MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 100

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(1) Du Yuling X Zhou Chengwang

Zhou Chengwang and Du Yuling grew up together. They were serious childhood sweethearts, and their relationship was so good that they couldn't even compare with their biological brothers and sisters.

There was another Jiang Lin in the back, who became a well-known three-person dude in Shengjing with his ability. Although the relationship between the two of them was cold for a while because Jiang Lin took a detour to seduce them, after Jiang Lin got married, he quickly So he reformed himself and made up with them again, so they are still good brothers.

It's just that Jiang Lin, who is married, has an extra family, and his people have changed a lot, and he has many things to do. He doesn't hang out with them all day like before, so Du Yuling is still the only one who hangs out with him all day.

Zhou Chengwang never thought that he would fall in love with a man. Although he was a little envious when he saw Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao loving each other, liking a man was too out of the ordinary. Zhou Chengwang never thought about it, and felt that he would definitely not like a man. man.

But he hasn't gotten married for a long time, and he obviously has his sons and daughters in Shengjing who are similar to him, but he has never had a girl he likes, and he doesn't even have a bed warming maid by his side.

Zhou Chengwang didn't think it was strange at first, because Du Yuling was in the same situation as him, and someone compared him, but Zhou Chengwang didn't take the marriage matter to heart.

It wasn't until Du Yuling's family wanted to show him his future wife that Zhou Chengwang realized something was wrong. He didn't seem to want Du Yuling to get married, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like if Du Yuling married someone else.

The reluctance in my heart is like a pimple that grows bigger and bigger.

But Du Yuling reacted faster than him, not only refused the family visit, but also came to tell him that he liked him.

At that time, Zhou Chengwang was full of joy, but he had only one thought, he lost, and Du Yuling took the lead!

But in any case, they were happy with each other and exchanged their hearts, and they soon formally and secretly talked about love.

Other than the daily fear of being found out by the family and breaking their legs, everything is fine.

This is a happy and important event, and Zhou Chengwang still wanted to share it with his good brother Jiang Lin as soon as possible, but he didn't expect Jiang Lin to guess it before he said it.

Zhou Chengwang was a little bit embarrassed at that time, but another thought was that he lost again, and Xiao Lin'er saw something wrong first!

But being a good brother is also good. Xiao Lin'er successfully woke him up. He is not too young, but his family has never mentioned the matter of showing him his future wife. Du Yuling is not an ordinary brotherhood, so I didn't mention it.

He and Du Yuling tossed about a lot of ideas, and finally found out in despair that no matter what, he had to confess to his family, and if he confessed, he couldn't escape a beating. And in the worst case, they would either have their legs broken or be beaten to death, neither of which they could bear.

With the idea that their family members have already seen that something is wrong with them, and it will be a matter of time before they confess, they will break their legs and sit in a wheelchair with Wei Yunzhao, the two decided to put all their eggs in one basket and confess!

But before they confessed, they did one more thing. I don’t know if it was said in the book, that peony flowers are also romantic even when they die as ghosts. one time.

It's the first time for both of them, so it's inevitable that they are a little unfamiliar, and they haven't even determined their upper and lower positions, and it's almost impossible to be romantic.

In the back, Du Yuling pointed to the writing on the fire avoidance map, "The thick one will make the recipient want to be immortal." Determine the size, and after the comparison, decide who is on top.

When he took off his pants, Zhou Chengwang suddenly remembered what happened when he was a child. At that time, they were still sensible, and they also liked to compare their size and pee farther than anyone else. So unorthodox."

"So we were destined to be a match since we were young," Du Yuling said, pushing Zhou Chengwang down on the bed.

Because the result of the game is that he is bigger!

Also because it was the first time, the scene after the wind was a bit miserable, Zhou Chengwang also had a fever and lay in bed for several days.

But after they were done, the two went to the firewood room by themselves to choose some firewood as thick as a little finger and carried it on their backs, and confessed to their parents.

Zhou Chengwang said to Du Yuling at the time, "Little Lingzi, you made me suffer so much, I would still be willing to accompany you and get my legs broken. I really like you so much, so you want to remember me well for the rest of your life?" ?”

Du Yuling nodded solemnly, and swore to the heavens that if he had two intentions in this life and did something that was wrong to Zhou Chengwang, Jiang Lin would **** him.

Jiang Lin: "???" God doesn't have that good relationship with him, and he won't casually convey the oaths made by others.

After the oath was over, the two entered Zhou Chengwang's father's study as if they were looking forward to death.

As a result, Zhou's father invited him to come up with a family method. One looked like a wooden stick used by monks in the temple. It was so thick and long, and it made his **** bloom with just one stick.

The leg is not broken, but the **** is really blooming.

His mother said to him softly beside him, "Although we knew that you were a loser and didn't expect you to be successful, you are a son after all, and we can't marry you casually. This beating is considered to be paid for by the family." The dowry is also for you to remember that you choose the person yourself, you can only be with him after a beating, and if you regret it or change your mind in the future, you will be beaten again."

"Son, do you remember?"

Zhou Chengwang nodded with tears in his eyes, and said in a sobbing voice that he would die with Du Yuling all his life, he would never regret it and never change his mind, and if he was beaten again, he would definitely be beaten to death.

Zhou's father, Zhou's mother, and even the rest of the Zhou family were very satisfied with this, and drove Du Yuling home and asked him to go back to receive the beating.

The Du family obviously didn't hold back either. Du Yuling was injured more severely than Zhou Chengwang. A pair of fateful mandarin ducks who were beaten for love lay at home for a month before seeing each other.

When they met, they cried and swore that they would never leave each other for the rest of their lives.

After all, who would be so overwhelmed that he would be beaten again.

(2) Wei Yunzhao X Jiang Lin Gu

The border of Dai Viet was not peaceful. When the new emperor ascended the throne, the enemy invaded and fought several battles.

Leading the troops were King Yue Ge of Jin, and Wei Yunzhao, who had been re-canonized as a general since the new emperor ascended the throne.

Wei Yunzhao led the army and fought a few victories. The title of General Wei was once again spread among the people on the border. There were even rumors among the people that as long as the Wei family was like the magic needle for the sea, and as long as there were people in the Wei family, Dayue would be safe and peaceful.

Wei Yunzhao not only became famous among the people, but also gained the trust of the new emperor. He not only handed over the garrison outside Shengjing City to him, but also trained the imperial guards. It can be said that as long as Wei Yunzhao is willing, he can rely on the garrison and the imperial guards It is easy to overthrow Dai Viet and change the dynasty.

Because of this, the new emperor heard a lot of remarks, one was that Wei Yunzhao had other ideas, and the other was that Wei Yunzhao's achievements would be so powerful that he would shake the Lord.

After the new emperor heard it, his attitude was indifferent, and he said bluntly that the courtiers did not have to provoke him, "The best time for Wei Yunzhao to usurp the throne has passed, and there will be no future."

"I haven't reached the age to kill loyal ministers and good generals in vain after hearing a few slanderous words. These words can be brought up decades later."

The courtiers didn't ask for favors, and they didn't dare to say more.

It was only later learned from other people that the reason why the new emperor trusted Wei Yunzhao so much was because he had a rope tied to him. As long as his wife was around, as long as Wei Yunzhao liked his wife, He will never covet the throne in this life.

Not only will he not covet the throne, but he also wants to run to the border.

There was a general in the south who was old and wanted to return to his hometown. The new emperor asked King Jin to go to the south to replace the old general and guard the border. There was no general in the north. Wei Yunzhao volunteered, but he not only went by himself, but also brought his wife Jiang Lin went with his younger brother Wei Yunqi.

Jiang Lin also brought Uncle Anyang's younger brother named Jiang Xuan along with him.

The new emperor complied with Wei Yunzhao's request, and there were only a few widows and a teenage girl left in the huge Wei family, and Wei Yunxue, who had grown up, became the housekeeper of the Wei family.

The courtiers felt that the new emperor had too much trust in Wei Yunzhao, and it could even be regarded as connivance. The generals went to war, fearing that they would rebel against them, and always wanted to keep their families in Shengjing. It's a hostage mortgage.

If Wei Yunzhao takes Wei Yunqi away together, the remaining female members of the Wei family will not pose a threat to him at all. If he has a different intention, the greater the danger.

But the new emperor trusted him, no matter how much the courtiers persuaded him, he did not take back his order.

The frontier only changed the main general but not the garrison. Except for their group, there was no one else following them. After making arrangements for Shengjing and the little girl at home, they went to Jiangnan first.

Jiang Lin said that he would go to Yun's house and break out.

The Yun family made great contributions to disaster relief back then. Although Emperor Changde did not reward the Yun family for anything, the new emperor made up for it after he ascended the throne. He made the Yun family an imperial merchant. Merchants can fight for it.

There are many benefits to becoming an imperial merchant. Because of the good deeds of the Yun family for many years, and Jiang Lin's various ideas for building orphanages and schools, they have been named in front of the new emperor. No one can move the Yun family at will.

These years, Jiang Lin and the Yun family have been exchanging letters, but they have never met each other. This time when they went to the north, they happened to visit the Yun family in the south of the Yangtze River.

The good name is to lead the nephew and son-in-law to meet the elders.

Throughout the ages, the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River has been regarded as a masterpiece. The nephew and son-in-law are very popular with the Yun family, and the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River has also caught Jiang Lin's eyes. I stayed in the south of the Yangtze River for several days before continuing to go north.

The farther north you go, the more the difference between the north and the south becomes apparent. It is not the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River, but the vastness and roughness.

There are also the most rare scenes, grasslands, deserts, snow-capped mountains, and the northernmost city of Dayue City. Four completely different scenery can be seen at a glance, and there are such scenes in the whole world.

It is an indescribable magnificence.

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao rode their horses across the grasslands, and also entered the desert, sitting at the foot of the snow-capped mountains and chatting.

Wei Yunzhao took a sip of his wine and turned to look at the people beside him, "Madam, I promised you to bring you to the border. Now look, this place is very good."

The wind blew past, with a whistling sound, revealing a little mournful cry.

The northern land is cold and desolate. Countless corpses have been buried on the battlefield, and the city walls are stained with blood.

But for military commanders, this is their world, where they can eat meat and drink, and enjoy themselves freely, without so many calculations, and they don't have to walk on thin ice. It is the place where their hearts really want.

With Wei Yunzhao's intelligence, he can live well in Shengjing, and even be able to sit above ten thousand people. But in comparison, he still prefers this seemingly poor and miserable frontier.

"Almost all the men of the Wei family grew up in this kind of place, and they may die on the battlefield someday, but they would rather die on the battlefield. This is the destination that generals will have."

Jiang Lin turned his gaze back from a distance, "This place is very good. This is a place guarded by you with blood and sweat. There are countless heroic spirits buried here, and there are many lovely people alive."

"The most important thing is that you are here, and you like it here."

"Wei Yunzhao, I like you, and I also like this border town and the vast border that you care about."

Wei Yunzhao looked at Jiang Lin with deep eyes, with a glint in his eyes, as if he wanted to swallow someone into his stomach.

"Madam's words are so affectionate, but my husband's heart is moved."

Jiang Lin's eyes lingered on Wei Yunzhao, and he was a little puzzled.

Wei Yunzhao waved to him, "Madam, come here."

Jiang Lin moved closer, Wei Yunzhao whispered in his ear, Jiang Lin's expression was a bit indescribable after listening, "General Wei, you are playing wildly."

"You really impress me."

Wei Yunzhao pulled them to lie down together, "Ma'am, it's actually the good of Beidi, even if we lie here for one night, no one will find out."

"Then have you ever thought that maybe no one will find out for the rest of your life? You will be buried in the belly of a wolf, and there will be no bones left." Jiang Lin reminded him to face reality squarely.

Wei Yunzhao smiled, and hugged him tighter, Jiang Lin touched his hard chest a few times, "General Wei, there is actually another reason why I don't want to agree, the main reason is harmony, you know that Jin Jiang Is the review very strict?"

Wei Yunzhao's eyes flickered slightly, "How about kissing?"

That's no problem, Jiang Lin immediately agreed, and said, "I'll take the initiative, just lie down and enjoy."

The two stayed at the foot of the snow mountain for a long time, and their clothes were soaked in dew before they rode back to the city.

Shengjing has the prosperity of Shengjing, and Beidi also has the advantages of Beidi. Since they want to stay, it is better to make life in this place more comfortable.

Jiang Lin quickly got busy, and took the people of the border town with him. The people of the border town felt that the general's wife, the son of the world, was like a **** given to them by God, as if he could do everything. Changes in life, becoming prosperous and rich, no need to live on food and clothing.

And with General Wei around, there is no need to worry anymore. General Wei soon became the **** of war in the hearts of the people in the border towns.

This couple has been praised by countless people.

After staying in the north for a few years, they went to the south again. The new emperor is a veritable good emperor who promotes Xuancheng rice, which can be seen everywhere in the north and south. In addition, the few pumpkin seeds that Jiang Lin had planted on Zhuangzi turned into countless golden pumpkins later on, giving the common people another kind of food that could satisfy their hunger.

This emperor seldom suspects, no matter whether he is a scholar or a military commander, those who can use it.

The two Jiang Lin, who were quite trusted by Emperor Yongning, traveled to many places in Dayue and saw different scenery, but the person beside them remained the same.

(3) Wei Yunzhao X Jiang Lindai

The white ceiling above his head made Jiang Lin a little dazed and a little strange.

It seems that he has not opened his eyes for a long time before seeing a white roof, from the end of the world, and ancient times, two lifetimes, decades.

Looking around, the computer desk, wardrobe, and a charging mobile phone on the bed all reminded him that this is neither the end of the world nor the ancient times.

Jiang Lin picked up his phone and looked at the year first, 2021, he went back to before the end of the world.

The various push messages on the mobile phone are very familiar, and celebrities are also familiar, so it can be judged that this is the normal world before he wore the book.

The alarm clock rang, and he found the key words in many complicated and long-term memories. Now he is still a social animal, a poor laborer, and he needs to go to work!

Jiang Lin: "..."

Really not good news.

Jiang Lin got up and searched around the house, but there was not one more person, which also meant that although he came back, the man was gone.

I don't know if there is him in this world, and if he can still find Wei Yunzhao.

Jiang Lin found that he didn't have much joy in coming back.

He searched for Wei Yunzhao's name on his mobile phone, but found no useful information, Jiang Lin sighed, love makes people melancholy.

The social animals have to support themselves, and they may have to spend a lot of money to publish a missing person notice in the future, so they have to make money, a lot of money, so he packs up hard and goes to work.

Fortunately, the space is still there, as are the memories of the past, and I still remember the company address.

Jiang Lin was a little sluggish when scanning the QR code on the public bus that he hadn't taken for a long time. There was a lot of traffic and high-rise buildings. Everything was familiar, yet unfamiliar.

He searched Dai Viet Dynasty on his mobile phone, but there was no historical record.

He was looking for the novel he had transmigrated into. It had the same name, but the content was completely different. Except for the memory in his mind, the others seemed to have been erased.

"Wei Yunzhao," he whispered the name softly, "You must remember what you said before, and you will find me even after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers."

Of course, I will look for you too, Jiang Lin added in his heart.

Even if the traces are not there, as long as he still remembers, he will keep looking for them until the day they meet again.

When the bus arrived near the company, Jiang Lin got off the bus and rushed towards the gate, but a disabled person in a wheelchair blocked the way at the gate.

The person pushing the wheelchair was a tall man in black, wearing sunglasses, white gloves, and standard bodyguard outfits.

Jiang Lin was too embarrassed to ask people to make way, so he had to wait for them to go in first, but the person who was not in the wheelchair turned his head.

That face, a familiar face, he didn't know how many times he had kissed and touched it.

Jiang Lin never thought that the other party might be a stranger with the same appearance, so he subconsciously said, "You're disabled again? What is the indissoluble bond between you and this wheelchair?"

The bodyguard subconsciously glared at Jiang Lin, but the one in the wheelchair smiled and called out, "Lin Lin."

The fate is really inexplicable, as if blinding his melancholy on the bus before.

Jiang Lin consciously squeezed away the bodyguards to push the wheelchair, and at the same time complained, "Why am I so unlucky, I will push your wheelchair for the rest of my life."

The bodyguard wanted to say something, but Jiang Lin had already pushed the wheelchair away, so the bodyguard had no choice but to lead the way and press the elevator.

When the elevator went up to the top floor, Jiang Lin laughed, "It seems that the status in this life is not bad, and he has become my boss."

Not bad indeed, the heir of a large group was just unlucky, he was crippled by the uncles fighting over the family property, and could only walk in a wheelchair.

Jiang Lin pushed people into the office, but the bodyguards were standing outside the door, so they couldn't follow him in.

Seeing someone, it seems that all worries are gone, and I have a lot to say and ask a lot of questions.

Before Jiang Lin could speak, the other party spoke first, "In this life, my name will still be Wei Yunzhao."

Jiang Lin thought, this is enough.

He pulled Wei Yunzhao up, "Stand up and let me hug you, I miss you."

Wei Yunzhao... he really couldn't stand up this time.

Jiang Lin heard him talk about a big drama of a wealthy family, and thought that he might be really beautiful and miserable, as it has been in ancient and modern times.

Wei Yunzhao said, "So, I can't miss Linlin, you are my savior."

"Why don't you call me Madam?" It's strange that I'm not used to it.

"Ma'am," Wei Yunzhao did as he wished, and whispered in a familiar tone, which he had heard thousands of times.

"Well, General." He has also called countless times.

This love has been continued again, and naturally I will call it tens of thousands of times in the future.

It just seemed to change a bit, Jiang Lin asked, "Should I call you Mr. Wei from now on?"

"I prefer Madam to call me my husband, Madam may as well call to listen," said the tone expectantly.

Jiang Lin kicked his leg, "It seems that you don't want to be able to stand up forever."

Wei Yunzhao approached with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Ma'am, I recently learned a new word called office play."

"Then you may not have heard of another word, called fart eating!"

It's over!

The author has something to say: I'm here, I'm done!

The biggest achievement of this article is that I have harvested you little cuties who have been chasing after you from beginning to end, love you so much!

And I have achieved the achievement from the beginning of the article to the end without interruption, am I awesome! (Please give a five-star praise)

I will update the article recently, which is the one in the column. It is a gourmet article with not many words.

Once dressed as the fake young master of the Hou Mansion who was poisoned to death, Mu Ting hurriedly packed his bags and disguised himself as a woman to save his own life.

Then something even more unlucky happened. On the way, he was beaten unconscious and stuffed into a sedan chair to replace the bride who also ran away to marry.

The one who married was the unlucky guy who ran away with three fiancées.

On the wedding night, Mu Ting looked at the groom's official eyes full of sympathy, and told him the truth based on the principle of being an honest man.

Mu Ting: "Your fiancée ran away with someone again."

Mutin: "I'm still a man."

Mu Ting: "If you don't believe me, you can touch it."

The groom's officer touched Mu Ting's flat chest, feeling a little dazed.

The Qi family has three scholars in one family, and they all gather for the list.

It just so happens that Qi Zhan is such an incapable dude who only knows how to eat, drink and play all day long, so that it is difficult for him to even marry a wife.

Finally, someone came in, even if he was knocked out and sent to the sedan chair, it turned out to be a man disguised as a woman!

At first, it's better to make do with it than nothing at all.

Later, it smells so good!

The dishes cooked by the daughter-in-law are also really delicious! Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-12-12 23:02:32~2020-12-13 23:00:20~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Dabei Jieye; 1 bottle of fierce card machine card machine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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