MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 5

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In the morning, Xia An was still eating a large meal in his sleep.

As a result, the chicken drumsticks and cakes were just held in their hands, and before they were eaten in their mouths, they were awakened by a harsh ringtone of a mobile phone.

At first, Xia An decided to ignore this untimely phone call, but the little guy sleeping on her side was also woken up.

"Mom, your phone seems to be ringing ..."

Seeing that the little guy was also woken up, Xia An opened his eyes with some anger, and held the phone in his hand.

Looking at the strange number on the screen without a note, she frowned and connected the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, she heard--

"Miss Xia An, when is your 300,000 penalty penalty?"

The voice on the phone is a woman's voice, which is very nice and gentle, that is, the words are confusing.


Xia An rubbed his eyes and looked at the phone again, only feeling that he had a hallucination.

"Miss Xia An, if you are not paying compensation for our company's liquidated damages, then we will take legal measures against you ..."

"Ha ha! The scam phone is really high-end now, but I'm sorry, I'm not the kind of idiot to be fooled."

After talking, the sleepy Xia An hung up the phone.

Hum hum! I received a scam call or something early in the morning, and it felt really bad.

And it hurt her that she didn't finish her dream meal! gas!

"Mom, is it a liar?"

Xia Xingchen looked at Xia An's face with a bad expression and hung up the phone. He blinked with big watery eyes and asked obediently.

"Well, it's a liar."

Xia An nodded decisively, saying that she owed 300,000 liquidated damages, how could that be!

How could she ...

Eh? !! and many more! Liquidated damages? ? ?

For a moment, Xia An, who was still sleepy, suddenly woke up.

She suddenly thought about the former agent's former agent who had told her a few days ago ... the original owner seemed to have a liquidated damages!

"No ..."

Thinking of this, Xia An scratched his head anxiously.

If the call just now wasn't a scam call, it was true ...

Then she didn't really have to pay 300,000 liquidated damages? !!

When Xia An thought that her five hundred thousand and eighty thousand would have to pay three hundred thousand liquidated damages, her mood was suddenly not beautiful!

For no reason, I lost more than half of the deposit, and who is willing to give it to anyone!

Xia Xingchen, sitting next to Xia An, looked at his fairy mother scratching her head in an imageless manner, and seemed to be very irritable. He leaned carefully towards Xia An.

"Mom, are you upset?"

Looking back, Xia An looked at the little boy carefully, she took a deep breath, and tried to control her emotions, so that she would not scare this well-informed little guy.

"No, mother is thinking about what breakfast to eat for you."

With that said, Xia An felt a little hungry.

As a result, the issue of liquidated damages was immediately left behind by her.

He took out his mobile phone, and Xia Anhua turned his grief and appetite, and ordered it again ... a lot of breakfast! !! !!

She had completely forgotten what she said to herself last night.

When Xia An had eaten another super-rich and large breakfast, she looked at herself in the mirror and lost herself, and there was a sadness in her heart.

QAQ is not that she can't control her appetite! But all blamed the **** liquidated damages call!

After Xia An threw the pot out, he felt much more comfortable.

But I feel more comfortable in my heart, but ...

"What is the penalty?"

Although Xia An didn't want to think about penalties, which caused her pain, in fact, she has now taken over the body of the original owner, so the penalties will naturally become her Trouble.

Thinking about it that way, Xia An changed the schedule set yesterday and planned to help the little guy arrange what to buy in the bedroom. All of them were postponed.

After having breakfast, Xia An took the fairy tale comic book bought yesterday and asked the little one to read the comics by herself, while she was sitting at the desk in the bedroom and opened the notebook.

The only advantage of the career of the original owner as a celebrity is that-what things are basically not too private things can be found online.

So after Xia An opened his notebook, he searched the Internet for the two keywords, "Xia An" and "Liquidated Damages".

Sure enough, Xia'an did not expect it at all. Just entering these two keywords gave her all the information she wanted!

However, after searching out the information she wanted, Xia An's mood was even worse than before! !! !!

Because of the message displayed on the computer! !! !! The liquidated damages she owed was more than one! !! !!

[Actress Xia An was revealed to have an illegitimate child, and missed the upcoming large-scale love show "Heartbeat Diary", and has to pay a fair penalty! 】

[National First Love Xia An ’s image of an unmarried child has a serious inconsistency with the image of a certain advertisement shot today! Coming soon ...]

[Recently, actress Xia An ...]

Xia An looked at the search results of 'Xia An' and 'liquidated damages' on the screen. She just felt cold.

She just counted it seriously. There are at least five liquidation damage programs she wants to compensate for!

Conservative estimates, there are a million smaller!

And the original owner only left her ...

RMB 580,000!

And because of her recent profligacy, she now has less than 570,000 left!

If she really wants her to pay a million dollars in liquidated damages, what will she pay! (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

and also! All the money is used to pay liquidated damages. What money does she use to eat those delicious ones! (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

When Xia An was worried about the troublesome liquidated damages left by her original owner, she didn't know that she was still in the heat of dissipating the unborn child. , On a hot search.

[Vase actress Xia An explodes with porcelain acting skills, and sure enough, people don't want to be invincible! 】

# 击 瓷 , 夏安 #

# 演技 爆 , 夏安 #

Before Xia An didn't know, she went on hot search again!

And this hot search still has video!

At first, Xia An was not well known because of the illegitimate child, and the heat was still high.

Be regarded as the hottest and most topical female celebrity recently.

Of course, the heat is black and red.

Now, as soon as this video of Xia An's "Porcelain" comes out, of course, it quickly became hot search.

The video has just been released but it takes only a few moments, and there are already hundreds of thousands of clicks!


"Lao Xu! Lao Xu! Our show has been saved! It has been saved!"

Han Yue hugged the tablet computer while excited, rushing in through the door.

The ordinary face was full of excitement and joy at this time.

The man called Lao Xu saw the expression on Han Yue's face, and he put down the guest list form in doubt.

"What's wrong? Did you get the investment?"

Xu Lin looked at his friend with a funny smile and laughed.

The two of them are a close friend, and all of the high schools and universities are in the same school, and their careers are very well matched.

One is a director and the other is a screenwriter.

However, although their careers are very close, they have never cooperated.

The reason for not cooperating is very simple. That is, Xu Lin is a big-name director, while Han Yue is a screenwriter.

Moreover, what he excels and loves is still a screenwriter who writes variety shows.

However, now, as their best friends, their first cooperation is about to begin! This is a large-scale wild survival star reality show produced by Han Yue and directed by Xu Lin!

But because Xu Lin is a "newcomer" who has become a monk halfway, their programs are not optimistic for investors, and even the choice of star guests, they do not have much choice.

"What kind of sponsorship is you? It's almost like you're pulling sponsorship. I'm just a little transparent."

Han Yue smiled and accepted the words of his friends. After laughing at him, he talked to his partner and friends about the serious business.

"Xu Lin, look at this."

Then, Han Yue handed the tablet to Xu Lin.

Xu Lin took the tablet handed over by Han Yue, looked at the video playing on the computer, and watched in doubt.

"how about it!"

After Xu Lin watched it, Han Yue asked excitedly.

"What's up?"

Xu Lin was aggressive, he didn't understand what his friends were excited about, and what he was watching.

"What do you think of this female star! How about being our guest?"

As soon as Han Yue's words came out, Xu Lin's mouth twitched.

"She? A guest on our show? Are you kidding me? Do you know that she is now half-killed because of her illegitimate child? Also, our show is survival in the wilderness, please ask her such a cute female star Come to our show ??? You are not mistaken. "

The video that Han Yue had just let Xu Lin watch was not someone else ’s video. It was the video of Xia An Touching Porcelain that was hot searched today.

However, after listening to Xu Lin's words, Han Yue not only was not attacked at all, but also expressed his views with great excitement.

"Lao Xu, you don't understand it! This Xia An is on fire now, though, the fire is black. But you can't deny that she is the hottest star now."

Speaking, Han Yue tuned the video to Xia An and fell to the ground, crying Jiao Didi, I saw the look of pity.

"Also, don't you think it would be interesting to have such a lovely guest on our wilderness survival show? You think, a female guest who can do nothing, and a female guest with dark materials , Was thrown into a hardship show like ours, would the audience wonder how she would survive in the wilderness? Would n’t it be nice to see her being abused in the show? "

Xu Lin listened to Han Yue's words, pondered carefully, and thought that what his friend said was really the same thing!

Who said that in the wilderness survival programs, all the needs are very powerful guests!

If that's all the case, what else is there to watch!

"What you said ... seems to make some sense."

Xu Lin is also an old man who has been in the entertainment industry for a long time. After listening to Han Yue's words, he really felt that if he could invite Xia An as a guest, it would be a really good choice.

"Of course! The most important thing is-"

Han Yue opened his mouth and smiled mysteriously at Xu Lin.

"What's the key?"

Xu Lin asked curiously.

"Xia An is cheap! This way our show crew can save another money for post-production!"