MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 77

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If any topic is the hottest in the world now, then it is the most popular Chinese Kung Fu in Xia An!

No one had thought of it, it was just a star reality show and it was able to figure out so many popular events.

I did not expect that this variety show, which was filmed by the Chinese, and the Chinese participated in the recording. There was no major director, no major production, and no participation of any big celebrity stars. This can be regarded as a small transparent program outside the 18th line. Now it has caused such a big upsurge.

If it is said that the fourth issue of "Xia'an Star House" is to let the world know about such a female star from China.

Well, the sixth and sixth issue of "Xia An's Star Hut" is a thorough promotion of Xia An and Star Hut to the world.

Television stations in countless countries want to buy the broadcasting rights of "Xia An's Star Cabin", and want to bring this variety show that has caused a worldwide rush into their own countries to make money.

For such a period of time, Han Yue and Xu Tiantian took the call and received soft hands, but they were not busy.

"Well, OK, I know President Han. OK, I will pay attention, no problem."

After Xia An finally saw Xu Tiantian hung up the phone, she looked at Xu Tiantian with a smile.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with Han calling?"

She found out now that this little girl has been busy ever since she found Xu Tiantian as her assistant.

Every day, the phone rang, and Xia An, who was with her every day, discovered that she had really become a big star.

Her agent is really endlessly busy every day.

"Han said that the variety show of the Stars House has been sold in several countries. He said that he would resend the contract to us in a few days so that you can sign it at that time."

Seeing Xia'an asked, Xu Tiantian came over with a smile, and said in a very happy mood.


Xia An blinked, and looked at Xu Tiantian somewhat unknown.

"Oh, Mr. Han said that he hadn't expected that our show would be so hot, so he wanted to change the contract with us."

Worried about Xia'an misunderstanding, Xu Tiantian explained immediately.

"But sister Xia An, rest assured, this new contract is more beneficial to you. President Han has given you a bonus for the show, which is as popular as the Star House now. This is definitely a major bleeding over there.

Listening to Xu Tiantian's explanation, Xia An laughed funny.

"Sweet, do you think Han is quite authentic?"

"No, I think President Han is very smart. He is trying to win you in this way. After all, sister Xia An, you are so popular now, and not only in China, but at the level of the whole world. These dividends are just for investment. "

Xu Tiantian didn't follow Xia An because Han Yue was her uncle's friend and her elders, but analyzed the benefits of this matter very carefully.

Looking at Xu Tiantian in such a serious and careful manner, Xia An was really emotional, and Han Yue really found a good agent for her!

She wouldn't say anything in terms of ability, but just say this loyalty, she would give full marks!

And that's what she cares about most.

"Haha, well said. Sweet, I like you being so sincere to me."

Xia An patted Xu Tiantian's shoulder and praised him.

Xu Tiantian, who was praised by Xia An, couldn't help but twitch her mouth, and her face smiled like a flower.

Ah ah ah ~ praised by my own goddess!

great! In the future, we must work harder and seriously work for the goddess o (*> ▽ <*) o

"By the way, my role in Joan's" Return to Earth "is about to be defeated. You can consider helping me screen some advertising endorsements."

The filming of "Return to Earth" has been filmed for a long time, and she has been in the crew since the first phase of "Xia An's Star Hut".

Now that the sixth issue of the Star Cabin has been aired on TV, her filming is almost finished.

As soon as Xia An said he was about to start work, Xu Tiantian's eyes lit up immediately.

You know, since she became Xia An's agent, she has received many calls to find Xia An's cooperation!

However, because the goddess in her family is ... too lazy, she has no ambition to be motivated.

No, now besides filming the variety show of the Star Cabin and the movie "Return to Earth", there is really no announcement about the bullying goddess of her family.

"Sister Xia An, I have screened several good jobs for you, because you said that you will not return to China for the time being, and only receive advertisements and endorsements, so there are only these few ..."

Then, Xu Tiantian took out her notebook for work.

And those screened out by her are more in line with Xia An requirements, and better advertisements and endorsements are delivered to Xia An's hands.

Looking at the advertisements recorded in the notebook, there are Chinese, foreign, large and small, piecemeal, even if it is only advertising and endorsements, but there are still many partners for her to choose.

"These are ads and endorsements? It doesn't take much time to shoot, right?"

Looking up, Xia An set his eyes on Xu Tiantian's body and asked softly.

"Well, yes, it's all advertising and endorsements, and it doesn't take much time to shoot."

Xu Tiantian nodded and explained with a smile to Xia An.

"Sister Xia An, everything is set according to your standards. These Chinese brands meet your requirements and can come to the United States to shoot."

Listening to Xu Tiantian's words, Xia An gave a quiet hum, and nodded his finger on the notebook, as if inadvertently speaking.

"Are these brands reliable?"

Although she really loves money, she is the one who will start the company right now, and she will also personally be the image spokesperson for her company's products.

She couldn't lose her good image because of a small profit.

"Relax, sister Xia An, these brands are the ones I have investigated in detail, not small workshops."

Xu Tiantian replied with a smile, she thought, but those remaining brands were all left after she screened for a long time.

She really wanted to know, which brand had better luck and could get Xia An's "favorite".

However, what she didn't expect was that Xia An's choice made her a big jump.

Because Xia An's choice was really something she had never thought of.

"Sister Xia An, although these brands are not big international brands and there are very few luxury advertisements. But I believe, wait for your movie to be released ..."

Before Xu Tiantian's words were finished, he was interrupted by Xia An.

"Then I'll take all of them."


Subconsciously, Xu Tiantian nodded and promised, but before this was finished, she woke up to God.

"Ah? Ah? Sister Xia An, what are you talking about? All of them? These ads ?!"

Xu Tiantian's eyes widened and she couldn't believe looking at Xia An, only to feel that she had a hallucination.

The goddess, who has always been lazy and does not love work, has to work hard? !!

This is impossible!

"Well, let's do it next. Of course, if time comes over."

Xia An glanced at Xu Tiantian, the boss with open mouth and eyes, taking it for granted.

"But, you ..." I wasn't so diligent before.

Xu Tiantian opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say the words in her heart.

But even so, Xu Tiantian reminded.

"Sister Xia An, although there are not many advertisement endorsements that I have screened out, there are also more than a dozen brands. Although it is said that these brands give high advertising endorsement costs. But ... after all, most of them are nothing. Brands with high pressure, I think, let's just take a few transitions, and the rest ... wait for the movie directed by Grace to be released. "

At this moment Xu Tiantian was calling a regret!

She originally wanted to screen out more brands for the screening of her own goddess. Even if she gave more, she thought that the goddess of her family would only choose one or two.

But now, the goddess of her family is uncharacteristically decided to choose all? !!

This is too scary!

Although it is good to increase the exposure, but in case of more affordable and affordable brands, those international luxury brands feel that the temperament of their goddess is too 'grounded', and they do n’t have any sense of style and fashion. !!

"Why wait? After the movie is released, we will continue to receive advertising endorsements."

Xia An said indifferently.

Seeing Xia An was not very clear about some twists and turns in the fashion circle, so Xu Tiantian had to explain it to Xia An again.

And after Xu Tiantian explained, Xia An still didn't want to change his mind.

"Why can't international big brands and small brands with affordable prices be comparable? Anyway, the quality of things is qualified, and the rewards are the same, or even more, so why bother with expensive?

Sweet, I still say that, we can't afford to take the initiative to grab the resources that everyone is robbing. It is ours that is ours. If others did not intend to consider us but were snatched by us, then I would not be rare at all. Anyway, just ... "

"In short, let it be."

Xu Tiantian reluctantly took over the second half of Xia An's words, she was really helpless.

Although she said that this was her first time as a broker for a celebrity and her first career as a broker, she was still a brand new brand newcomer.

But, she can guarantee that in the entertainment industry, there is no more indifferent artist than her celebrity, and there is no contesting artist!

Looking at Xu Tiantian's small, crooked look, Xia Anxie laughed out, and she felt a little sympathy for Xu Tiantian who had followed her, a boss who was not motivated.

"Okay, sweet, otherwise you can help me choose six brands from this brand list. I won't pick up all of them, you can help me choose."

Seeing that Xia An finally did not insist on giving endorsement ads to more than a dozen brands, Xu Tiantian's face once again had a smile.

"Well, okay. Sister Xia An, then I will help you choose the best six brand advertising endorsements from it."

When Xu Tiantian was content and contentious in choosing endorsements for Xia An, no one thought that she, now, really doesn't have to go to work to choose!

Because ...

The goddess of her family, Xia An, her price has risen again!

Now! The advertising endorsement originally selected by Xu Tiantian will be called back again to make a new round of quotes!


The h.S International Photography Awards competition, the world's most gold-filled photography competition, is also the most highly regarded photography competition.

Every year, thousands of photographers come to the competition to pursue their ideals.

This year's competition also has a lot of participants.

Even more, because this year's photo awards competition was held more grandly, so that more players came to participate.

Because there are too many photographers coming to participate, this has also led to the extension of the competition this year, and the final selection time has become the latest one in the past years.

On this day, the annual h.S International Photography Awards competition has ended successfully in London, UK!

The final winner was finally selected by a number of professional judges.

This time, the first work is really the most difficult one in the past!

It's not that there are too many photographic works that can reach the first place this time.

Nor is it because the photography of this session is really bad.

On the contrary, the photography works of this session are all very good.

In particular, they have struggled with many geniuses to become the number one photography work.

This photo shoot is really excellent! awesome!

It can be said that they were the first to see the work, and they had already set it subconsciously. This work is the champion of this year.


The only disadvantage of this photographic work, that is, they are very tangled is-

The model in this work is not an ordinary amateur, but a star!

If it is just an ordinary little star, that's fine. Anyway, if you don't study it carefully, you won't find it.

However, it is strange that the model in this photograph is not an unknown star!

It's a ... It's been exploding recently, and it's also spread all over the world, becoming the most popular international star now!

Such a star with a worldwide reputation is the first model to win a photographic work?

Needless to say, this will definitely cause uproar.

What's more, maybe there is bad public opinion about their photography contest being unfair and unfair ...

Therefore, the judges of this year's h.S International Photography Awards competition will be so entangled!

However, in the end, all the judges chose to return to their original heart, and giving the first place to the pair will definitely cause a huge wave, but it is also an excellent photographic work.

That's right, the photographer who won the first photo of the h.S International Photography Awards is not someone else, it's Allen.

The star model that entangled countless judges is Xia An!

And when the results of the h.S International Photography Awards competition were announced, sure enough, as all the judges guessed, their current photography awards competition caused a stir in the Internet!

Of course, the person who caused this uproar is also Xia An as the model of the work!

The attention of the original h.S International Photography Awards competition is actually not very high.

After all, it is a professional photography competition, not a very popular entertainment competition.

The people who follow this competition are also some photographers and photography enthusiasts.

Therefore, when the result of the game came out, it did not cause a boom in the first place.

What everyone is more concerned about is that the first person in this h.S International Photography Awards competition turned out to be a Chinese.

Until ... Some people recognize that after the first model in the pair of photographs named "Hope and Redemption" turned out to be their own goddess, it's not calm!

[Slotted slot! You may not believe it! The model in the first prize of this year's h.S International Photography Awards turned out to be my goddess Xia An? !! 】

[Oh my God! This photo of Xia An is so good! It really is like the name of the work, hope, and redemption. 】

[Deserves to be the first prize-winning work! Really great! I can really see the feeling of hope! 】

[Xia An's face is also amazing! Watch "Come!" Challenger! When I was in China, I felt that Xia An was a very powerful person.

When watching "Xia'an's Star Hut", I felt that Xia An was a very hardworking and good mother.

When I saw this photographic work of Hope and Redemption, I saw the conflicting survival desire of despair, hope and redemption in Xia An.

Xia An is really amazing! I now think that she can really perform "Return to Earth" and really be a good actor. 】


Allen ’s award-winning “Hope and Redemption” photo for Xia An was mad on the Internet!

After all people saw this photo, it was all overwhelming and very excited.

After all, this is the first time their Chinese have won this international photography award.

Isn't that a pride?


Although, because of the reason that Xia An is now normalizing, the photographer Allen has been completely out of the limelight.

Let everyone's attention be focused on the photographer model of Xia An.

However, Allen didn't care much. He was a behind-the-scenes staff member.

Anyway, now that his work has won the first prize, he became the first place in the h.S International Photography Awards competition, and also the first Asian and Chinese to win this award.

Gradually, the work "Hope and Redemption" was spread farther and farther, reaching the base where Xia An is now staying, and the United States went.

Although it is said that in the photograph "Hope and Redemption", Xia An did not make up and did not deliberately do any exquisite look.

Just dressed in a simple, even rude white dress.

The moist hair had no shape at all, and scattered loosely in front of her collarbone.

The setting of the photo was not too complicated, it was just a big tree that had withered, but had a green sprout, and a bright full moon.

Such a seemingly simple and ordinary photo, but it is also understandable to foreigners, and also sincerely loved this photographic work called "Hope and Redemption".

Many foreigners who don't feel much about Xia An, seeing Xia An's expressiveness in this photographic work, they are all in love with this Chinese girl with dark hair and black eyes.

At this time, the blond pS work that Xia An liked most in InS was also surpassed by this "Hope and Redemption"!

All foreigners' most beautiful impression of Xia An is not limited to that blonde pS photo.

But all of them, because of this award-winning work "Hope and Redemption", changed their views on Xia An.

In a real sense, all foreigners accepted Xia An with dark hair and black eyes, and really felt that this Chinese girl with different hair color, eyes and skin color was different from them, so beautiful!


"Sister Xia An! Why haven't you told me in advance that you have been Allen's model? And you took such a picture to participate in the International Photo Contest!"

As a Xia An agent, Xu Tiantian was really caught off guard by the first prize of h.S photography!

She was so busy that she didn't pay much attention to the winning works of the h.S photography award contest.

She was later told by others that the goddess of her own family was once again alive.

After she watched the latest hot topic, the whole person was bad!

This is a misconduct! As Xia An's agent, she is really too industrious!

Seeing that his agent Xu Tiantian's children's shoes were so angry and depressed and regretful, Xia An blinked, and apologized for not having a stand.

"Sorry, didn't I forget this thing ..."

The words that Xia An said were really true. She didn't tell any falsehood.

She really just forgot about it.

Although, afterwards, Allen called again and told her that the pair of entries they collaborated with won the first place.

But she is not a photography lover or a photographer, so she didn't take this matter to heart.

Who knows, she was just a photography model, but in the end, she was still hot again. God knew that it was a photography competition.


Looking at Xia An's innocent appearance, Xu Tiantian didn't know what to say.

She had to sigh and said helplessly.

"Sister Xia An, whatever you want to do next time, tell me in advance, you know?"

Xu Tiantian looked at Xia An very solemnly and said very seriously.

"I'm your agent. I need to know what happened to you before anyone else. You see, it's like this time, if I don't know in time, I will sign all the advertising endorsement contracts. Then we will lose a lot of money! "

Having said that, Xu Tiantian was thankful for a while, but fortunately, she screened the advertising endorsements too carefully.

Each brand is doing surveys and evaluations in order to choose the best six brands that are most suitable for its own goddess to cooperate with.

If she hadn't been so careful, she would have signed the contract now.

Then she is really going to cry now!

Now the value of my own goddess is very different from the value of my own goddess!

In the past, Xia An, although relying on the "Star House" variety show in the world, the popularity is also close to those of the top American flow artists.

However, in the end, Xia An is still a relatively junior artist, especially because she relies on variety shows, and there is nothing compelling.

Therefore, in terms of fashion resources, Xia An is simply too weak to drop scum.

No fashion magazine and international luxury brand are willing to find Xia An cooperation.

Stars without fashion resources, even if they are so popular, they will be ridiculed.

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to fashion resources.

Especially those international top brands are the resources that many stars compete for in the domestic entertainment industry.

And even if it is a front-line big name, it may not be able to grab the image spokespersons of those top international luxury brands.

It can be said that fashion resources is definitely a tempting pie that all stars want to grab.

Before, Xu Tiantian also felt that her goddess was so unmotivated and so lazy, there must be no great hope in fashion resources.

But what she didn't expect was that her own goddess gave her such a big surprise!

It is the model of the first prize in the h.S International Photography Awards!

The h.S International Photography Awards competition is not a well-known competition though.

However, the popularity and popularity of the h.S International Photography Awards competition is definitely the highest in the photography world!

In particular, the h.S International Photography Awards competition is related to public welfare.

Of course, the most important thing is that the photography industry is also involved in one aspect of the fashion industry.

So, this time, Xia An is really ... for a shit!

"Sister Xia An, you may not know. Just now, I received invitations from many internationally renowned luxury brands, and they all want to invite you to shoot image advertisements for them."

Although the other party did not say that he was a brand image ambassador, it was enough to make Xu Tiantian happy!

After all, shooting brand image ads is a step closer to brand image ambassadors!

Seeing Xu Tiantian's more and more excited look, Xia An was really a little funny.

The girl was a bit angry just now, but now she got excited.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at any time, you take care of it."

Xia An nodded with a smile, at this moment her mind was thinking about the very important and top priority when her company officially opened.

"Sister Xia An, I think ... otherwise we'll all pick up! Anyway, all of them are international big names, and all of them won't cause any loss to your image."

Suddenly, Xu Tiantian said very seriously.

"Ah? Connect all?"

Xia An did not expect Xu Tiantian to be so ruthless, and looked at his agent a little bit.

"Yeah! It's all connected! Anyway, you were ready to take over the advertising endorsement last time. This also shows that you are actually very empty!"

Looking at Xu Tiantian's inevitable appearance, Xia An didn't know if it was digging a pit for himself or for himself?

Anyway, she thought, since there is nothing good for herself but good for herself.

Then all connected, all connected!

"It's up to you, watch it for yourself."

After seeing Xia An nodded and promised, Xu Tiantian almost did not jump up.

She can now be sure that in the near future, the goddess of her family will definitely become a big man in the fashion circle after the variety show and film and television industry!

Based on the ever-changing temperament of her goddess, she did not believe it. With such an opportunity, the goddess of her family still couldn't win several top international ambassadors!

Just when Xu Tiantian was full of confidence and gearing up while operating fashion resources for Xia An.

The tasting of the award-winning work "Hope and Redemption" on the Internet is also getting hotter!

It is true that at the beginning it was the model Xia An who set the fire on fire, but as time passed by.

The award-winning work "Hope and Redemption" allows more people to understand the artistic conception they want to express.

This also allows more people, because of Xia An, to realize the competition of Allen's "Hope and Redemption" and the h.S International Photography Award that is doing public welfare every year.

Soon, under the influence of Xia An and "Hope and Redemption", the h.S International Photography Awards competition was on fire.

Its popularity has not only exploded among photographers and photography enthusiasts, but has also exploded among countless ordinary people.

Countless people have paid attention to the public welfare activities involved in the h.S International Photography Awards competition because of Xia An and Hope and Redemption.

Doing public welfare and charity has always been an issue of global concern.

Many celebrities are also doing public welfare and charity, whether or not they do it wholeheartedly.

However, you can get a lot of praise and influence by doing it.

This is why the h.S International Photography Awards competition is so popular.

However, no one thought that the public welfare activities made the h.S International Photography Awards respectable and attractive.

And Xia An has also received attention and respect.

However, Xia An did not receive attention and respect for the public welfare activities of the Photography Awards.

She was completely because--

[Shou Shou, have you watched Alan's latest interview? I almost forgot that Xia An had also been abducted! 】

Because of the first place in Hope and Redemption, Allen got angry.

Numerous interviews smashed at him, and when he was interviewed, he had to talk about Xia An and some of the things that happened during the filming of the award-winning work.

As a matter of course, Ai Yixie said that Xia An had rescued Gu Shumo, who had been trafficked in a remote village at the shooting location.

And when this interview was broadcast, it was not reminiscent of the "Come!" Challenger! "Is the tracing message for the lost child?"

They didn't finish the full version at first, they just knew that Xia An rescued a little boy while filming.

Although they admire Xia An, they soon forgot.

And this time, Allen told the whole thing in a vivid and interesting tone. Now, Xia Nake has become a hero in everyone's heart!

And those who have questioned Xia An ’s Chinese kung fu are all eating melons and embroidered legs. At this moment, they can be regarded as beating.

After all, Xia An rescued a kidnapped child from a strong man in the countryside!

Soon, Allen's interview was moved to their own country by foreign media.

After the English translation, after eating the melon in foreign countries, they were more excited and shocked than the melon-eating people in China!

They all praised Xia An on the Internet.

Such a move also shocked a lot of big coffees, among which there were directors, producers, and ... big names in the fashion industry.

Xu Tiantian never thought of it!

She is still humming and doing a high-level fashion plan for Xia An. Whoever dreamed of it, was stunned by the pie dropped from the sky!

"What ?! Are you telling the truth ?! Your brand wants to find us in Xia An as the Asian Ambassador ?!"

"You invite us Xia An to Paris Fashion Week in spring?"

"Cover shot for Fashion magazine?"


On this day, Xu Tiantian answered her phone call and her legs were soft, but she was not tired, but scared.

She didn't expect that she was deliberately thinking about the fashion resources she wanted to get for her goddess.

What is the image ambassador of a luxury brand! What a high fashion week! What are the magazine covers of the top five fashion magazines? These were originally in her plan and have not been achieved. Today, they have all been achieved!

Can this not make Xu Tiantian feel soft and feel so unreal?

"What the **** happened ..."

Xu Tiantian murmured softly and turned on the computer. As a result, she found out that the goddess of her own family is doing it again, and it has become a hot topic on the Internet.

After quickly seeing what happened, Xu Tiantian felt deeply ...

It's time to find some assistants!

I really do n’t know why the goddess of her family is so 吝啬 吝啬, even she does n’t even ask for an assistant.

She thought that she would be enough by herself.

But now it seems that she still has to hire a few assistants to help Xia An, no, more precisely, to help her!

She is responsible for handling announcements, communication, and scheduling for Xia An's schedule. She is too busy.

Wherever there is time to stare at what happened on the Internet every day.

So ... recruit!

Must recruit people!

After secretly muttering in his heart, Xu Tiantian, an actionist, moved quickly.

However, she also knows Xia An's personality, she doesn't like it very much, and it is difficult to trust strangers.

So-Xu Tiantian is very resourceful and plans to recruit assistants from Xia An's fan base.

In this way, Xia An couldn't fault it.

The new assistant will also work very hard.

Thinking of this, Xu Tiantian felt that he was really too witty!

Because Xu Tiantian is a senior fan of the Xia An Support Association, Xu Tiantian didn't take long to find an assistant, and immediately found a suitable candidate!

Xia Anke didn't know that at this time, her team was gradually growing.

"Ha ~!"

Xia An yawned and lay on the sofa without an image.

Because of the killing of the role of Joan she played in "Return to Earth", Xia An also officially "unemployed" and became a "unemployed nomad".

However, on the surface, her main job is unemployed, but her deputy is about to rise ...

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