MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 46

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After half a month, the two shared the same bed for the first time. Jiang Lin gave Wei Yunzhao a surprise. He said, "Wei Yunzhao, I want to know about the next eighth day."

Wei Yunzhao: "..." closed himself up.

Jiang Lin: "I'm just curious how he could be so violating."

Shut up and be a beauty, open your mouth and become a devil.

"You slept on my bed, but you frequently mentioned other men," Mr. Wei was upset.

Jiang Lin laughed twice, stretched out his hand to hook Wei Yunzhao's neck, "It's okay, my heart is on you, I'm just curious."

In a word, Wei Yunzhao compromised, and talked with Jiang Lin about Chuba's past with a sigh.

Born in a brothel on the eighth day of the eighth day, he also grew up in a brothel. He grew up among women and was raised as a woman. He dressed up his own mother and a group of godmothers, and imitated all kinds of female behaviors. Only when I was more than ten years old, this voice suddenly changed to what it is today, and I can't go back.

According to Chu Ba's mother, she followed his father. She didn't know who Chu Ba's father was, but because of this rough voice, Chu Ba's mother remembered it.

Later, in the eighth year of the junior high school, as he grew older, it was no longer suitable for him to stay in the brothel, and he was kicked out of the house by a group of his mothers.

Wei Yunzhao: "On the eighth day of the lunar new year, I'm used to dressing up as a woman, and I'm good looking. Not long after I left home, I was targeted by a group of thugs who wanted to arrest him and sell him to a brothel. I happened to pass by and rescued him. Then follow me."

After hearing this, Jiang Lin said with disgust: "Your level of storytelling is really not good, and you can't make people understand the follow-up at all."

Wei Yunzhao responded lightly, "Well, I'm going to sleep."

He grabbed Jiang Lin's hand to prevent him from taking it back, and closed his eyes directly.

Jiang Lin began to suspect that he was speaking so blandly on purpose to dampen his curiosity, Jiang Lin clicked his tongue, Mr. Wei's attributes should be sesame glutinous rice **** in a vinegar bowl.

Jiang Lin did as he wished, and didn't ask any more questions, and the two of them held hands and fell into a deep sleep all night.

Wei Yunzhao has gone home, which is a big event for the Wei family. Yesterday, the maid sent letters to each yard, but this morning the three sisters of Wei Yunjia and several aunts from the second, third and fourth rooms all came. Not much, just to see if he is safe, if he is injured, etc., and then go back after asking.

After they left, the butler also came, and said to Wei Yunzhao, "My lord, Madam said she wanted to see you, and she has something to discuss with you."

Wei Yunzhao nodded and asked Jiang Lin to accompany him.

The old pervert demoted the Dong family out of Shengjing, intending that all the members of the Dong family should leave Beijing with them. Therefore, the Dong family had a family split because of this matter.

Mr. Dong has two sons. Mr. Dong is an official in the court, and Mr. Dong is a teacher in the academy, and he is quite famous.

But because of the publication of the book "The Record of Killing Relatives in the Dong Mansion", the reputation of the Dong family fell to the bottom, and the Dong family appeared in the academy at some point, even their own daughters, grandchildren, and grandchildren. If you don't like it, you will kill them with a murderous heart.

When the students started to quarrel, the Academy also had to give an explanation, so Mr. Dong Er couldn't be a teacher. Because Mr. Dong claimed to be completely unaware of the conspiracy between the eldest family and the old couple, he was completely implicated. He asked Mr. Dong to come forward to clarify that this matter has nothing to do with him, and then try to get him to return to the academy as a teacher, otherwise the family will be separated. .

Mr. Dong can't protect himself, and all his past confidants and friends avoid him, so how can they help him.

So Master Dong Er insisted on separating the family and never leaving Shengjing. He still has his wife's family to help him. When the limelight passes, he can go back to the academy, but it will be difficult to come back after leaving Shengjing. What did he mean? They all refused to leave.

Both sides are not good at each other, and many unbearable things were revealed in this quarrel, which made people laugh.

The family is divided. The Dong family led the whole family and the old couple left Beijing to take office a few days ago. The second room did not leave. It has been walking around recently and wants to go back to the academy.

He even handed over the post to Wei's house, but Jiang Lin asked the housekeeper to imprison Wei Yunzhao, but there was no one in charge in the house who refused. Jiang Lin guessed that Mrs. Wei must have known about Master Dong's posting the post to Wei's house.

When Jiang Lin saw people, he found that Mrs. Wei was thinner than when he came back to see her, and her face was very haggard.

When she saw Wei Yunzhao, Mrs. Wei's eyes lit up, and she immediately got up and greeted her, "Yun Zhao, Zhao'er, you are finally back, mother will be at ease when you are back."

Wei Yunzhao nodded, "I'm fine, Mother Lao is worried."

His tone was very light, and he was very distant and polite to Mrs. Wei.

Mrs. Wei noticed it, and her eyes turned red, "Zhaoer, are you denying your mother?"

"No, you are my mother, I won't deny you," it's just that something happened, and it's impossible to be as innocent as before.

Mrs. Wei burst into tears immediately, "Zhaoer, I know you resented your mother. It was because your mother did something wrong in a moment of confusion. My mother will not, and I will never do it again. Don't hate your mother, okay?" Mrs. Wei went up Before grabbing Wei Yunzhao's hand, he was full of prayers.

Wei Yunzhao tried to withdraw his hand but didn't. Mrs. Wei's grip was tight, so Wei Yunzhao could only say: "I don't hate you, as long as you can pass the test in your heart, what's the point of letting me come today?" Have something to say?"

Mrs. Wei cried even more sadly, probably because she felt that she was so estranged from her son that he wouldn't come to see her as his own mother.

Wei Yunzhao didn't persuade her, and let her cry. After crying enough, Mrs. Wei showed the expression that I have something to ask of you, but she was about to speak, but the grandma Sun who was next to her shook her head to signal not to say anything.

Mrs. Wei was very hesitant, Wei Yunzhao gave her a chance, "Speak up if you have anything to say."

"Zhaoer, I meet your second uncle."


Wei Yunzhao didn't respond yet, Nanny Sun yelled first, her tone full of disapproval.

Wei Yunzhao withdrew his hand forcefully, called someone in, and ordered: "Send Madam back to Dong's house, and Nanny Sun will follow along."

Mrs. Wei was in a hurry, and hurried to grab Wei Yunzhao's hand again, "Zhao'er, that's not what I mean, I just want to meet him and talk to him, I won't do anything for him, you believe mother .”

"I believe in you, so you can go back to Dong's house and say a few more words with him, or you can come back later, I won't let anyone lock you out."

After Wei Yunzhao finished speaking, he asked Jiang Lin to push him away. After leaving the door, he could vaguely hear Nanny Sun talking to Mrs. Wei, "Ma'am, didn't I tell you not to mention this matter, the second master wants to see you Don't you know what you are for?"

Mrs. Wei replied with tears, "I know, I won't help him to plead with Yun Zhao, I just want to see the second brother, he just said a few words, mother, I don't know how things turned into this Look, I feel so miserable."

Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao away, Jiang Lin said: "Maybe your mother just really wants to meet someone and say a few words."

Wei Yunzhao answered, "But the Dong family wants more than that. The only use she has in the eyes of the Dong family is that she is my mother. They try to use this relationship to let me help them fulfill their needs."

So it's sad to be born in such a family, and it's even more sad if you can't figure it out.

Mrs. Wei was still sent to Dong's house, and the maids went with her, but she came back not long after, and it is said that she also came back crying. As soon as she came back, she uttered harsh words to Grandma Sun, saying that she would treat her mother's family as no one, I will never have any contact with the Dong family again.

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao just smiled when they received the news, as long as Mrs. Wei can be peaceful and honest, she can always be Mrs. Wei, and the Wei family will take care of her, that's all.

But Jiang Lin let Nanny Sun meet his son, and he asked Wang Sanyi and other beggars to help find him. The Dong family locked Nanny Sun's son in a dilapidated house and gave him a meal every two days Meal, hang your life not to die.

Nanny Sun hugged her son and wept bitterly. After learning from her son what the Dong family had done, Nanny Sun was extremely glad that she chose to listen to Jiang Lin's words. The son will be loyal to the young lady and the Wei family all his life.

Grandma Sun's son is Wang Yang, who is already sixteen years old. There are too few people around Jiang Lin, Chang An didn't even have any errand runners, so he agreed to take Wang Yang as a servant.

But this person belonged to the Dong family before, so he can't be used directly by his side, he needs someone to teach him the rules. Chu Ba took the initiative to stand up and take on this task.

So—Wang Yang stared straight at the big beauty, opened his mouth and almost called a fairy, and then as soon as he opened his mouth on the eighth day of the lunar new year, Wang Yang saw a ghost in an instant, was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Jiang Lin sighed, the eighth day of the eighth day is really a big killer, the kind that kills without seeing blood.

Jiang Lin said expectantly, "Let's let Chu Ba go see Jiang Jinyue earlier." He even wanted Chu Ba to seduce the prince, and when he took off his pants and went to bed, Chu Ba would say again—Your Highness, I am older than you!

It is estimated that the prince will have to be like his own father in this life, it is useless.

Seeing Jiang Lin's smirk, Wei Yunzhao asked him, "But what good thing did you think of?"

Jiang Lin told Wei Yunzhao what he thought, and the expression on Wei Yunzhao's face was...complex.

He said: "In the past, on the eighth day of the eighth day, I pretended to be a dumb girl and was picked up by the leader of the enemy army. Then we captured the enemy camp that night, and the leader never showed his face."

After Chuba came back, he excitedly told about his heroic deeds, which was exactly the same as the method Jiang Lin wanted to use to deal with the prince.

Jiang Lin smiled even more happily, "No wonder I'm so curious about the eighth day of the eighth day. It turns out that we are close friends!"

"Then we don't care about Jiang Jinyue, let Chuba go find the prince." Jiang Lin felt that using Chuba to monitor Jiang Jinyue was overkill, and he could deal with a black-hearted heroine like Jiang Jinyue!

Wei Yunzhao cooperated with him and said, "Okay."

The Wei family suddenly received a post from the Anyang Marquis Mansion, asking Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao to go back to the Marquis Mansion.

Without Zhou Chengwang, a professional messenger, the Wei family's sources of news were much slower. They didn't know what happened to the court, and what was the purpose of Marquis Anyang inviting them back to the marquis' mansion.

Jiang Lin was afraid of being troubled again, so he turned a corner on the way to Hou's mansion and ran to Zhou's house.

Zhou Chengwang, who had been told not to go out recently, was in a panic, and when Jiang Lin asked, he poured it all out.

The first sentence I said was, "Lin'er, your Marquis Mansion has been lowered, and you will only be the eldest son of the uncle from now on."

Jiang Lin probably knew about the Marquis of Anyang, no, it should be the reason why Uncle Anyang sent him back.

"To be more specific, how are the queen and prince doing, and Jiang Jinyue, is she okay?"

Zhou Chengwang smiled, looking very happy, "Lin'er, Jiang Jinyue probably regrets bullying you and the Wei family the most in her life."

The matter started with Emperor Changde's treatment of the queen's mother and child. Emperor Changde woke up and learned from the imperial physician that he was deficient in health, and since then he has been hindered by bed affairs, so he wanted to kill the imperial physician on the spot. The two beauties were arrested for interrogation, and the queen was grounded.

No matter how the two beauties were interrogated, they said that they obeyed the Queen's orders, that they had been poisoned and had to obey the Queen's arrangements, and even confessed to a place in the Queen's Changning Palace that was used to raise Gu.

According to the two beauties, the Imperial Army did indeed find Gu worms in the Changning Palace. After the imperial physician identified them, they were all of the type used to control people or confuse people's hearts.

After the two beauties put everything on the queen, they committed suicide in fear of crime.

Emperor Changde was furious and questioned the queen, but the queen firmly denied that she had poisoned the emperor and coerced the two beauties into coercion.

Jiang Jinyue came up with the idea of ​​sending the beauty into the palace, and Jiang Jinyue also found the beauty. She just arranged for these two to serve the emperor. As for the so-called Gu worms that were found in Changning Palace, the queen also denied it, and with good reasons, she is a majestic queen, the lord of the six palaces, she has plenty of means to threaten people to do things for her, and she doesn't bother to use Gu worms to threaten people.

Moreover, she knew that the emperor hated witchcraft the most, even if she really wanted to raise Gu, she would never be so stupid as to raise it in the palace. This was undoubtedly giving someone a chance, and the queen insisted that someone planted her.

There is no way to fight against death, there is insufficient evidence, and there are courtiers who excuse the queen. Even if Emperor Changde wanted to abolish her directly and put her in the cold palace, in the end, he only banned the queen's feet for a year and cut off her right to control the six palaces. , Divide the power to the two noble concubines, Emperor Changde completely despises this queen.

On the side of the prince, Emperor Changde originally planned to take lightly the matter of the prince destroying the rice seeds and conniving the lives of his subordinates, so he had been procrastinating before and did not deal with him. Not only did he ground the prince, but he also arranged several teachers for the prince, saying that he was not worthy of being the crown prince, so he had to relearn the rules and study again, and he could not leave the East Palace until all the teachers said he could become a teacher.

The mother and child are useless in a short period of time. If they commit another crime during the confinement period, they will never be able to stand up again.

Apart from the mother and son, Jiang Jinyue was the only one involved on the surface. Her proposal to donate not only offended the three members of the family of the Changde Emperor, Empress, and Prince, but also made all the dignitaries in Shengjing hate it. she.

Just because Jiang Jinyue offered someone to choose a concubine, people who have women of the right age are worried, and they have arranged many unsatisfactory marriages. It is likely that they have ruined the girl's life. Most of the people who do not want their daughters to enter the palace are He loves his daughter, how can he not hate Jiang Jinyue?

Even Emperor Changde believed that Jiang Jinyue was the culprit. No matter how many people were involved behind it, as long as there was no Jiang Jinyue's devotion, nothing would happen later, so she was to blame for everything.

The ministers couldn't target Jiang Jinyue, so they could catch the Marquis of Anyang, and Emperor Changde couldn't directly execute a woman, so he chose to give Jiang Jinyue a marriage.

Zhou Chengwang said: "It's not yet decided who to give it to, but it's definitely not a good family. As for the conferment of the Marquis Mansion, the imperial decree has already been issued. I heard that the fourth prince returned Jiang Zhen to prevent him from continuing to do it." It's a follower. Your second brother Jiang Xing is also having a hard time in the academy, and has been targeted by his classmates. If this continues, even if the academy doesn't expel him, he won't be able to stay any longer."

"The entire Bo manor looks like it now, Lin'er, you are living the best life."

Zhou Chengwang blinked wildly at Jiang Lin, implying that he was better for Wei Yunzhao, and leaned over to talk to him, "Don't let Wei Yunzhao divorce you, or you will have a hard time in the future."

Jiang Lin really wanted to ask, what did he do to give Zhou Chengwang the illusion that Wei Yunzhao was going to kill him if he didn't obey, Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and didn't answer the question.

It was Wei Yunzhao who asked, "So we still haven't found out who is behind the scenes?"

Zhou Chengwang shook his head, "My father said that there must be someone behind this, but there is no clue at all. I can't find out who did it, so I can only let it go for the time being."

"However, don't be afraid. If this person can move his hand for the first time, there will definitely be a second and third time. The fox's tail will be exposed sooner or later."

Asked about the information he wanted to know, Jiang Lin bid farewell to Zhou Chengwang, pushed Wei Yunzhao away, and the two continued to go to Anyang Bo's Mansion.

It was also a coincidence that when they arrived, the door plaque of the Hou Mansion was being replaced, and the door plaque of Uncle Anyang's Mansion was hung up.

Anyanghou stood aside with his hands behind his back, looking very melancholy, obviously depressed.

Seeing Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao appear, he just nodded lightly, "Go in, I have something to tell you."

The mansion was very quiet, the servants bowed their heads and went about their own business, not daring to speak, let alone vent their breath.

Uncle Anyang took them directly to the study room, and he let out a long sigh after entering the door. He asked Jiang Lin, "You should have heard everything, right?"

Jiang Lin nodded, "I asked Zhou Chengwang on the way here, what did you ask me to come back for?" Jiang Lin went straight to the point, without being polite to him.

Jiang Lin's unfamiliar attitude irritated Uncle Anyang a bit, and he asked, "Aren't you even willing to call me dad now?"

Jiang Lin laughed directly when he heard the words, "You didn't call me back because of the deep love between father and son, uncle, our relationship has been broken for a long time, and we can't go back."

Uncle Anyang was shocked, his eyes were sad, and he said: "It is father who is sorry for you."

The sorry came too late, he didn't need it, and the original body couldn't hear it anymore, so it was useless.

"Let's talk straight, we're not idle," Jiang Lin said indifferently.

Uncle Anyang said: "The emperor wants your sister to enter the palace."

Jiang Lin applauded on the spot, "That's really great, when I enter the palace, I'll come and see her off."

Uncle Anyang was obviously dissatisfied with Jiang Lin's reaction. He reminded, "She is only fifteen years old, and she will be a widow for the rest of her life after entering the palace..."

He was interrupted by Jiang Lin before he finished speaking. He pointed to Wei Yunzhao and asked Uncle Anyang, "Then do you know how old his two younger sisters are? Just thirteen, your good daughter wants to send them to the The palace is ruined by beasts!"

"Speak carefully!" Uncle Anyang snorted coldly, with a straight face, "The misfortune comes from the mouth, it's too big to be sensible."

Jiang Lin directly rolled his eyes back at him, "Don't tell me how pitiful Jiang Jinyue is, all of this is her own fault, she wanted to harm others, and now it's her retribution."

"Or do you think it's not enough for the Anyang Hou's mansion to become the uncle's mansion, and you have to spend the lives of the entire Jiang family to help her fill the hole in the back before you are satisfied and happy?"

Uncle Anyang didn't know how to answer this, his daughter who had been spoiled since childhood was really distressed.

But it is absolutely impossible to implicate the entire Jiang family.

"I don't want her to enter the palace because I don't want the Jiang family to be just an uncle's house from now on. Lin'er, father also has difficulties."

Jiang Lin: "... With her reputation, who do you expect her to marry? The most important thing is that she committed a serious crime. Who do you think would dare to marry her?"

"I know..." Uncle Anyang frowned, "The current treatment is a favor to the Hou family."

Jiang Lin asked back, "So why are you dissatisfied? If someone else made a mistake and implicated Jiang Jinyue, then she is innocent. I have no problem how you defend her, but now she deserves it because she committed the crime herself. No, do you think that your uncle's mansion can resist the edict twice?"

It's not dissatisfaction, it's unwillingness. The position of the crown princess is gone, and the second son was also sent back to the mansion by the fourth prince. He can no longer follow the fourth prince. Both roads are blocked. Uncle Anyang still wants to use Jiang Jinyue's marriage. Give it a go.

Wei Yunzhao suddenly interjected, "Actually, entering the palace may not be a bad thing. If you become the emperor's favorite concubine, the uncle's mansion can become a marquis' mansion again. There are many capable people in the imperial hospital, and the emperor will find a way to cure himself." .”

"Uncle, you can think about it. If there is no hope, and the emperor is furious, none of the prince, queen, and Jiang family can escape. Now it is an excellent ending. Please think again, uncle, and don't try to disobey the holy will."

Uncle Anyang fell into deep thought and didn't speak for a long time.

Jiang Lin was not in a hurry, and sat down to drink tea with Wei Yunzhao.

When Uncle Anyang came back to his senses and was about to speak, Jiang Lin asked first, "I want to know how you want to arrange Jiang Jinyue for calling me back, or what can you use me for?"

Uncle Anyang's eyes fell on Wei Yunzhao, and he didn't hide the matter, he said: "I heard that Yun Zhao and the second prince are very close, so I want Yun Zhao to introduce your sister to the second prince." The prince lost power, The Second Prince's situation is very good now, and he is the most likely person to ascend to the throne of God.

Originally, Jiang Zhen was asked to be the companion of the fourth prince because he wanted to take the line of the second prince, but Uncle Anyang still didn't want to give up.

Jiang Lin sneered, "Then you can give up completely. The second prince doesn't like such a fool as Jiang Jinyue, especially the prince's current situation is due to Jiang Jinyue's credit. The second prince married Jiang Jinyue because of his brain."

Of course, the second prince must be grateful to Jiang Jinyue if he doesn't know how to get married.

Uncle Anyang sighed again, and said in a compromised way: "The only plan for now is to respect the holy will."

Jiang Lin's eyes fell on the eavesdropping figure outside the door, "I said earlier that if you do too many bad things, you will be punished sooner or later. Jiang Jinyue, are you right?"

Uncle Anyang heard Jiang Jinyue's name, and suddenly looked in the direction of the door. He walked over and opened the door. Jiang Jinyue stood outside the door, flushed with anger.

As soon as Uncle Anyang opened the door, Jiang Jinyue immediately hugged him and cried, "Father, my daughter doesn't want to enter the palace."

The author has something to say: It has been revised, thank you for your bug hunting~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-28 19:54:51~2020-10-29 20:42:27~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: I clasped my fists for 2 old irons;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: 1 alone;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of old iron; 5 bottles of Sujiu wine; 2 bottles for no reason;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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