Rulan coldly. "Miss Zhou doesn't want to see you, so no effort is needed."

Yesterday's tragic experience, Duan Rulan, was a little bit worried. She glanced quietly. These people were tall and tall, and they seemed to have weapons on their bodies. It would definitely not work if they were hard. She squeezed out a smile and said slightly flatteringly, " I am Si Yu's biological mother, but I just came to tell her about the old ... "

The leader sneered, too lazy to talk nonsense to her, and waved his hands. A few people came up next to him and left Duan Rulan directly. Duan Rulan was frightened, and just wanted to speak for help, the whole person was dumped into his own luxury car. Seconds later, the driver was thrown in, and his body was shaking.

The collar looked at Duan Rulan through the window of the car: "No more rolling, then I can only ask you to go to Wuye."

The name Lu Wuye has become a nightmare for Duan Rulan. She was so frightened that she couldn't care how to explain to her husband this time she returned, and desperately urged the driver: "Come on, go on!"

The driver was also frightened by this group of murderous people, but Duan Rulan said, immediately stepping on the accelerator and leaving, the two disappeared from the community in the blink of an eye as if there was a ghost behind them.

They walked fast, but the pile of gifts brought by Duan Rulan did not care about picking them up, and they were all thrown on the ground. The bodyguard's collar turned over and they found that they were all luxury items such as designer clothes and shoes. interest.

"Just throw these all away, don't let Miss Zhou be upset." The leader thought to himself, this section of Rulan really had a bad brain, and he didn't know how to send gifts to the idea, and said that it was his mother, eh.


Si Yu had a rare holiday, and finally he could concentrate on his own paintings regardless of other trivial matters. Little did Lu Wuye take the lead in her house at Ji's house, and still frankly supported her, as if he had wings. Spread throughout the high society.

Of course, there is no shortage of results after Lu Wuye's acquiescence.

Not only Duan Rulan, but the other families who got the news also acted immediately, rushing to the small broken downstairs of Si Yu, all kinds of precious gifts were almost set, but they were all just before they went upstairs. The dutiful bodyguards threw them out, one by one, one by one, and no one had ever given face.

Wang Dong, who had a close relationship with Xu Qingwan and also helped her to clear up the relationship and entered the cast of "Allure", is one of the gift giving team.

He heard that the last actor Zhou Siyu, who thought he could be rubbed by anyone at the time, turned out to be the woman whom Lu Wuye fancy, and was so shocked that his chin had fallen off, and then he began to rejoice. Fortunately, he had few hands and feet. Later, Xu Qingwan asked him to borrow the navy to come to Hei Siyu. He had already cleaned up the traces, otherwise if he was found on his head by Lu Wuye, he would not be dead?

Wang Dong ca n’t wait for time to strangle that brain-failed self, but everything has already been done, and now he can only find a way to have a good relationship with Zhou Siyu. In case of something really wrong, he will not be able to confess Xu Qingwan, anyway, at first It's not yourself who makes the idea.

He wanted to be beautiful, but like everyone else, Si Yumen wasn't seen, he was thrown out, and he could only walk back to the house in a dingy manner.

Si Yu didn't know that so many things happened downstairs in her own house. After the film "Pour the Country" was finished, she had no work to do. Originally, she signed the most free contract at Huanyi. No one would force her. Her work assistant, Shen Yue, was very ambitious. She took various invitations to come to Si Yu to choose. In the end, Si Yu couldn't beat her, so she chose an advertising endorsement, and all else was eliminated.

In addition, Si Yu just renewed her madness at home. Within a few days, her comic editor Mu Yan called in person and said cheerfully: "Koi, I didn't tell you about the film and television rights of" Fashion Guide "before. Has it been sold? "

"Well, yes, what's wrong?" Of course, Si Yu remembers that her "Fashion Guide" is the hottest serial comic today, and the number of fans is huge, so the copyright of this comic sold at a high price of one million. In the entertainment industry, which is not very optimistic about the adaptation of the work, it is already a sky-high price. Thanks to this money, Si Yu no longer needs to worry about his livelihood.

"I tell you, the TV series is about to be set up, and it will start filming soon!" Mu Yan looked very excited, but this was her first comic that was made into a TV series. It was of great significance! She couldn't wait to share her joy with Si Yu, "Koi, what kind of actors would you say will perform? My God, you are awesome! Do you know that you have someone in your new serial" Sesame Milk Yellow Filling "? It ’s time to ask the price, yes, and that "Papa Cat", I have contacted the Children's Autism Foundation, and I plan to do a joint promotion. Some companies ask you if there is a comic book, not even the content. Ask and say you want to buy it! You are now a hot hit! "

Si Yu blinked: "Is there such an exaggeration ..."

"Really, what did I lie to you!" Muyan and Yourong have already figured out, "Koi, now" Fashion Guide "is still in the stage of choosing actors, they seem to want to invite you to be a consultant, after all You are the original author, and you are familiar with all aspects of the plot, and it may be easier to adapt. "

"..." Si Yu remembered the horrible deeds of other Koi stars who publicly confessed Koi on Weibo. It was impossible to imagine what the consequences would be if the Koi's identity was disclosed, so he declined, "No, I believe the crew. Besides, I still have manuscripts to draw ... "

Mu Yan was in a state of excitement and did not listen to Si Yu's words at all. He continued to say cheerfully: "Speaking of the candidate for the heroine, do you have a favorite actor in my heart? I think Zhou Siyu is good, hey, I still look at that Her "Fantastic Challenge" was fanned by her. It looks like a white rabbit with sesame filling inside. Don't you think it looks like the setting of the heroine? Koi, are you listening, say a word Oh ... "

Si Yu: "..." She didn't want to talk.

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