MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 356 355, a **** cat in a tight leather jacket, completely OK

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  Chapter 356 Chapter 355, the **** cat in a tight leather jacket is completely OK!

   Entering mid-April,

  Fuji TV's "Boys Over Flowers" has played to the fourth episode, which has caused a lot of topics among young people.

The exaggerated comic style is just right in the TV series, and the logic of the plot is also very rigorous, and the interaction between the four male protagonists and one female protagonist is very interesting, especially at the beginning when the female protagonist Shancai beats the male protagonist Daoming Sisi Fist, let a person exhale and enjoy.

The discussion on campus also began to match the CP of Shancai and Daoming Sisi and the CP of Shancai and Huazelei. The two groups argued non-stop. After each broadcast, they called the TV station and sent letters. It all shows the popularity of TV dramas,

  The prime time of Fuji TV this time can be said to have achieved great success.

  Hezi had a very happy time during this period, but was a little annoyed when chatting with friends.

Because she has finished watching the complete episodes of "Boys Over Flowers", while her friends are discussing the content of the first four episodes with great interest, which makes it very painful for her to chat. No spoilers, only echoes Friends discuss who to choose for the heroine Shancai.

  Hezi really wanted to shout in his heart at that time: "Don't guess randomly, the chosen Daoming Temple Secretary!"

  But in the end, I can only say nothing

   Just when the audience thought that "Boys Over Flowers" was the best TV series in spring, TV TOKYO's late-night program quietly launched another manga drama - "Three Sisters with Cat's Eyes".

  As an ordinary part-time worker in Tokyo, Ryoki Yamaguchi always accompanied his boss to the izakaya for a drink after get off work. Sometimes I get dizzy after being persuaded to drink, and sometimes I am still very sober like today.

   After a day of exhaustion, Ryogi Yamaguchi could only take a breath while watching TV before going to bed.

  But since the idol group he once liked disbanded, all variety shows and TV dramas have become tools to kill time.

   "At this time, what else can I see?"

  Ryogi Yamaguchi was changing channels on the small TV in the apartment. At this time, there were only late-night TV dramas left.

   "It seems that "Wonderful Stories of the World" has finished broadcasting."

  I was thinking in my heart, and my eyes looked at the TV screen, but it seemed that I was not focused. In the day-to-day life, this is just a mechanical body memory.


  The meowing of a cat startled him a bit, but he lived on the 7th floor, how could he still hear the meowing?

   When I came back to my senses, I found that the opening title of "The Three Sisters with Cat's Eyes" started to play on the TV screen.

  In the city under the night, three art thieves in tight leather jackets, cat ear hair ornaments and eye patches loomed in the light and shadow. When they took off the masks, Yamaguchi’s long silent heart suddenly shrank

"This is?"

  Looking at the familiar pretty face, and then seeing the enchanting and mysterious cat suit, Yamaguchi Ryogi only felt a rush of heat from his heart to his head, making his cheeks flushed after drinking,

   "This is, the Wildcats!"

  Ryogi Yamaguchi felt that his eye sockets were getting wet.

  Since I saw the cat cat dance of the wild cat group one night two years ago, I have become a loyal fan of them. Even the cat ear hair accessories have desperately bought the important souvenirs of the first 1000 numbers.

  However, when the trend of the wildcat group was on the rise, it was suddenly hidden by the snow for some reason, and even the fan club was disbanded.

  Although I occasionally saw the news of the members on TV, they all lost the heritage of the Wildcats and became ordinary entertainers

  This loyal Wildcat fan also suddenly lost his idol in his heart, and became a working machine without soul and enthusiasm.

  But in this "Cat's Eye Three Sisters", Miguna Ohno, the face of the Wildcats, Misa Akiyama as the sexy, and Ayuki Katagiri as the dancer are back!

  Although it is not a cute cat anymore, but a **** cat in a tight leather jacket is completely OK!

   Even more attractive than the original!

  Ryoyoshi Yamaguchi's eyes glowed, and then he immediately found a number from the phone book, dialed the phone at hand, and contacted his colleague, who was also the former president of the Wildcats Fan Club:

   "Moses, this is the Akita family."

   "He Dian-sang! The big event, the wild cat group is back! Incarnation of the three Maoyan sisters!"

   "? Liangyi-san, have you drunk too much?"

   "Hedian-san! Turn on the TV, TV TOKYO! It's playing!"


  Akita Kazunori, at the urging of Yoshiyoshi Yamaguchi, turned on the TV in doubt, just in time to see the picture of the three Maoyan sisters disappearing in the smoke, and there was an iconic sound—"Meow~"


  While the two TV series in Tokyo are spreading exponentially, the people behind the two TV series have come to Los Angeles.

  In April, Los Angeles was warm and cold. It was already night when Naoki Naoyama arrived, and the sea breeze was blowing on the single clothes, making people shiver.

   Quickly took a taxi to the reserved hotel. It was still the Millennium Hotel. The high-end hotel I visited once had already written down the preferences of the guests. This time, I directly reserved a sunny room with a balcony for Naoki Naoyama.

  After Naoki Naoki checked in and took a shower in the guest room, an exquisite ramen had been prepared by the kitchen chef and delivered to the room.

  Get on the car and get off the noodles. We got off the plane, so it can be regarded as getting off the car.

  In short, after eating, Naoki Naoyama leaned on the sofa and made a call to Tokyo while touching his warm belly.

"Hi, I've arrived. Nothing unexpected happened." The first call was naturally to report the safety of the family, and then hung up the phone under the mother's instructions to pay attention to the body, and then called the studio. I go to work in the morning.

   "Moses, this is Shuyou Yinghua." Sure enough, Fangcun Dayu was in the office.

   "Otomo-san, I'm Naoki Nagayama."

   "Ah, has Naoki-san arrived yet? Is everything going well?"

   "Well, it's going well~ This number is my number in Los Angeles, and it's currently at the Millennium Hotel." Naoki Yongshan explained a few words about his situation before asking,

   "Speaking of which, Otomo-san, I forgot to contact Kadokawa, and I don't have their contact information."


"Hey, didn't you say that we will attend the Oscar awards ceremony together? There will also be someone there." The itinerary for the Oscar awards ceremony was all arranged by Kadokawa, but Naoki Nagayama did not organize with them The team came over and forgot to communicate with the other side.

   "Please ask Kadokawa's contact person~"

   "Hi, I see~"

   It’s not a big deal, and he agreed very readily. Just when Naoki Yongshan was about to hang up the phone, Otomo Fangcun said:

  "Naoki-san, the songs of Yuki-chan and Junko-chan have sold very well recently. We plan to make efforts in various music awards to let their songs win more honors. What do you think?"

   "Of course it's okay~" Naoki Naoyama didn't even think about it, "It would be best if both the FNS Music Festival and the Japan Record Awards at the end of the year can win~"

   "Hahaha, that's good, Naoki-san will also be there to cheer!"

   "Of course! It's my duty!" Naoki Naoyama readily agreed.

  When he hung up the phone, Naoki Naoyama felt a little strange, why did he tell me about this kind of award? Obviously Fangcun Dayou can deal with it directly~

  Maybe it was just a symbolic inquiry. Naoki Naoyama couldn't think of anything wrong, and he was very tired after sitting on the plane for more than ten hours, so he fell asleep directly.

   On the Tokyo side, after Fangcun Otomo hung up the phone, he laughed with Itang Xiu next to him: "He agreed!"

   "Ha! Just promise!" Yitang Xiuyi smiled, "It's a pity that we didn't actively participate in the awards for the previous few films, otherwise we can also add them."

"Shuichi-san, that's enough. There are so many song awards in Japan. If you participate one by one, you will have to run around for at least a month. In addition to the last three music awards at the end of the year, Naoki-san will be very busy when he comes back. Already~" Fangcun Dayu said slowly.

   "However, will Naoki-san be angry when he comes back?"

   "What's there to be angry about? Haven't you already asked his opinion?" Otomo Fangcun insisted, "Naoki-san said it himself, it is incumbent upon him!"

  Yi Tangxiu laughed heartily: "Hahaha, I feel relieved when Otomo-san said that. I'm going to film a TV series, so I'll leave first. Otomo-san just took my father!"

   "Don't even think about running away, Xiu Yisang!" Fangcun Dayou said indignantly, "The two of us are grasshoppers on the same rope!"

  Had a good night's sleep. Naoki Naoyama, who was awakened by the sun, almost forgot that he was already abroad, and even shouted two words,

  Looking at the very different scenery outside the balcony, Naoki Yongshan reacted.

   "It turned out to be already in Los Angeles"

   Ordered a breakfast and was thinking about what to do today when the phone in the guest room rang.

   "Good morning, Mr. William, this is the front desk of the hotel." The voice of the lady at the front desk came through the microphone, "We have Mr. Isao Morikawa here, and I want to visit you, may I ask?"

   "Isao Morikawa?" How did he come here? Could it be that he is going to the Oscars with me this time? "Okay, let him come up."


   After waiting for a while, I didn’t expect that the breakfast was served first. Naoki Naoyama waited for a while before Isao Morikawa,

   "President Yongshan, good morning!"

   "Morning, Minister Morikawa, I didn't expect you to come to Los Angeles too! It must be yesterday that Otomo-san contacted Kadokawa."

   "Hi, the company's staff called me yesterday, only to find out that President Yongshan has arrived in Los Angeles, which happens to be not far from our hotel, so he came over by himself."

  Naoki Naoyama welcomed him into the living room: "It seems that Minister Morikawa and I are attending the award ceremony together this time, right?"

   "Yes, there is actually one more person, our President Haruki Kadokawa."

   "Hey, is Haruki-san here too?" Naoki Naoyama was surprised, and then realized that it is normal for the president of a film company and a film producer to attend such a global film event like the Oscars.

   "Hi, the president is currently playing on the beach. After knowing that President Yongshan has arrived, let me come pick you up."

  Aha, this flamboyant middle-aged man really can't be free.

   "I see~" Naoki Naoyama nodded, "Then I'll visit him later, by the way, Minister Morikawa, have you had breakfast yet?"

   "Hi, I came back after eating~"

   "Then wait for me a little bit."

  Naoki Naoyama looked at Isao Morikawa's respectful expression and didn't say much.

Although he usually looks approachable in the studio and has a good relationship with the company's personnel, but outside, Naoki Yongshan is already a well-known director, well-known screenwriter, well-known songwriter, and writer in the film industry, and has a rising trend A very obvious company is no longer a small person.

   Maybe he is still a seedling in front of industry leaders, but in the eyes of directors of film companies like Isao Morikawa, he is already an upstart in the industry, at least someone who talks and laughs with his own president.

  Western-style breakfast doesn’t have much, just a few croissants, sausage bacon, fruit, a fried egg and a glass of orange juice, and you’re done.

  Naoki Naoyama ate and asked Isao Morikawa about his plans for the next few days,

   "The award ceremony is two days later, at the Los Angeles Music Center, and we will arrange a special car to pick you up." Isao Morikawa introduced the process, "President Yongshan and our president sit in the fifth row together"

   After breakfast, Naoki Nagayama followed Isao Morikawa to Santa Monica Beach to find Haruki Kadokawa.

   "Morikawa-san, how many times have you been to Los Angeles?"

   Naoki Naoyama, who put on a pair of big pants and a floral shirt, was sitting in a yellow taxi, chatting with the people next to him. Isao Morikawa also relaxed a lot.

   "Well, I've been here quite a few times on business, and once or twice on vacation. In general, there are more than ten times."

   "Aren't you familiar with this place? Have you ever been to Disneyland?"

   "Take the child to play once~" Morikawa asked back, "Where is Naoki-san?"

   "Ah, for me, this is the second time." Naoki Nagayama recalled the experience of meeting Akina here last year, "For Disneyland, I also went to play with friends."

   "Naoki-san, speaking of which, Disneyland in Tokyo is about to open."

   "Hi, it seems to be about this time."

During the chat between the two, the taxi quickly arrived at a pier next to the beach, and then Isao Morikawa took Naoki Yongshan along the trestle of the small pier, and walked directly to a ship that looked like Very lively boat.

   "Morikawa-san, Haruki-san rented a luxury yacht?"

   "Haha, Naoki-san, this is not rented, this is Haruki-san's yacht."

  Looking at the three-story white giant in front of him, Naoki Naoyama was a little shocked, "This is too exaggerated~"

   Sure enough, the guy who was born with a golden key in his mouth has a lot of fun. Compared with upstarts like Naoki Nagayama, he is not on the same level of wealth.

Although Naoki Naoyama can afford it, but when he thinks that he can’t play a few times a year, he has to take care of it frequently, and it will be depreciated every year. His heart hurts not long after he jumped out of poverty. He still buys real estate and antiques. Assets that will continue to appreciate, such as stocks, are better.

  This kind of big toy, let’s forget it for the time being~

   "Our president likes traveling at sea very much, so we have ships in several famous tourist destinations."

  Isao Morikawa also had envy in his eyes, "Naoki-san, let's go up, Haruki-san called some friends today and plans to hold a sea party."


   Playing with the playboy, could it be some kind of rich second generation, noble son?

  (end of this chapter)

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