MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 391 390, I'm teaching Naoki-san a lesson!

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  Chapter 391 390, I'm teaching Naoki-san a lesson!

  Salt is added at the end, so the cooking process has come to an end.

  Although Akina Nakamori added water in a bit of a hurry, and then used a spoon to scoop out all the floating salt particles, but the rescue at this time was just a remedy for the dead.

  When the last chef appraised today's dishes, his face was salted out of the emoji, and finally he said with a painful face: "Mingcai sauce, is it on purpose?"

   "Private Marseille!"

   Akina Nakamori couldn't stop apologizing, but the dumbfounding expression made the onlookers cover their stomachs with laughter. Generally speaking, this variety show is full of laughs~

  Because he met someone he knew, Naoki Nagayama thanked Kotaro Sakai for his continued leadership, and waited with Shuichi Itou until the filming of the program ended.

  After the producer announced that the filming was over, Akina trotted to Naoki Nagayama like a deer.

   "Naoki-san, why are you here?"

   There was surprise in his tone, and even more joy in his black and white eyes.

   "I'm here with Shuichi-san to give away the last episode of "The Three Sisters of the Cat's Eye." Naoki Naoyama introduced Shuichi Itou next to him, "Do you know Akina? This is the great director Shuichi Ido."

   Then he introduced Akina Nakamori: "Shuichi-san, this is Akina Nakamori."

   "Ah, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me." X2, although they are both in the entertainment industry and have heard each other's names, but this is indeed the first time they have known each other.

   After the two greeted each other well, Naoki Naoyama continued to ask: "Didn't Akina-chan return to Kiyose?"

   "I was picked up early in the morning~" Akina Nakamori showed a helpless expression on her face, "I still plan to go to the park with my little nephew~"

   "Didn't you say that after the concert, there is a period of rest?" Even first-line idols should have basic human rights.

  Akina Nakamori frowned: "Fang Ze-san said that there was a temporary announcement and it is said that it is a very hot show"

   Naoki Yongshan glanced at the studio, and seemed to vaguely remember that this show, where the chef teaches cooking, is both funny and practical, and indeed has a good reputation among female groups.

  From this point of view, Kenyin’s decision cannot be said to be wrong, but seeing Akina’s aggrieved look, she can’t stand on other fronts!

   "Even so, the itinerary should be confirmed in advance!" Yonghe Sanzhishu supported Mingcai without hesitation, which made the little girl feel better.

   "Maybe it was really too sudden~" After the little resentment was dissipated, Akina returned to the character of thinking about others, helping others find the reason, and then said with a smile,

   "But it's not bad, I just met Naoki-san~"

  Seeing Mingcai's mood improved, Naoki Naoyama also joked: "Haha, yes, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see the cooking of Mingcai sauce and make the chef cry~"

   "How can there be!"

  How can it be so salty!

  Akina Nakamori patted Naoki Nagayama's arm angrily. If it wasn't for Naoki-san's sudden appearance, how could he be distracted?

   Moreover, the scene of adding more salt was actually captured by the camera. For a culinary master, this is simply a dark history of a lifetime!

   "The chef's eyes are wide open!"

   "It's all Naoki-san's fault!" Seeing that the culprit dared to laugh at herself, Akina continued to attack Naoki's arm in frustration.

   "Ah~It hurts~"

Naoki Yongshan laughed exaggeratedly, and grabbed the small fist that was clenched, and it felt like he was grabbing two cold glutinous rice balls, soft but with toughness; With pouty cheeks, an inexplicable urge to bully arose in my heart.

   And Nakamori Akina seemed to be holding down the pause button, trying to pull out her hands but seemed to have no strength. The heat from her hands seemed to spread from her arms up to her face, leaving a blush.

  Feeling that Naoki Yongshan's eyes seemed to be looking at her, she could only shy away from looking at Naoki Yongshan's eyes, but she said angrily like a baby:

   "Naoki-san, let go~"

   "That won't work, unless Akina stops bullying me!"

   "Obviously Naoki-san is bullying me~"

  Xiu Yitang saw Naoki Nagayama fighting with a young female idol, and he could only feel that the title of Naoki Huaxin was not groundless.

  At this moment, Fangze Mingxing, the manager who saw his idol flirting with a man in the studio, walked over quickly and asked:

   "Ming Caijiang, what's wrong?"

  Ah, the lord is here, Naoki Naoki let go of his hand quickly, and said with a smile: "I let go, Ming Cai-chan can't continue to attack~"

Feeling the warmth of his hands leaving, Nakamori Akina actually felt a little reluctant in her heart, but she naturally recovered her true colors in front of everyone, and said fiercely: "Fang Ze-san, dumb tape, I am teaching Naoki-san a lesson! "

   Sure enough, she has the demeanor of a big sister.

  Ming Xingfang saw that there was nothing wrong with it, and found that the person next to him was actually Naoki Naoyama, who had been warned by Akina's senior managers. He immediately thought of keeping his idol away.

   "Ming Caijiang, the filming is almost done, we can go back."

   "Eh? So fast?" Just saw Naoki-san and wanted to talk more, Nakamori Akina's eyes turned to Nagayama Naoki involuntarily.

   "Ah, it's all over. I just smelled the aroma of the food on the show, and my stomach is growling~" Naoki Yongshan didn't want to part so soon: "Are you hungry?"

   "Yeah~" Akina nodded vigorously.

  Originally this kind of gourmet show, the food that I made by myself will definitely be eaten, but this time it is too salty.

   "Then let's go have lunch together? How about it?" Naoki Naoyama's inquiring gaze glanced at Akina, who definitely agreed, and then looked at his manager, Akyuki Funomori.

  The manager is naturally unwilling, but the current situation is that his idol agrees.

   It's just a dinner party between acquaintances, and I'm still next to him. If I strongly disagree and can't give any good reasons, wouldn't it be unreasonable trouble? And it will make your idol unhappy

  Ming Xingfang thought about it for a while, and still chose to agree.

   "Ming Caijiang, now comes the question, what shall we have for lunch?"

  After Naoki Naoyama said that in nearby Akasaka, there is a restaurant called "Tsutsui" that has a very delicious beef rice bowl, the foodie Mingcai immediately decided to go there for a meal.

  Naoki Naoyama and Osamu Ido took the same car, followed by Akina Nakamori's car, and headed to Akasaka, which is not too far away.

   "Naoki-san, you and Nakamori Akina are very familiar~" Ido Shuichi knew that Naoyama Naoki had performed songs for Nakamori Akina, and had also appeared in variety shows several times, but now he found that the two seemed to be really good friends.

   Naoki Naoyama did not hide anything: "Yes, we met before Akina debuted."

   "Huh? Isn't that for the effect of the show?"

   "No, we have known each other for a long time." Naoki Naoyama said while driving the car, "My sister and Akina's sister are also good friends."

   "I see~" Shuichi Ido probably thought that the two were family friends or something.

At this time, he suddenly thought of "Hot-Blooded High School" to be filmed in the future: "Naoki-san, speaking of the female character in "Hot-Blooded High School", the bar singer, seems to be very suitable for Akina Nakamori? Why don't you invite her to play the role?" one time?"

   "Eh? Is Ruo Aisawa joining?"

  Naoki Naoyama did not think of this, but he can sing and has a rebellious image, Akina really fits right now,

   "For this point, I might ask Kenyin. It seems that Akina's current image is swinging between innocence and rebellion. I don't know if they will agree to Akina's role~"

   "Then let me ask you during the meal~"

  Akasaka is not too far from Shiba Park. It took two cars to arrive at "Tsutsu Well" in less than ten minutes. Several people walked through the stone platform and the bluestone path among the potted plants and entered this Chinese-Western restaurant.

   "Naoki-san, when I smell it, I feel like my stomach is bulging~"

  Mingcai changed into ordinary clothes, and also wore a pair of flat glasses like Arale. At this time, the wings of her nose moved slightly, like a child with a gluttonous mouth.

   "That's right, this restaurant's signature secret sauce black hair wagyu don is very delicious, you must not miss it!" Naoki Naoyama sat next to Akina, pointing to the menu and introducing it.

   "Well, you must not miss it!" Foodie Mingcai's eyes were about to light up.

  The two were ordering food here, while Akira Yukibo and Shuichi Itou started chatting while drinking water after a brief ceremony.

  "Akira Yuki-san, I don't know how your company plans for Ms. Akina Nakamori's future? Do you have any idea of ​​acting in a movie in the future?"

"Yanyin knows that Ming Caijiang's potential is not just an idol, so he has made arrangements in various aspects. As for movies and TV dramas, they are all under consideration." Ming Xingfang looked at the famous director in front of him, and seemed to be I guessed something, "Director Yi Tang asked that?"

   "Hi, Shuyou Films is currently preparing a new movie called "Hot-Blooded High School." Naturally, Shuichi Ido had nothing to hide, "There is a female character in it, and I think the image of Ms. Akina fits very well."

   ""Hot-Blooded High School"? Is it a youth campus movie?" Ming Xingfang asked, Ming Na's age is also just right.

   "Ha, no, it's a movie about bad students~" Yi Tangxiu explained the general plot with a smile, "In short, it's a group of bad college students' passionate youth"

   "Bad student.this"

  Akina Yukibo was a little hesitant. Although Akina's image has a rebellious side, if she really wants to participate in a bad movie, it will still have a big impact on her image.

  Ido Shuichi naturally did not have the idea of ​​asking the other party to agree to participate in the performance from the beginning, and smiled at Ming Xingfang: "Ming Xing-san, I just asked, if Kenyin is interested, it is not too late for us to talk further~"

  This is no longer something that the manager can directly decide, and Ming Xingfang replied seriously: "Hey, Director Yitang, I will explain this matter to President Hanami He and Section Chief Terahin Chao!"

   At this time, Akina Nakamori, who had already ordered the meal, looked over: "Fang Ze-san, what's the matter, what do you want to say to the president?"

   "Director Yitang just asked Akina if he had any thoughts on appearing in a movie." Ming Xingfang said, "This matter should be carefully considered."

   "Huh? Starring in a movie?" Akina Nakamori glanced at Osamu Ido in surprise, then turned to Naoki Nagayama, with doubts in his big eyes.

   "It's a movie called "Hot-Blooded High School". There is a bar singer in it, which fits Akina's current image~" Naoki Naoyama explained, "So I want to ask Akina if she wants to try acting in it."


   "It's not a youthful love movie, but it's a bit violent and a lot of bad culture," Naoki Naoyama continued.

  Hearing this, Akina Nakamori looked at Naoki Nagayama with accusing eyes, her cheeks puffed up: "Does Naoki-san think I look like a bad girl?"

   "Hahaha~ Isn't there a saying about Sister Akina's head?"

Seeing Akina Nakamori glanced at his arm, and then the hand on the table was about to move again, Naoki Naoyama felt surrendered: "Arnold. It's not that she looks bad. The girl in the movie is actually very handsome and cute. ~"

  Hearing this statement, Akina calmed down: "Of course he's handsome~"

  Actually a little more cute~

  Ming Xingfang said from the side: "Whether Ming Caijiang can play the role, we still need to listen to the opinions of President Hanami He and Section Chief Si Lin Chao."

   "Well, I understand~"

  Several people were chatting about other aspects of the movie. The signboard of "Tsutsui" and beef donburi were delivered, and the rich aroma immediately lubricated the diners' mouths.

  Slices of wagyu beef with a suitable thickness are brushed with a special sauce. As the butter slowly melts, it is poured with mirin and stirred, and it can be delivered to the mouth together with rice.

  In an instant, the thick taste exploded between the teeth, the tenderness and rich gravy of the wagyu beef, the saltiness of the sauce and mirin, the oily aroma of butter, and the distinct texture and aroma of rice.

   It makes people unable to stop one bite after another.

   "Sure enough, it's a delicacy you can't miss!" Foodie Mingcai couldn't help but praise during the meal break, "It's so delicious!"

   "I will come to eat once a month from now on!" Yongshan Naoki said.

   "I have to come here once a week!" Mingcai's frequency increased even more.

  Ming Xingfang and Shuichi Ido enjoyed the delicious food in silence, looking at the two people opposite, it was like a parent looking at a young child~

  The cuisine of "Tsutsu Well" took good care of the hungry stomachs of the four people. After eating, Akina put the chopsticks away and thanked her sincerely with clasped hands: "Thank you for the hospitality~"

  Before he left, Naoki Yongshan asked, "Is there any schedule for Ming Caijiang in the afternoon?"

   "Akina is going back to the office to discuss work arrangements for next month~" Ming Xingfang said immediately, he can't let his idol continue to be with Naoki Nagayama.

   "Yes~" Akina was a little bit reluctant, but there was no other way to work, "What is Naoki-san going to do in the afternoon?"

   "Me?" Naoki Naoyama glanced at Shuichi Ido, "Ichigo-san and I are going to the filming location of the movie to do some graffiti art~"

   "? Graffiti?"

   "Yeah, I didn't dare to scribble on the school wall when I was in school. Today is the time to make up for the regret!"

   "Sounds interesting."

  Akina Nakamori's eyes were full of envy, so Ming Yukibo hurriedly dragged his idol away, if he stayed a little longer, he might really be tempted away by Naoki Nagayama~

   Sure enough, the fire prevention, theft prevention and Naoki prevention mentioned by the predecessors are all based on experience!

   "Shuichi-san, let's go too~" When Akina Nakamori's car left, Naoki Naoyama said to Shuichi Itou, "However, we have to pick up someone first."


  Of course it is Yong Shanfeng, one of the leading actors~

   Naoki Naoyama remembered that Shuichi Ido once experienced the underworld life with Kaede Nagayama. It would be very interesting to see him again in Tokyo this time.

   "It's someone Shuichi-san also knows!"

  (end of this chapter)

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