MTL - Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System-Chapter 630 Was prescribed

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Chen Yijun?

Su Lin thought about it. Sally’s Chinese name is Chen Yijun. However, since the first meeting, Su Lin has never called Sally’s Chinese name because Sally’s Westerners have no appearance. The man called her in front of Surin. Even Sally’s classmate Lin Qingxue has always called her Sally.

And Sally’s father, Chen Tianlin, is also a Chinese businessman in China. What Su Lin didn't think was that Chen Tianlin and Chen Yinan were brothers. However, Chen Tianlin, who had heard of it, once made a fortune in the counter-attack against Vietnam. Su Lin knew something. I am afraid that at that stage, Chen Tianlin also made war money through the position of his eldest brother Chen Yinan.

Of course, the things in these families are not what Su Lin can care about. Su Lin also does not want to care. However, I met Sally here, and it was indeed unexpected in Surin.

"Sally, are you just coming to Paris? Are you booking this hotel?"

For Chen Xueling, it was an unexpected surprise to meet the cousin Sally here. It happened that she found that the suite she and Su Lin lived in was three rooms, and she simply took Sally into the room and said: "We This suite is three rooms, Sally, would you like to move in and live with us?"

"Snow Ling sister, you... live with Su Lin?"

When Sally heard this, she immediately glared at Surin. She knew the romance of Surin. In Jian'an, there were several small lovers, and even she was given to him. Therefore, Sally thought that even her cousin Chen Xueling was also won by Surin.

"Sally, don't misunderstand Surin. Surin is actually my father's trip to protect me this time. After all, you know. There are many flies around me. This is abroad, I can't guarantee that something dangerous will happen. So, my dad let Su Lin protect me. Just outside the airport, I met the gang members in Paris, but fortunately, Surin is there, otherwise, the consequences Unthinkable."

Chen Xueling certainly knows why Sally is stunned by Surin. So I explained to Su Lin quickly.

"Sarry Sally, don't you be arrogant? Isn't that kind of person you think? Really, yes, you just said, what are you doing here in Paris? Interviewing a mysterious Chinese oil painter? ”

Surin faintly thought that it might be that Sally came for herself, or that. It was for the author of the two paintings "sunny". Can not help but sigh in the heart, Sally, this beauty reporter is really a supernatural power, what is the major news, she can plug in.

"Yes! Su Lin, Xue Lingjie, how long have you been in this hotel? Do you know how many Chinese faces in this hotel? I got the information. The mysterious painter lived in this hotel tonight. So, the scope of the search. It’s already very small. Just look at the Chinese face in this hotel. Who will go to the oil painting exhibition in the 13th district government building tomorrow... It’s probably the mysterious painter...”

Although Sally is not sure. The mysterious oil painter will definitely enter the exhibition tomorrow. However, if he does not enter the exhibition. What are you doing in Paris again? What's more, although there is no official media conference tomorrow, but the news, the European Oil Painting Association is to invite this genius Chinese oil painter to invite him to join the European Oil Painting Association.

Oil painting has always been regarded by Westerners as a luxury in their culture. Orientals understand oil paintings, which have always been regarded as jokes by Westerners, but now there is a genius oil painter who is very good at applauding. These ordinary artists and artisans with ordinary nostrils have to lower their noble heads, sigh in front of the shocking world, then cried and asked Liu Yizhi to let him introduce this genius. A great painter.

The editor-in-chief of Sally's "Fox Daily" also got the gossip from some private channels. Although I still don't know the true and false of this rumor, if it is true, it must be a shock to the entire Chinese art scene and even the world's art. If the "Fuji Daily" can pre-empt the exclusive interview with this mysterious painter, then the influence will definitely be able to pull up a lot.

Therefore, Sally also knows that this interview is extremely important, she must find the mysterious talented painter.

"Mysterious Chinese painter?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Xueling also came to the interest and said, "I seem to have heard Liu Yizhi say this mysterious talented painter. The English name seems to be called 'sunny'."

"Right, Xue Lingjie, Master Liu Yizhi recently joined you in the North American Academy. You are familiar with him. Can you introduce me to Master Liu Yizhi tomorrow, let him help find this mysterious talented painter? Let me make an interview, as long as an hour... No... as long as half an hour is enough... Xue Ling sister, this interview is really important to our newspaper."

Sally thought about it. When he checked Liu Yizhi's information, he found out that Liu Yizhi joined the Academy of Fine Arts of Qingbei University two months ago and stayed as a professor to teach Western oil painting history. Her cousin Chen Xueling is the deputy dean of the Academy of Fine Arts of Qingbei University. Naturally, the relationship with Liu Yizhi will be more familiar.

"This... Sally, I also asked Liu Yizhi about this mysterious painter. However, Liu Yizhi did not reveal anything to me. He told me that this mysterious genius painter himself asked for confidentiality. So, I am afraid, I can't do anything about it."

In fact, Chen Xueling wants to know who this mysterious talented painter is more than Sally. Although she did not see the original paintings of Surin like Liu Yizhi, the photos brought back from Liu Yizhi and the description of Liu Yizhi. Among them, this genius painter is already almost adoring.

After all, as a vice president professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of North Korea, Chen Meiling often teaches her own students about the history of oil painting. Students will always be questioned whether Chinese people have made outstanding contributions in the history of world oil painting, especially the exhibition of many famous oil paintings. She took the students to visit, and she was often questioned by the students about why there were no works by Chinese painters.

Not to mention. From the West there are masters such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Van Gogh and so on. Oil painting has always been the soft underbelly of the Orientals. In Huaxia, there are not many masters of oil painting that can be praised by the world's oil painting circles. However, in recent years, Liu Yizhi can be said to be one of the best, but it only has a certain influence on the Impressionist painting circle. As a rookie, he is highly regarded by the world's art circles.

However, this mysterious Chinese genius painter, Chen Meiling learned from her own channels. This painting of a genius painter who has never shown it to the world. To the painting world of Europe and even the whole world, it is a complete shock.

Yes, it’s shocking, not the level of praise. It’s completely shocked.

Even Chen Meiling was a doctoral tutor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, a famous oil painting master. Mimo Rotella, the vice president of the European Oil Painting Association, also marveled at the "Da Vinci Regeneration" of this talented painter.

This is also the only reason why Chen Meiling has to come to participate in this oil painting exhibition. Every year in Europe, even the world oil painting exhibition held in Paris is not repeated several times. But this time, it is precisely because of the exhibition of the works of this mysterious painter that Chen Meiling must come to see it. Even if you don't see this mysterious painter himself, you should also take a look at this fascinating picture.

"Xue Lingjie. I really can't figure it out. Why should this mysterious painter keep it secret? If this is a matter of glory for the country, it should be open and honest, let us Chinese people be proud of him!"

Walking into the suite, Sally dragged her baggage to another empty room. Pulling Chen Xueling again in the living room.

"Maybe people have any hardships! Or does this person simply disdain to let others know?" Surin inserted a bit, but the heart was groaning. I have been high-profile recently. If this identity is known, let me not let others live?

"Yes, Sally, Surin is right. Only this kind of mentality that is not greedy and fame and fortune can draw a real masterpiece."

Chen Xueling nodded, apparently the same Su Lin’s statement.

"In any case, you are painting differently from normal people. What kind of genius painter is not a mental problem? What Van Gogh is a psychological problem, shooting suicide... Hey! I wish I will tomorrow. I was able to meet this sunny, successfully interviewed him, and prayed that he should not be mentally ill, normal."

Sally held her chin. After saying this, she turned her head to Su Lin Road. "Su Lin, what are your plans for tomorrow? Follow us to the exhibition?"

"Tomorrow, I asked Surin to find a coffee shop outside the exhibition, waiting for us, Sally. After all, this exhibition must have a ticket to enter. It is hard to get a ticket, and I have no extra votes for Surin."

Su Lin still did not speak, Chen Xueling rushed to say.

"Is this ticket difficult to get? How can our editors get me a piece?" Sally didn't know that the ticket for this exhibition was very precious, but she felt that her editor-in-chief could get it. Chen Xueling, Qingbei The art professor at the university should not get extra tickets, so he asked Su Lin, "Su Lin, do you really have no tickets?"


Su Lin shook his head honestly and smiled and said, "Nothing, Teacher Chen, Sally Sister, tomorrow, you will go to visit the oil painting yourself! I have a way."

What Surin said is true. He does not have any tickets, because he has more precious invitations and only 50 invitation tickets for the entire exhibition.

"That's why, Surin, it's a pity. You can't see the amazing work of a mysterious genius painter tomorrow."

Chen Xueling, a professor of fine arts, said sorry for Surin. After all, Surin was so hard to accompany him to Paris, so that Su Lin was waiting outside for himself, and Chen Xueling was too unwilling to go.

"Oh, Xue Ling sister, where does Su Lin know what to look at? It is estimated that he and I, like those who see the twisted oil paintings, want to sleep tightly. Where does he know to appreciate?"

Su Lin listened to Sally's words, and she despised her in her heart, making it seem like she knew herself. However, Su Lin did not explain too much, he did not want to let the two know that he is the mysterious genius painter sunny, or that Su Lin simply did not want others to know. Now that he has enough status, it is more trouble.

When Su Lin and Chen Xueling chatted in the suite, Song Jia, who settled the baggage on the other side, started his conspiracy plan.

He took out a pack of powerful reminders from the bag and found the manager of the hotel. Because it has already passed the boss of the hotel in advance, the manager of this hotel, according to Song Jia’s instructions, asked the waiter to put this package of powerful reminders into the food or drink of Chen Xueling’s room for a while. go with.

"Hey! Chen Xueling, you are a stinky girl, I will wait to see you in a while, watching you spring..."

After Song Jia’s confession, he did not return to the room, but waited directly at the hotel desk. As far as he knows, Chen Xueling did not eat anything on the plane. After she got off the plane, she came directly to the hotel. It is estimated that she will order at the hotel.

Sure enough, in the suite, Su Lin and others, after chatting, Chen Xueling felt hungry, and opened the hotel menu with Sally, dialed the phone number at the front desk, and began ordering. Su Lin was because the middle of the plane was restored to the state, the stomach is not hungry, at the same time, he looked at the Western-style meals on the menu, it is really no appetite, went back to his room to take a bath, did not want to eat.

"Snow Ling sister, we want a bottle of red bar! Drink some red wine at night, it is more interesting!"

"So late, I ordered so much meat, Sally, no wonder you have been fat for a while..." Chen Xueling touched the big **** of Sally, and laughed.

I ordered some steaks and salads, and Sally asked for a bottle of red wine, then called the front desk and asked them to go.

"Good opportunity. This time, Chen Xueling, I see how you escaped the hand of my Song Jia..."

When Chen Xueling from Room 701 had dinner, Song Jia was excited. She watched the waiter pour the powerful medicine into the red wine and couldn’t wait to return to her room on the seventh floor. The effect of the drug, then took the 701's room card and camera, rushed in to Chen Chenling to possess the land.

Ps: first! Everyone can focus on my starting point broadcast! There is a concern to return! Also, the book friends who appear in the rewards and vote for the monthly vote will pay attention to your broadcasts in the future. There will be some restrictive articles in the future, and they may be released there. So, don't you pay close attention to when to wait?