MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 65

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"It's okay, director, I can play better. Just now I always thought that Joan's image should not be so rough and not aesthetic."

The reason why Xia An would say this is because, in the script "Return to Earth", although the role of Joan is similar to her, there are still some differences.

That is--

"Yes, yes! Joan was a dancer before injecting scavengers. Her movements must be more feminine, even when fighting."

Because Grace was really overwhelmed by Xia An's 'Chinese Kung Fu', he forgot about some of Joan's characteristics for a while.

It wasn't until Xia'an just said that he remembered that the role of Joan could not be played so violently.

When he was looking for the heroine Joan, his main goal was still on the dancer.

It is a pity that when I saw several famous dancers, I couldn't help it.

Until accidentally recommended by a friend such a baby Xia An.

"Ann, can you?"

In fact, it is not very important whether or not to dance. After all, the script is his own, and he can do whatever he wants.

However, he also hoped that Xia An could do it, as she said, to play more beautifully.

"no problem."

Xia An nodded with a smile, and said with confidence.

When it comes to Joan's role, the biggest difference with her may be the identity of a dancer.

The heroine Joan is a carefree and happy dancer when the earth has not exploded into a crisis.

When the biochemical crisis broke out, she was a purifier who joined one of the Hundred Talents Program. She injected scavengers with other contractors and was frozen in the laboratory waiting for the elimination of biochemical viruses on the earth ...

Although it is said that Xia An is not a dancer and has not learned any dance.

However, her body is very flexible, and the explosive beauty can make her learning ability very strong.

There is a saying that is good. Haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?

She hasn't seen anyone in the last days. She has also seen people who are also pretending to be beautiful in the last days.

So if you want to make the action beautiful, she can really imitate it. After all, there is not much difficulty.

"Okay, well, let's do this again!"

Grace clapped her hands and let everyone make up, and when Xia An changed a new white dress, she waved her hands.


As soon as Grace's voice fell, all the actors repeated the scene they had just performed.

The actions and lines are exactly the same as before.

However, at the moment when Xia An started acting, her actions were completely different from the previous one!

If the previous set of fighting moves were done in one go, they are very clean and explosive.

So this time, Xia An ’s fighting action was really beautiful!

Every action brings the feminine beauty, but without losing strength.

If the foreigner knows Tai Chi, he will understand that although Xia An's play is soft and looks very beautiful, it can be softened.

Of course, Xia An doesn't like this style of play.

Because it is too fancy, because of the excessive pursuit of aesthetics, it is necessary to reduce a lot of offensiveness.

In the last days, they are the least practical. After all, in the last days, they are even more about killing zombies with one hit.

Everyone looked at Xia An's beautiful, dance-like movements, and fell into a dull again.

This time, even Grace, it was stunned by the earthquake.

However, this time everyone was astonished by Chaian's beautiful and beautiful movements!

So, after this set of moves by Xia An, once again ... ng.

"Ann, I'm really sorry"

When Grace came back to God, it was annoying!

Xia An's set of actions just now can be called perfect!

Such a set of action lenses can be called a classic!

He has filmed for so many years, and dare not say that he is a director of action films.

However, no action actor he has watched or any action drama he has directed has performed as well as Xia An!

Whether it's a simple, rough and handsome play, or a beautiful and flawless play, Xia An is the only one.

Looking at Grace's extremely annoyed look, although Xia An was a little tired of this one after another ng remake, she said again.

"It's okay, let's do it again. Director, this time, I will definitely play better than before ..."

Xia An is not lying, after all, she is also the first time to imitate this fancy play, and the second time, she will be more proficient.

Therefore, she is still very confident.


Upon hearing Xia An's words, Grace's eyes lit up immediately, and the annoyed expression on her face became excited.

"Oh! Really? That's really great!"

Everyone else was very curious when listening to Xia An's words. After all, in their eyes, Xia An's hit just now was super beautiful and perfect.

But now, what can Xia An say is better than just now? ? ?

"However, you can't be in a daze this time, I don't want to do the fourth pass."

Xia An glanced at the actors who partnered with him, and said very seriously.

At the words of Xia An, the others nodded a little embarrassedly.

"Have you heard! No more ng!"

Regus repeated again, with a serious expression on his face.

It's as if he is going to eat someone next time.

"OK! Director, this time we will never be in ng again!"

"I will never be here again!"


After getting everyone's assurance, Grace took a deep breath and sat back in the director's chair.



After the day of filming, Xia An returned home, only feeling very hungry.

Today, because of shooting and playing, her physical strength really consumes a lot.

After calling and calling the room service, and letting people deliver the meal to the suite, Xia An was paralyzed on the sofa.

However, it wasn't long before Xia An closed her eyes and rested, and her cell phone rang.

Because this is the United States, no one knows her mobile phone number except her baby son and directors Han Han, Xu Dao, Grace, and Gu Shumo.

For those who can make calls during this time, Xia An knows that the caller must be Han Yue without looking at the electric display.


Xia An answered the phone weakly.

Sure enough, the person who called was Han Yue who hadn't run away.

"Hey, Xia An, I'll tell you a big good news. Our Xia An's Star Cabin was bought by FX TV!"

Han Yue's loud, excited voice successfully made Xia An frowned, and took the phone away from her ear.


Listening to Xia An's lack of interest did not stop Han Yue's excitement at this time.

"Xia An, our show was purchased by FX TV. Our next show may have some changes. Also, you have to follow me to FX TV ..."

"Change? What changed?"

Xia An grasped the point and asked questioningly.

"Haha, you'll love this change. That's when we want to change hotels!"

"Change hotel?"

"Yes, change the hotel. At the time of signing the contract, FX TV felt that it would be possible to change to a hotel every time to shoot ..."

After listening to Han Yue's explanation, Xia An felt quite interesting.

Although she is comfortable in the presidential suite of this hotel, she doesn't want to move at all.

However, since it was a show, she followed the instructions.

"okay, I get it."

After talking, Xia An wanted to hang up.

However, just as she was about to hang up, Han Yue added another sentence.

"By the way, FX TV likes your image very much. After a while, we will conduct a joint promotion with FX TV, and also take a make-up photo. You are preparing to prepare recently, and you will have the best. The state goes. "

After answering Han Yue lightly, Xia An hung up the phone.

She suddenly noticed that she seemed to be getting busier after coming to the United States.

Although she really enjoys corruption this little day, but she is really busy from morning to night every day.

Sure enough, filming is laborious and time consuming!

In the future, she will still take less dramas to shoot ...

Just as Xia An was preparing for her movie, her company, and her variety show.

At this time, China was waved by another round of news from Xia An.

The original topic of Xia Ancheng's non-editing video has not faded. At this time, because of another news, Xia An appeared again and again with great attention.

And the news is--

[Tell everyone a big melon! Xia An's second variety show is about to be aired on FX TV in the United States soon! The news is real! 】

As soon as this news came out, not many people believed it at all!

After all, American television has never broadcast a program belonging to Asians.

[Bragging! Xia An can't even mix domestically, can he still enter foreign variety shows? 】

[Did I not say, Xia An can speak English? Also American television. 】

[Although I am a fan of Xia An, I also want to see Xia An's new works. However, I don't believe that Xia An's programs can be broadcast on foreign TV stations! 】

[This melon must be the funniest and most exaggerated fake melon this year! 】

[I'm not Chongyangmeiwai, but Xia An's presence on American TV stations is simply not enough! Not to mention that it is a paid TV station such as FX. The programs bought by this TV station are very commercial programs. Why do they want to buy a Chinese 18-line actress for a TV station that has always watched money? Isn't this an idle egg hurting? false! It's really too fake! 】


And when they didn't believe the word of the broke person in China, they didn't expect it. Soon, they were beaten again!

A very incredible fact was before them, as if it was a dream ...

Read The Duke's Passion