MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 60

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Xia An's side has been going abroad for luck, and is still in luck, while Xia Jinghao's side is continuing to be bad.

Fortunately, compared with the first time I participated in the show, the second time I participated in "Mom is back", life was not so bad.

At least life is not so hard.

But, even if the living standards in the program have gone up a bit, but those public opinion on the Internet will meet for a while and will not disperse!

In particular, I don't know if some people who eat melon proposed that Xia An was blocked and the program was blocked because of Xia Jinghao's speculation.

Originally, Xia Jing's good person collapsed a little bit. At this time, even if it was blocked, but the heat still left a lot of Xia An in a relationship, it was even more fiery.

However, this fire is black.

After all, some time ago, Xia Jing was well-known, and she was scolded by the show team employees.

At this time, although there are still many black materials on the Internet. But, because "Come on! Challenger! "It's too hot! It's so good!

So when "Come on! Challenger! After the broadcast was stopped, it was a large number of netizens who were arguing for Xia An.

Now that Xia Jinghao is likely to be the culprit after the show was stopped, all the netizens have concentrated all her grievances on her.

[Xia Jing is well out of the entertainment world! 】

[What kind of entertainment is not properly mixed with Mrs. Kuo! 】

[It's so good to be a rich man, to block anyone who is upset. 】

[What's so good about "Mom is back!" "come on! Challenger! "It's a hundred times better than" Mom Back "! 】


Originally, the "Mom is back" program group was thinking that Xia Jing would come to participate in their show this season. That was to increase the ratings and to make a big gimmick.

Who can think that the first issue has not been officially broadcast on TV yet, as a result, the gimmicks are indeed there, but that is all negative!

Especially Xia Jinghao, this ancestor is really a big ancestor!

It was tortured to accompany her to record the show!

Now their program team is not only to serve such an ancestor Xia Jinghao, but also to do public relations for this ancestor, but this makes their staff of the entire program team dumb to eat Huanglian Not out.

There were sorrows from Qi Qi in my heart. I knew that killing Xia Jing would not change Xia An!

Although Xia An also has black materials, they are at least professional! At least not that hard to serve.

After finishing the second issue of "Mom's Back", when Xia Jing took Bian Fu Anqi back home, she found that many netizens on the Internet were scolding her.

This is about to breathe Xia Jing's breath.

She had suffered a lot in the countryside and had a lot of anger in her stomach.

As a result, I saw a lot of people scolding her on the Internet and even stepping on her to hold Xia An, which made her angry enough.

Even so, Xia Jing, who was a stubborn, still read all the comments about her on the Internet.

However, when she finished watching, she found something terrified.

No, it's not so much a thing as a comment.

[Strange, I don't know why I always feel familiar with this Mrs. Fu. 】

[Familiar with +1, I always feel like I have seen this Mrs. Fu somewhere. 】

[Well, I also think this Mrs. Fu seems kind. 】


Looking at the comments, there were some comments that said she was good-looking, as if she had seen them somewhere. Xia Jinghao's face suddenly turned pale.

Although, these comments were rare, not even scolding her, nor pulling out Xia An to compare with her.

However, the look on her face was even more ugly than the comments she had just scolded her!

The dignified and elegant face had inexplicable ... panic.

"No, it's impossible, no one will recognize ..."

Xia Jing was holding the tablet tightly, her fingertips were pinched to death.

At this time, she really regretted it. She regretted what program she chose to participate in to combat Xia An!

The good days of these years still make her ... too proud to be ...

So that she forgot, in fact, before she was Xia Jinghao, she had another identity ...

Here, Xia Jinghao's bad luck seems to be continuing.

On the other side, Xia An, who lives in the United States, lived smart all day.

Every day I am either enjoying life or making a plan to enjoy life, that is really a spirit to nourish Xia An as a whole.

The state of the entire person is very good, and the vision of the entire person is also broadened.

It was just beautiful in the past, but now I have experienced a great degree of enjoyment in these materials, as well as some particularly aggressive places to go in and out, and all kinds of people I met, that makes Xia An's temperament A qualitative change.

If in the past, Xia An had only affected his temperament because of his good looks, and then improved his temperament.

So now, it is her own vision and life experience that have changed her temperament.

"Oh! See you this time, you look even more beautiful."

When the foreigner, Grace, saw Xia An again, that was a great compliment.

Listening to Grace's emotions, Xia An felt that the great director was too exaggerated.

It's only been a week since I met, and there has been such a big change.

As a client of Xia An, she didn't notice a change in her temperament, which made her face look a little higher.

Han Yue and Xu Dao who met with Xia An almost every day did not notice it. After all, they were too familiar with Xia An, especially in their cognition, Xia An was always beautiful, so it was not as keen as Grace.

"Thank you."

But although Grace's response was exaggerated, Xia An thanked him with a smile.

"Ann, have you finished the entire script?"

After complimenting Xia An, Grace went straight into the subject very professionally.

"Well, after reading it. I think Joan is a great character. It really looks like me, but I'm not as good as Joan."

Xia An whispered with a smile.

After watching the entire script, Xia An suddenly felt a great sense of security.

Although she has never acted, she has never acted.

But Joan's character really resembles her, especially the background of this movie, which makes Xia An very touching.

This double familiarity made her more confident.

I have more confidence to play this movie.

"Haha, Ann, you are really too modest. In my eyes, you are as good as Joan, you are all brave and strong intelligent women."

Listening to Grace's praise, Xia An pursed her lips and smiled.

She is not modest, she was just an ordinary girl who could not be ordinary before the end of the last days.

And after the end of the last days, she is just a beautiful ordinary girl with good memory.

It wasn't until the late ... She was about to become a brave and strong woman like Joan because of various things.

And these are all ‘cheating’ from her powers, not born like Joan.

"How's it going, are you confident?"

Grace looked very relaxed at Xia An's smile, he already understood in his heart, Xia An must be able to play this role.

"Well, I have."

Xia An nodded with a smile, and said with confidence.

Recently, she not only watched the script, but also like Xu Dao, a professional who asked for some acting knowledge. She also tried to play the role of Qiong herself.

Although she is still semi-perfect, she believes that with her strong memory, she can still learn while acting, and play the role well.

"Okay, then I'll inform you now. Next week, you will officially join the group. I think it's time we also promoted our heroine ~"


Xia An did not expect that Grace was a super-rapid person.

When it comes to propaganda, the next day I really saw that the international media was advertising her movie that she was about to play.

And the most terrifying thing is that she did not expect such a foreign director as Grace, and she also made foreign films, which would have such a big influence.

The actors who only announced the movie "Return to Earth" on the official website are all here.

As a result, all major media in China released this information as soon as possible.

[International major director Grace "Return to Earth" officially announced all actors and actresses, Joan, an important character, is reportedly taken down by a mysterious Asian. 】

[The heroine of "Return to Earth" is set by the leading actress in the International Heartbreaking Day. 】


Because Grace's films have always been very marketable and word of mouth.

So, although the film "Return to Earth" didn't reveal much, it just has an encyclopedia profile.

But there are still many people looking forward to it.

In particular, the role of the heroine Joan in this movie is rumored to be a black-eyed, black-eyed Asian character, and it has attracted the attention of all Asians.

Of course, there is another important reason that has attracted much attention is the fierce competition for this role by major frontline actresses in Asia.

Every day, this actress is going to play Joan ’s script, or the actress is very happy to meet Grace.

Therefore, the film has not yet started to be filmed, and it has become very popular in Asian countries.

Now that the news that this high-profile movie has finally been settled on is a heroine, does that mean that the entire Asian network is boiling?

Not to mention that Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries are narcissistic and think that the heroine Joan who was personally set by Director Grace is the actress of her own country.

Just talking about the Chinese people who eat melon, it is already a big fight on the Internet, and they are guessing which female star Joan ’s role has won, and which female star is suitable for this role .

Of course, not only are the crowds guessing which actress the leading actress set by Director Grace will play, even the big and small actresses are guessing that the first in Asian history Who is a female star who plays the heroine in Hollywood ...

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