MTL - Transmigrated into the Film Emperor’s Death-Seeking Fiance-Chapter 261 Extra 70

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261 Fanwai: Wei Lan (April 1)

Fanwai: Wei Lan (April 1)

Wei Ming and Wei Ming talked for a long time, when she came out of Wei Ming's room, her eyes were red, Wei Wei was uncomfortable. When she thought of Wei Ming and she said, "When you were young, you liked that guy , I have no objection, then you like Weiwei City now, and I wo n’t object either. Just Xiaoyu, you know, I ’m older than Weiyang City, I ’m more than sixty, and I ’ll leave before him In this world, I ca n’t protect you forever. So you have to be careful, do n’t let yourself suffer. Dad supports you no matter what you do. I have worked hard all my life, not just for my daughter, my grandson, Do whatever you want, so do what you like, as long as you are happy. "

Wei Wei felt that she shouldn't, she should n’t marry Wei Weicheng, she should n’t let her father worry about her in her old age, she even thought it was okay. In love, it is better to break up. But when she saw Weicheng, she couldn't say. Weicheng had been giving in for her. She could see his contribution, so she couldn't hurt Weicheng.

She could only tell him, "If you are sorry for me, I will not forgive you."

Wei Weicheng said, "No," he said, "Xiao Yun, you have to believe me. We should trust each other, at least learn to trust each other."

Wei Wei thought it was difficult, but she nodded. She was willing to give her love a chance. Although this love was tied to the wire between the cliffs, she was willing to take risks and just hope that she was right.

They ended up having a wedding and got married in October. The whole city attracted attention, and everyone did not expect that the "big and small guards" would not commit river water for half a lifetime, and they would finally choose the alliance. Countless eyes were staring at them, wanting to see the next move of the two, but, to their surprise, Wei Ming and Wei Yicheng did nothing.

Wei Ming is busy preparing Wei Lan's eighteen-year-old adult ceremony, Wei Weicheng, Wei Wei and Wei Xun, Wei Lan discuss the future life of their family of four.

"So, my suggestion is that it is more appropriate for us to move to the city center. It is more convenient for us to work and Xiao Lan to go to school." Wei Wei said.

Wei Weicheng echoed, "I think so."

Wei Lan had no opinion, "I can do it."

He looked at Wei Xun, who lowered his chopsticks and said, "I won't move."

Wei Weicheng had already told Wei Xun that Wei Xun would not be willing to live with them. Now he heard Wei Xun's words and was not surprised, just looking at Wei Xun.

Wei Wei knowingly asked, "Why?"

"I don't have the habit of living with others," Wei Xun said. "I'm used to living alone."

Wei Zheng said Kolla. She has no habit of living with others. Her son is not human. Does n’t she live with Wei Lan 365 days and 200 days a year!

"If Xiao Lan moved over, wouldn't you also like it?" Wei Ai asked critically.

Wei Xun thought for a while, and hesitated a little.

He didn't like to be lively by nature, and he was used to being alone. Suddenly he wanted to live with Wei Wei and Wei Weicheng. Why Wei Xun felt unwilling, but Wei Wei moved out of Wei Lan.

Wei Chengcheng knew his son, so he said, "Either Xiao Lan can come and live with us, Xiao Xun is used to living alone, there is no need to let him live with us."

Wei Lan disagrees, "That's no good. The three of us live together. My brother lives alone. What is it? The three of us are happy families. Is my brother a foreigner? I don't want to."

Wei Lan thought about it, "Either this way, my brother and I are still living here, you parents live in the city center, and just happen to be your newlyweds and affectionately, adding our two light bulbs is not appropriate."

He said he also blinked at Wei Wei.

Wei Wei was speechless. "You know a lot."

"That's it," Wei Lan laughed. "That's it."

Wei Zheng looked at him, "Then you don't live with me?"

"The two of us go back to live for two days every weekend, and then if my brother is busy, I will live with you."

Wei Zheng looked at Wei Xun, "How about you?"

Wei Xun gave Wei Lan face, "Yes."

"Let's do it." Wei Wei thought it would do the same. It's almost the same as before. Wei Lan started to move here and lived like this. She spent half of her time with Weixun, so they were happy. End this topic and continue eating.

After eating, Wei Wei and Wei Weicheng left. Wei Lan and Wei Xun went out to send them both. Wei Weicheng had left so many times and it was the first time that he had been given the treatment. Xun glance. Wei Xun still looked a little expressionless. Wei Weicheng looked at it and felt quite unclear. How could a lively person like Wei Lan suffer from this boring character of his son and stay with him every day. But he said nothing and turned away.

@Finity 好 文, all in Jamie

One month after the wedding of Wei Yicheng and Wei Yi, Wei Lan's eighteen-year-old ritual came, which was the first major event after the alliance between the two. Wei Ming was very attentive and did a lot. Wei Lan didn't think it was necessary, but she also obediently attended it, but left secretly after showing up.

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He found a place where nobody was playing the game with his mobile phone. When Wei Xun found him, he had just ended the game and had no time to cheer. He saw Wei Xun in front of him and had to explain to him in guilty conscience "It's boring inside."

Wei Xun sighed without saying him. @Finity 好 文, all in Jamie

The young Wei Xun also hates such occasions, but the young Wei Xun can already deal with those who want to put him to rest. From the age of 18, under Wei Weicheng's training, he grew rapidly and became the biggest card in Wei Weicheng's hand. But Wei Xun didn't want Wei Lan to do the same. Growth is costly. Wei Xun didn't care about those, but he couldn't bear to experience Wei Lan's experience.

"Let's go," he said, "your grandfather is looking for you."

Wei Lan said "Oh" and got up. His birthday is to return to his old house every year, and this year is no exception. This year, however, there are two more people, Weixun and Weiyicheng.

Wei Xun was stopped by Wei Xun when he was about to go to bed at night. Wei Xun saw that he wanted to tell him something and took him to the reception room in his old house. She sat down in a chair and asked Wei Xun, "What's wrong?"

Wei Xun asked her, "Wei Lan is eighteen years old, will he also slowly come into contact with Wei Ming's career?"

Wei Zheng corrected him, "You should be called grandfather, or his grandfather. This is the first time I have met someone in my family who is calling my dad by name, and you are quite brave."

Wei Xun is as good as good, "Will he start to slowly contact his grandfather's career?"

"That is of course. The cause of our family is always passed on to him."

"But the Wei family hasn't been completely cleaned yet, has it?"

"What do you want to say?" Wei Ai was straightforward.

Wei Xun stepped forward and put a USB flash drive on the glass coffee table next to her. He looked at Wei Wei and said calmly, "I'm willing to do something for Wei Ming, make a knife on his hand, and exchange it completely in Wei's house. Before being washed white, Xiao Lan could not take over the affairs of the Wei family, anything. "

"Why are you?"

Wei Xun glanced at the USB flash drive on the table, Wei Wei followed his gaze and took the USB flash drive. "What is this?"

"If I do something that is sorry to your family, what you have is enough to kill me."

Wei stunned for a moment, she unconsciously clenched the u disk and whispered softly, "Your father should have told you, the marriage between our two is an invalid marriage. The two of us are on the surface an alliance. Actually, There are two of them. They do not interfere with each other and do not interfere with each other. He should have told you not to look at me. "

"It has nothing to do with my father." Wei Xun said calmly, "I will come to you to talk about this even if you are not with my father. Now, it's just more convenient."

Wei Zheng looked at Wei Xun and smiled slightly. "Do you think I would promise you?" She asked, "What kind of person are you? We all know, what is the purpose of your doing this? You put Xiao Lan When? His surname Wei, he enjoyed the glory that this surname brought him, and he will bear the responsibility of this surname. Let you do things for my dad, what is Xiao Lan? "

"Of course, Xiao Lan will own and inherit the entire Wei family, but not now." Wei Xun looked at Wei Wei, calmly, and said word by word, "He is the only one in this room who has the name Wei. He has been stained with blood, so he is the person who sleeps most peacefully and has the least burden. His life should be pure and clean. He has never seen it before, and he will never see him in the future. "

All Wei Wei's words were blocked by his words.

She looked at Wei Xun. Wei Xun's face was full of firmness, and his eyes were very dark, but his words were soft to Wei Yan. She remembered seeing Wei Xun at home for the first time. Wei Xun coaxed Wei Lan one night. Wei Lan was angry and ignored him. He scratched his wrists without changing his face, but carefully did not let blood drip on Wei. Lan's bed.

Wei Zheng watched Wei Lan grow up beside Wei Xun all the way, watching Wei Lan rely on him and trust him. On the one hand, she felt that Wei Xun really cared about Wei Lan, on the other hand, she was really afraid that it was all about Wei Xun. acting.

Wei Yi held the u disk in his hand, and his firm heart was disturbed by the words of Wei Xun. Wei Lan's growth is not much different from other ordinary children. If you must say that it is different, then Wei Lan is more free and less stressful, no matter if she is her father, it is invisible. Avoiding the blood that should have been seen by Wei Lan for a long time, the two tacitly taught him the use of fists and various weapons, but did not let him put it into practice.

This should not be the case. Wei Zheng knows very well that even when she was a teenager, she has seen things that should not be seen at this age, so she can help Wei Ming to do things when she is an adult, and she can adjust her own mentality. Make yourself accept and not care about many things. @Finity 好 文, all in Jamie

But Wei Lan hadn't seen it, Wei Wei didn't want him to see it, Wei Ming didn't know why he avoided him. Therefore, the environment in which Wei Lan grew up was clean and warm. He bathed in the sun and grew into the look Wei Wei wanted to cherish most.

Wei Yan raised her eyes and looked at the young man who made her unexpected, and said, "You won't just say these things to me, right."

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