MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 280v2 back in time (1)

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Song Lingshu became more and more comfortable in the fast-traveling game. He not only adapted to the new environment, but also made many new friends, and even gained a pet—an electronic dog.

"Hehehe, Boss, did you think of today when you were fighting with me every day?" Song Lingshu patted the system's electronic dog's head and smiled maliciously.

[.......I was wrong, you adults have a lot, so don't be common sense with the little ones. 】

Song Ling was overjoyed: "Go, I'll take you out for a walk."

When passing by the office, Ling Qingqiu turned his head and asked: "You have been in the company all day, what are you doing?"

"Walking the dog." Song Lingshu bared his teeth and smiled.


Ling Qingqiu chuckled a little. She knew that Song Lingshu and the system were in love with each other in various worlds, so she assigned the system to her as a small assistant to help her familiarize herself with the environment here and the work of various departments, and integrate into the place as quickly as possible. , looking at Song Lingshu's cheap little expression, he knew that the effect was good, at least he stopped treating himself as an outsider.

However, Song Lingshu would still lament a few times from time to time, especially every time he had a good time with the friends here, he would turn around and sigh sadly in front of Ling Qingqiu.

After listening to it a few times, Ling Qingqiu guessed what she meant.

"I miss Xiaopang and Xie Zhi"

"Yeah." Song Lingshu turned sideways, hugged her, and said in a low voice, "I don't know what's going on with them now, Xiaopang is probably going to die of guilt, right? First I saw you disappear with my own eyes, and then I became vegetable...

"Then go back and have a look." Ling Qingqiu lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

"Really?" Song Lingshu raised his head, his eyes lit up, "I can go back and see them"

"Well, anyway, you are in a vegetable state over there, and if you go back, it won't be considered a resurrection, and you haven't broken the rules of the world." Ling Qingqiu said.

"how about you?"

"Ling Yi has passed away, there cannot be another Ling Yi in that world, and I still have work to do.'

"Okay then, I'll go see Xiaopang and the others first, and then I'll come back to accompany you." Song Lingshu said happily.

Ling Qingqiu: "It doesn't matter if you play for a while, anyway, I can observe you at any time."

Song Lingshu: "Wow, then I am in Truman's world?"

Ling Qingqiu thought for a while: "If you don't want to—"

"I thought about it." Song Lingshu bit her lips, "If you have nothing to do, just take a look at me."

"Well, of course I have to look at you." Ling Qingqiu smiled.

That night, Song Lingshu fought fiercely with her for most of the night, and slept until the afternoon before kissing Ling Qingqiu goodbye with a satisfied face, and then returned to the original world.

There was a faint smell of disinfection in the hospital. There were footsteps in the corridor, but not many. After all, this is a private high-grade ward. Except for the occasional patients and medical staff passing by, there are few idlers.

"Mr. Pang, you are here again." The little nurse said outside the door.

"Yeah." Pang Zheng nodded slightly, "How is she?"

"It's still the same." The nurse sighed, and glanced at his vicissitudes of face. It's only been a year, and he has aged a lot. I used to see this man occasionally in the news. How young and sunny he would be, and Although Song Lingshu is a superior-subordinate relationship, the outside world knows that they are friends who grew up together.

"I'll go in first." Pang Zheng entered the ward with a bouquet of flowers, unpacked them and put them in a vase, and went to tidy up those flowers that were about to wither, muttering, "Look at you, wake up quickly, here before It will be filled with flowers, and now there are only a few bunches left."

"The drama contract was also interrupted, it was snatched away by others, and the endorsement also stopped."

"But the movie fans haven't given up on you yet. Look, this is another pile of letters sent to the company, and private messages on Weibo will also receive a lot of words of encouragement every day. Do you want me to read it to you? Forget it Forget it, I'm not in the mood right now."

"I really fell out of love this time, Xie Zhi fell in love with that guy." "Annoying, why did you all leave me?"

Pang Zheng muttered for a long time, took a hot towel, and wiped Song Lingshu's face. Looking at this pale cheek, he squatted down weakly, hugged his head with his hands, and sobbed softly.

After a long time, he seemed to hear a faint panting sound, raised his head in disbelief, stared at the person lying on the hospital bed intently, then saw Song Lingshu's eyelashes move, and said weakly: "Why are you crying? dead."

Pang Zheng stood up in surprise, and looked down at Song Lingshu's face. He didn't ring the bell until he saw her eyes fully opened, and cried out in tears of joy, "Come on, come on, she's awake!!"

The news of Song Lingshu's miraculous awakening soon dominated the headlines. In less than half an hour, the hospital's phone rang, and many media reporters came downstairs.

Pang Zheng sent them all back on the grounds of recuperation, but this matter has already sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and movie fans even want to visit in person.

In the ward, after checking all the indicators, the doctor announced in disbelief: "She has really woken up, and no sequelae have been found so far. You still need to pay more attention to your body."

As soon as the words fell to the ground, Pang Zheng burst into tears. He didn't care about his face at all, and he cried so badly.

Song Lingshu smiled: "Okay, don't cry, sister will buy you candy."

"Sister, you big-headed ghost!" Pang Zheng hoarsely said, "Damn it, you still know how to wake up? If I knew it, I shouldn't have let you get out of the car. Why are you pretending not to be good at driving!"

"I don't like to hear that. My driving skills are so bad! I'm a professional, okay?" Song Lingshu was very dissatisfied.

"Fart! With your sparse skills, are you really ashamed to brag? Idiot!"


"The rebound is invalid!"

Medical staff: "..

The two were arguing, and suddenly paused, Song Lingshu's mouth curled up, Pang Zheng wiped away his tears, and smiled with relief: "Fortunately, it seems that Yan Luo doesn't want to accept you as a debt collector."

"That's right, let me come back and experience life well." Song Lingshu said with a smile.

After being discharged from the hospital, he recuperated at home for a while, and many people came to visit, most of them were people in the circle, whether they were sincere or not, Song Lingshu entertained him cheerfully.

A few days later, Xie Zhi also rushed over. As soon as she entered the room, she took her to look around, her eyes were red: "I'm thin, but it's good to wake up, it's good to wake up..."

"did you miss me?"

"Can it be?" Xie Zhi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile, "But the worst thing is Xiaopang. I have always felt guilty for letting you drive alone, and I am almost depressed."

"I don't have one!" Pang Zheng shouted.

"Okay, you don't, you're the most heartless, okay." Song Lingshu said intentionally.

Pang Zheng curled his lips and turned to get the wine. The three of them drank all night, and in the middle of the night, Xie Zhi's boyfriend came to pick her up and said to Song Lingshu, "When you were in a coma just now, she was quite desperate, but later she remembered what you said about cherishing the people in front of her, so she let her go." She bounced back."

Song Lingshu patted Xie Zhi's face, handed him over to her, and said with a smile, "She can't drink, so I'll be **** you when I go back."

"Do not worry."

When sleeping alone at night, Song Lingshu suddenly asked the air: "Qingqiu, are you there?"

There was a sudden knock on the door, she got out of bed and opened the door, only to find that no one was there.

The figure, she returned to the room and asked, "Is that your response?"

The door rang again.

"Hey, I'll go to bed then." Song Lingshu walked towards the bed, but her slender fingers hooked the suspender pajamas and pulled it up, revealing her smooth skin.

Ling Qingqiu in front of the screen took a breath and quickly locked the doors and windows to prevent Gao Chen from breaking in suddenly.

Seeing Song Lingshu laying on the bed, teasing her from time to time, she almost couldn't hold back and went directly to her.

After Song Lingshu finally fell asleep, she worked overtime to deal with the work.

As the most anticipated movie queen, after Song Lingshu woke up, she naturally began to have a steady stream of drama appointments and announcements, and soon returned to her peak.

While attending a private charity party, a female boss chatted with her, and while chatting, the other party suddenly took her to a corner and asked in a low voice, "Miss Song, are you that one?"


"You like women, don't you?"

Song Lingshu took a look at her: "You have something to do."

"I want to chase you. I have actually admired you for a long time."

..." Song Lingshu pulled the corners of his mouth into a smirk, "I'm sorry, I've got my heart, so I'll leave. "

"What happened?" Pang Zheng looked at her with a lack of interest.

"There is a beautiful woman who wants to pick me up."

Pang Zheng glanced at the female boss not far away, and muttered, "Then what do you say?" "

Song Lingshu glanced at him unexpectedly.

Pang Zheng: "Xie Zhi and I guessed it a long time ago. You just like women. If Ling Yi wasn't here, I guess you two would have **** sooner rather than later."

Song Lingshu couldn't help laughing: "When did you find out?"

Pang Zheng: "While Ling Yi is still around."

"Tsk, you actually found out earlier than me, so you didn't remind me, and I missed the good time to confess my love!" Song Lingshu complained.

"Come on, you. The boss is here again. I'll deal with her. You go to the car and wait for me first. Don't drive alone!"

"Got it." Song Lingshu left the party with the help of her assistant. When she reached the gate, the security guard stopped her and said that someone had been waiting for her outside and refused to leave.

"Who is it, a fan?" Song Lingshu wondered, the party was not made public.

The security guard pointed to the person on the opposite side of the road. Song Lingshu turned her head and looked over, and saw a person standing under the tree. The light was dim, and the face was not very clear. She was pleasantly surprised only by seeing the figure clearly.

She let go of the assistant's hand, her high heels made a rattling sound on the steps, her skirt fluttered, and she ran all the way to the opposite side, and the assistant stretched out his hand towards her.

"Why are you here?" Song Lingshu hugged her, leaned against her and rubbed her neck.

"After finishing the work, I can't sit still when I see someone chasing you." Ling Qingqiu said.

Song Lingshu laughed a few times, and asked again: "But didn't you say that Ling Yi can't appear in this world?"

"Well, so I am Ling Qingqiu now." Ling Qingqiu said mysteriously.

After finishing off a suitor, Pang Zheng walked quickly to the parking lot, saw the assistant standing outside the car door, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

The assistant pointed awkwardly at the car window.

Pang Zheng glanced suspiciously, but the car windows were specially made to prevent peeping, so he couldn't see anything, so he opened the door, only to see Song Lingshu and a woman kissing.

He froze in place, and then quickly got into the car and closed the door, shouting: "Song Lingshu, you are sick! Just now you rejected a woman, and turned around and made love to another woman? Who is this?"

Ling Qingqiu tidied up his disheveled hair, and turned his head under Song Lingshu's teasing gaze: "Hello."

Pang Zhengzheng was struck by lightning: "Fuck? Ling Yi!"

"My name is Ling Qingqiu."

Pang Zheng looked at her and Ling Yi's unusually similar face, touched and pinched with his hands: "Is it a real person? Are you still alive? Why did you come back to us now? Do you still have a conscience?!"

Ling Qingqiu coughed and said solemnly: "Hi, I'm Ling, Qing, and Qiu."

"You wait, wait for me to make a call." Pang Zheng called Xie Zhi, "Hey, guess who I saw, Ling Yi! The **** Ling Yi is back, am I here?" Dreaming, this world is so unreal!"

Ling Qingqiu: "..."

Song Lingshu laughed directly and fell into her arms: "Welcome back."

Read The Duke's Passion