MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 49

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"Mom, is this our home?"

"Hello! How many times have I said that she is my mother, not your mother!"

"But I think she's my mother!"

"Stupid! You are not allowed to grab my mother with me! If you are calling my mother, I will let my mother take you to the welfare home!"


Xia An looked back at home, and the two little boys were noisy again. She was really a little speechless.

Obviously, the son of her family didn't like the kid trafficked to the country at all. However, the obedient son of his family just wanted her to take the child home again.

Originally, Alan planned to raise the child in the hospital to raise her body first, and then asked the police to find the boy's family, but what she didn't expect was that her beloved son had to let her bring the boy back.

However, along the way back, it was obvious that her beloved sons did not agree with others.

"Well, don't cry, don't cry."

Xia An looked a little bit at the kid with a temper and sitting on the floor crying. He really regretted picking up the kid.

God knows that she is most afraid of crying.

"Woohoo ... Mom, oh ~!"

The little fellow felt the fierce look around him, and after thinking about what Xia Xingchen said just now, he took a nap and changed his tongue.

"Sister Fairy, I don't want to go to the orphanage."

"You are good, if you don't cry, you won't be taken away."

Xia An lifted the little boy off the ground and let him stand up.

I have to say that the little boy's appearance is very exquisite and beautiful. After washing, he looks really like a little prince, and also reveals a sense of nobility.

It doesn't look like a child from an ordinary family.

"Woohoo, fairy sister is good, I don't cry."

Seeing the boy holding back his tears, he opened his eyes hard and stared at his own appearance, cheating inexplicably, this boy actually looked like his own good son.

"Mom! I want to hug too!"

When she lowered her head, Xia An looked at her horns, and looked at her Xia Xing with an aggrieved look. She shook her head with a smile.

"Since Xiao Chan is what you want to take home, then you will be responsible to others later."

As soon as Xia An's words fell, he saw two exquisite and beautiful little guys, all of whom had big watery eyes and asked in confusion.

"Who is Xiao Chan?"

"Xiao Chan is him."

Xia An pointed at the crying little boy with a smile and said with a smile.

"We don't know his name either, let's call him his name for now."

While Xia An was teaching two little guys to be obedient, suddenly she heard a sudden knock on the door.

Obviously there was a doorbell on the security door of her house, but the sound of knocking on the door kept being beaten hard.

Frowning, Xia An was a little uncomfortable and walked outside.

The door was opened, and she saw a middle-aged fat woman with her aunt rolling, standing at her door.

"Who are you.

Before Xia An had finished speaking, she was interrupted by the woman outside the door.

"Xia An, you have hardened your wings now! I do n’t even give it to my family every month! You say what you want to do!"


The moment Zhu Hong spoke, Xia An sharply recalled that the woman's voice was the 'stepmother' who had called her and asked for money.

"Why should I give you a home."

"Just because I'm your mother!"

In the face of Xia An's indifference, Zhu Hong was really anxious.

She never saw Xia An in her eyes, and Xia An had always been very resolute to her. Now she was seeing Xia An being so `` disrespectful '' to her. Where can I stand it?

It's just a pity that the Xia An she is facing now is not the Xia An she used to be.

"Sorry, my mother died long ago."

After speaking, Xia An was too lazy to bother with the woman who claimed to be her mother, and closed the security door directly.

The sound of "bang--!" Really made Zhu Hong stunned.

When she returned to God, she started knocking wildly again.

Oh no, this time she was completely irritated by Xia An and slammed the door crazy.

"Xia An! You open the door for me! What do you mean! Don't forget who supported you when your dad died! If you didn't, would you think you could still live in the Xia family for so many years as a princess! Open the door for me! ... "

Listening to the noisy scolding outside the door, Xia An decisively called and asked the community security to drag people away.

Xia An never thought that the original owner had such a big trouble.

However, as long as she is not a mother, she does not think it is a big problem.

Therefore, Xia An didn't care too much.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

After hearing that there was no sound outside, the little guy gently pulled La Chean's palm and muttered quietly.

"Okay, mommy cooks for you."

Xia An rubbed the little guy's hair and went to the kitchen to cook for the two little guys and himself.

After watching Xia An went to the kitchen, Xia Xing, who was still very good, suddenly changed her face.

"Hey! Do you really don't remember where your home is, or pretend you don't."

Xia Xingchen had a small face, staring blankly at the little boy who was almost as tall as him.

"Ah? Brother Xiaoxing, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Can blinked, an innocent look on the delicate face.

"You're pretending, right?"

Looking at Xiao Can's innocent and cute appearance, and listening to him calling himself little star brother, Xia Xingchen only felt that his hands were a little itchy, and there was an urge to hit people!

He even regretted picking up this annoying little ghost!

"What do you pretend, little star brother?"

"Don't call me Brother Xiaoxing! So disgusting!"

Xia Xingchen couldn't stand the fleshy Xiao Chan. He frowned tightly, and gently touched the jade pendant of the double dragon play beads hanging around his neck.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had seen him in a dream ... he wouldn't let his mother bring this nasty ghost back!

If Xia Xingchen now regrets picking up Xiao Chan, then Xia Xingchen will even regret it at night!

"Um, there's only one bed. How do you sleep tonight ..."

Xia An looked at a room with only one bedroom and one bed, and she tangled for a moment.

Because she likes the little ones, and because of the trouble in the back, she has never bought a second bed, and she sleeps with the little ones every night.

And now ... there is another little guy.

"I want to sleep with my mother!"

"I want to sleep with my fairy sister too!"

"You are not allowed to sleep with my mother!"

"Woohoo ... I just want to sleep with my fairy sister ..."

Seeing these two little guys quarreling again, Xia An really didn't know what to say.

Eventually she got a headache from the two little guys and waved her hands.

"Okay! Don't bother, sleep together!"

Under Xia An's 'repression of force', the two little guys finally stopped.

And Xia Xingchen, it was the intestines that had regretted it. At a young age, he felt a kind of super regret for the first time.

Humph! I knew I wouldn't let my mother pick up this nasty ghost! It's really annoying!

"Well, you go to take a shower, we can sleep after the shower."

After a long day of cheating, Xia An now only wants to go to bed early.

"But, it seems that they don't take a bath by themselves."

The little guy was very faint after taking a shower, but when it was Xiaochan's turn, he was confused.

"You don't have to take a bath yourself, you have to do it yourself!"

Even his own good son, Xia An, did not help take a bath, let alone the little ghost they picked home.

After looking at Xia An Leng's face lightly, Xiao Chan's lips squeezed tightly together, and finally he nodded.

"Aunt Fairy, I know, I will obediently take a bath myself!"

"Well, good."

Xia An touched Xiaochan's head lightly, and she would never hate children who are good and sensible.

Although this child picked up by them seems to be a bit coquettish and cry? It kinda made her a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Xiao Chan's pitiful take on changing clothes and taking a bath, Xia An laid the bed and lay on the bed, and saw their little boy looking at him with a look of grievance.

"Xiaoxing, what's wrong?"

Xia An patted the bed and motioned for the little guy to come over.

The little guy sat beside Xia An very obediently and relied heavily on Xia An's arm.

"I don't like my mother being so nice to Xiaocan ..."

Looking at the little guy's jealous appearance, listening to his poor babbling, Xia An laughed out loud.

"But didn't you insist on bringing it home? Why, if you don't like others, why do you have to take him home?"

Xia An tilted her head and looked at the little guy. In fact, she didn't understand the little guy insisting on bringing Xiao Chan back.

Therefore, she was kind of wondering what her dear son thought.

"Just think he's pathetic."

The little boy thought for a while, muttering lowly, his head down.

Looking at the picture of the little guy, Xia An knew that this little guy must not have told the truth to her.

But looking at what the little guy didn't want to say, Xia An had no intention of saying anything.

"Well, the police will help him find his parents, and he won't stay in our house for too long."

Xia An rubbed the little guy's head and said with a smile.

After listening to Xia An's words, a little smile appeared on the little boy's face.


Unfortunately, Xia An did not expect that the efficiency of police work was not so high.

At least, not as high as she imagined.

"What? The police still don't have that many clues?"

Listening to the words coming from the phone, Xia An frowned subconsciously.

Allen called, and the reason for the call was not good news, but Xiao Chan was there, but his parents were not found.

This made Xia An a little dazed.

Because the fifth issue of "Come! Challenger! "I'm going to shoot with my eyes closed, and after this show, she will go abroad to discuss the cooperation with the American Grace director.

Therefore, this matter is really not a good thing for her.

After all, Xiaoxing can go through all the formalities for going abroad, but Xiaocan, a lost child who has been trafficked by a trafficker, cannot do it.

"I see."

Xia An hung up on the phone with a little embarrassment, and was thinking in her heart, should she put Xiao Chan to Allen, or find a child care institution?

It turned out that the little guy gave her a very good suggestion.

"Mom, we can take him to Uncle Han to record the show. If he was on the show, his family should see it, right?"

The little boy blinked and said very seriously.

Listening to the little guy's words, Xia An's eyes lit up instantly.

"Yeah! If Xiao Chan is on the show, he will soon find his family!"

After all now "Come! Challenger! "The show is so hot, if you want to find Xiao Can's family, it must be a matter of minutes!


"What did you think of Xiaoxing?"

This method is not unexpected, but the response of her obedient son is too fast.

Compared with these strange behaviors of her family's obedient son about Xiao Chan's this day, she has more and more doubts about her family's obedient son.


The little boy blinked anxiously, before he finished speaking, he said happily when he saw Xiao Chan who was staring at Xia An standing beside him.

"Because Brother Xiaoxing is a genius!"

"... All said, I don't like to call me Brother Xing. So disgusting!"

"But Brother Xiaoxing is taller than me."

"... Call me Brother Xiaoxing, and I will let my mother go out without you."

Seeing the two little guys were noisy again, Xia An's doubts were immediately dispelled, and some were just funny.

Forget it, anyway, Xiaoxing is still just a child.

Xia Xingchen didn't know, and his recent weirdness was seen by Xia An.

Even though he is a genius, he is still a child.

Although, he is a very special child.


He knew who this little Chan was. To be precise, he should know who Xiao Chan might be.

After all, in his dream, Xiao Chan is already a tall and tall adult.

As for why he was able to say at once, let Xiao Can participate in the show recording to find his family ’s statement-

That's because he saw it in his dream. That's how his former sister Fu Anqi helped Xiao Can find his family.

Although he really hated Xiao Can, his fairy mother seemed to hate Fu Anqi.

And Xiao Can ’s family background seems to be very powerful. If he was rescued by Fu Anqi just like in his dream, then he always feels that this is not good.

Therefore, even if he hates Xiao Chan, he doesn't want to leave this opportunity to the people who his mother fairy hates.

Where can Xia An think of his baby son dreaming of future things, and where can he think of it, only a child of five or six years old has already thought about so many complicated things in his mind.

She didn't even know that under such a young age, Xia Xingchen could think about it so carefully, just to protect her.


"Okay ~ let's go out."

This time, when Xia An once again participated in "Come! Challenger! 》 Recording, but this time there is another child, so this luggage has become a little more.

When Han Yue watched Xia An appearing in front of him with two small radish heads, it was amazing.

The two mothers and sons, Xia An and Xia Xingchen, looked very good at first. He didn't think that even the children that Xia An picked up in the countryside looked so good.

It's more beautiful than the photo that Xia An gave him.

"Xia An, don't worry, we have added photos of Xiao Can at the beginning and end of this week's program. It is particularly conspicuous that Xiao Can's parents must be able to find it."

As soon as he got in the car, Han Yue said to Xia An.

Listening to Han Yue's words, Xia An nodded, because she felt that she would not be able to catch up with the time until the broadcast of this program.

So Xia An simply called Han Yue a few days ago, got rid of Han Yue, added Xiao Can's photo to the program, and made a short and eye-catching notice.

In this way, it is estimated that when she finished recording this week, Xiao Can's parents should be able to find it.

"But they don't want to go home, Xiao Chan wants to be with the fairy sister."

When Xia An and Han Yue were chatting about Xiao Can looking for their parents, Xiao Can, who had been sitting quietly with the little boy, was a little unhappy.

Turning his head, Han Yue looked at Xiao Chan's face with a serious and pitiful expression, and immediately laughed.

"Hahaha! Xia An, I really didn't expect that you are quite child-friendly."


Xia An drew his mouth a little speechless, too lazy to take care of Han Yue's ridicule.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the town where the challenger's fifth issue was to be filmed.

When the other five guests saw that Xia An had brought another child, they were all surprised, and thought Xia An had a second child.

But when they heard that this was the kidnapped child rescued by Xia An, they were all sad.

"Xia An, you are really interested."

"Our goddess Xia is beautiful and kind."

"Need me to help Xiao Can forward the tracing notice? My Weibo can help you send the tracing notice."

Facing the enthusiastic help of Xu Jinyang and others, Xia An shook her head with a smile and refused.

"No, I have already got rid of Han brother when this episode aired, I will insert the tracing notice of Xiao Can's parents, so I think if you are lucky, you can find Xiao Can's parents this week.

When saying this, Xia An was only 60% sure.

However, her luck should be pretty good.

When "Come on! Challenger! "When the third episode was broadcast, Xiao Can's parents were found as Xia An said, and they were found the first time.

"come on! Challenger! "Itself is the most popular variety show recently, and the ratings are higher than many old-fashioned variety shows, or the recent big TV series.

Not to mention online play volume!

So when the third challenger aired, Xiao Can's parents were found.

"Ah ?! Isn't that Xiao Mo's house?"

"Mom, is Grandpa Gu's Xiao Mo lost ?! I saw him on TV! He said he was looking for his parents!"


When the third issue of "Come! Challenger! "When the broadcast was over, this time there were only a few guests who were no longer alone in the hot search.

This time, Xiao Chan, picked up by Xia An, also followed the hot search.

Xiao Chan was originally very delicate and cute, but she looked better than the young stars in the entertainment industry.

In addition, he is still a missing child who was trafficked by traffickers and rescued by Xia An, which is even more remarkable!

However, none of these Xia An knew.

She originally took a picture of Xiao Can to Han Yue, and let him do a casual search.

However, what she didn't expect is that Han Yue wrote her up very meticulously.

It also wrote in detail, how she met Xiao Can, how she rescued Xiao Can, and how she took home. It was very detailed.

So, this time after the third episode of Challenger aired, Xia An was again named by Han Yue as a person with good intentions and the title of "God Abduction".

[My goddess is beautiful and kind! Can also rescue a kidnapped child! 】

[Hehehe! I don't think anyone dares to say that my goddess Xia has no love now! What if people do n’t donate all the bonuses for public welfare? See which star, like our goddess, went out to work and rescued the abducted children by the way, and took them home very lovingly! 】

[Passers-by say the road has changed! Xia An is a star full of positive energy! I hope there are more such stars, so that there will be less children lost around us! 】

[The child is really so lucky, he actually met a kind star like Xia An. Just for this, I will be a Xia An fan in the future! 】


The program just aired. What everyone didn't expect was that Xiao Can ’s parents found it or the next most important thing. The most important thing is that the response to Xia An after the program was broadcast this time is huge!

This time, Xia Anke was not just about making headlines on entertainment gossip.

This time, she also made headlines in social news!

Even more rewarding, many stars did not expect ...

After all, there are too many traffickers, and there are too many children being trafficked in the country.

Originally, the country was preparing to aggravate the torture operation recently, but now, with the emergence of Xia An, it has just become an opportunity, which has given Xia An another opportunity.

Xia An, who was still shooting the show at this time, didn't know it at all, she was still shooting the show very seriously.

However, when Xia An finished filming the program, after learning about this series of things, it was really cried and laughed.

She never thought about what to do as a good person, nor did she think about what to do as a hero.

As a result, she didn't do anything. She was crooked and turned into a hero with a heroic character? ? ?

This is really the anxiety that makes Xia An look ~

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