MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 71

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Hearing Wei Yunzhao's words, Jiang Lin felt that he could write a biography for the two couples. The disgusting behavior of the two couples must be widely publicized so that everyone in the world knows about it. This is what an emperor and empress should do. The cards are worthy of their distinguished status.

Jiang Lin patted Wei Yunzhao on the shoulder, "When that day comes, I will write a storybook, rehearse the play, and spread it all over the country, spreading their 'good reputation' for them."

Su Qiao proposed to get the letter written by his father, but Wei Yunzhao didn't respond. So many people died today, Emperor Changde must have received the news and knew that Su Qiao had come to Wei's house. I sent my life to Emperor Changde.

As soon as he got the letter, Emperor Changde would definitely try his best to get rid of them.

It's too easy for him to want someone to die in a shameless situation.

"By the way, did your father say why Emperor Changde asked him to monitor my father?" Wei Yunzhao asked.

Su Qiao shook her head, "I didn't mention this, but my father said in the letter that it was fine in the early years, just to monitor the movement, and it was only in recent years that my father was asked to do something to cause trouble for General Wei, or to spread some rumors. "

Ever since Wei Su led the army, he has always won more than he lost, and a few years ago, the saying of General Changsheng spread out from nowhere. Perhaps it was at that time that Emperor Changde became jealous of Wei Su. .

There were also some rumors in the army that Wei Su was vicious, violent and murderous without blinking an eye. Wei Yunzhao also heard storytellers say that Wei Su is the incarnation of evil spirits, not only cruel but even cannibalistic. This may be the method of Emperor Changde one of them.

It's just that such rumors are not widespread, and his father has won battles all year round, and the people mostly respect and love him, so the rumors have no effect.

Jiang Lindao: "What else could be the reason? I'm afraid that the Wei family's meritorious service will shock the Lord. From changing the emperor's name to always emphasizing that he is a Mingjun, it can be seen that he cares about his name, so he can't tolerate the people who only know the Wei family. I don’t know that the emperor’s behavior exists, get rid of the Wei family, and the problem will be solved.”

Jiang Lin's guess is not unreasonable, the bird is exhausted and the bow is hidden, the method used by emperors to deal with generals since ancient times.

"Anyway, no matter what the reason is, he did what he did, and the hatred is settled. All we have to do is revenge," Jiang Lin concluded.

Wei Yunzhao nodded and said to Su Qiao, "You will rest at the mansion tonight, and I will take you back to the small courtyard tomorrow."

I think Yin Ji will also mention a thorough investigation of the case in the court tomorrow.

Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao away, and the two went back to the room. Seeing that he was not in a good mood, Jiang Lin reached out and poked his face, "I'm injured now, don't even think about letting me be an injured person to comfort you .”

Wei Yunzhao raised his eyes, looked at Jiang Lin, and said seriously, "I'm a little sad and surprised, I never thought that Su Yuan would be the eyeliner that Emperor Changde arranged for his father."

Su Yuan was picked up by his father, and his father treated him like a brother with another person. In the end...

Wei Yunzhao let out a long sigh, and opened his hands to Jiang Lin, "Madam, I want to hug you."

Jiang Lin complied with his request, and as soon as we met, Jiang Lin heard Wei Yunzhao say, "Ma'am don't say now that I want to take advantage of you."

Hearing this, Jiang Lin stretched out his hand to pinch his chin and kissed him, "Don't you know who is taking advantage of whom now," Jiang Lin leaned into his ear and whispered, "I have touched you all over your body."

Jiang Lin felt that he was not at a loss.

What else could Wei Yunzhao do, he could only say, "Madam is worthy of being a madam, and as a husband, I am willing to...touch you."

Jiang Lin touched his chest, "Do you think I won't touch if you don't want to? Your whole body, from top to bottom, is all mine," so you can touch it as you like.

Wei Yunzhao smiled softly, looked at Jiang Lindao, "With Madam here, I don't have any worries."

Jiang Lin looked proud, that's right, he didn't even look at who he was.

Wei Yunzhao laughed out loud after being teased by such a lovely lady, and his mood became much clearer.

It was not early, and the two of them went to take a shower and wash after arguing for a while. The wound on Jiang Lin's body should not get wet, so he enjoyed the scrubbing service from his husband once, and Jiang Lin felt very refreshed.

He happily went to bed, and discussed with Wei Yunzhao what to do tomorrow.

The veteran who was killed today was arranged by Wei Yunzhao, and the beggar was also the person they asked to help keep an eye on them. I am afraid that someone will get Su Qiao's idea. If you find someone sneaking around, report to him. Have a full meal every day.

But Jiang Lin and the others did not expect that those killers would not spare even these beggars and killed them all.

Jiang Lindao: "Tomorrow I will bring some money to find Wang San, and then I will go to the Yamen to collect the corpses and bury them properly. If there are relatives, the children will be responsible for raising them, and those who grow up will find jobs. Don’t worry about making a living.”

"For the veterans, if you have a family, you can ask Xun Qi to go to their house and send the money home. If there is no money, I will arrange Chang An to collect their corpses for burial. This is what we owe them."

These people would not have died if they hadn't been arranged to protect Su Qiao.

As Jiang Lin spoke, he felt uncomfortable. In this era of peace, human life is like nothing. Jiang Lin felt crueler than the end of the world.

Wei Yunzhao was about to speak to comfort him, when he suddenly heard a shout from outside, "Who?"

Wei Yunzhao immediately stood up, "It's Xun Qi's voice."

Jiang Lin also got up and got out of bed, "I'll go and have a look." There was already a fight outside.

As soon as Jiang Lin opened the door, he saw Xun Qi entangled with several men in black in the courtyard. One of them saw Jiang Lin coming out and immediately changed his target to attack him.

The blade of the sword shone coldly, and the man in black flying towards him was full of killing intent, and was bound to take his life.

"You came so fast, it seems that your master is really scared." Jiang Lin said coldly, and went up to meet him.

The other party didn't take Jiang Lin's words, and only wanted his life, with a fierce offensive and vicious moves.

The kung fu of the man in black is much higher than that of those people in the daytime. Jiang Lin has injuries on his body, and it is difficult to deal with it. Seeing that he is about to be injured, a dagger suddenly flies out of the room and flies over the neck of the man in black. The man in clothes couldn't resist, and his neck was scratched.

Pushing a wheelchair, Wei Yunzhao appeared at the door, and said to Jiang Lin, "Madam, you go and help Xun Qi, just leave this person to me."

Just as Jiang Lin was about to agree, he saw a masked man in white descending from the sky, standing in the middle of the courtyard, and moved his hand at the men in black who surrounded Xun Qi.

Xun Qi had a helper, so Jiang Lin didn't go there. Together with Wei Yunzhao, he took care of the man in black. It's much easier to get up.

When Jiang Lin was about to grab the man in black's sword and kill him directly, Wei Yunzhao suddenly said, "Ma'am, keep alive."

Jiang Lin's body reacted faster than his brain, and he directly punched the man in black on the cheek, one on the left and one on the other.

Wei Yunzhao was puzzled by his behavior, "Madam, are you venting your anger?" He slapped him directly in the face.

Jiang Lin turned his head, "Aren't these people dead men? I'm afraid he'll kill himself with poison in his mouth," anyway, that's how it's done in TV dramas.

"I punched him out with the poison," Jiang Lin said, wanting to make two more punches.

As a result, before the fist was dropped, the man in black tore off his kerchief and spat out a mouthful of blood, with a tooth inside.

Jiang Lin subconsciously apologized, "I'm sorry, but I'm a little harsh."

The man in black gave Jiang Lin a cold look, his eyes wanted to eat people, Wei Yunzhao couldn't help laughing, and asked Jiang Lin to hand over the man to him, and he went to help Xun Qi.

With masked men in white joining Xun Qi's side, it was not so difficult to deal with it. In the past, Jiang Lin had not joined the battlefield before, and it was over.

One person was left alive, and the rest were all killed by the sword of the man in white.

Jiang Lin looked at the other party and made a six-point comparison. The other party nodded slightly, and Jiang Lin pointed him to the room where Su Qiao lived, "There, go and see her."

Yue Heng thanked him and walked towards the direction Jiang Lin pointed.

Xun Qi went to ask the housekeeper to bring and carry the corpse. When such a master enters the mansion, ordinary servants and guards can't handle it at all.

Xun Qi **** the two living men in black with a rope, and asked Wei Yunzhao, "My lord, is the trial now?"

Looking at the appearance of these two people, Jiang Lin felt that there should be nothing to interrogate.

Wei Yunzhao shook his head, "No trial, just tie them up and lock them up. Let the housekeeper send those corpses to the government office tomorrow and tell Mr. Yin that these are all here to kill Su Qiao."

Since the other party sent someone, they will definitely pay attention to the movements of the Wei family, and they will inevitably think about it when they find that the number of corpses is wrong.

Wei Yunzhao wanted to wait for the other party to be anxious, so he came to him on his own initiative.

Jiang Lin gave Xun Qi a hand, took the man in black whose teeth had been knocked out by him, and threw him into the firewood room, threatening, "Don't try to kill yourself by biting your tongue, otherwise, if you die, I will kill you." All the teeth are pulled out, and there is no whole body left to die."

Man in black:"…"

Xun Qi said in surprise, "Ah, it turns out that this is considered dead without a whole body, young lady, you are so smart."

The man in black uttered two words coldly, "Fool," and then hopped and closed the door, showing his dislike very clearly.

Xun Qi kicked the door unconvinced, "What's the matter with the idiot, you haven't even beaten a idiot, so you don't want to lose face!"

Jiang Lin: "..." Jiang Lin always felt that this fool was scolding him.

He hurriedly stopped Xun Qi, "Okay, okay, let's not care about our defeated generals, let him shut up in the firewood room if he thinks he is smart." Don't expose your IQ too much.

Xun Qi was very obedient. He locked the door of the firewood room and left with Jiang Lin, asking as he walked, "Young Madam, if you have to pull out your teeth after death, then it's fine to shave your hair. I always think It’s too cheap for them to just pull out the teeth, let’s shave the hair of the two together, it’s much more obvious than pulling out all the teeth.”

Wouldn't it be more obvious to dismember the corpse directly, Jiang Lin complained silently.

But since he opened the head himself, he didn't have the nerve to say anything about Xun Qi, and echoed Xun Qi's words, thinking that it should be so.

Xun Qi looked very happy, and praised the young lady for being smart and the young lady for being kind.

It wasn't until he returned to Zhaoyun Garden and saw Wei Yunzhao waiting at the door that he disappeared by sight.

After approaching, Wei Yunzhao asked Jiang Lin if he touched the wound and if he needed to reapply the medicine, Jiang Lin shook his head, "I'm fine."

Guessing that Yue Heng would come over to talk to them in a while, the two of them didn't enter the house directly, and sat and talked in the pavilion instead, talking about the one who jumped over the wall in a hurry.

"Look at this posture. Not only do you want to move Su Qiao, but you also want to get rid of us. It's really urgent. We have to be more careful in the future."

Wei Yunzhao looked at the sixth prince who was walking towards them, "Maybe, it's not us who should be wary."

Su Qiao was hurt so badly, if Yue Heng really liked her, he would naturally not let this matter go. Wei Yunzhao still remembered that the oiran who looked like Jiang Jinyue had been silent since entering the palace. There is.

The sixth prince walked into the pavilion and sat down, thanking Jiang Lin and the two, "Thank you two brothers."

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao looked at each other, this title is very subtle.

Jiang Lin cleared his throat and coughed, "Hey, what, it doesn't have to be like this, Su Qiao is my family, we should protect her." The elder brother dare not be anything, nor does he want to be.

Wei Yunzhao didn't want to be the elder brother either, so he just asked the sixth prince what he thought of this matter.

Jiang Lin nodded beside him, "Didn't you check Su Qiao's affairs before, so did you know what your emperor's father did a long time ago?"

Yue Heng shook his head, "I only know that she is a daughter of the Su family, and it was not until today that I realized that the person who pursued her was not arranged by the queen. At first, I thought that General Su, like General Wei, was plotted to die by the queen on the battlefield .”

When it came to this matter, Yue Heng didn't want to hide it anymore, "The reason I approached her at first was to take advantage of the destruction of the Su family to deal with the queen mother and son."

"My subordinates found out that the Sulu family was wiped out, and someone has been chasing and killing the only surviving daughter of the Su family. I suspect that it was the queen who wanted to kill people, just like the queen has always wanted to completely eradicate the Wei family. Same. So after I found out about Su Qiao's whereabouts, I purposely approached her to gain her trust, and tried to extract evidence from her about the Queen's attack, and use it against the Queen's mother and son."

Wei Yunzhao looked at Yue Heng with a cold gaze, "I remember Su Qiao said that you met her because the people who chased and killed her found her and you saved her. So that wasn't the first time you saw her, It was a lie that those people found her, everything was deliberately arranged, right?"

"No," Yue Heng denied, "Although I am ruthless and unscrupulous, I will not attack my own people. Those are indeed the people who chased and killed her."

"The day I saved her was indeed not the first time I saw her. I saw her not long after she arrived in Shengjing and was sold into a brothel. I originally wanted to find a chance to redeem her, but I didn't expect to be snatched away first. "Yue Heng's eyes fell on Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin had an innocent face, "This is really a coincidence, I just wanted to buy someone as a birthday present for Uncle Anyang."

Yue Heng said: "I know, since she came out, I have been secretly watched by people, and I will not show up until those people find her."

The grace of saving my life is a good opportunity to get close to Su Qiao.

"She knows that my purpose is not pure, and I have never concealed it. Being tempted is an accident," but this accident has a greater impact than all purposes, he laughed at himself, "Sometimes I almost forget why I approached her. "

These are two people who are very sober, Jiang Lin concluded.

Wei Yunzhao interrupted Yue Heng, "I can talk about the relationship later. I want to know why the person who killed her found out a long time ago, but only did it today, and he couldn't wait to choose the daytime."

Judging from the behavior of the other party, it is necessary to get the secret letter from Su Qiao. If the secret letter is so important, it is absolutely impossible to let it go for a few months.

Yue Heng explained, "I made some tricks to make them think that Su Qiao had left Shengjing to go elsewhere. It should be that my people were exposed. In addition, they discovered that someone was secretly protecting Su Qiao, so they came back to their senses. kill her immediately."

If someone secretly protected her, it proved that Su Qiao probably told others the secret hidden in her body, so it was urgent to get the secret letter and get rid of her.

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao thought of the fake Jiang Jinyue at the same time, and believed Yue Heng's words. He still has some means in this regard.

After talking, now it's time to talk about how to deal with this matter. Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao meant to make things worse and blame the Queen.

As for the queen's reason for doing this, it is natural to kill people to silence her, "The queen bought Su Yuan and asked Su Yuan to kill General Wei, but Su Yuan didn't do it, and left evidence that the queen asked him to kill and sent it back to Su's house in Jiangnan. So the queen wiped out the entire Su family, and kept chasing and killing Su Qiao in an attempt to get back the evidence and silence her."

To put it simply, it is to push all the things that Emperor Changde did to the queen, but it is impossible for Emperor Changde to let the secret letter be made public, so he either tried his best to protect the queen and turned the big things into small things, or They stomped on the queen together, and put the hat firmly on her head, without giving the queen any chance to refute.

After the incident becomes a big one, it cannot be easily reduced to a small one. The second result is Emperor Changde's only choice. Now that Emperor Changde can't be removed, the queen should be brought down first.

Yue Heng stated, "I can make him realize that this matter can be pushed on the Queen, you just need to make this matter a big deal. But there is a problem, if you use one thing twice, the effect will not be great. "

Yue Heng knew clearly that their real goal was not the queen.

Wei Yunzhao said in a deep voice: "That's why the queen can't die, not only can't die, but we have to let her step back on the last crucial step." How did Emperor Changde accuse the queen of all the crimes? How to return all of this to Emperor Changde.

Jiang Lin added, "If it can be revealed that the queen has committed an unforgivable crime after she has stepped on Emperor Changde, then the scene will definitely become more beautiful."

The speaker has intentions, and the listener has intentions, Yue Heng always felt that Jiang Lin was hinting at him.

But it was quickly denied by Yue Heng. Few people knew about his identity and the murder of his mother and concubine, and it was absolutely impossible for Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao to know.

"By the way, Your Highness, when you went to see Sister Su Qiao just now, she didn't give you a slap in the face or say anything to stop here?"

Yue Heng hadn't figured out what Jiang Lin's words meant, so he heard him speak again, and looked at himself with a smile on his face, gossiping

Yue Heng: "If I say no, will you be disappointed?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, "On the contrary, I would be disappointed if there was one."

The more Heng was puzzled, Jiang Lin analyzed it for him, "Look, the revenge of killing your father, your father not only killed her father, but also destroyed her whole family, and tortured people like this, she doesn't blame her at all. , Do you feel that you are too sober or have too much affection for you, so you don't even care about these. "

Yue Heng frowned slightly, "But I didn't do these things, and he is also my enemy." He didn't like Jiang Lin's words very much.

"Yes, it has nothing to do with you, but you are the son of Su Qiao's sister's enemy. Just because of this alone, there is already a gap between you. Or you can think about it, if the father of the person you like kills someone, you will be very happy." What do you think, dear ones?"

From a rational point of view, the mistakes of the previous generation should not be implicated in the next generation, but people have feelings, and in many cases, feelings do not recognize reason.

Yue Heng is a smart person, and Jiang Lin quickly understood that Su Qiao liked him, but he never thought of spending his whole life with him, otherwise, he would not be angry.

Yue Heng got up and left, going straight to Su Qiao's room.

After the people left, Jiang Lin got up and pushed Wei Yunzhao into the house. Wei Yunzhao asked Jiang Lin, "Didn't you say not to get involved in their affairs before, why did you suddenly remind Prince Liu tonight?"

Jiang Lin: "That was before, but it's different now. Su Qiao's tendons in her arms and legs are crippled, and she has difficulty moving. She needs someone to take care of her, and she needs someone to find a doctor for treatment. Besides, her nanny is gone. She has no relatives in this world." I don't want her to live only for revenge, because after revenge, she has no hope."

What happens to people who have no hope?

The result is known without thinking.

Jiang Lin hugged Wei Yunzhao to the bed, went up and hugged him tightly, "I'm sleepy, go to sleep."

Wei Yunzhao carefully avoided Jiang Lin's wound, "Okay, sleep."

This day is really tiring.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin sent Su Qiao to the small courtyard first, and told Su Qiao, "If someone comes to kill you again, you should tell the other party that once you die, the secret letter will be scattered all over the street." Yes, let them try it out."

It failed again last night, and the corpses were sent to the government office this morning, so I thought it would be a little bit more restrained.

The sixth prince would also send someone to protect Su Qiao, but Jiang Lin was not too worried about her safety, so he only left Bai Wei to take care of her.

But he fell back after walking a few steps, and couldn't help inquiring about the gossip between her and the sixth prince, "How was your chat last night?"

Su Qiao smiled helplessly, "Young Madam, I knew what you said."

Jiang Lin admitted, "Yes, I said it, so is it okay?"

Su Qiao shook her head, showing a little sadness, "Young Madam, you are right, I really care about him, so I don't mind. I can't forget those enemies and so many people who died in front of my eyes, even if he hates him as much as I do." The dog emperor, but he is the dog emperor's son, I can't get over that hurdle in my heart."

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand and patted Su Qiao on the head, "It's actually better than I thought. At least it's not as categorical as last time that you two are impossible. You will know later, the sixth prince really hates the dog emperor as much as you do."

"And how can you think about it slowly, I just want you to remember that besides revenge, you have other things to do, and there are other people who will guard you, not just yourself. "

The author has something to say: After Su Qiao and the sixth prince, the plot is still the main thing, and the relationship line is not very good at writing.

ok, love~

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