MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 325 324, Mieko-san, you will be called in the gym

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  Chapter 325 324, Mieko-san, you will be called a fine dog in the gym!

   It’s not a holiday or something, Naoki Naoyama didn’t stay in his hometown in Shizuoka much,

  After watching the concert, after leaving Tsuruko at his hometown, he took Euntaro back to Yamazakurain in Tokyo.

  Speaking of which, Tokyo still has a big judge waiting to deal with it.

  After two days of cold treatment, the enthusiasm for the Daily Film Awards has almost subsided. At most, Shuyou Films has a better reputation in the entertainment industry.

  When I saw Shuichi Ido in the student apartment, the filming of "Boys Over Flowers" had almost come to an end. The director couldn't help teasing when he saw Naoki Nagayama's return:

   "Yo~ our big shot is finally back~"

  Of course Naoki Naoyama would not be polite, he didn't show any shame or anything: "Yes, Xiu Yisang has worked so hard to avoid the limelight for two days!"

   "." Yi Tangxiu was at a loss for words, there was nothing he could do to meet such a reckless guy.

"How is it? How is the progress of the filming during the two days I've been away?" Naoki Yongshan took it all at once and asked directly about the filming situation. Although he had called before and said that he would come back to film today, he knew it. Today's scene, but still have to ask.

   "Well, it went well and almost the end of the lineup." Shuichi Ido didn't talk nonsense when talking about the business, "It just so happens that Naoki-san is here today, let's shoot the rest of the big scene today!"

"big occasion?"

   "Hi, it's the last two participating in the competition."

   Ah, that’s the scene where Daoming Siji’s old mother beats mandarin ducks with a stick~ Participating in TOJ (Teen of Japan) Japan’s best female high school student competition similar to the “concubine selection contest”, only the winner in the end is worthy of being Daoming Siji’s wife

  First of all, there will be a one-minute talent show, then a show with clothes on the spot, and then a speech, and finally, a group of children will have to play together, and the champion will be selected through the children's choices.

  To be honest, this kind of plot really needs brain holes to write it out

   "This..." Naoki Yongshan understood, but in the last scene, there seems to be a plot to coax a child, this kind of child?

   "As for the children, I have already asked everyone in the film crew, and Jiayi from my family will also come over."

  Itou Shuichi showed the face of his daughter's servant: "Speaking of which, after the filming of the TV series, I haven't played with Jiayi-chan for a long time."

   "Jiayi-chan~" Naoki Yongshan naturally remembers this cute little girl, who always likes to play with her handsome big brother.

   "Mieko-san, there is a play today~" Seeing Mieko Harada approaching from a distance, she said with a smile, "Hahaha, have you learned it?"

  In today's competition scene, there is a clip of the heroine Shancai showing women's anti-wolf skills.

   "Hmph, I'm a karate black dan!" Mieko Harada said, and raised her fist, showing the vaguely existing muscle lines on her thin arms.

  Hmm, Mieko-san, if you were a boy at your level, you would be called a little dog in the gym!

   "Has Naoki-san gone to his hometown these two days?" Mieko Harada asked standing next to Naoki Nagayama. When I asked Shuichi Itou last time, I clearly heard him say that Naoki-san went to avoid the limelight.

   "Ah, yes, my sister Tsuruko has finished her university exams, so I sent her back and watched a concert in her hometown." Naoki Yongshan didn't hide anything, just chatting normally.

   "Concert?" Harada Mieko was curious about this, "Whose concert? Naoki-san's idol?"

  "Akina Nakamori's concert, Mieko-san, have you heard of her?"

   Mieko Harada showed a smile on her face: "Ah, Nakamori Akina, she is a super popular girl idol now, but I still prefer singers like Sawada Kenji."

  Ah. This one, I don’t know what’s going on with his scandal with Yuko Tanaka

  While chatting, several members of the youth team also walked over shortly, asking about the previous incident one after another, so Naoki Naoyama had to explain to them again.

   After arriving at the shooting location with the crew's car, Naoki Naoyama realized that it was a familiar place.

  The filming location of the final competition was actually the largest studio of Fuji TV. Because it was a talent competition, it happened that all TV stations had similar programs, and extras were easy to find.

  When Naoki Yongshan walked into the studio, he thought he was back in "Star! born! ", the entire hall was full of people, and the stage set in front of it had also been completed.

   "Naoki-san!" Sugiura Taitai saw the figure of Yongshan Naoki, raised his hand in greeting,

   "Da Tai-san, I have really worked hard for you!"

  Naoki Naoyama saw that Rumi Nishi and Haruta Uemiya were both directing in this studio, and there were a large number of people who he didn't know but were obviously Fuji TV staff.

   "Where, this is our job~" Sugiura Taitai said with a smile, "I have held several drafts this year~"

  In this era, talent shows are still popular shows, and batches of talent show champions are like new springs, bringing vitality to the entertainment industry.

   "Haha, it looks like our TV series also incorporate current events~"

  "Yes~" Xi Rumi walked over, "Speaking of which, we also have the same idea. The so-called TOJ (Teen of Japan) competition for the best female high school student in Japan, the minister also found it very interesting after hearing about it."

  Nishi Rumi went on to say: "After the TV series is released, we plan to actually hold such an audition competition."

   "Huh? Is it okay?" Naoki Yongshan was a little confused. Would anyone really watch such a brain-dead competition?

Sugiura Taitai seems to agree: "Talent show, artistic vision, depth of thought, and important affinity or personality traits, Naoki-san's audition process is actually very characteristic! It is also very interesting! "

  After hearing what the professionals from the TV station’s production bureau said, Naoki Naoyama felt that the selection process, which seemed low, had actually become taller.

"Naoki-san, we are serious!" Sugiura Taitai said, "Today this studio is used as an experiment, and we have to go through more than a month of preparation, just in the last episode of "Boys Over Flowers" Time to broadcast the real talent show!"

   "Boom?" Naoki Naoyama was shocked. Has everything been settled?

Xi Rumei giggled: "Hehe, you were shocked, Naoki-san? Actually, it doesn't matter. The show itself is very gimmick, but in essence it's just a variant of the talent show. If it happens to be a hot topic, the broadcast rate will be low It will be low."

   You both have already decided, what can I say?

   Naoki Naoyama could only encourage: "Haha, I hope so~"

   "However, when the program is being produced, I need to ask Naoki-san to be a consultant!" Sugiura Taitai said, "After all, it was Naoki-san's idea."

   "Yes, yes, maybe more interesting sparks will burst out during the production of the program!" Xi Rumi also responded, "Naoki-san, don't you think so?"

  Nishi Rumi, who can work in a TV station, can be regarded as an urban beauty. She is stared at by the beauty with anticipation. In the case of no harm, Naoki Naoyama is embarrassed to say no.

   "If both of you are so confident, then I'll come over and have a look~"

   "OK! That's the deal!" Sugiura Taitai settled the matter at once, and then took Nishi Rumi to the scene to direct.

   Naoki Naoyama sat in the auditorium with the two members of the youth team. After chatting for a while, he suddenly thought:

   "Huh? Why does it feel like those two people are singing together and encircling me?"

   I just found myself a job for no reason!

  But since I have already agreed, it is useless to say more, and I can only adapt to the situation~

  The filming of the talent show went very smoothly.

  Other candidates showed their talents on stage, singing and dancing, playing the violin, doing aerobics, etc., but Shancai, played by Mieko Harada, performed a full martial arts for everyone on stage-women's self-defense.

  But can that small man really throw his partner's 1.8 meter big man on his back to the ground?

  Thighs are not as thick as other people's arms. Are you serious about using that cross?

  Actually, girls may really lack awareness of the physical gap between men and women

   If you encounter illegal infringement, the most effective thing is to shout for help. If you are really unfortunate and encounter a place with few people, in fact, the only really effective move is to kick the crotch and run away

  Most men can't bear the pain of broken eggs.

  However, when filming, the audience in the audience was still very lively~

  The following stage shows and personal speeches were all done very well. If you speak English with a Japanese accent, Naoki Naoyama sounds a little helpless.

   There is no way, the actors on stage are only high school age at most, and the older ones who play high school students are actually not very educated. It is very good if they can memorize these English.

   After taking a break at noon, Naoki Naoyama rarely got a lunch box on the set.

   "Xiuichi-san, the filming in the afternoon will be divided into two scenes, right?" Naoki Naoyama asked while eating a lunch box, "I remember that the big screen in the studio can directly broadcast it?"

   "Of course not" Ido Shuichi squinted at Naoki Nagayama, as if he was asking him why he made such a low-level mistake.

   "Of course we filmed the scenes of the two contestants and the children first, and then played the recorded video on the big screen!"

   "Hey, I thought it could be synchronized directly." Naoki Naoyama thought for a while, and felt that he regarded this as a real talent show, "Should it be possible to synchronize in the real talent show?"

   "Oh? Someone from Fuji TV talked to you?" Shuichi Ido asked.

   "Could it be that Xiu Yisang already knew?"

"Of course, I said it when I was coordinating the studio with them. They still want you to be a consultant, did you also say that?" Shuichi Yitang looked at Naoki Yongshan, as if he had already confirmed the answer. There was a smile in his eyes, "I didn't help Naoki-san agree."

   Naoki Naoyama hates work the most, he wishes to rest at home every day and doesn’t want to go out to work~

   "Ah, yes." Naoki Yongshan grimaced, "I agreed without paying attention~"


  It is really the best meal to see Naoki Naoki slumped~

  The shooting in the afternoon was still going smoothly. With the help of the experienced staff of Fuji TV, the scene of an audition was very good. He and Naoki Nagayama participated in Nakamori Akina's "Star! born! "It feels very similar, and the final awards and celebrations are also in place.

  In the evening, today's work is almost finished,

"Naoki-san, from now on, there are really only some supplementary scenes left." Shuichi Ido looked at his daughter holding Naoki Yongshan's hand, feeling very uncomfortable, "Basically, there is no role for you. Already!"

"Ah, I see, it's the clips of other people in F4, right~" Naoki Naoyama touched Itang Kaiyi's little head, "So I can take a rest~ Or go to accompany Jiayi Let's play~"

"Kenuoya! Of course I will accompany my Jiayi-chan! We are going to have a big meal!" Shuichi Ido was "furious", "You guys should go home early to accompany you Taro Bar!"

   "Odo-san, I want Naoki Ni-chan to play with me!" Yitang Jiayi didn't give his father face very much, and chose the handsome big brother in front of him.

  Under the helpless expression of Yitang Xiuyi, Naoki Yongshan had dinner with the father and daughter, and Yitang Xiuyi paid for it

  After returning to Yamazakura-in, the poor Taro wagged his tail to greet his master, but he didn’t know that his master had already abandoned it and went to have a big meal with others~

   "Taro, it's time to find you a partner~"

   Looking at Yamazakura-in who is not angry except for Eutaro, Naoki Nagayama really feels that Eutaro may be a little lonely.

  At night, Fangcun Dayou knew that he was back, so he called directly.

   "Naoki-san, I heard you don't have any roles anymore, right?"

   "Hey, but Otomo-san, how did you know so quickly?" It's just finished today.

   "Ah, Xiu Yi-san told me that Naoki Yongshan is no longer needed on his side. If I need Naoki-san for anything, I can arrange it right away!"

  How can Xiu, this must be Yitang Xiuyi's revenge, it's not my fault that your girl is Yan Dang!

   "Edayou-san, I just finished filming a good movie. Can't I take a few days off?"

Otomo Fangcun earnestly said: "Naoki-san, the recording of Ito Junko's next song is already very late, and we can't delay any longer; the three songs of Yutaka Ozaki have to be produced, and "Boys Over Flowers" is online. It will be broadcast together when it is time; together with Saito Yuki"

   "Huh? Isn't Yuki-chan's song already recorded?"

   "Ah, yes, but Yuki-san's debut also needs Naoki-san to grasp the direction!"

   It sounds like there are really a lot of things going on. Obviously I really don't want to be a worker! Why did things come to you without knowing it?

  Yoshimura Otomo is not finished yet: "There is also Naoki-san, the Japan Film Academy Awards has contacted, you are going to participate in the live broadcast, so you need to rehearse in advance. To avoid the previous situation."

  The "accident" at the previous Japan Daily Movie Awards seemed to scare other awards ceremonies a bit.

"Hahaha, let's rehearse~" Naoki Naoyama smiled for a while, "Otomo-san, just tell me if there is anything else, I want to see what else will take up my precious free time ~"

   "Well, if you say that, Shuichi-san, the program consultant of Fuji TV, said that you have already agreed?"

   "Hi, it's a thing, around late March."

   "Actually, "Maoyan Three Sisters" can also be prepared."

   "Well, we can start filming in April."

   "Debut of Yutaka Ozaki."

   "Well, it's also in April~"

   "Afterwards, there will be the Oscar awards ceremony, so I have to attend."

   "Well, in May, just go out for a month!"

   "? Nani?" Fangcun Otomo felt that he heard something strange, "Going out to play?"

   "Yeah, I haven't traveled this year yet!" Naoki Naoyama was already thinking about it, "Although I have been to the United States once, there are still some cities that I can visit."

   "Naoki-san! There are also "Hot Blood High School" and "Midnight Ring"! There are also a lot of things about the company!" Fangcun Otomo couldn't help but said,

  In fact, the tone was very clear, and he almost said what was in his heart, "We are working hard, as the boss, you actually want to travel abroad?!"

   "Hahaha, Otomo-san can also take a vacation~ You are so old and have earned so much money, it would be a pity if you don't spend it~"

   Naoki Yongshan bewitched and said, if he guides them to the direction of vacation and travel, then maybe he still has a companion?

   Time to form a tour group to go abroad together~


  Dayou Fangcun didn't speak for a while, but his heart was moved.

  But in the end, I still put down a sentence: "In short, finish the work at hand first!"

   "Hi Hi~"

  (end of this chapter)