MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 57

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"Sister Fairy!"

The moment the door was opened, a fleshy little guy ran out of the room.


"Gu Shumo! You are not allowed to hold my mother! Let go!"

Looking down, Xia An looked at the little coquettish girl who was holding her thigh tightly, and she was really a little crying.

She really didn't expect that Gu Shumo was waiting for her in the hotel.

Originally, she thought that there should be a transfer, at least not until tomorrow, she would receive Gu Shumo from Father Gu.

"Let it go! This is my mother! Only I can hold it!"

"Don't let go! Don't let go! Grandpa said, I will live with my fairy sister in the future, and my sister will take care of me!"

When Xia An came back to God, he saw two little guys who looked very delicate and beautiful.

She shook her head helplessly, after having already felt herself, I am afraid to deal with the naive behavior of these two little guys every day.

He stretched out his palm, and Xia An was holding one in one hand, holding both little guys together.

"Well, don't bother you both. In the future, we will all live together and you will all get along well, you know?"

Listening to Xia An's words, the two children who had been so quarreled with each other became quiet.

"I see, mother."

"I see, Sister Fairy."

Seeing that the two little guys were small and aggrieved faces, Xia An murmured silently in his heart.

It now appears that the male lead and the villain are really born into discord.

Regardless of whether or not there is a female lead, these two little ones will still look down on each other.

"Yes, fairy sister, my grandfather said he would let me pick you up for dinner."

After Xia An had put all her luggage in, she saw Gu Shumera pulling her clothes corner and said softly.

It turned out that Gu Shumo still had this transfer job.

It's just that this little guy wants to see Xia An sooner.

Therefore, we will arrive at the hotel first, just waiting to inform Xia An.

After listening to the place where Father Gu invited her to eat, it was a well-known Michelin restaurant, and Xia An agreed.

Even the idea of ​​taking a break was dispelled.

After packing a little, I hurried to the dinner with the two little ones.

"Oh, that Asian girl looks so good, like an elf."

"Is she an Asian star?"

"What a beautiful Asian girl."


Because of being abroad, Xia An didn't have to disguise himself before going out, as he did at home.

Since going out this time, because she was in a good mood, she didn't even wear a mask, so she went out with two small ones.

As a result, along the way, that has attracted a lot of comebacks.

Even when sitting in the dining room, the attention was still tightly attached to her.

No, Xia An just took two young people to sit opposite Mr. Gu and saw the waiter showing a beautiful and exquisite dessert in front of her.

"Miss, this is the dessert for you from the next table."

Looking at the dessert in front of her, Xia An was a little dumbfounded.

This is the first time she has encountered such a situation. Before she went out, she had always been posing or boxing, so she had not encountered such a experience of being sent something.

Now, for the first time in the world of peace, Xia An feels that she is beautiful ... she can really use her face as a card to brush!

"Oh, Miss Xia is really charming."

Mr. Gu Lao looked at Xia An with a smile, and said with ridicule.

Looking at Mr. Gu's smiley face, Xia An was calmly prepared to enjoy the dessert that looked very delicious.

But, unfortunately, before she had time to pick up the spoon to eat, she saw the two little ones again.

"Waiter, take this away! My mother doesn't eat food from strangers!"

"That's it! I'll pay for what the fairy sister wants to eat! Take it away!"

Xia An watched the reaction of the two little guys, and she was completely stunned.

However, she didn't hold back because of their actions, but because ... the two little guys even spoke fluent English!

It's really fluent in English!

This made her a person who returned all the English to the university teacher, and she felt a bit shameful!

She said she picked up English again because she was going to a foreign Hollywood movie.

But now! She couldn't be as smooth as the two little guys said!

"Sister Fairy, what can you eat, Xiao Can can buy it for you! Grandpa said I'm rich!"

Gu Shumo stared at Xia An with bright eyes, like a puppies only to please his owner, but he could not do it.

As soon as Gu Shumo said this, Xia An hadn't responded yet, the little guy sitting on the left of Xia An was anxious.

"I ... I have money too! I can buy a lot for my mother!"

Seeing the cuteness of these two little guys fighting for favor, Xia An and Father Gu looked at each other, and both laughed out loud.

"It seems that Miss Xia is fascinated by my grandson. If our grandson inherits the property from the future, it seems that our family's industry is afraid to change the name to Xia.

Mr. Gu teased in a good mood.

Xia An listened to Father Gu's words, but quickly waved his hands.

"Mr. Gu, don't make fun of me."

"Haha! However, watching my grandson like you so much, I am more assured to give him to you."

After saying this, the smile on Father Gu's face faded a lot.

"Mr. Gu Lao ...?"

"Forget it, let's eat first. After dinner, let's talk about it somewhere."

"it is good."

After seeing Mr. Gu Lao calling the waiter, the waiters in suits soon began to serve them a series of exquisite meals.

Looking at the plate of exquisite and small food, after Xia An tasted it one by one, she really felt that the foreigners' food was delicious and delicious, but the portion was really too small!

However, a smaller amount is still beneficial.

For example, this prevents her from becoming a cruel reality because she is too delicious and eats too much.

After enjoying a delicious exotic food, although Xia An felt a little pity, the weight was still too small, but he was content to follow Grandpa Gu to leave the restaurant and go to a private club for tea and food.

"Xiao Mo, you go out with Xiaoxing. I have something to talk to your sister Xia."

After sitting in the luxurious private VIP room, Father Gu sent the two little guys out.

Although the two little ones were a little unhappy, they were obediently obedient.

I saw that when the two little guys went out, Father Gu reversed the relaxed look just now. For a moment, the old face was full of seriousness.

"Miss Xia, I know, maybe the request I made this time, you feel a bit inappropriate, but I can't help it anymore."

Looking at Mr. Gu Lao's serious face, Xia An asked in confusion.

"Isn't it just to help you take care of your grandson for the time being, it's nothing, but it's okay. You pay for it, I'll do it for you, this is a clear trade, you don't need to think too much."

Mr. Gu, who was still serious and stern, heard Xia An's blunt words. For a time, he didn't know whether this beautiful woman was too naive or ... too cold-blooded.

However, this answer from Xia An was still amused by Mr. Gu, and he was even more relieved.

"Okay! If you do, I am more at ease placing my grandson with you. You can rest assured, as long as you take good care of my grandson, I will give you a very generous reward. Or, what are your requirements? You can mention it to me, as long as I can do it, I can satisfy you. "

Mr. Gu is a businessman. He has always disliked using emotions to do things.

What he always likes is the clear relationship of interest.

With such an interest-driven pull, he is more secure and not afraid of betrayal.

"Don't you already get paid?"

Xia An raised a brow and said with a smile.

"No, that's thanks to Han Yue. I haven't paid you for your remuneration, and my grandson doesn't know how long to take care of you, always ... I need to give you some benefits first."

Mr. Gu sipped a cup of tea, and the old **** was talking.

At this moment, he looks really different from the kind and grandfather who was just kind.

At this time, he was more like a businessman with good calculations, and he looked a little bad.

"I am not in a position to elaborate on my family affairs. However, my grandson really wants to ask you for more snacks in the future."

The last kidnapping and abduction really scared Grandpa Gu.

He didn't expect that Tiger Poison wasn't eating his son yet, but his son really hated it so much that with a small affection, even his son couldn't care less.

It seems that as long as his son is not dead, it is his bottom line.

Thinking of the horrible wolves at home, and the restlessness in the company ... Father Gu had no idea that in his old age, he had to fight so hard.

To ... his only grandson was fighting.

"Okay, your grandson will take care of you. But ... since you said you were going to be paid, I won't be kind to you."

Xia An didn't pretend at all, she was never a little white rabbit and a white lotus.

She's always been ... and cheap, so take advantage!

Anyway, what Mr. Gu said was so straightforward, she wouldn't pretend to be pretending.

"You don't need to be polite with me, as long as I can do it."

"I want to ... start a company."

Xia An did not hesitate to tell this matter, she was originally short of funds.

But now, since someone sent it, she directly opened the company!

"Start a company? In the United States?"

Father Gu really didn't expect that Xia An would make such a request.

He had thought that this woman would withdraw money.

However, he really didn't expect that this woman who looked empty and beautiful still had such an ambition.

"What? No?"

"No, of course, I will help you."

Read The Duke's Passion