MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 258v2 Rescue Lily Wen's green plum female supporting role (17)

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As the banquet drew to a close, the guests slowly dispersed. Mrs. Gu looked around, but she didn't see Gu Tingyun and Song Lingshu. She grabbed the nanny and asked, "Where did Tingyun and Xiao Sangye go?"

"I seem to see the lady taking friends to the room." The nanny replied.

Mrs. Gu's pupils trembled slightly, and she said happily: "Really? She took him to the room!?"


Mrs. Gu was overjoyed and came to the door of the room, just about to knock on the door, she stopped, and then she heard Song Lingshu's wailing from inside, her face was happy, she turned around and went downstairs, she met her husband, she couldn't get along with her smile Muzzle: "Let's Tingyun finally stop hanging on a tree."

"Then where did she go?"

Mrs. Gu rushed to Gu Tingyun's room, pursed her lips, and said with a smile: "Little Sangye is really amazing, it's only been less than a year, so I took her down."

"Really? I'll go and have a look." Gu's father raised his foot and was about to go upstairs, but Gu's mother immediately stopped him.

"What are you doing? Don't disturb the young man's intimacy!"

But the two people in the room had no idea how many good plays Gu's mother had imagined. Song Lingshu sat at the computer desk sadly, and said indignantly, "I said I came to the room, but I didn't come to work overtime for you!"

"Who asked you to be my assistant?" Gu Tingyun stared at the computer screen, handling urgent work.

"How could you start working together as soon as you established a relationship? It's annoying, really annoying. I haven't even held your little hand yet." Song Lingshu curled her lips.

Gu Tingyun glanced at her, and saw that she was complaining non-stop, but her hands didn't stop working, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously, she turned to look at the computer, and said with a smile: " I'm so busy, I don't even have time for a date, so you still have a chance to regret it now."

"Forget it, I came here to be your assistant, just to see you when you are busy." Song Lingshu said.

Gu Tingyun didn't answer, because the smile on his mouth was getting deeper and deeper.

All the guests outside had already left, downstairs was the sound of the nannies cleaning up the living room, and the old couple returned to their room early, when Gu Tingyun came out to pour water, he found that the house was a bit too quiet.

After finishing her work, she went to say goodbye to her parents.

"It's so late, why do you have to go back?" Gu's mother said dissatisfied, "Will you lose a lot of meat if you stay here for one night? You are leaving just after my birthday?"

"No, I still have to send Sang Ye back, or I'll send her back and come back later?" Gu Tingyun asked.

"Oh, it's getting late, why don't we just let her stay here too." Gu's mother said calmly, "Anyway, let her stay here tomorrow weekend and go to a nearby park together tomorrow, that's the deal. "


"It just so happens that Mama Li only cleaned up your room, so let her live with you?"

"Is it plausible?" Gu Tingyun looked at her speechlessly, "Your calculations are too loud, okay, I can figure it out myself."

"You don't live up to your expectations." Mother Gu clicked her tongue and closed the door in disgust.

Gu Tingyun returned to the room, and Song Lingshu looked at each other.

After a while, Song Lingshu got up easily: "There's no need to send it off, I'll just go back by myself. You can spend time with your mother."

"My mother asked you to stay overnight, and said that she would take you around the neighborhood tomorrow." Gu Tingyun said uncomfortably.

"Really? Auntie is really my real mother!" Song Lingshu jumped three feet high and walked around the room happily, "Did Auntie let me live in your room? Let me see where the bathroom is... ..."

Gu Tingyun almost suspected that they had negotiated, and said, "Go to the guest room."

Song Lingshu turned her head, with an aggrieved expression: "Am I still your girlfriend now? Is that right?"

"..." Gu Tingyun thought for a while, "Then I go to the guest room?"

"Okay, let's do that."


Gu Tingyun asked the nanny to clean up the guest room, and then took Song Lingshu to visit the room. Actually, there was nothing to visit, not many things, the main thing was to talk about the location of the bathroom.

Song Lingshu looked around and asked curiously, "Don't you have any photos in your room?"

Gu Tingyun was puzzled: "What photo do you want?"

"Just... don't ordinary people have a few photos in their homes? For example, when they were young?" Song Lingshu blinked.

"It's all put away, what's there to see?"

"I just want to see what you were like when you were a child."

Gu Tingyun was silent for a while, then took out a box from the closet, which contained more than a dozen photo frames, all of which were photos with Xu Yun, only one was a solo photo, she took out this one, and handed it to Song Lingshu: "Look Well, from childhood to adulthood."

Song Lingshu smiled, looked down at the photo, and slowly stroked that cheek with his fingertips. The little Gu Tingyun was not much different from his current appearance. He was wearing a school uniform, holding a trophy, and looked at it expressionlessly. The lens, as usual.

"What kind of award is this?"

"Forget, I won too many awards." Gu Tingyun said indifferently.

Song Ling was relieved, and stared at the photo carefully for a long time.

Gu Tingyun didn't expect her to look at it so seriously: "How about getting you a magnifying glass?"


"...Are you looking at it so seriously?" Gu Tingyun was puzzled, "Anyway, you don't know me when I was a child, so what's worth remembering, wouldn't it be good to see more of me now?"

"You don't understand." Song Lingshu whispered.

She stared at the photo, Gu Tingyun stared at her, her eyes suddenly paused, inexplicably detected a trace of loneliness from her serious side face, she seemed to want to see other things through the photo, if she had to describe her expression at the moment , more like missing something.

"Does it look good?" Gu Tingyun asked.

"Well, it looks good."

Song Lingshu smiled and stared at that small face, which was completely different from Ling Yi's. She tried to find a flaw in it, but the truth was that they were two different faces, and the other party still couldn't remember herself.

"I'll give it to you if you like it." Gu Tingyun said generously.


"Well, it's the bottom of the box if you let me go anyway."

"Okay." Song Lingshu put the photo into her bag, and flirted with her as usual, "Then what if I like your body?"

As expected, Gu Tingyun was teased away by her.

The door slammed shut, Song Lingshu snickered a few times before going to take a shower and sleep, unaware that Gu Tingyun in the guest room was still tossing and turning.

This is the first time Gu Tingyun has established a relationship with others, and he has been very calm just now, but now that he is alone, he will reveal other emotions.

What is it like to be in love?

She opened the circle of friends, turned up Xu Yun's news, and witnessed what a woman in love is like. Although she hates Ning Suian, she will look at Ning Suian mentioned by Xu Yun from time to time, and subconsciously think Learn to be a good lover.

But after putting down the phone, she let out a bah, bad luck!

In the early morning of the next day, she got up and knocked on Song Lingshu's door first. There was no response for a long time. When she opened the door, she was no longer in the room.

She looked around and heard voices coming from far and near downstairs. It was Song Lingshu and her mother who were chatting. She looked down and saw the two of them wearing sportswear and coming back from outside.

"Get up, you slob." The mother saw her as soon as she looked up.

She looked at Song Lingshu suspiciously: "When did you get up?"

"Xiao Sangye woke up early, and even accompanied me to do morning exercises." Gu's mother was so happy that she turned her head and said to Song Lingshu, "I'll go and change clothes first, and you sit down and eat first."

"Ok auntie, I'll wait for you to eat together."

Gu Tingyun went downstairs, and when he got closer, he realized that she was wearing his own sportswear, which was a little too big, and asked, "Where did you get the clothes?"

"Wardrobe." After Song Lingshu finished speaking, he raised his hand to touch her cheek, then turned around and went to the restaurant as if nothing had happened, "Come and eat."

Gu Tingyun sat down beside her bewilderedly: "Did you touch my face just now?"


"..." Gu Tingyun was dissatisfied, raised his hands, and rubbed her face. Song Lingshu said "huh" twice before she let go of her hands in satisfaction.

"So you can't suffer?" Song Lingshu laughed, taking advantage of her relaxation, he directly held her hand, "Then what do you do now?"

Gu Tingyun froze slightly, looked down at the back of her fair hand, a warmth came from her palm, she slowly closed her fingers, and held her hand back.

Song Lingshu bared his teeth and leaned his head closer. Gu Tingyun leaned back and covered her mouth, his face flushed slightly: "Don't push yourself too hard." Mom may show up at any time!

Song Lingshu retreated, lay down on the table, and looked at her softly.

Gu Tingyun dodged his eyes a few times, then quickly pointed to his right cheek: "Hurry up, my mother is coming down."

Song Lingshu immediately leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, resurrected on the spot, laughing non-stop.

It wasn't until Mama Gu went downstairs that the two let go of their sweaty hands and ate breakfast with ease.

In the morning, Ms. Gu took them to a nearby park to play. Song Lingshu chatted with her all the time, coaxing Ms. Gu to be very happy. She was reluctant to go back, but there was a grandma at home, so she had to go back.

"Come and play at home on weekends from now on. I'm at home alone, so boring." Mother Gu said reluctantly.

"Okay, I'll come when I'm free."

On weekdays, Song Lingshu put on her professional attire again, calling out in front of her, and wishing to sit on her lap directly in the back.

"Mr. Gu, that client just kept staring at you, it's so perverted." Song Lingshu said.

"That's not like you staring at him abnormally." Gu Tingyun said.

Song Lingshu chuckled and put his arms around her neck: "When can I kiss you?"

"It's working time now." Gu Tingyun looked serious.

"Then you signed the document for me."

Gu Tingyun slowly signed his name, Song Lingshu picked up the document, and just got up to leave when Gu Tingyun pushed it back on his lap.

"Sit down later." Gu Tingyun put his head on her shoulder.

Song Lingshu lowered his eyes, looked at her red ears, smiled secretly, and patted her on the back: "If you're so tired, I'll give you a massage on the weekend?"

"You can?"

"Try it, it won't kill you anyway."


The two went to Gu's house again on the weekend, and Gu's mother said she needed someone to accompany her, so she called Song Lingshu to go.

At night, there was a sudden heavy rain, Gu's mother said: "It's raining so hard, little Sangye, don't go back."

The first time was raw and the second time was acquaintance, after Song Lingshu called his grandma, he stayed happily.

Who knows that Gu's mother can't stop worrying, when Gu Tingyun went to the guest room to sleep late at night, he found that the sheets and quilts were all wet.

The nanny told her that Gu's mother had "accidentally" spilled tea in every room, and there was no spare quilt left.


After Song Lingshu learned about it, she laughed so hard that she leaned forward and called her back to the bedroom: "Ann, didn't we sleep in a tent? Don't worry, as long as you don't agree, I won't touch you."

Seeing what he said, Gu Tingyun turned around and went back to the bedroom: "I just don't want to progress too fast, I just respect and respect you."

"You don't have to be disrespectful." Song Lingshu laughed.

Gu Tingyun laughed, lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed: "Why are you so thick-skinned?"

"How did you catch up with me?" Song Lingshu pounced, hugged her through the quilt, rubbed his head against the quilt, and then got into the quilt.

Last time in the tent, both of them had their own sleeping bags, but this time they really slept together in the same bed. Even after turning off the lights, Gu Tingyun could feel her delicate skin rubbing against him.

"Aren't you talking about me?"

"Did I touch you?" Song Lingshu asked innocently.

"..." Gu Tingyun held down her wobbling legs, gritted her teeth in a low voice, "Don't wobble."

"Mr. Gu, are you okay?"

"Shut up."

"No, a little bit... huh?" In the darkness, Song Lingshu was gagged, she smiled triumphantly, and then led the jerky Mr. Gu to exchange a long kiss.

Gu Tingyun fell back on the pillow, reminiscing about the kiss just now, and said unexpectedly: "You are... quite skilled."

"It's because you are too stupid." You have to teach it every time.

"Who are you talking about being stupid?" Gu Tingyun refused to accept, turned sideways and kissed her again.

Well, the learning ability has always been very strong.

In the middle of the night, Song Lingshu had the same nightmare again, watching Ling Yi drowned in deep water, no matter how much she shouted, she couldn't save him, she shivered twice, and suddenly opened her eyes in panic , the surroundings were dim, and the desk lamp illuminated the room.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Gu Tingyun asked softly.

Song Lingshu nodded, only to realize that she was hugged by Gu Tingyun. She subconsciously shrank back a little and hugged him even tighter.

Gu Tingyun patted her on the back lightly.

Just when Song Lingshu recovered from the nightmare and fell asleep again, he suddenly heard Gu Tingyun asking unwillingly: "Who is Ling Yi?"

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2023-03-1918:32:41~2023-03-2018:17:52~

Thanks to the little angel who cast mines: cookie, 64895872, CBY1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Wonder; 30 bottles of Yuxi; 10 bottles of Sunset Sun, TiAmo; 6 bottles of cookie; 5 bottles of kk, Gu Yunle, Shanhe Xingmeng; Bookworm, sho2010, sit and wait for someone with predestined relationship, no words, either this or that, 1 bottle of Yuyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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