MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 343 342. When I was dating a girl, my younger sister suddenly appeared

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  Chapter 343 342, when I was dating a girl, my sister suddenly appeared, what should I do?

  After entering April, Tokyo seems to be embraced by cherry blossoms.

   During the day, you can see red, pink, and white cherry blossoms raining down slowly in the streets and corners. At night, you can also enjoy more colorful cherry blossoms under colorful neon lights.

  The whole city is filled with a sweet smell, but when you smell it carefully, it slips away from your nose again, and when you don't care, it comes to tease your heartstrings again.

Naoki Yongshan absently listened to the thoughts of Otomo Yoshimura and Shuichi Ido, talking about the promotion of "Boys Over Flowers" for a while, and discussing Junko Ito's "Displaced Time and Space" for a while, maybe I will mention it later Mention the shooting process of "Maoyan Three Sisters".

After the company has grown a little bit or scaled up, the monthly work meeting has become more and more lengthy, and it is necessary to confirm the work arrangement for this month at the meeting. In fact, these work contents have already been determined before. of.

  As the president, I have no choice but to attend this kind of meeting, I almost fell asleep~

   "Naoki-san? Naoki-san!" Fangcun Otomo's voice brought back the mind-wandering Naoki Yongshan, "What do you think of the proposal just now?"

  ? proposal? What proposal?

  Although my mind is muddled, I just need to put on a serious face at this time, and then reply with a universal answer:

"I have no opinion"

  This kind of neutral answer actually hides the second half of the "you can figure it out~"

  But as soon as the words came out, Naoki Naoyama noticed that Otomo Yoshimura's eyes lit up:

   "Boom?! Naoki-san! That's a deal!"

   "Huh?" What? What is it?

   "Then for the next half month, I will leave the work of the company to Naoki-san!" Yoshimura Otomo said, "I will go to various cities to contact Junko Ito for the national tour!"

   "If you are unclear about any work, you can call me~"

It was only then that Naoki Naoyama realized that Otomo Yoshimura had said before that he would organize a national tour for Junko Ito, but the other rookies present did not have much experience in this matter, so it was still necessary for him, a veteran, to take the lead with Masa Inada Citizens went to various cities in Japan to expand.

   At the same time, the daily management of Shuyou Yinghua naturally has no energy, so just now Shuichi Itou proposed:

   "Why don't you ask Naoki-san to take care of it for a while~ Anyway, it's only half a month~"

  At this time, Shuichi Ido also opened his eyes wide. He only knew that Naoki Naoki didn't like to meddle in trifles.

  This. The sun did not come out from the west!

   Naoki Naoyama, who was sitting in the main seat, was also suffering at this time, and he accidentally took over troublesome things. But at this moment, looking at the dozen or so eyes in the meeting room, I was too embarrassed to say anything evasive.

   "Hey, leave it to me."

  When the meeting was over, Yi Tangxiu ran over and gloated and said, "At the meeting just now, Naoki-san actually deserted, right?"

  Naoki Naoki’s eyes turned into dead fish eyes. Stare(_)

   "Xiuichi-san, did you do it on purpose?"

  Xiu Yido avoided the question by saying haha: "Hahaha, Naoki-san, no matter what, in the next half month, Gangbad!"

   Heh, isn't it just a company that manages for half a month, what's the big deal?

  Those bosses are not all idle.

   Naoki Yongshan was annoyed for a while and then he didn’t take it to heart. Taking advantage of nothing else, he went out to the supermarket to restock, snacks and drinks plus evening ingredients,

  Today I made an appointment with Akina to watch a movie at Yamazakura in the afternoon!

Yuki Saito, who is so powerful, won the best newcomer award in the movie and the ninth debut song on the Oricon chart, overwhelming all the newcomers who debuted in 1983, even the predecessors Seiko Matsuda, Honako Kawai and Kashiwahara Yoshie felt a lot of pressure,

  There is already Akina Nakamori eyeing her, maybe Junko Ito will be added, and now there is another Yuki Saito?

  Idol business is getting more and more difficult!

  However, behind these top idols, there seems to be a shadow of a person.

   "Naoki Naoyama."

  35-year-old Nagato Taiyuki looked at the Oricon rankings sent by his subordinates and sighed. As the founder of Being, Inc. music production company, he naturally paid great attention to the new idol singers.

  “At first I thought I was a composer, but later I found out that I was a best-selling author, but I didn’t expect to become a well-known movie star recently, and I didn’t expect to be so good in record production.”

   "Obviously the things I do are scattered and messy, but they all look decent."

  Taiyuki Nagato turned to Goshi Fukunaga, the subordinate who delivered the materials, "Goshi-kun, do you think so?"

   "Hey, it's really crazy but it looks like things are going well."

   "Of course, I already have two first-line idols under my name, and those offices will be envious!" Nagato Taiyuki complained, "I can't wait to tie Naoki Naoyama to make records for them!"

  If it weren’t for the excellent music creators such as Oda Tetsuro and his own brother Nagato Ujihide in Being Records, he would also want to tie Naoki Nagayama over.

  In the past 5 years, the start-up Being Records has gained a firm foothold in the industry, but there are still no outstanding songs or lineups, so this year they will cooperate with the veteran CBS Sony.

   Fukunaga Goshi saw that his boss was still looking at the charts and thinking, so he continued: "President Nagato, in addition to female idols, Shuyou Pictures seems to have launched a new label with Sony Records—Rebellion."

   "Oh? With Sony Records?"

   "Hi, it's a label specially created for a newcomer named Yutaka Ozaki from Sony Records."

   "Boom? For a newcomer?"

   "Hi, Yutaka Ozaki is currently very active in underground music venues and livehouses."

  Taiyuki Nagato became interested: "Is there something special about Yutaka Ozaki?"

After all, the people Naoki Naoyama is optimistic about and provides songs to are either first-rate idols or his own artists. Facts have proved that they all have great potential. This kind of creation of a label for other artists has never happened. thing,

   Could it be that this guy is also popular?

   "Wu Zhijun, sort out his information for me."


   After his subordinates left, Taiko Nagato began to think about his company’s next plan, looking for excellent singers and making high-quality records.

   Accumulate steadily, Being Records still needs to continue to accumulate~

  Naoki Naoki went home with a full bag after shopping in a big supermarket.

  After putting the snacks and drinks on the coffee table, I’m going to the kitchen to process the ingredients.

   "Taro~ Don't move around! These are not puppy biscuits for you!"

  Big Gouzi carefully looked at the colorful things on the coffee table, and then secretly took a pack of cookies and hid them in the kennel. This snack was fed by Naoki Yongshan before.

The appointment time was two o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still some time left. Naoki Naoyama washed the fruits and the like, and the video tape of "Boys Over Flowers" was placed next to the projector, so he made a cup of hot tea and watched it in the corridor. Sakura waited for the guests to come to her door.

The warm sunshine in the afternoon shines on the cherry blossoms in the courtyard. There is no wind, and the pink and white cherry petals also fall from time to time. The small pink petals fall on the dry landscape in the courtyard, adding a little bit to the original lonely scenery. tenderness.


   I don’t know how long it took, but the doorbell of Yamazakura-in, which has not been ringing for many years, suddenly rang. Naoki Nagayama replied "Wait a minute~" and walked towards the front door.

   "So punctual? No, it's early?" The wall clock in the living room still showed a quarter to two~

After opening the door, through the grille of the courtyard door, Naoki Yongshan saw a water-green floral dress, full of vitality like spring, and looked familiar, but his face was just blocked by a pattern, blurred unclear.

  He didn't think much, and quickly opened the door:

   "Welcome to Yamazakura-in. Ming. Tsuruko?!"

   "Da da da da!" Yongshan Crane appeared at the door, "Ni Jiang, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

  “.” Still surprised? Hezi, you translate for me, what kind of surprise is this? ! More or less frightened!

   "Hezi. Why are you here suddenly!"

  Two days ago, when I was on the phone with my family, I still hadn’t decided on a good time. I said that I would come to Tokyo two days before school started.

   "I'm bored at home~" Tsuruko walked into the Yamazakura Garden carelessly, "It happens to be the cherry blossom season in Tokyo, so I came here early."

  Yongshan Naoki hurriedly closed the courtyard door and chased after him: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Ha, of course it's to surprise Ni Jiang, who is alone!" Hezi pulled the suitcase, making a clattering sound, and put it skillfully in the bedroom on the second floor, "I didn't ask my mother to call me." Come on the phone!"

  After entering the room, he immediately shouted angrily: "Yutaro, your sister Hezi is here! Hurry up and let me masturbate!"

  Big Gouzi has curled up in his kennel at this time, and put his front paws on his ears, as if he could not hear.

   "Huh? Ni-chan is really extravagant, you have prepared so many delicious food!"

  Hezi took a small apple from the coffee table and ate it very unceremoniously. He didn't know who he learned from, and he didn't know how to be reserved at his brother's house. He was very restrained when he was in his hometown.

   "Hehehe~" Naoki Yongshan smiled, "Hezi, if you come this time, you are going to report directly to the university, right?"

   "Hi! Didn't Ni-chan say to give me the apartment in Waseda? So go there in advance to get used to it during this time."

   Yingtaro still did not escape the claws of the devil, he was caught in front of him by the crane, he was raised up and down, and let out a scream,

   "Besides, this period of time is the cherry blossom season, so I can hang around for the last time! I don't have time after school~"

   Naoki Naoyama spoke from his experience at this time: "Hezi, in fact, going to university is very free~"

   But in exchange for a squint: "How do you know, Ni-chan? You haven't been to college?"

  First Blood!

   "I saw that other college students are very empty and are in a relationship~ I feel like I haven't put my mind on my studies~"

  Hezi looked over: "Ni Jiang, you have never been in a relationship, how do you know where to put your mind?"

  Double Kill!

  Naoki Naoyama stopped talking about this topic, and never wanted to give Tsuruko another chance.

   At this moment, the sharp-eyed Hezi saw the video tape next to the TV: "Ah! Ni-chan, is this the "Boys Over Flowers" video?"


   "All episodes?"


   "Where did the sauce come from?"

".I slapped."

   "Oh, Ni-chan, can I watch it?"

   Naoki Naoyama sighed in his heart. When he was dating a girl, his sister ran out suddenly. What else could he do? We can only watch together

   "Yes, I invited another person to come over to see it today."

  Hezi rummaged through the video tape and asked curiously: "Oh? Is there a guest? Do I know him?"

   "It's Akina Nakamori. Because I'm too busy with work, I don't have time to wait for the broadcast. After I know it, I plan to let her watch it in advance"

  Naoki Naoyama was talking about the reason when he heard the doorbell again.

  The gate of Yamazakura-in has never been so busy as this afternoon, but this time, it should be Ming Cai~

   Standing at the door, Akina Nakamori wore a baseball cap, sunglasses and a mask, standard celebrity travel outfits.

  Wearing a large light gray sweater, which has been dragged to the thigh, and the loose neckline reveals the white shirt inside, which looks casual, comfortable and elegant.

  Looking at this small two-story western-style building surrounded by dwarf bamboo, the girl felt a little emotional. Naoki-san’s house has always been like this, but the cherry blossoms in the yard are blooming again, and it looks very beautiful from outside the wall.

  With the opening of the courtyard door, Naoki Yongshan's handsome face was revealed, Akina waved happily: "Naoki-san, here I come~"

   "This time it really is Akina-san~"

   I don’t know why, but Akina feels that Naoki-san’s smiling face is a bit unnatural~

   "Haha~ Who else would it be if it wasn't me?"

Followed Naoki Yongshan into the room, and at a glance, there was a girl's back in the living room, bent over and rummaging in front of the TV, the water green floral dress, from the back, one could see that she was long and thin. , Youth is compelling,

   "Is there really someone else?" Nakamori Akina was shocked at first, and then suddenly felt a sense of grievance: "Did Naoki-san invite someone else to watch it together?"

   Looking at Naoki Nagayama, the eyes are getting a little foggy

   "What about Naoki-san"

   "Ah Akina-chan, coincidentally, Tsuruko came to Tokyo today~" Naoki Naoyama didn't see Akina's expression, and said directly, "It's really a big surprise for me."


  The moment she heard this name, various thoughts flashed through Akina's little head:

   "Is that the girl's name?"

   "Is it so kind to call you by name directly?"

   "Sure enough, I have other girls in my heart!"

   "Scumbag! Hana Naoki!"

   After reacting for a while, Akina remembered who this name was.

   "Naoki-san's younger sister?"

  At this time, the girl in the living room turned her head and smiled when she saw Mingcai: "Mingcai sauce, you are here!"

   As he spoke, he walked over briskly, grabbed Ming Cai's arm affectionately, and then began to chirp

  (end of this chapter)

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