MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 221v2 Save Gong Douwen's blackened female supporting role (3)

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Without paying attention, it was noon, Song Lingshu asked them to eat, but Shu Wan shied away saying that something was wrong, and took Ah Xian away.

Only then did Concubine Zhao have time to share what happened last night with her, and said with a smile: "Mother, I heard the emperor complained yesterday that Concubine He could only see but not eat."

"Really?" Song Lingshu pretended to be surprised, "There are such strange things?"

"That's right, the emperor loved me so much last night. It's really thanks to your mother's blessing. I will definitely repay your kindness." Concubine Zhao touched her stomach with a smile, "I hope it can win a little bit." , it wouldn’t be so long to be ridiculed by Concubine Li.”


"I want to have a few more children, so that I can foster one by your side, which is also her blessing." Concubine Zhao saw that Song Lingshu suddenly fell into deep thought, and reacted belatedly, and quickly knelt down, " I'm sorry, it's the concubine who is talking too much, my lady, you will definitely be able to conceive a dragon child as soon as possible."

"I didn't talk about you, why are you kneeling again, get up quickly." Song Lingshu touched his chin, "I just suddenly thought... I don't seem to have visited the little princess yet, you should go back first .”

"Yes, the concubine is resigning." Concubine Zhao withdrew.

She just got up and stretched herself, went to have lunch, and then went to the school palace to visit her adopted little princess.

When she walked outside the school, the father-in-law was about to call out, but she raised her hand to stop them.

She looked out of the window and saw a group of little carrots shaking their heads and reciting "In the beginning of human beings, nature is good...". She thought it was cute, so she sat down on a chair outside and listened.

Although it was autumn, the afternoon sun still dazzled her eyes. She closed her eyes slowly, and the sound of reading could be heard from time to time in her ears. woke up.

"Queen, wake up, queen."

Song Lingshu opened his eyes, and saw a cute little girl with two **** pierced on her head. She was about four or five years old, and her height reached her thighs, so that she could touch her head when she was sitting up. .

"Nianqing, why did you come out? Don't study anymore?"

"We're out of class." After Nian Qing finished speaking, several children came out of the door one after another. After seeing Song Lingshu, they all came over to salute.

"The empress is auspicious."

"Well, dear." Song Lingshu looked at the row of little radish heads in front of him, they were so cute, and couldn't help but patted their heads one by one, "Are you tired from studying?"

"Tired." An extroverted little prince said, "The Tai Tuo still hits our palms. Nian Qing was beaten in the morning because she slept in class and couldn't recite books."

Everyone else laughed, but Nian Qing's face collapsed, she was so wronged that she was about to cry, for fear that the queen mother would be angry, she turned around and swung her fists to hit the prince.

Song Ling was overwhelmed with joy, quickly grabbed her, hugged her, and hugged her with one hand: "Okay, okay, let's not get angry with others, are you hungry? I asked Cuiyu to prepare some snacks, go back and eat something abdomen."

"Okay." Nian Qing looked at her in surprise for a while, then nodded obediently, "Aren't you angry, Queen Mother?"

"Why am I angry?"

"You used to punish me for copying my homework..."

"My mother knows I'm wrong, I don't care about your studies in the future, as long as you are happy, okay?" Song Lingshu asked.

Nian Qing thought for a while, then shook her head, and said in a low voice, "No, you'd better take care of me."

Although she was only four or five years old, she was already used to looking at people's faces, especially the mother's face. She knew that her mother had no children, so she had high hopes for her, but she couldn't meet her mother's requirements anyway. She hoped that her mother would fulfill her long-cherished wish and give birth to her own child. But she was also afraid that the queen mother would abandon herself if she had her own child.

This was the first time that her mother hugged her like this. She carefully wrapped her arms around her neck. Seeing that she didn't blame herself, she gradually relaxed, with a shy smile on her round face.

"Let's go back and have some snacks." Before leaving, Song Lingshu looked back at the group of staring radish heads and asked, "Do you want to eat? Do you want to go play together?"

Several people looked at each other, but none of them dared to speak. They knew very well that this was the empress. Except for the father and the emperor's grandmother, she was the one with the greatest power, and no one dared to provoke her.

"Aren't you really going? Then what do you like to eat, I'll bring it to you next time." Song Lingshu said.

"No, no need, thank you for your kindness." The prince said just now.

"Okay, goodbye then." Song Lingshu didn't force them, smiled at them, and left with Nian Qing in his arms.

And a princess who was hiding behind came out, one or two years older than them, and the mother concubine was Zhang Guifei, so she became the backbone of everyone. She said displeasedly: "The empress asked you to eat, she must be out of good intentions, maybe poisoned inside, but luckily you didn't go."

Several people were frightened to death, and they all told their mothers and concubines about it after they went back, and everyone also wondered—what does the empress mean? Are you going to start dealing with/wooing them over?

However, the queen herself really just thinks these children are cute and wants to give them some delicious food.

She carried Nian Qing into the chariot and staggered back to Kunning Palace. When she passed Lingyun Palace, she heard the sound of laughter inside, turned her head to look, and found that Ah Xian was kicking shuttlecock with Shu Wan.

"Stop." Song Lingshu said.

After the chariot stopped, she led Nian Qing into the gate, and the maid inside saluted and said, "Good luck, empress."

A Xian and Shu Wan heard the sound and looked over, A Xian looked at Nian Qing curiously, while Shu Wan was thinking quickly - why is the queen here again! Are you really following them? !

"Are you playing shuttlecock?" Song Lingshu stepped forward curiously, picked up the shuttlecock on the ground, "Can I join in?"

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate, and I'll hurt you." Shu Wan declined.

"No, I'm also a master of shuttlecock. If you're afraid of getting hurt, why don't you call the imperial doctor over and wait, anyway, I won't blame you."

Now that she has said that, Shu Wan can't refuse anymore, she looks at Ah Xian, but sees that Ah Xian has already started kicking with the Queen.

Shu Wan: "..." You are really defenseless!

Nian Qing stood aside and watched the three of them kick the shuttlecock. The more she watched, the more surprised she became, and she clapped her hands together: "The queen mother is really amazing!"

Shu Wan didn't expect that the queen was really a master, didn't she come to find an excuse to approach them? How can I just focus on kicking the shuttlecock all the time?

"You are so powerful." Ah Xian said happily, kicking her back and forth, the bells on his ankles rang, very crisp and sweet.

"What happened, it's so lively?" There was a burst of loud laughter from the gate.

Hearing this voice, several people stopped their movements, turned around and saluted: "The concubine has seen the emperor."

"Empress? Why did you come to Lingyun Palace too? And Nianqing?" The emperor walked forward with a smile and patted Nianqing's head.

Song Lingshu tidied up the messy hair on his forehead, and replied politely: "The concubine is going to pick up Nianqing from school. When passing by here, I heard two younger sisters kicking shuttlecocks, which reminded the concubine of the scene when she was young. Come and play with them."

"Oh? Did you know how to kick shuttlecock when you were young?" the emperor asked.

"Yes." Song Lingshu looked at him. She was about forty years old, and her face was already dimpled with age. She asked back, "Has the emperor finished dealing with the government affairs?"

"Well, I have nothing to do, so I came here to have a look." The emperor said.

"Then the concubine will not bother the emperor, Nianqing, go, go back and endorse." Song Lingshu stretched out his hand, and Nianqing obediently shook it.

The emperor watched the mother and daughter leave, and at night when the cards were turned over, there was still no sign for the concubine. It must have been a few days before menstruation, so he couldn't help but think of the queen he saw in the evening. when.

"Have you not been to Kunning Palace for a while?"

"The Emperor is here—"

Song Lingshu heard the communication from outside, and clicked his tongue: "Why did this old man come here?"

"Why aren't there many lamps in this front yard?" The emperor strode in and asked with a smile.

"There are few people coming at night, so I asked someone to turn off the lights and be quiet." Song Lingshu poured him tea and then coughed twice.

"What's the matter with you?" the emperor asked.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!" Song Lingshu looked like he was about to cough up his lungs, "I'm really sorry, I came back at night and found that I had a cold, so I'm afraid I won't be able to serve the emperor tonight."

The emperor looked at her silently for a long time: "If that's the case, then I will go back."

"Congratulations to the emperor."

The emperor walked out of the main hall, looked back at the figure inside, and frowned. He naturally didn't believe that the other party caught the cold so quickly. Didn't she specially go to Lingyun Palace during the day just to get her attention? Why are you kicking him out now?

The next day, it was rumored in the harem that the queen went to Lingyun Palace to meet the emperor, but the emperor was turned away.

"What a playing hard to get!" Concubine Zhang was so angry that her teeth were itching, "She made it clear that she wanted to use those two lowly maidservants in Lingyun Palace to seduce the emperor, and she didn't even look in the mirror when she was too old. Does she still have that beauty?"

"Your Majesty, she is going to Lingyun Palace, can we go too?" A maid suggested.

Concubine Zhang's expression moved slightly, just as she was about to speak, she heard her father-in-law say: "No, now there are concubines outside Lingyun Palace, there is no room for crowding."

"..." Concubine Zhang snorted coldly, "Can I use such a small trick? Go, prepare me a lotus seed soup. The emperor has worked hard to review the memorials, and I have to take care of his body."

Song Lingshu sent Nianqing to the academy, and on the way she saw many people wandering outside Lingyun Palace. When she came back, there were only a few people. She stopped curiously, and asked one of the nobles: "Why are you here?"

The nobleman said: Isn't it because of you? Why, your little trick succeeded, why are we not allowed to follow suit?

On the face, he replied cautiously: "We are here to visit the two sisters."

"Oh, fine, then you can visit." Song Lingshu left in a chariot, and not long after, Concubine Zhao came with gossip.

"Your Majesty is very scheming. Now those people want to imitate Your Majesty and block up Lingyun Palace. After the Emperor heard the news, he went over and reprimanded them. That scene was really funny." Concubine Zhao laughed while clutching her handkerchief.

"You seem to have gone too?" Song Lingshu looked at her amusedly.

Concubine Zhao smiled awkwardly: "The concubine is here to watch the fun, but what if it's useful?"

"There is no chance, the more people you go, the more vulgar the emperor will think you are, making Ah Xian and Shu Wan more beautiful and refined."

"That's the reason." Concubine Zhao suddenly realized, "But empress, are you really planning to win over the two of them? If it can really be used by us, then it is the best choice."

"Who said I'm going to win them over?" Song Lingshu said lazily.

"Huh?" Concubine Zhao was stunned.

Such an obvious action, isn't it called wooing?

"I just want to be friends with them."

Concubine Zhao: "..."

It is so official and righteous to talk about wooing, so powerful, it is worthy of being the mother of a country.

"Are you free this afternoon?" Song Lingshu asked.

Concubine Zhao kept her waist straight: "What orders does your empress have?"

"Hit the horse hanging."


The people in Lingyun Palace had just been clean for a while, when they received an invitation from Kunning Palace, Shu Wan had a headache and said, "What exactly does the queen want to do? Just contacted us for two days, and Lingyun Palace has become so lively. If this continues, we will sooner or later Be a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of others.”

"So we're not going?" Ah Xian asked while looking at the invitation.

"Well, not going."

"But..." Ah Xian turned to look at her, "Ma Diao, it's really fun."

"...are you addicted?"

"I don't."

"Then don't go."

"But horse cranes are really fun."


"You go, I'm tired, I want to rest for a while." Shu Wan planned very well, as long as she didn't go, there would be crowds, and Ah Xian would be released soon.

However, what I didn't expect was that Ah Xian would go there for a whole day, and he didn't even come back for dinner.

She didn't feel relieved until late at night when Song Lingshu personally sent him back. After Song Lingshu left, she quickly pulled Ah Xian and asked, "What have you guys been doing today? Why are you only here now? Did she not make things difficult for you?"

"No, we are fighting landlords today! The queen is so powerful, she will have a lot of fun." Ah Xian smiled and took out a handful of gold and silver jewelry, "Look, I won so many things today."

Shu Wan was startled, quickly covered her things, and said in a low voice: "You are confused, she is trying to give you something to bribe you!"

"Huh?" Ah Xian shook his head, "No, these are all won from Concubine Zhao."

Shu Wan: "?"

A Xian: "The empress wins more. She won all Concubine Zhao's clothes, and almost took away all the obscene clothes. Concubine Zhao went back crying."

Shu Wan: "???"

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2023-02-12 16:39:50~2023-02-13 17:44:51~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: CBY1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 1235625 bottles; 20 bottles of lemon plus vinegar; 19 bottles of looseness; rotten strawberries, .10 bottles;. . . , Maiden's Heart, Gu Yunle, Yiqian 5 bottles; No Matter and Light 4 bottles; Doe.Aug.21, Either This or That, Luo Mu Yu, I'm a Bookworm 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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