MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 316 315, only you can't think of it, no rich person can't do it

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  Chapter 316 Chapter 315, only you can't think of it, no rich person can't do it~

   Naoki Naoyama took a lot of effort to convince Tsuruko that he was just accumulating a lot, and he had already thought about it some time ago, so he only wrote it now.

   Otherwise, Hezi might exaggerate in the phone call to tell his mother that he is safe.

  After the cranes were almost settled, Naoki Nagayama asked Utaro to accompany her to review. After all, the exam was due in two days, so she was quite anxious.

   And I went out, and I still have to go to the studio in the afternoon. Fangcun Dayu said that there are some things to discuss.

  After arriving at the studio, as expected, Shuichi Ido also came here, and Naoki Naoyama walked beside him helplessly:

   "I said Xiu Yisang, you are working too hard, right? The crew is obviously on vacation."

  Yi Tangxiu looked at the document in his hand without raising his head: "I can't meet a boss who likes to be lazy. Naturally, the subordinates will have to work harder~"

   This sentence should not refer to Sang cursing Huai, no, no, Xiu Yisang is not such a poisonous tongue!

   "Hahaha, Xiu Yisang really loves to joke~" Naoki Naoyama cheekily laughed, and changed the subject by the way, "What is Xiu Yisang looking at?"

  Ido Shuichi did not continue to speak harshly, but handed the document to Naoki Nagayama: "It's the resume, the company is a bit short of manpower."

  Naoki Naoki took these files and flipped through them a little. They were all college students who were about to graduate, and they all majored in directing or photography.

   "Huh? Since when have we participated in the company introduction meeting of college students? Are all these college students graduating this year?"

   "Of course it was a while ago." On the other side, Otomo Fangcun couldn't help but go back, he also had a large stack of documents in his hand, "I've been to many universities!"

   "Naoki-san occasionally pays attention to the company's affairs!"

  "SO ya." During this period of time, Naoki Naoyama was filming, but it's not very appropriate to use this as an excuse, because he usually doesn't care much about the company's operations.

   But embarrassment is impossible to be embarrassing, as long as you don’t feel embarrassed, then the embarrassing is someone else!

   "Otomo-san, I heard that if college students come to participate in the interview, they will be given a very high gift money, transportation expenses, etc.~"

  Naoki Naoyama couldn’t help but think of the experience of his good friend Genta Nakai. When Naoki Naoyama was thinking hard about earning his first pot of gold, that guy was spending every day with this kind of gift money, what a chic look.

  Who knows, Yoshimura Otomo squinted: "Naoki-san, our company is not called Mitsubishi Group, and the school we go to is not the University of Tokyo. And there are also many resumes obtained from labor agencies."

  This means we are not worthy of others? It's still not good enough for us. It's hard to understand~

  Naoki Yongshan took another stack of resumes from Otomo Fangcun's desk, and flipped through them casually: "Anyway, is it because of this recruitment that you called me here?"

"It's one of them, and we're not a big company, so newcomers to the company still need the president to take a look~" Fangcun Dayu changed a stack of resumes that were obviously much shallower from the right hand side, "Look at this stack, yes It has been screened."

   "One more thing, make an appointment for the recording time of Ito Junko's new single."

  Ah, I just gave Junko Ito "Misplaced Time and Space" before, and the fourth song is indeed about to start.

   "It's up to Shuichi-san~" Naoki Nagayama reminded Shuichi Itou over there, "After all, the director doesn't speak, so how can we have a holiday~"

   "I have time at other times~" almost writes on my face that I am idle~

Shuichi Yitang put down the resume in his hand for a while, and looked at Naoki Yongshan: "San Naoki and Hanazawa, there are actually not many roles left, after all, they are only supporting roles. According to the shooting plan, just ask for a day off. .”

   Tch. Before filming, I obviously said that I couldn’t do without the constant guidance of the screenwriter, but now I just say that I’m just a supporting role!

Naoki Naoyama didn't say much, but looked at the resume in his hand. These are all candidates for the management company, and Rebellion, a new label that will cooperate with Sony Records, brother Toyo Ozaki also needs some manpower of.

   "No matter how you look at it, they are all inexperienced college students~" Naoki Naoyama looked through the same grades, internship experience, etc., "Otomo-san, why don't you find those who are familiar with it?"

Otomo Fangcun rubbed his temples: "Naoki-san, ready-made producers are so easy to find. People with certain abilities will not change jobs at will, and it doesn't make sense to recruit ordinary employees. It's better to train them from scratch. "

   Naoki Naoyama was noncommittal about this idea, but since Otomo Yoshimura, who is in charge, thought this way, it was inconvenient for him to say more. After nodding, he looked again, choosing candidates purely based on his eyes.

  A name suddenly attracted the attention of Naoki Nagayama, Tetsuya Komuro. This guy's resume is still from the labor agency. He just disbanded from a band called SPEEDWAY and is currently unemployed.

   "This name... seems familiar?"

   As for Japanese music producers, except for the stars, Naoki Naoyama has never known much, but the name seems to have a certain influence.

  Fangcun Otomo heard Naoki Yongshan muttering to himself: "What's wrong? Has Naoki-san seen someone he knows?"

   "Ah, no, it's just that the name seems familiar." Naoki Nagayama explained, making an excuse, "Maybe I've heard this SPEEDWAY song before."

  Otomo Fangcun murmured: "SPEEDWAY, a band I haven't heard~"

   "Hahaha, according to the resume, it has been disbanded."

"But since Naoki-san has left an impression, why don't you give him a chance." Yoshimura Otomo didn't care, "By the way, don't these bands usually find jobs by submitting their resumes? Not cool at all~"

  How did he know that Tetsuya Komuro is now in a downturn of disillusionment. The band full of expectations and passion has disbanded because of no results. It feels like nothing has been accomplished in two years, and he just wants to find a job and spend his life in a normal way.

  But this type of guy, when the emo time is over, he will still be unable to hold back the fire in his heart, and then try to start his own music career.

   "In short, let him go to Rebellion first, at least he is familiar with record release and singer performance." Naoki Naoyama took out his resume.

   "Hi." Fangcun Dayu also agreed.

   After reading the batch of resumes in hand, Otomo Fangcun brought up a pile of unscreened resumes from under the table, and Naoki Yongshan could only silently join the ranks of resume screening

  Who said that migrant workers in the Showa era did not worry about work! Isn't there still so many people submitting resumes? !

  I read my resume for almost an afternoon, and I still have to communicate with Fangcun Dayu and Yi Tangxiu from time to time. I can't be lazy at all.

  In the end, I only passed 10 resumes. After the final interview, I don’t know if I can leave half of them.

  However, he has already expressed his attitude. He will not participate in the interview. Fangcun Otomo and Yi Tangxiu can make a decision. Anyway, they will work under their hands in the future~

  Walking on the way home, Naoki Naoyama felt that his eyes were a little dazzled,

  I don’t want to make dinner today, so let’s go pack some.

   Turning the steering wheel, I turned to the high-end restaurant I often go to. Anyway, my sister came over, so I need to get some delicious treats.

  So at the dining table in Yamazakura Garden at night, Yongshan Tsuruko looked at the exquisite and beautiful high-end bento box on the table, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

   "Ni sauce, lobster, crab, abalone, tuna sushi, and mushroom rice, do you usually eat like this?"

"How is it possible?!" Naoki Yongshan immediately denied it, and said it as if he was very serious, "I will get tired of eating this all the time! So I will also eat some fresh seafood, Chinese food, French food, Italian food, Thai food, etc. Vegetables and such!"

   No matter how stupid he was, Hezi could hear the teasing in his brother's words, angrily took a piece of sushi and stuffed it into his mouth.

   "I love to lie!"

   "It's obviously a crane, you are too easy to deceive!"

  Naoki Naoyama divided some pine mushroom rice into Eitaro's food bowl, and then added a few slices of abalone, which made Tsuruko's gaze even more complicated.

  My brother’s daily life is too extravagant

  If Naoki Nagayama heard Tsuruko’s voice, he would definitely disdain him,

  Hezi is still too young to know what real luxury is, to use beluga caviar as a bread sauce with meals, and to wrap desserts with gold leaf.

   Only you can't think of it, there is nothing rich people can't do.

After dinner, Tsuruko continued to go upstairs to review obediently, while Naoki Naoyama was sitting in the living room watching TV, and Taro ran directly to the sofa and hid it between his legs and the sofa, looking With a very tired expression, it seems that he was played a lot of tricks by the crane in the afternoon!

Naoki Yongshan touched Gouzi's head: "It's really hard work for you, Yutaro~ But for Hezi to have a good mood and get a good test result during this time, I will trouble you later~ I will Extra meal for you!"

  Yutaro didn't realize his master's bad intentions at all, but because he often said the word extra meal, it still aroused his interest, and happily licked Naoki Naoyama's hand~

  The time of the night is passing away on the TV screen. A program about strange customs in various parts of Japan has attracted the attention of Naoki Naoyama.

  Suddenly, the phone next to me rang~ "Dingling! Dingling!"

  Spirited Naoki Naoyama sighed, but it’s a pity that Ringing at Midnight was scheduled to be filmed at the end of the year, and other people can’t feel my pain for the time being.

   "Moses, this is Yamazakura-in."

   "Naoki-san, I'm Akina~" Nakamori Akina's happy voice came from the microphone.

   "Ah, Akina~" Yongshan Naoki subconsciously looked at the wall clock on the wall, "I came back very early today, it's only before 10 o'clock."

   "Hi, I heard a message from Tsuruko-chan as soon as I came back."

  The microphone got stuck suddenly. Maybe he realized that his clothes were left at Naoki Nagayama’s house. He was a little shy talking about such a thing with Naoki-san, so he quickly changed the subject.

   "Has Tsuruko-chan come to Tokyo?"

   "Hey, Tsuruko is going to take the university entrance exam, so he will live in Yamazakin for a while." Naoki Naoyama didn't notice the change of topic, and talked about the reason in a normal way.

   "Hey, he is really a top student, so he is going to go to university?" A scumbag like Ming Cai has always respected and feared a top student.

   "Yeah, I have grown up before I know it, and I still want to challenge the three most difficult private universities."

   "It's amazing~"

   When Akina Nakamori talked about Tsuruko, it sounded like she was talking about a younger generation. She was a girl of about the same age, but Akina had already stepped into the society, into the colorful entertainment world, and she had grown psychologically to some extent.

  At this time, Akina was huddling on the sofa, arranging her freshly dried hair, and chatting with Naoki on the phone.

   "Akina-san is also very good, isn't "1/2 Myth" already ranked first on the Oricon list?"

"Hahaha, that's different. The achievement of this song was achieved through the efforts of many people, the composer and the company's Mina-san." Akina felt a little embarrassed when she heard Naoki boasting like this, "I just happened to Just sang it."

   Naoki Naoyama insisted: "Without Akina's interpretation, this song would never have achieved such results!"

   Being recognized in this way, Akina was a little moved: "Naoki-san stop boasting."

   Then he used a trick to turn the stars around, and brought the topic back to Naoki: "How is the recent filming of "Boys Over Flowers" by Naoki-san?"

"Well, the filming process went very smoothly, but I was forced to dye my hair orange." Naoki Yongshan said a little helplessly, "Also, people in the crew have recently started to fall in love with the combination of the second male lead and the female lead. gone."

  Akina didn't hear the next sentence at all, but asked directly: "Did Naoki-san dye her hair yellow? Has it become a visual kei?"

   "That's still a bit different"

  In this day and age, Japan’s Shamat is called the Visual Kei Orchestra, which has been popular for a long time. Its symbols are rich and enchanting makeup, clothing beyond ordinary people’s understanding, self-pitying performance style, and so on.

   "At least I didn't sing strange songs on stage with a guitar." Naoki Naoyama teased his appearance, "If that's the case, maybe people will still be seen as a debut~"

  Akina laughed on the sofa: "Hahaha, after being told that, I really want to see Naoki-san's yellow hair style!"

Starting from the new look, we slowly talked about the latest itinerary, the company's current situation, etc. Naoki Naoyama was thinking about an appointment to come out to play when he heard the footsteps of cranes from the stairs. Then Crane went downstairs.

   "Ni sauce?"

   Naoki Naoyama, who was still on the phone, saw it: "Hezi, I'm talking on the phone with Akina, did I interrupt your review?"

   "No, I'm just going to sleep, I'm just here to tell you"

  Looking at the wall clock, it was already past 11 o'clock, and the call took too long.

   "Is it just Mingcai sauce?" Crane walked over, "Is it because of the clothes?"

   Ah, and the matter of clothes! Only then did Yongshan Naoki remember,

   "Ah, by the way, there is still this matter, Tsuruko, come and talk to Akina~" Naoki Naoyama hurriedly said to Akina on the microphone, "Akina, Tsuruko has something to tell you~"


   moved a seat, and gave the microphone to Tsuruko, and the innocent Intaro was caught by Tsuruko's legs again,

   "Ni-chan, you can go to bed, Mingcai-chan and I will talk for a long time!"

   Naoki Naoyama could only remind him calmly: "Akina is very busy, you should take a good rest and prepare for the exam!"

   "Okay, okay, as long-winded as Ogasan."

   After finishing speaking, he talked to Akina happily~

  (end of this chapter)