MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 37

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Xiao Zhou has been a daughter-in-law in the Wei family for nearly 20 years, and she has seen how the sister-in-laws in the second, third and fourth rooms of the Wei family have lived as widows for the past 20 years.

The number of times I go out throughout the year can be counted on one hand, I never dress myself up, I have a bitter face all day long, as if everyone owes them, the courtyard is cleaner than the nunnery, Xiao Zhou thinks this is not Widow, this is a dead body.

Don't even think about asking her to live like this.

She was also thankful for this, fortunately Wei An is a worthless guy who doesn't need to go to the battlefield, and it's okay to be useless, anyway, other promising members of the Wei family can't ignore them. As long as Wei An is alive, she will not live such a dead life.

But Little Zhou never thought that one day Wei An would die from his ineffective weapon.

When Wei Yunzhao and Jiang Lin appeared at the gate, Mrs. Zhou wanted to lose her temper with them and talk about how she was locked out of the door last night.

The maid in the back pulled the hem of Xiao Zhou's clothes and shook her head at Xiao Zhou, signaling her not to be angry, they have nowhere to go now, if they offend the eldest son again, they might really sleep on the streets like beggars.

Little Zhou was full of reluctance, but could only hold back, "Is Yun Zhao here to pick up Fifth Aunt? Why bother, Fifth Aunt will go in by herself when you open the door."

Little Zhou walked towards the door as she spoke, and asked about family affairs, "How are you all these days, Yun Zhao, is your leg better? What does the imperial doctor say, when will you be able to stand up?"

As soon as Xiao Zhou's foot landed inside the door, the porter stood in front of her and said coldly: "No one is allowed to come in without the eldest son's order. The fifth lady should wait outside."

"Bold, you dare to talk to me like this as a servant. You have no rules these days when I'm not here, right? Okay, I'm going to teach you a lesson today, these lowly things that don't distinguish between superiority and inferiority!"

Little Zhou has suffered too much grievance recently, seeing a concierge dare to talk to her like that, she immediately exploded, raising her hand to hit someone.

The concierge didn't like this at all, and just put on a posture to invite her out, "Fifth Madam, please go out, and listen to the eldest son's orders."

Wei Yunzhao's gaze turned to Xiao Zhou, and he glanced at her indifferently.

For some reason, Xiao Zhou always felt that this look was full of deterrence, and the raised slap didn't go down.

She withdrew her hand and smiled at Wei Yunzhao embarrassingly, "Yunzhao, what do you mean by this? If you have anything to say, you can't wait for Fifth Aunt to enter the door. What does it look like at this gate? Others will gossip after seeing it."

The concierge directly lifted Xiao Zhou's foot and sent her out. Xiao Zhou stared fiercely, but did not dare to step in the door again.

Wei Yunzhao also finally opened his mouth, "Mr. Zhou, let me ask you, are you really willing to stay in the Wei family as a widow from now on for the rest of your life, eat vegetarian food, chant Buddha, and abide by the way of women?"

Xiao Zhou subconsciously wanted to say no, but she held back, "Yun Zhao, what do you mean by that? I know your fifth uncle is useless, and he will be executed in a short time, but since you married him, you can marry him." Life is a member of the Wei family, and death is the ghost of the Wei family, so naturally he will stay in the Wei family for the rest of his life."

Xiao Zhou felt guilty when she said this, so naturally no one believed her.

Wei Yunzhao said again: "I'll just say this once. If you want to leave, I will write and leave the letter to you on behalf of Wei An. From then on, it has nothing to do with the Wei family. If you don't leave, today you entered the gate of the Wei family. It will be difficult to get out in the future. You can come in after you think clearly."

Xiao Zhou looked at the open door of Wei's house, the threshold was right in front of her eyes, she could enter with a slight lift of her foot, no one stopped her this time. But Xiao Zhou felt that her feet weighed a thousand catties, and she couldn't lift them no matter what.

She has lived in this place for more than ten years, it is her home, and she is very familiar with it. But now this place is like a cage, and she will spend the rest of her life in the cage.

No, she doesn't want to!

Little Zhou shook her head and took two steps back, feeling that the gate was like an abyss, which would **** her in, and then buried her forever at the bottom of the valley. From then on, she would never see the sky again, only endless darkness remained.

She didn't want to live such a life, and little Zhou instinctively resisted, "I...I won't enter, I'm still young, I don't want to be a widow."

The servant girl reminded her from behind, "Madam, don't think about it, go in quickly."

Mrs. Zhou patted the maidservant's hand away, and asked Wei Yunzhao, "If I take He Lishu, can I take my dowry too?"

Wei Yunzhao tapped the wheelchair with his finger, "Of course, it belongs to you."

"He Li, I want to make Li Shu!" Little Zhou quickly made a decision.

When she married, the Wei family had a high family, and the Zhou family gave her a lot of dowry in order not to lose face. All these years, Mrs. Wei was posting the dowry to support Wei An, and her dowry had not been touched at all. As long as there are these dowries, even if the Zhou family doesn't arrange for her to abandon her, she can still find a man to live a good life.

Little Zhou thought well, wishing that Wei Yunzhao would give her He Lishu right now.

The maid conscientiously reminded her from behind, "Madam, please don't do this, the master and the old lady will be angry if they find out."

Little Zhou snorted coldly, "Since they are ruthless, don't blame me for being ungrateful. Anyway, the reputation of the Zhou family has been ruined, and one more daughter from Heli is not much worse."

Wei Yunzhao was giving her face, and he kept talking about reconciliation, not divorce.

Wei Yunzhao, who was willing to give her and leave the book, is much better than the Zhou family in Xiao Zhou's heart at the moment.

Mrs. Zhou agreed, and Wei Yunzhao asked the housekeeper to bring a pen, ink and paper, and wrote a letter of reconciliation and departure to Mrs. Zhou on the spot, stamping the seal of the head of the Wei family on it.

Mrs. Zhou also scratched her finger with a hairpin and pressed the seal on it, making two copies, and the housekeeper sent it to the Yamen for a clear road, and this and Li Shu came into effect.

Wei Yunzhao let Xiao Zhou enter the door to pack up his dowry, and he was only allowed to take her dowry away.

Holding the dowry list, Xiao Zhou looked at the boxes of things brought out of the warehouse, with a smile on her face, and felt more and more that she was doing the right thing. With such a large dowry, it would be enough for her to live comfortably for the rest of her life. Worry, whoever loves to keep this widow will keep it.

When Xiao Zhou ordered the dowry, the maid who followed her earlier had already run back to Wei's house to report the news.

Little Zhou couldn't take care of her, and she was soon entangled by another maid, Bai Shao.

When Xiao Zhou ran back to her mother's house, she brought another maid by her side, and Bai Shao was left in the mansion. She was very happy when she learned that Mrs. Zhou had gone back to her natal family. She thought that Mrs. Zhou would definitely anger the old lady or the fifth master by doing so, so her chance came. She took good care of the fifth master. He promised to mention her as a concubine.

Bai Shao doesn't really care if Wei An is humane or not, she is only a master, she wants to live a good life being served by others, and she doesn't want to be called around to serve others' maid again.

But who would have thought that Wei An was also involved in a murder case, and ended up beheaded in the end. When Bai Shao's plan failed, she started to worry.

After finally waiting for Mrs. Zhou to come back, she didn't expect that she came back to reconcile her. Bai Shao became even more anxious and begged Mrs. Zhou to take her away with her. She was destined to be a maid when she stayed in Wei's house. It is impossible to stand out again, it might be better to follow the little Zhou family, maybe it will be easier.

Little Zhou knew what Bai Shao was thinking, Xiao Zhou laughed at her, "I still don't give up, she really is a scumbag."

Bai Shao was scolded and had to hold back and admit it, "I beg my wife to take this servant with you for the sake of serving you for so many years. This servant will definitely take good care of your wife and never dare to have other thoughts."

Little Zhou raised her hand and gave Bai Shao a slap, "Bitch, what's your name, madam, I've already made peace with Wei An, and I have nothing to do with the Wei family from now on."

Bai Shao hurriedly changed her words, and even slapped herself twice in an attempt to make Xiao Zhou happy.

Xiao Zhou was really happy, and pulled her up, "For your sake, I will force you to take you with me, but if you dare to have thoughts that you shouldn't have, I can't spare you! "

Bai Shao was happy when he heard that, and quickly thanked Xiao Zhou, and even made an oath to God.

Jiang Lin watched in amazement from the outside, "Is it so attractive to be a concubine? Or am I treating my servant too harshly, she would rather be abused by the Zhou family than stay in the Wei family."

Wei Yunzhao said: "It's not surprising that the path one chooses is one's own responsibility."

I don't know whether it's because Wei Yunzhao is afraid of repentance or he wants to leave impatiently, Xiao Zhou's dowry is ordered very quickly, and the dowry has already been ordered before the housekeeper sent He Lishu back.

Seeing that she was idle, Jiang Lin asked, "Aren't you going to say goodbye to the two little girls?"

Little Zhou's face darkened instantly, "Two white-eyed wolves, useless things. Anyway, they are Wei'an's species, you will definitely raise them, it has nothing to do with me."

"Really?" Jiang Lin hooked the corner of his mouth, "Then you will remember today's words."

Jiang Lin was obviously laughing, but Little Zhou felt a chill, she straightened her neck and said loudly: "Just remember, two money-losing goods, who are you talking about?"

Jiang Lin pointed at the door, "Take your things and get out, get out quickly!"

Little Zhou snorted, "Who cares about this poor place?" Then he ordered people to carry things, and walked away proudly with his chin raised.

"Go back!" Xiao Zhou yelled angrily before taking two steps. He pointed at the servants beside him and said, "They are servants of the Wei family, and you have nothing to do with the Wei family now. Qualified to call."

The dowries that Xiao Zhou brought from the Zhou family were all maidservants, and some of them were dismissed by her earlier, and now only Bai Shao, an old nanny and the one who went back to Zhou's house to report are left.

As soon as Jiang Lin opened his mouth, Little Zhou was stunned. The servants refused to move her, so why should she carry so many things by herself?

"Jiang Lin, don't go too far, Yun Zhao is still here, and it's not your turn to be the master of the Wei family."

After Xiao Zhou's cruelty to Jiang Lin, she immediately put on a smiling face and said something nice to Wei Yunzhao, "Yunzhao, I've been your aunt for so many years, don't you even want to help me with this last little favor?"

Wei Yunzhao said: "It's not anymore."

"Besides, the Wei family is now under the care of the wife, and all matters in the house are under his orders."

Wei Yunzhao didn't show her face at all, and Mrs. Zhou gave the two of them a resentful look, and began to direct Bai Shao and the old mother to move things.

How happy I was when I saw so many dowry before, but now I feel so bitter when I move the dowry.

However, both of them wanted to follow Xiao Zhou, so they dared not listen.

The solid wooden box was already heavy, let alone filled with things. Mammy was too old and had no strength, and Bai Shao had no strength either. She carried a box and went out for a long time and didn't see her back. Xiao Zhou went out to see, and saw two People are moving like snails. At this speed, I am afraid that they will not be able to move all the dowries tomorrow.

On the other hand, all the servants of Wei's family on the road acted as if they hadn't seen these two people, and none of them went up to help.

Little Zhou went to help, and almost smashed his own foot.

She looked at Jiang Lin angrily, and insisted on her original idea. This is a troublemaker. Sooner or later, the Wei family will be broken up by him, but the Wei family is no longer like a family. Less than half a year.

Xiao Zhou finally compromised and offered to spend money to hire servants from the Wei family to help her move. Jiang Lin immediately agreed, "Okay, one hundred taels of silver per person, you decide how many people you want."

Little Zhou stared and opened her mouth to scold someone, Jiang Lin stretched out her index finger and shook her, "If you scold me, the price will increase by one hundred taels, just scold me."

Little Zhou stomped her feet fiercely, and swallowed all the curse words, just looking at Jiang Lin's eyes to eat people.

Jiang Lin didn't feel any pain or itching, she first collected the money before letting her work.

Little Zhou's searched and searched to choose four who looked strong and strong, and they couldn't help complaining, but they didn't dare to scold Jiang Lin.

When the dowry was half moved, the housekeeper came back with two copies of the letter of reconciliation sealed by the yamen.

At the same time, people from the Zhou family also came. Zhou Shangcheng came in person, followed by several carriages. It looked like he was here to pull the dowry.

Zhou Shangcheng asked the concierge to report to see Wei Yunzhao, and Wei Yunzhao told the concierge to reply that the dowry would be delivered outside the door, and it was quite a lot, just move it away without waiting for him to nod.

Zhou Shangcheng almost turned his back on Wei Yunzhao's shameless words, "Good Wei Yunzhao, my Zhou family will remember what happened today, and it's best not to ask my Zhou family to ask for it in the future, otherwise, I want you nice."

Zhou Shangcheng's tone was not kind, and his face was not kind, but no one paid attention to him, so he could only order someone to pretend to be a dowry.

This little Zhou didn't know that all her dowry was going to be transported back to Zhou's house. After moving her things, she snorted at Jiang Lin and walked away arrogantly.

Then when she went out and saw the carriage running away from her, she was stunned, "Where is my dowry? Who moved my dowry?"

The maid who reported to Zhou's house was still waiting for her at the door, and when Xiao Zhou asked her, she answered, "Master brought someone here to move it away."

"Crack!" Little Zhou slapped the maidservant on the face with a slap, "Bitch, who told you to go back and report the news, how brave you are!"

Little Zhou still felt puzzled, and slapped her backhand again with such force that the servant girl's face was swollen on the spot.

Little Zhou pinched the servant girl's chin with cold eyes, "If I can't get the dowry back, I will kill you bitch."

After she finished speaking, she pushed the servant girl to the ground, and then ran to chase the Zhou family's carriage.

The maid fell to the ground with her hands covered, her eyes full of bewilderment, but Xiao Zhou, Bai Shao and the others didn't look back at her.

After Xiao Zhou left, Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao went to tell Sister Wei Yunwan the news.

The two sisters already knew about the fact that Xiao Zhou's selection and Li were going to take their dowry away, so it was not surprising. My mother didn't like them very much in the past, and thought they were useless girls. Now she would leave them, she could have imagined it a long time ago of.

Jiang Lin touched their heads one by one, "It's okay, we still have us, she doesn't want you, you live a good life for her, there will be a day when she regrets it."

The two sisters nodded, obediently followed Mammy to learn how to become a female celebrity.

The matter of Xiao Zhou's was settled, so Wei Yunzhao and Jiang Lin couldn't be idle, so Wei Yunzhao asked Huai Jiu to bring Nanny Sun to Mrs. Wei's courtyard, and he went over to ask them some questions, and then went to the palace.

Jiang Lin was not with him this time, she was afraid that Mrs. Wei would do something to hurt Wei Yunqi if she got sick again, so she guarded him in the yard and told stories to the children.

And not long after Wei Yunzhao left, Mrs. Wei really came, and as soon as she came up, she made a fool of Jiang Lin, and knelt down to him, "Master Jiang, I beg you to spare the Wei family and Dong Dong. Come home, we can't stand your torment."

Mrs. Wei's face was full of sadness, she looked at Jiang Lin with pleading eyes, Jiang Lin almost thought that she had done some heinous thing.

He put Wei Yunqi down and asked the servant girl to send him to Wei Yunjia to play. Wei Yunqi raised his face in confusion, "Brother, why did mother kneel down?"

Jiang Lin explained in a warm voice, "I couldn't stand still and fell down. Your eldest brother has sent her to a doctor. I'll talk to your mother first, and I'll pick you up in a while."

The child is not so easy to deceive, but he chose to trust Jiang Lin, walked up to Mrs. Wei and touched his mother's face, "Then mother waits for the elder brother to come back, and the doctor will treat you and you will be fine."

Mrs. Wei responded, but didn't dare to say more, for fear that she would cry on the spot.

After Wei Yunqi was taken away, Jiang Lin asked Mrs. Wei to get up, "There is no one else, no need to dress up, just speak up."

Mrs. Wei didn't move, but kowtowed to Jiang Lin, "Just take it as I beg you, please go, go back to the Marquis Mansion, you can go anywhere, please leave Wei's house, if you leave, the Wei family can Just like before, let us live."

Jiang Lin made her laugh, "You have been thinking about your feelings all night, without reflecting on where you are wrong, and thinking about how to get me away."

"What? Do you think I'm a catastrophe, killing your Wei family?"

Mrs. Wei said: "Since you entered Wei's house, there have been accidents at home, and they haven't stopped for a moment. There has never been such a thing before."

Jiang Lin: "Your man didn't die in the past, you must have been rotten by the incense."

"That's not the case. You caused all these things. Yun Zhao finally woke up. We all saw hope, but you lured him and made him ignore his family and be ruthless. That's how he got to this point. If it weren't for you, nothing would happen to my mother and the fifth child, and Qinghe County Prince's Mansion wouldn't harm me or Yun Qi, everything would be different."


Jiang Lin couldn't hold back his foul language.

"Mrs. Wei, I will fulfill your wish. I can tell you clearly that the Dong family is over."

"Don't talk about promotion, don't even try to keep your current position!"

Mrs. Wei looked at Jiang Lin in disbelief, "You, why are you so vicious?"

Jiang Lin sneered, "Because you offended me, the Dong family will have to pay for it. Believe me, Wei Yunzhao will stand by my side."

Jiang Lin got up with a flick of his sleeves, called out the younger sister who was born in twins, and told her to throw Mrs. Wei and Nanny Sun out of the yard.

My younger sister is an ice beauty, she is as cold as ice, and her eyes are extraordinarily sharp, as if she could kill anyone anytime and anywhere.

It was ruined by the name, called Huai Shi.

It's like a bad thing and like being pregnant in October, not worthy of that face and her aloof temperament.

After Huai Shi came back after throwing people away, he cupped his hands at Jiang Lin to express that his task was completed, and then disappeared, without any intention of chatting with Jiang Lin at all.

Jiang Lin spread his hands, all right.

Jiang Lin called the housekeeper, and told him to arrange to guard the front and back doors of Wei's house, and no one was allowed to go out without his order. He wanted to guard against the possibility that Mrs. Wei and that grandma would report to Dong's house.

Even with Mrs. Wei's brain, it's not that she can't do this.

On the other hand, Wei Yunzhao's request for the emperor's grace to let the imperial doctor treat his mother went smoothly. Wei Yunzhao did not directly point out that it was the Qinghe County Prince's Mansion who did it, but he asked in front of Changde Emperor. Changde Emperor It is only a matter of one sentence for people to find out the reason.

Emperor Changde nodded, and Wei Yunzhao took the imperial physician out of the palace.

He walked on the front foot, and Chang Dedi sent people to check what happened to Wei's house on the back foot.

And Wei Yunzhao's entry into the palace was noticed by another person, that is the queen.

The queen heard the palace man report that Wei Yunzhao had entered the palace, she looked normal, she seemed to be a little fatter than before, she didn't look like she was sick or had a blood bone worm at all.

The queen's displeasure instantly showed on her face, and she called Qiu Xi to her, "Did you really hand over your face to Jiang Lin that day?"

Qiuxi knew what the queen meant, she hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this servant swears that it is absolutely true, the head was indeed picked up by Jiang Lin, and everyone who went to Wei's house with this servant can testify."

Of course the queen knew that what Qiuxi said was true, and the little **** who went with her that day had already spoken back to her. Said it wasn't what she wanted.

The blood bone worm is very easy to find opportunities to enter a person's body. As long as you touch that head with your hand, you will suffer. That head is Jiang Lin's mother-in-law's relic, and it was stolen by his stepmother. She doesn't believe that Jiang Lin saw it. My mother's relics are still so precious that people will put them away without even touching them.

Even if Jiang Lin didn't touch it, there would always be the maid who collects things. As long as one person is stained by the blood bone worm, no one who gets along day and night will be able to escape.

Seeing that the queen was not happy, Qiu Xi hurriedly offered advice, "Madam, Wei Yunzhao brought the imperial physician out of the palace. It must be someone from the Wei family who was seriously ill. The doctor outside the palace could not cure him so he entered the palace and begged the emperor to let the imperial physician to treat him. Then Jiang Lin has been hit by a Gu, but it has not been passed on to Wei Yunzhao, after the imperial doctor has finished his diagnosis and treatment, the empress will ask someone to ask, and then she will know what happened to the Wei family."

The Queen didn't know what she was thinking, and she nodded her head after a while, "Then wait for the person to go back to the Imperial Hospital, so go and call him to ask for clarification."

But the queen wants more than that, she is not at ease if Wei Yunzhao is not removed as soon as possible, she beckoned to Qiuxi and motioned her to come over, "Qiuxi, go and help me with something."

After listening to the Queen's order, Qiu Xi's heart trembled slightly, and she carefully persuaded, "Your Majesty, if someone finds out..."

The queen glanced over, and Qiu Xi immediately shut up, "Yes, this servant knows."

So what if it is discovered, as long as the emperor doesn't really want to deal with the empress, the harem is full of scapegoats.

The news that Wei Yunzhao entered the palace and brought an imperial doctor out of the palace soon spread to the palace of the Prince of Qinghe County. As soon as the Princess of Qinghe County heard the news, she walked up and down the room restlessly. The daughter who cared about the matter, "Rou'er, what should we do, the Wei family actually brought such a trivial matter to the emperor, the emperor will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly, what will Qinghe County Palace do then?"

"Your father doesn't know about this yet. He will definitely be angry if he finds out. Rou'er, you should think of a way. What should we do?"

Jiang Rou looked indifferent, "Don't worry, we can't make waves, not to mention there is still Dong's family, so we can just push everything to Dong's family."

Read The Duke's Passion