MTL - Transmigrated into the Film Emperor’s Death-Seeking Fiance-Chapter 215 Extra 24

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215 Fanwai: Variety recording for a family of four (21)

Fanwai: Variety recording for a family of four (21)

At the end of June, Yan Qingchi Jiang Mochi took the second recording of "thefamily" with chess and cymbals. The newly joined family soon reached a scene with the other four. The recording was very pleasant. .

The child of this family is a girl named Zhang Muyang. She is six years old this year. Zhang Muyang inherited her father ’s hearty character and took care of children younger than her. She especially likes Lu Mianmian and even wants such a soft and waxy younger sister. Lu Mianmian also likes her very much. She likes all brothers and sisters who are older and take care of her, but her favorite is still younger than her. She rarely met a child younger than herself, so she always pretended to be a little adult in front of her, telling him what was possible and not, and sharing what she got to him.

She is about the same age as her, so she soon got on with her, so Lu Mianmian got the qualification to walk hand in hand with She earlier than Cao Honghui. Cao Honghui was very wronged. He was obviously very good to this little brother, but the little brother still didn't let himself touch him. Zhang Muyang looked at Cao Honghui's aggrieved expression, and felt that the three of them were all lovely. To comfort the aggrieved Cao Honghui, she took Cao Honghui's hand and worked with him hand in hand to do the task.

Cao Honghui felt the care of her beautiful sister. Within a few days, she changed her heart and changed her favorite child from Zhang to Zhang Muyang. It wasn't until the fourth recording later that I finally wanted him to lead me forward, and then I remembered my original heart again and replaced my favorite child with a new one.

However, of course, these uncles did not know. Most of the time he was with chess and chess, and occasionally separated from chess and chess to do tasks, and noisy, he followed his brother and sister obediently. He is a very clear-cut child. Even if everyone is familiar, he just plays with everyone and won't let other people hold him or kiss him. Among so many children, only chess Chess can kiss him and hold him and pinch him. Other people, even watching Boyan who grew up watching him, can only hug him and hold hands with him. If he wants to kiss him, he must nod his consent or go chess. Open your mouth before you are allowed.

Compared with 棋, chess is much more easy-going. Except for 砚 砚 砚 砚 possessiveness, other children cannot call his brother. In other aspects, he speaks well. He and Boyan are the two largest children here, and will inevitably take on the role of captain. Chess and chess take care of these younger children, will help Lu Mianmian tears, and will tell stories to Cao Honghui.

Lu Mianmian and Cao Honghui both like him very much. They think he is very gentle and caring. Sometimes they also want to play tricks on chess and let chess and chess do something for them. Most of the time, chess and chess will promise, only in some When they need persistence and hard work, they will be told to do their own thing, and if they persist, they will succeed. Do n’t feel that it is too difficult to give up and let others help.

He used to coax and coax, he was very patient with these younger children, Lu Mianmian and Cao Honghui were coaxed by him, and he was willing to work together with him to become those that were not so easy for them. thing.

Compared with chess and chess, Boyan is less gentle with other children. Although he is willing to take care of children younger than him, these children are not familiar with him, so he does not have much patience. His patience and good temper gave him the chess that grew up with him the most, and the remaining part was given to him when he grew up.

Zhang Muyang likes Boyan very much. He thinks he is a little cool and wants to be close to him. However, Boyan is only willing to play with chess and chess. When he plays with chess and chess, he rarely notices other people. Tail, Zhang Muyang tried to play with them a few times, and found that he was always accidentally left behind, so he didn't come up again.

Although each child likes different people, it does not prevent everyone from getting along well, and for chess and chess, their favorite is always the other.

Boyan was jealous when he heard the host asked which child Chess and Chess liked the most. He didn't even want to answer Chess. His favorite child is chess and chess, but his favorite child is not him, so when the host asked who he likes the most, he was resentful and said yes.

Bo Feng looked at him and said angrily, feeling that his son was quite proud.

Lu Mianmian also voted for his favorite child, and the host asked him why, Lu Mianmian answered milkily, he was a younger brother.

Cao Honghui tangled for a long time between Xu and Zhang Muyang, and finally voted for Chess. This relieved him that the multiple choice question was difficult.

Zhang Muyang voted honestly for Boyan.

Finally, the host looked at Ji's popular king, "Which kid is your favorite?"

He shouted without hesitation, "brother."

Chess turned and looked at him with a smile, and bowed his head to kiss him.

After he kissed him, he kissed him sweetly.

Boyan looked at the two of them and felt that he was no longer feeling good.

@Finity 好 文, all in

When everyone disbanded, Bo Feng looked at Bo Yan who had been unhappy since the host asked questions, and felt a little funny. He touched Fu Minzhi and let her see what Bo Yan was like now.

Of course, Fu Minzhi had noticed it, and of course knew the crux of Boyan. She asked Boyan, "Are you unhappy about research?"

Boyan shook his head. "No."

Bo Feng patted him on the back of his head, "You still pretend in front of your parents."

Boyan covered his head and looked up at him.

Bo Feng laughed, "Why do you still eat vinegar, they are brothers, they are together 365 days a year, a family, you are not the child of your Uncle Jiang and Uncle Yan, Why do you want to make the chess go beyond the puppet, I like you the most. "

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"But I like chess most." Boyan was unconvinced.

"You and Chess are friends, and Chess and Chess are brothers and family." Fu Minzhi said to him, "What is a family? Just like mom and dad, do you like mom or dad the most? "Fu Minzhi asked him.

"Of course it's mom and dad." Boyan replied.

"That's not it. For chess and chess, I am like relatives like my father and mother. In fact, the question the host just asked is not very rigorous. He should ask chess and chess. Which kid he likes most, besides him. Because He is not a friend, he is different from you. "

"Yeah," Bofeng said, "If you are not happy, you can ask chess and chess. Who is your favorite among your friends? See if it is you."

Boyan thought for a while and thought that his parents were right. He is the younger brother of Chess, and he is not the elder brother of Chess. Naturally, they cannot be compared together.

He said to Bo Feng and Fu Minzhi, "You go back first, I'll find chess." Then he turned and ran to the chess player.

Bo Feng and Fu Minzhi ran away while watching him, couldn't help but glance at each other, Bo Feng sighed helplessly, "Let's go, he's looking for chess and chess, he won't be able to return for a while."

Fu Minzhi thought about what Boyan had just looked like, and smiled. "Gyan is so jealous, but still jealous of his brother."

"How capable he is," Bo Feng said with emotion. "Even if he can run away from home, what else can he do? It is no surprise that he will bring me back a little girl one day."

"What are you talking about, how old is research and how can you bring any little girl back. Besides, he is not angered by him running away from home."

Bo Feng thinks that Fu Minzhi is a doting attitude towards Boyan right now, that is, Boyan said that he wants a star in the sky, and she estimates that she will actually buy an asteroid, named after Boyan. This kind of Fu Minzhi is far too different from the original Fu Minzhi who was just born. @Finity 好 文, all in

He sneaked a glance at Fu Min, but was caught by Fu Minzhi. Fu Minzhi asked him, "What do you think I do? I am wrong?"

"No," Bo Feng smiled. "You're right."

Fu Minzhi was very satisfied, and said, "This is pretty much the same."

She asked Bo Feng what food to go back to, while walking with Bo Feng towards their house, halfway through, Fu Minzhi suddenly found that she hadn't had a fight with Bo Feng for a long time. She carefully recalled how they got along during this period of time, and found that it really did. Even in their daily relationship, the two of them plus Boyan were no different from other families, and Bofeng was more severe towards the Boyan. For some, she is more gentle with Boyan, while Boyan is very keen to stay with them, play together or let them tell stories to him together.

She was a bit surprised, walking forward quietly with her head down, and was walking. Suddenly she was pulled by Bo Feng. There was something in Fu Min's heart. She didn't respond for a moment, and tripped, but fortunately Bo Feng helped her.

"Look at the way," Bo Feng reminded her, and asked curiously, "what do you want? So focused."

Fu Minzhi didn't speak, and glanced at the road in front of her, only to find the place where she had just walked. There was a cow dung in front of her, and she secretly said that it was dangerous.

Bo Feng looked at the aversion to cow dung on her face and laughed, "If I hadn't pulled you, you should step on it."

Fu Minzhi has some cleanliness, not serious, but there are still, so she looked at Bo Feng very depressed, "Do you have to say it to make me think of that picture?"

"Of course not. I'm asking for credit."

Fu Minzhi: ... she could not answer this.

"I can help you, how can you thank me?" Bo Feng asked.

"Thank you." Fu Min said.

"Just a verbal thank you?"

"if not?"

Bo Feng said very preparedly, "My birthday is coming up, and Yan Yan wants us to have a birthday together. I think so, do you think?"

Fu Minzhi was a bit surprised. She hadn't spent a birthday with Bo Feng for many years. I didn't expect Bo Feng would make this request.

Bo Feng saw that she did not directly refuse, and felt that there was a drama, "Aren't you going to thank me, what's your sincerity?"

"I see." Fu Minzhi bowed his head. "I'll get the sky out."

Bo Feng laughed, "Do you remember my birthday?" @Finity 好 文, all in