MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 27

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"Presumptuous! The fifth is your elder, is this the attitude you should have towards elders?" Wei Yunzhao said what Mrs. Wei was thinking, and Mrs. Wei became furious, and turned to Wei Yunzhao.

"Elder," Wei Yunzhao seemed to find these two words a bit funny, "If you act like elders, you shouldn't be here today, thinking about your granddaughter-in-law's dowry!"

"Grandmother, even if you spend all your dowry on Uncle Wu, I'll have no problem with it, but if you want Jiang Lin to pay for Uncle Wu, you're thinking too much."

Old Madam Wei froze, looking unnatural.

Jiang Lin had some guesses in his mind.

Mrs. Wei couldn't say no to Wei Yunzhao, and focused her cold and stern eyes on Jiang Lin, "What? You, a man who can't lay eggs, can't help Yun Zhao at all when you enter Wei's house. You plan to eat in the house for nothing. In vain?"

Jiang Lin smiled, "It seems that the old lady insisted on asking me to take out something today, that's fine, Zhao Qiuru looked down on your Wei family before, and didn't even prepare for the meeting ceremony, now that I have money, I will make up for you Bar."

Jiang Lin remembered all the gifts he received. According to the value of the gifts he received, Jiang Lin picked out items of similar price and returned them one by one.

Then Mrs. Tong Wei said, "Don't worry, Mrs. Wei, I don't live for nothing, and I'm helping Wei Yunzhao take care of the house."

"By the way, old lady, how is your copy of the Buddhist scriptures going? When can I take a look at it? I'm still waiting for the Buddhist scriptures you copied to pray for my husband and pray that his leg will get better soon."

Mrs. Wei frowned when she heard Jiang Lin addressing Wei Yunzhao, "Shameless, vixen."

Jiang Lin wasn't angry at all, instead he shot back at Wei Yunzhao with a bright smile, "As long as my husband likes it, it doesn't matter if you want to be shameless?"

These provocative words made Mrs. Wei's hands tremble with anger, pointing at Jiang Lin and yelling, "Broom star, Hu Meizi, what did my Wei family do to marry someone like you into the house, God won't open my eyes."

Jiang Lin: "Because there is an old lady in the Wei family, hehe."

Madam Wei raised her crutches, "You! You, bitch..."

Wei Yunzhao interrupted her, "Grandmother, enough is enough, and the gift is taken. Grandma has fulfilled her wish, so go back and copy the Buddhist scriptures. The grandson is waiting for grandma's Buddhist scriptures."

Then, Wei Yunzhao looked at Mrs. Wei and said, "Mother, please help grandma go back to rest."

Mrs. Wei was a little afraid of such an unsmiling son, so she agreed, and helped Mrs. Wei away with the maid.

A group of people left, and the remaining Xiao Zhou stopped Jiang Lin when he ordered someone to move the dowry, "Then what... nephew and daughter-in-law, do you think you forgot something?"

Jiang Lin stared at her for a few more times, then came to his senses, and stretched out his palm in front of Little Zhou, "I forgot, thanks to Fifth Aunt's reminder, Fifth Aunt, return the golden hairpin on your head to me."

Xiao Zhou's face froze, "I didn't mean that. You see, you gave gifts to your mother and several sister-in-laws. What about mine, and our fifth room?"

Jiang Lin's emotions were a little complicated for a while, mainly because he didn't know whether to say that Xiao Zhou's face was thick-skinned or he didn't know himself. He smiled, "Have you forgotten the fifth aunt? For those who have received my meeting ceremony, there will be nothing but ridicule and wanting to drive me out of Wei's house when I come to Fifth Aunt."

"I'm a kind-hearted person, and I can't return those words to my fifth aunt, so I don't have anything else to give my fifth aunt."

Little Zhou: "Well, Jiang Lin, I didn't expect you to be such a narrow-minded person. I see through you."

With a cold snort, Little Zhou walked out, "If you don't give it, you won't give it. Sometimes you beg our fifth room."

"Fifth Aunt, wait a minute," Little Zhou just took two steps before being stopped by Jiang Lin.

Xiao Zhou's heart was overjoyed, and she turned her head quickly, "Why, do you regret it?"

Jiang Lin raised his hand and pulled out the gold hairpin from Xiao Zhou's head, "Aunt Wu forgot to return my things to me, Aunt Wu can go now."

Xiao Zhou stomped her feet angrily, gave Jiang Lin a hard look, and said a few more harsh words. Seeing that Jiang Lin ignored her at all, she reluctantly left.

After a trip, she didn't catch anything, and she was very angry. Xiao Zhou felt that her aunt was right. Jiang Lin was a loser, a disturber of the family. Sooner or later, the Wei family would be broken up by him.

Jiang Lin didn't care what Xiao Zhou was thinking. After the things were moved, he pushed Wei Yunzhao back to Zhaoyun Garden, then called Chang An and Xun Qi, and told them, "Go out and find out what Wei An is doing these days. What are you doing, just go to...the brothel to ask, and if you find out, then follow along."

"Yes," the two replied, and turned to work.

"Your Fifth Uncle is lustful and has no talent, so there should be nothing wrong with him?" Jiang Lin asked Wei Yunzhao.

Wei Yunzhao: "Not before," but now I'm not sure.

Wei An usually only sees people in three places in the mansion, one is asking the accountant for money, the other is pretending to be cute in front of Mrs. Wei, crying for money, and the third is talking to his concubine in the fifth room. The roommates played.

You can't see him anywhere else.

As for what he was doing outside, the female members of the Wei family didn't know, maybe his only sense of restraint was that he didn't let trouble come to him directly.

But this time, Mrs. Wei came to ask Jiang Lin for a dowry, and Wei Yunzhao knew that it must be related to Wei An.

Wei Yunzhao said, "We'll know when Xun Qi and the others come back."

There are few people who can use it now, and his movements are also being watched by others. Wei Yunzhao can't pay attention to Wei An for the time being. He only hopes that Wei An's mind is not completely lost, and there will be no big troubles. .

Wei's side is checking Wei'an, Anyanghou's side, Zhao Qiuru listened to what the butler brought back, angrily scolded Jiang Lin on the spot, "I'm going to get rid of this **** sooner or later!"

After Jiang Jinyue heard what the butler said, she hugged Zhao Qiuru and cried, "Mother, mother, why is this happening? Didn't you say that Jiang Lin would give the antidote to my daughter when the dowry was sent?"

Jiang Jinyue complained again, "Mother, didn't you agree to return the dowry to Jiang Lin? After you gave so many things, why do you want to covet those tens of thousands of taels of silver and some worthless vase calligraphy and paintings? Don't you miss your daughter so much?"

Zhao Qiuru, who was already angry, became even more angry when he heard Jiang Jinyue's complaints again. He raised his hand and wanted to slap Jiang Jinyue, but he couldn't slap Jiang Jinyue when he saw the red and swollen face.

"I don't want to be good to you. I'm full of plans. In order to get back the things I gave away, I humbled myself at my mother's house. I took out all my dowry. Who did I do this for?"

"I have really raised a good daughter. After all I have done so much, I just said that I don't want my daughter well. Jiang Jinyue, do you really have a heart? You really let me down!"

The slap did not go down, but the fire in his heart was not so easy to dissipate. Zhao Qiuru pushed Jiang Jinyue to the door and pointed outside, "Since you think that my mother has no heart for you, I can't serve you well, a noble daughter." Miss, then you go and find a mother who is willing to serve you!"

Zhao Qiuru suddenly became so angry, and it was directed at her. Jiang Jinyue became anxious immediately, and hugged Zhao Qiuru's arm with her backhand, "Mother, I'm sorry, mother, I didn't mean to say those words, I was just too anxious, I was afraid that I would For the rest of my life, I can only bear such an ugly face that I dare not even see people, mother, I am just afraid."

Jiang Jinyue has been afraid since the day her face grew pustules. She asked the system, and the system said that it was only a system to assist Ming Jun to ascend the throne, and it had no other function except to give advice, so it could not help her. The invited doctors shook their heads one by one, but they were all helpless. She was really scared, and even going to bed at night was full of nightmares.

She dreamed that when she went out, someone threw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves and called her ugly. She dreamed that the prince disliked her face and married someone else to be the princess. She dreamed that everyone around her left one by one. there is none left.

While talking about her nightmare, Jiang Jinyue cried and begged Zhao Qiuru for forgiveness, "Mother, I said something wrong, I didn't mean it, I know that mother is only for my own good, mother, please don't be angry with me, please, I know I was wrong .”

Tears fell on her red and swollen face, like water coming out of a pustule. It was disgusting and frightening to see, but it finally made Zhao Qiuru's heart soften.

She waved Jiang Jinyue's hand away, sat back in her chair, and said coldly, "If it wasn't for you, a heartless person, I wouldn't have been so angry."

"Do you think I don't know that Jiang Lin will continue to cause trouble because the dowry is not right? Don't I want to collect all the money and give you the antidote, but I have to be able to. After so many years, you three brothers and sisters You have to eat and drink, where do you think all the expenses come from, and where can I go to collect so much money in a while."

Jiang Jinyue took the handkerchief handed over by the maid, wiped her face gently, and sat next to Zhao Qiuru, "But mother, haven't you already taken away all the things in my room? Come on, isn't this enough?"

Zhao Qiuru's eyes showed jealousy and anger, "Because that **** Yun Wanyan had too much dowry, I gave it away and sold a lot of things over the years, and I couldn't get them back, so I had to buy defective ones. But Jiang That little **** actually picked out all the things, and the dozen or so items had to be re-buy for money."

But where did she get the money, otherwise she wouldn't even lose 50,000 taels of cash.

Jiang Jinyue knew that there were a lot of things. After her mother took away her clothes, jewelry and ornaments, her room was almost empty, and even the dowry her mother saved for her was moved.

Jiang Jinyue also hated Jiang Lin to the core. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be called a thief, lose face, let alone be disfigured. And those beautiful clothes and jewelry, all should belong to her, it's all Jiang Lin, it's all Jiang Lin who stole what belongs to her!

Hatred burst out in Jiang Jinyue's eyes, "Don't worry, mother, one day I will definitely deal with Jiang Lin and bring back all the things he stole from us."

Zhao Qiuru: "Don't worry, mother will not let him go."

The mother and daughter have the same goals and ideas at the moment.

"But mother, what should I do if I don't have enough money now?" Jiang Jinyue reached out to touch her face, but she didn't dare to touch it when she got close, and she wanted to cry because she was wronged, "Mother, I can't wait for my face any longer. If the medicine doesn't work, or there is a scar on the face, then the daughter will be finished."

"Mom, help your daughter find a way," Jiang Jinyue begged.

What can be done, she spent a lot of her own dowry, a total of 50,000 taels of silver bills, and those decorations cost a lot of money.

Zhao Qiuru frowned and stared at Jiang Jinyue for a moment, "Yue'er, why don't you ask His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for help?"

Jiang Jinyue shook her head without thinking, "No, mother, how dare my daughter see His Highness now, absolutely not."

"Mother, why don't we go and ask grandma, grandma must have money, and she still has a dowry. Mother has subsidized the Zhao family a lot these years, and now that the Hou family is in trouble, they can't express that they don't have it at all."

Zhao Qiuru was in a bit of a dilemma. When she went back to Zhao's house yesterday to ask for the things that were sent to Zhao's house, she was often ridiculed by her two sisters-in-law. Even her brothers were very dissatisfied with her, saying that she was useless and couldn't keep what they got. , someone took it.

As for the mother, although she didn't mention her, she must be disappointed, and asked her to settle the matter and stop getting involved with the Zhao family.

Zhao Qiuru now also understands that it doesn't matter whether it's from her natal family or the Hou Ye, it's the same. When she asks her for things and money, no one will say yes to her, but she is in trouble, and no one will help her, and they will only blame her It's useless, they force her and threaten her.

So no one can be trusted.

Zhao Qiuru grabbed the back of the chair, "Mother, go and ask your father. Jiang Lin is his son, and his son caused the trouble. He is responsible. If he refuses to take the money, then don't blame me for not caring about the husband and wife who have been together for so many years." Love is broken."

Zhao Qiuru spoke calmly, but Jiang Jinyue was a little scared when she heard it. She called carefully, "Mom, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Qiuru pulled Jiang Jinyue's hand and patted it, "Don't worry, mother has a sense of propriety, mother is still waiting for you to marry the prince, and let mother be the first-rank wife, mother will not mess around."

Jiang Jinyue was dubious, but the idea of ​​marrying the prince was very attractive to her, she nodded heavily, "Don't worry, mother, my daughter will definitely marry the prince!"

Before the Anyang Marquis delivered the rest of the dowry, Xun Qi and Chang An inquired about what Wei An had been doing outside recently, making love to prostitutes.

It can't be said that it was recently, because Wei An has never been honest, but because the housekeeper Jiang Lin asked Xiao Zhou to arrange for those women in his yard to go away. They are all tired of sleeping, and they are even more presumptuous outside.

Wei An had several friends in a brothel called Shuiyue Pavilion, and one of them, a woman named Nuan Xin, took advantage of the fact that the people in Wei An's courtyard were being kicked out by Xiao Zhou, and made Wei An spend a lot of money. Redeemed her.

Because Jiang Lin tied him naked to a tree, Wei An was a little afraid of Jiang Lin, so he didn't dare to bring him into the mansion, so he kept him outside.

As a result, as soon as she redeemed her body, Nuan Xin became pregnant, and insisted that it was Wei An's, and let Wei Anna let her in.

Chang An said: "That Nuanxin is really thoughtful. She has been telling Fifth Master that she is pregnant with a boy. She gave birth to a son for Fifth Master. Fifth Master will have a descendant. No one will laugh at Fifth Master in the future. if."

"She not only told Fifth Master, but also all the other girls in Shuiyue Pavilion, and even told people near her residence." Everyone knows that she did it deliberately.

Jiang Lin asked, "What's Wei An's reaction?"

Xun Qi picked up the words, and he said: "I'm tempted, I went back to the mansion to find the old lady, but the old lady refused to agree, and said to let the husband come down. If it is a son, he will naturally bring it back to the mansion to raise him."

It's just that Nuan Xin is not such an easy person to dismiss, she must enter the mansion now, and even threatens Wei An, saying that if he doesn't agree, he will go to the yamen Gao Wei'an to have **** with prostitutes.

Officials of this dynasty violated the law by prostitution, but the court often turned a blind eye to this kind of thing, as long as there was no trouble, no one would care. But if someone goes to the yamen to sue, the yamen cannot sit idly by. Wei An's official position is not high, and he is incompetent, if Nuan Xin sues the Yamen, his official position will definitely not be kept.

Wei An also refuses to be threatened. After a lot of trouble, he becomes Wei An who spends money to support his heart, eats, clothes, buys this and that all day long, and spends a lot of money. Because Jiang Lin was the housekeeper, Wei An couldn't get money from Mr. Accountant, so he asked Mrs. Wei for everything.

But Mrs. Wei has provided for Wei An for so many years, and her dowry has been emptied long ago, but Wei An is her lifeblood, and her heart softens when she cries in front of her. Mrs. Wei, who couldn't get anything out, remembered Jiang Lin's uproar over the dowry.

She also knew that Jiang Lin's biological mother left a lot of dowry, so as soon as the people from the Hou Mansion brought the dowry, Mrs. Wei called a group of daughters-in-law to Jiang Lin, trying to get some money from him.

It's just that Jiang Lin didn't agree, Wei Yunzhao still stood by Jiang Lin's side, Mrs. Wei didn't get the dowry, and she was embarrassed.

After hearing the news from Xun Qi and Chang An, Wei Yunzhao's face darkened slightly, "It can be found out that this Nuan Xin has been in contact with anyone else?"

Xun Qi: "There are a lot of people in contact with. In the past, when I was in Shuiyue Pavilion, I received all kinds of customers. I can't tell who has a problem."

But what is certain is that there must be a problem.

Wei Yunzhao told Xun Qi: "Go and investigate, the entire Shuiyue Pavilion will be investigated."

Xun Qi took the order and left, and Chang An also said to ask if there were any clues. Only Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao were left in the room.

Jiang Lin rested his chin on the table while talking to Wei Yunzhao, "Do you think the child belongs to Wei An?"

Wei Yunzhao said: "Aren't they all the same? Wei An is one of their tricks, but I don't know why."

Jiang Lin was idle, and poked Wei Yunzhao's face with his backhand, "The best thing is that I just want to cheat some money. If this is the case, then Wei An must not be the only one who fell into the trap. The worst is for you , after all, you are the only one worth thinking about in the Wei family now."

Wei Yunzhao grabbed Jiang Lin's fingers to keep him from moving, "So we have to find out. It's better for Fifth Uncle not to be an official, so as not to be implicated by him."

His family has never even seen a shadow of him with that little salary.

"Wait for Xun Qi to find out who Nuan Xin is, and then settle this matter. Then you will have to make a trip."

After Wei Yunzhao finished speaking, he didn't hear Jiang Lin answer for a while, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Rewarding his eyes on Wei Yunzhao's hand holding his fingers, Jiang Lin's fingers shook Wei Yunzhao's hand, "You took advantage of me."

Wei Yunzhao was a little flustered, and withdrew his hand abruptly.

Jiang Lin just looked at him and smiled, "Yo, you're still shy. You said I was older last time, but you're not shy."

After the threat of you running out of food last time, Wei Yunzhao already understood what Jiang Lin cared about, and he said, "I'm telling the truth, so I'm not shy."

"Tsk tsk tsk," Jiang Lin squinted at him, "Young Master Wei, you have a bright future."

Wei Yunzhao said in a muffled voice, "Well, thank you Madam for your compliment."

Jiang Lin was a little disappointed that there was no really shy reaction as expected.

Continue to talk to Wei Yunzhao about the business, "If Wei An is really sued by someone, what are you going to do?"

Wei Yunzhao: "What should be done? It is a crime for an official to prostitute, but it is not fatal."

Jiang Lin reminded him, "But you still have a grandmother who loves her son like life, she will let you take care of it, if you don't, she will probably ask to go to the palace by herself."

Wei Yunzhao: "She doesn't have that much face."

Jiang Lin held the opposite opinion, "I think you underestimate what a mother can do to protect her son. Of course, I hope she can be more rational."

But Jiang Lin didn't expect that these words would become a prophecy soon.

On the second day, Jiang Lin received the banknotes and the set of noodles from the Anyang Marquis Mansion. Zhao Qiuru couldn't buy the same items for the dozens of inferior products, so they converted them into silver tickets, so he gave a total of eight items. Ten thousand banknotes.

Jiang Lin took the bank note, and then carefully looked at the set of headgear. He said it was a headgear, but it was actually a wedding crown, which was worn by Yun Wanyan when she got married. It was even more exquisite than the set Zhao Qiuru presented to the queen. Golden crowns, tassels, and big rubies make it look like whoever wears it is the most beautiful bride.

So Jiang Lin didn't believe that Zhao Qiuru would be willing to give away such a good thing, so she must have kept it, either for herself or for Jiang Jinyue.

Jiang Lin waved the crown in front of Wei Yunzhao, "It looks good."

Wei Yunzhao nodded appreciatively, "It looks good, and it's worth a lot."

"Of course, otherwise, why would you keep it privately, um, but now that the things have been delivered, it also shows that in Zhao Qiuru's heart, daughters are more important."

Jiang Lin didn't know what to think of, and suddenly smiled, "It's just a pity, her daughter is destined to be a white-eyed wolf."

After saying this, Jiang Lin took out a small porcelain bottle and threw it to the butler who was waiting by the side, "The antidote you have been thinking about, go back and tell Jiang Jinyue and Zhao Qiuru that it's better to be quiet. If you do too many bad things, it won't be a bad face." It's that simple."

"She also had sores on her mouth and tongue, festering all over her body."

The butler trembled when he heard this, and answered yes in a low voice.

At the same time, he also left a sentence for Jiang Lin, "Young Master, Madam said that Master Hou is very angry this time, and he is very disappointed in Young Master."

Jiang Lin had a cold face, "Oh, it's none of my business."

The butler staggered as he walked out.

Jiang Lin thinks it's funny, it's all like this, and he still wants Marquis Anyang to control him, a real father can't do this kind of thing like letting his son replace his daughter to celebrate a dying person, so whether he is here or in the original No matter where she was, from the moment she got married, Marquis Anyang died.

Guanzi was put back into the box, and Jiang Lin was handed over to Wei Yunzhao, who pushed him back to Zhaoyun Garden.

As a result, before he even left the house, the porter came to report that he had come from the palace, claiming to be someone close to the empress, and came to give Jiang Lin a reward.

The person who came was the big court lady Qiu Xi they had seen last time. Qiu Xi approached Jiang with a gentle smile and said, "The queen saw that Mrs. Wei was smart and sensible last time, and she liked her very much. The queen wants to let Mrs. Wei have some free time in the future. So I often go into the palace to chat with the empress, and today I even ordered my servants to send some rewards."

Qiuxi beckoned, and the little **** behind him with the tray removed the red cloth covering it. Jiang Lin recognized at a glance that it was the ruby ​​head that the queen wore on her head last time. Compared with the last time, this The gemstones on the head are even more red, like weeping blood.

The author has something to say: From the 11th, the update will be adjusted to nine o'clock every night. We try not to stay up late!

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