MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 328 327, to become a world-class short-term king!

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  Because I went to the supermarket to do some shopping before going home, it was already evening when I returned to Yamazakura-in.

   "Hey Taro! Be careful! Don't you see what I'm holding in my hand?"

   Naoki Naoyama avoided the surprise attack by Taro, and quickly put the contents of the bag into the kitchen. After a short rest, he decided to treat himself well today.

  Opened the record cabinet under the record player, randomly picked out a vinyl record that I bought before, turned it over and looked, it turned out to be the Beatles' white album "The Beatles", and I didn't even recognize a few songs~

   Forget it, just listen to it at random.

Naoki Yongshan put the probe away, and then went to work in the kitchen. After a while, a lively piano rhythm sounded, "Ob—Di, Ob—Da", which made Naoki Yongshan in the kitchen feel Relaxed.

  Eating dinner alone does not need to be too extravagant.

Fresh pork ribs are blanched to remove the fishy smell, then add aniseed ingredients and cook in a casserole, add Cordyceps flowers and simmer for a suitable time, then add sweet corn and wolfberry, and finally add salt to season before serving, it is a pot Fragrant Cordyceps Corn Rib Soup;

  Add fresh seasonal vegetables, just add a little salt after simply overheating, and you will eat the fresh and tender flavor of seasonal vegetables;

   Finally, cook a pot of sweet rice, simple and nutritious~

   Before the pork rib soup was finished, the original stewed meat aroma had already made Euntaro circle around Naoki Nagayama's feet.

  When the dinner is ready, I still serve the food in the living room very unruly, and eat while watching TV on the coffee table~

  If you do this in your hometown, you will be taught by your mother~

  An unknown criminal investigation TV series is being shown on the TV. I have to say that the TV series filmed in this era are really tough. The plot pursues reality and the shooting is very down-to-earth.

   Naoki Naoyama had dinner with the TV series, and Taro was also enjoying a few large pork ribs with meat.


  The phone next to the sofa rang, and Naoki Naoyama had almost eaten, so he took it with one free hand,

   "Moses, this is Yamazakura-in."

   "Naoki-san, sure enough!" Nakamori Akina's voice came from the microphone, "I'm still wondering if Naoki-san is still outside at this time~"

   "Akina sauce? Isn't it on the way to the national tour? Have you returned to Tokyo?" Naoki Naoyama was very surprised when receiving a call from Akina, asking one question after another.

   "The concert in Osaka is over, and I have a few days to spare before going to Mito, so I'm back in Tokyo!"

  The voice of the idol singer sounded quite happy, "But I still have a job~"

   "Yeah, after all, our Akina is already a first-line idol~" Naoki Naoyama joked, "The schedule should be scheduled for next year~"

"Hahaha, no way~" After saying a few words, Nakamori Akina remembered the problem of calling today, "By the way, Naoki-san, the main reason for calling today is to consult Naoki-san about one matter. Opinion."

   "Oh? Nani?"

"It's the song "カ太オモイ (Unrequited Love, I wonder if it can be used as a must-have song on the tour?" Akina Nakamori's voice was a bit formal, "The fans want to listen to it again. "...

  Naoki Naoyama breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was a big deal.

   "Well, since that song has been given to Ming Caijiang, you can use it however you want."

   "Hi~ Arigado!" As if she had completed some task, the little girl's tone became obviously more cheerful, and then she began to chat about other aspects,

   "Huh? What is Naoki-san doing? I think I heard a gunshot"

   "Ah, that's the sound of the TV~" Naoki Yongshan pulled the landline phone to the coffee table, "As for me, I was having dinner just now, have you eaten Mingcai sauce?"

  The neck was slightly tilted, and he clamped the microphone to free his hands, and then finished the rest of the meal in two or three bites, and the remaining ribs were all cheap.

   "Me? I've already eaten." When I returned to Tokyo, I had dinner at the restaurant with my manager, and it's been a long time since I returned to the apartment.

   "That's good~"

   Naoki Naoyama suddenly saw the flyer on the coffee table,

   "Oh, by the way, is Ming Caijiang free on April 15th?"

   "Should. I don't know yet." Akina Nakamori couldn't be sure about the schedule a month later, "What's wrong with Naoki-san?"

"Ah, someone gave me a flyer during the day, and Tokyo Disneyland opened that day." Naoki Naoyama took the flyer and read it again and again, "The first Disneyland outside the United States is still in Tokyo. , so I just wanted to ask if you want to go play together."

   "Boom? Tokyo Disney?"

  Akina was obviously interested. I had a great time at Disneyland in Los Angeles. If I am in Tokyo this time, I think the experience of playing will be even better.

   "Yes, construction started last year, and it will officially open on April 15 this year."

   "Hey, I really want to go. The opening must be very lively." Mingcai lay down on the sofa and murmured softly, but at that time she was still on tour, so there was a high probability that there would be no free time.

   "It's okay, Akira-chan, it's the same when I'm free again"

   It’s hard to make a phone call, so naturally it can’t end soon,

   Except for asking a few more formal questions at the beginning, the rest of the conversation was actually full of small things in life.

  For example, Warner's immigration crisis over Mingcai intensifies, and the planning of the next song has not yet started;

  For example, Naoki’s Taro has been very lonely recently and tends to be in heat. Do you want to give him a set meal?

  For example, Ming Cai is going to Europe to take a group of photos next week;

  For example, Naoki’s next TV series is "The Three Sisters of Maoyan";

  Generally, they talked about everything that happened in their lives some time ago.

  By the time Naoki Yongshan put down the phone, the hour hand had already reached between 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock.

   Is it already this late?

  Naoki Naoyama hastily cleaned up the cold bowls on the coffee table, and also cleaned up Taro's rice bowl by the way.

  Seeing that it was already late at night, I turned off the TV and wanted to go to bed early, but unexpectedly, the phone in the living room rang again at this time!


   Naoki Naoyama was surprised. Generally speaking, when Japan calls others, they call in the middle of the night during the day or early in the evening. Either the relationship is very close, or there is an urgent matter.

  I have already answered a call today, who will call me at this time.

   "Moses, this is Yamazakura-in."

"Naoki, it's finally connected. This is Genta Nakai." The voice of a friend came from the microphone, "I've been calling since 19 o'clock. Every half an hour, the line is actually busy. Naoki-san Is your home phone not on the phone?"

   "Hahaha, maybe, I was just doing hygiene"

   Subconsciously, Naoki Yongshan told a lie. If he said that he was talking on the phone with someone else at this time, wouldn't Nakamoto really have to ask the question?

   "What's the matter, looking for me in such a hurry?"

"It's not just about the offshore investment company. I have already established a bank account in the United States and opened an account in the stock market. The 2 billion yen was exchanged for 8.8 million U.S. dollars. I also took out 45 million yen in my savings , into $200,000."

   "So, the prep work is done. We have a total of $9 million in funding!"

   "Hey, Naoki, can you tell me the inside information that has been kept secret?"

  There is no inside news, only success stories!

"I can't make it clear on the phone, Yuantai, let's meet tomorrow!" Naoki Yongshan set the meeting place at Sanmaiju, "I often go to Sanmaiju in Ginza. At 9 o'clock in the morning, let's stop by for a drink." tea~"

   "Sanmaiju? Okay."

   This maverick teahouse in Ginza has already gained a little reputation, and most of the people who have visited Ginza Avenue know it.

After putting down the phone, Naoki Yongshan ran to the study slowly, and began to recall an example mentioned in a college finance class before. Michael Steinhardt, a world-class short-term king in the United States, conducted his investment history in 1983. the famous battle of

  In 1983, he bought 800,000 IBM shares at a price of 117 US dollars with a borrowed 100 million US dollars. When the stock price rose to 132 yuan, he took a profit.

  In fact, Naoki Naoyama is not very good at stocks. In his previous life, he was a programmer. He didn't study economics. Even if he studied economics, he wouldn't memorize the stock market prices decades ago!

  I am familiar with the stock price of IBM in 1983, because the story of Michael Steinhardt, the short-term king, is so widely spread that basically everyone who has bought stocks has heard it.

  However, the problem now is that my original capital is still too small, and the two of them don't spend more than 9 million US dollars, and they are just a small retail investor in the stock market.

Although Naoki Naoyama knows that there will be many, many blue-chip stocks in the past few decades, such as Apple, Oracle, Microsoft, etc., if you buy them now, you only need to wait for them to rise steadily. Millionaire's, but those are long-term investments.

If you want to increase your wealth quickly in a short period of time, and then reap the greatest benefits from the Japanese bubble after 1985, you must achieve a rapid surge in original funds in a short period of time. What could be better than knowing the most accurate price in the stock market? ? …

  Following the journey of the world-class short-term king, I can also become the short-term king!

  There was nothing to say all night, this night Naoki Naoyama slept peacefully, but Genta Nakai tossed and turned a little bit.

  Early the next morning, after washing up and running in the morning, Naoki Naoyama drove the Toyota Century left at home to Sanmaiju on Ginza Avenue, and it was only around 8:30 when he arrived.

  Walking into the antique teahouse, there was no one else in the early morning. The store manager, Katsuo Yasui, was patrolling the first floor to see if there was anything that needed to be cleaned, and Chinatsu Kanbara was already in front of the counter.

   "Naoki-san, good morning!" Kanbara Chinatsu hurriedly greeted after seeing it.

   "Morning, Qianxia-san. I have an appointment for tea today." Naoki Yongshan said with a smile, and was about to go to his usual seat.

  Kanhara Qianxia stopped him: "Naoki-san, there is a guest who has been waiting for you for almost an hour! I told you specifically that it was an appointment with Naoki Naoyama."

   "Already here? It's only half past eight!"

   Naoki Naoyama was a little curious. He thought he was already half an hour early, but Genta Nakai was an hour earlier?

  Are all the current bank staff like this?

"Hey, we'll be here at eight o'clock. Because I said I had an appointment with Naoki-san, I arranged him in a private room on the third floor." Katsuo Yasui also came over, "We will entertain according to Naoki-san's previous standards. of."

   "SO Ga, thank you Katsuo-san, I'll pass right away." Naoki Naoyama quickened his pace and walked up to the third floor.

The wooden partition door is very Japanese-style. When you open it, you can see Gentai Nakai in a suit and leather shoes sitting next to the low tea table, drinking top-quality Gyokuro tea in a distracted manner. There are several stacks of documents on the coffee table .

  Hearing the sound of the door opening, this man looked haggard, and the two guys with big dark circles turned their heads,

   "Naoki, you are finally here!"

   "Yunta! What's wrong with you! It feels like you've been working overtime for a week!"

  Naoki Naoki saw him for the first time, and thought he was a 007 programmer who had just gone through the project launch.

   "It's just that I didn't sleep well yesterday."

In fact, I haven't slept well for a week. It's nothing to help Naoki Nagayama open an offshore investment account, and exchange 2 billion yen into US dollars. After all, I saw many larger and more important ones in the bank. Not your own money.

  And decided to exchange his 45 million yen for 200,000 US dollars and invest with Naoki Nagayama. This is the culprit that kept him awake. This is all the assets he and Hoshino Suzumi have accumulated in the past two years, and they borrowed a loan from the bank by virtue of their internal relationship.

  If you lose money, you will basically have to pay off the debt in the next ten or so years!

  Yongshan Naoki understood: "Ha, worry about gains and losses!"

   "Of course! This is my future for more than ten years!" Genta Nakai breathed a little shortly, and patted the document next to him, "I bet my future on Naoki!"

   As he spoke, he looked at Naoki Nagayama with bloodshot eyes, as if he was asking for some guarantee.

  Naoki Naoyama did not continue to play the guessing game: "Yutai, remember this, this year IBM's stock price will rise from 117 US dollars to 132 US dollars, and then fall to 120 US dollars!"…

"This is impossible!"

  Different from an economic novice like Naoki Nagayama, Genta Nakai, an authentic bank employee, knows too much about the stock market. If you want to advance the rise and fall of a certain stock in advance, it may be okay to have inside information.

   And there is only one explanation for this kind of thing that fully knows the specific stock price:

   "Naoki, are you involved in something like manipulating the stock market?!"

  At this time, Naoki Naoyama could only adopt an attitude of neither admitting nor denying it. He really didn’t know how to explain it.

   "Yunta, I told you the news because you are my good friend. Now you know why I have confidence."


   Genta Nakai began to struggle in his eyes, but he didn't suspect that Naoki Naoki was lying, after all, he invested 2 billion yen himself.

  What Genta Nakai is struggling with now is the choice between rationality and ambition. Manipulating the stock market is naturally illegal, but after knowing the stock price, this kind of income can

   Naoki Yongshan continued like a devil: "We are just small retail investors, and some institutions have prepared 100 million US dollars. If you invest in the United States, there should be no problem with offshore account operations."

  United States, retail investors, offshore investment. So there is basically no risk in Japan.

  Nakai Genta's expression slowly calmed down, but then his eyes started to light up scary, and he handed him a stack of documents, "There is no problem at all! Everything about qualifications has been done!"

"Then get ready to start. Since March, the Federal Reserve has entered a cycle of raising interest rates, but in the past two years since Reagan took office, the US economy is recovering, and the US stock market will basically continue to rise. IBM is also bought when it is below 117. Can."

   Naoki Naoyama recalled the little economic history in his mind last night, but unfortunately this kind of information cannot be recalled through his golden fingers

   "Hi, I understand." Genta Nakai nodded in agreement.

   "Also, Yuantai, help me find margin trading or securities firms that can borrow directly. I want to increase leverage!"


   Nakai Genta took a look at Naoki Nagayama, he really played really well!

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