MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 197v2 Crazy female supporting role to save martial arts (2)

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The group of people in the dungeon came from various sects, and the reason they appeared here was to attend a wedding banquet. But it was a coincidence that Ning Zui happened to be eating nearby, and saw the newcomer standing at the door to greet the guests, with a wretched face, which made her hate him, and killed him if he disagreed with him.

So aroused the anger of the crowd, and attacked them in groups. Seeing more and more enemies, Ning Zui couldn't help but get excited. It just so happened that he had just finished learning the Hunting Palm recently. Using them as experimental products was very successful, capturing more than 80 people in one fell swoop. .

"Ning Zui, you will die!" A person sitting in the corner of the dungeon cursed angrily.

Ning Zui ignored it.

Seeing that she didn't respond, the man scolded again: "You can only go to **** in this life, you just wait for Wuchang to claim your life!"

Ning Zui chewed on the mutton, laughed a few times, threw his hand casually, passed through the railing, and hit the man on the head.

Everyone was surprised, she just turned her back to everyone, and she was able to shoot so accurately, no wonder she was able to take down all these people, everyone looked different, but they all felt uneasy.

Ning Zui had a good meal and was in a good mood. Before leaving, he ordered: "Bring that man to my room and have some fun."

The subordinates immediately opened the cage and went in to lift him up. The others watched him being dragged away, but they couldn't save him, because they were all hit by cartilage powder, and their bodies were weak, and occasionally they would feel pain all over for a while.

Song Lingshu followed Ning Zui, but his eyes kept falling on that person. Ning Zui spotted him and asked, "What do you think he is doing? Do you know him?"

"I don't know." Song Lingshu took a step closer and asked beside her, "What are you going to do with him?"

"I think he has a lotus tongue, how about pulling out his tongue and making it into a lotus lantern?" Ning Zui asked sincerely.

Hearing this, the man turned pale with fright, his hands trembled slightly, he clenched his teeth and remained silent, but he was quite bloody.

"I have a better idea, do you want to hear it?" Song Lingshu asked.

"What idea?"

"Aren't you tired from practicing exercises recently? I found a hot spring on Fashan Mountain, where I can build a hot spring palace for you to soak in comfortably. It's just that our disciples have other things to do, why not just It's better to let this guy do hard work and drain his energy than to waste his life." Song Lingshu said.

Ning Zui thought about it, but was noncommittal.

Song Lingshu knew that she was likely to agree, and said again: "It's not too late to kill them after the hot spring palace is built."

"It makes sense." Ning Zui finally let go, "Then I'll leave this matter to you."

"Yes." Song Lingshu asked his subordinates to send her back to rest, and then went to organize a meeting with her cronies to explain the matter, and then went to the prison to arrest her.

Two days later, Ning Zui came out of the practice room and saw his disciples practicing a very new move outside the main hall, wondering: "What are you doing?"

"Master Muslim, this is the great method of health preservation taught by Mo Hufa." One person replied.

"Health-preserving method?" Ning Zui stared blankly at them walking around in place, raised their legs, stretched their arms and bent over, without any lethality, asked curiously, "What kind of move is this?"

"Protector Mo calls it aerobics, which is said to have the effect of strengthening the body."

"Can this punch kill someone?" Ning Zui asked.

"No, but it can promote the circulation of blood. The moves we usually train are too harsh. We need to use this slow-tuned method to adjust our body's condition so that we can learn other martial arts better. The above is what Protector Mo said personally. "

"Protect Mo, Protector Mo, one bite at a time, are you her subordinate or mine?" Ning Zui turned around and entered the room cursing, and the servant girl came to comb her hair. I have hair, can you comb it? If not, get out and call Protector Mo."

The servant girl replied tremblingly: "Master, Protector Mo went out early in the morning and is not in the sect."

"Where did you go?"

"Go and inspect the hot spring palace."

"Go and call her back, just say that I have something urgent to find her."

The maids quickly slipped out, rushed to Fashan, and brought the supervisor back. Song Lingshu hurried to the main hall: "Master, what's the rush to find me?"

"Comb my hair." Ning Zui put the comb on the table.

"......"That's it?

That's all, the devil's mind is really hard to guess, you can't figure it out after guessing.

Song Lingshu went up to pick up the grate, grabbed her hair, put it in a bun for her, and asked, "Is the maid serving you well?"

"How can they compare with you." Ning Zui lazily closed his eyes, "What have you been up to these two days?"

"Busy about the hot spring palace, it's going to be winter soon, I want you to soak in the hot spring earlier." Song Lingshu said softly.

Her movements were very gentle, and the rubbed scalp felt a little relaxed. Ning Zui felt a little sleepy, and said slowly, "For you to be smart, what is your aerobics?"

"For self-cultivation, let the disciples get rid of distracting thoughts and lay a solid foundation, so that they can get twice the result with half the effort."

If the physical education teacher knew that one day she would be able to talk about radio gymnastics in such a beautiful and refined way, she would be so moved that she would cry, right?

After a long while, she finally combed a beautiful flowing cloud bun, appreciatively said: "Look, do you like it?"

Ning Zui looked left and right at the bronze mirror, and said with satisfaction: "That's right, I'll take it apart."


"I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed."

"..." Good you witch! When I came back from the mountain early in the morning, I just combed my hair, and after combing, I had to take it apart! Hateful hateful!

"Okay." Song Lingshu removed her hair with a smile on her face, scolding her half to death in her heart, "You have a good rest, I'll go outside to deal with something."

"What's up?"

"It's about the disciples."

"Oh, let's go." Ning Zui just asked casually. All the big and small things in the school affairs are left to Mo Xiao to take care of. She can't do these things, and she doesn't want to waste time doing them. Thanks to Mo Xiao all these years, she can be considered a happy life as a hands-off shopkeeper.

Song Lingshu didn't expect her casual answer to be so perfunctory, and the other party would just fool him like that. It seems that Ning Zui trusts Mo Xiao quite a lot. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Ning Zui doesn't care about the Devil's Cult at all, and just cares about how it develops, if there are disobedient people, just kill them directly, including Mo Xiao.

But she still has a lot to deal with.

Two of Ning Zui's guardians, Zuo Dharma is over forty years old, because he was dissatisfied with Ning Zui's partiality to Mo Xiao, he had a second heart, and was killed by Ning Zui himself, and hung his body in the dining hall for his disciples to see. Eat with his dead body.

So all the affairs in the church fell on Mo Xiao, and the disciples were happy to see the success. After all, it is not easy to be executed by Ning Zui directly when working under Mo Xiao.

She still has a few cronies under her command, and she usually asks these people to do important things, so she calls them together for a meeting.

"Someone wants to break into the mountain gate recently, so the guards need to send more people."


"The weather is going to turn cold soon. Go and count how many disciples we still have, and then count the clothes. If you don't have enough, you have to buy more."


"You can't stop the daily training. If you lead your disciples to practice more, it will be easy for your body to slack off in winter. Don't let the enemy take advantage of it."


"Except for Elder Xu, the other elders are all practicing in seclusion. Don't bother them at ordinary times. After leaving the seclusion, follow them to report and challenge the leader."


"Did you lose the man you followed last time?"

"No, I'm still tracking."

"Well... Also, the leader's mood has not been stable these few days. If you have anything to do, you can just come to me directly. Don't make trouble with her if you have nothing to do, or she will do something to you, don't Blame me for not reminding you."

Several people subconsciously hugged their chests and shivered.

"...Don't worry about this. You are ugly and you can't catch her eyes." Song Lingshu said ruthlessly.

Several people: "..." It sounded even worse.

Song Lingshu: "That's all for today. Do you have anything else to report?"

"I have." One person said, "A while ago, the leader went on a killing spree outside, causing many people to come to seek revenge, not to mention injuring many disciples, and also damaged countless weapons, all of which cost money. The money we have left is not enough. too much."

Another person said succinctly: "I'll grab it."

Song Lingshu's eyelids twitched, coughed twice, and then calmly said: "I'll figure out a solution for the money, please don't act rashly, if you offend the leader, you will know the consequences."

The few people really turned into quails, and they didn't dare to make another sound.

"Go down first."

When she was the only one left in the room, she began to think about ways to make money. Naturally, members of the Demon Cult will not do business in a down-to-earth manner. Almost all the silver is obtained by robbery. If they are not to kill at will, they have to solve the problem of money.

"Mo protector, it's not good, the leader has something urgent to see you!" A servant girl rushed in in a panic.

"Did she wake up again?" Song Lingshu asked.


"Let's go."

Song Lingshu sighed, deeply felt that his protector was simply a secretary, not the 996 model, but 007! Always on call, online at any time, crazy critic leaders see you every day.

Before she reached the gate, she heard the sound of something being smashed inside. She pushed the door and entered, and a vase happened to hit the gate of life. She flashed to the left, and the vase hit the door and shattered to the ground.

"You're here." Ning Zui finally stopped, with an irritable expression on his face, "Whether these people will serve others or not, if you didn't pick them yourself, I would have killed them."

Song Lingshu knew that she was angry again after getting up, so she stepped forward to light a soothing incense, then pulled her to sit down on the chair, pressed her head, and comforted her: "If you don't like it, then dismiss them." That is, there is no need to get angry with them."

"The newcomers may not be more worry-free than them." Ning Zui said indifferently.

Song Lingshu: "Then what are your plans, Master?"

Ning Zui opened his eyes and looked at the two figures in the bronze mirror: "It's better for you to come, you know my preferences best."

Song Lingshu nodded: "OK."

"There are so many things, are you busy?" Ning Zui asked again.

"Be busy even if you are too busy. The leader's words are orders. It is my honor to serve the leader." Song Lingshu said.

Ning Zui raised his eyebrows, very satisfied with these words.

At this time, someone outside asked to see him. It was one of Song Lingshu's subordinates who dragged a few disciples who had been beaten up with bruised noses and swollen faces, and said: "Master, protect the law, these people are lazy. Fighting with officers and soldiers almost led people to follow him here."

Ning Zui turned his head lazily and looked at them, those people were already shaking with fright.

In an instant, a piece of red silk flew out of her sleeve, wrapped around the necks of several people, and slowly pulled back forcefully, those people blushed suddenly, their necks were thick, and they struggled continuously, unable to even breathe.

Just when Ning Zui was admiring their dying expressions enough and was about to end it, a hand suddenly covered the back of her hand, and a soft voice sounded in her ear: "Master, you should rest more if you are tired, this kind of thing Leave it to me."

Ning Zui thought for a while, then took back his red silk: "Okay, let me play with you."

Song Lingshu went downstairs, looked down at the few survivors, and asked, "Now there is a way for you to redeem your sins, are you willing?"

"Willing, willing, Protector Mo, save us!" Those people quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Come with me." Song Lingshu led them to an open place on the mountain, pointing to a few Ganoderma lucidum on the edge of the cliff: "Go and pick it off, and if you pick it up, you will be spared the death penalty."

Below the edge of the cliff is a bottomless valley, which is very creepy to look at, and few people usually come here. But they would rather take the risk than Ning Zui's Ling Chi execution, and a few of them murmured about cooperating in picking.

Song Lingshu supervised their actions while standing at the vent, overlooking the entire mountain and the direction of the wind. At this moment, a piece of red silk suddenly floated in front of her, and she turned her head to look at it. The red silk was fluttering in the wind, and its owner was sitting on a treetop by the cliff, with a fluttering red dress and black hair blowing in the wind.

Song Lingshu was watching in a daze, when suddenly her waist tightened. The red silk wrapped her waist and led her up the tree. She used her strength to stand on tiptoe on the grass and trees below, and jumped up the tree lightly.


"What did you bring them to pick Ganoderma lucidum?" Ning Zui asked.

"Ganoderma lucidum has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. If you can use it to save your life someday, wouldn't it be more worthwhile to let them die now?" Even if you don't need it, you can sell it for a lot of money!

After Song Lingshu finished speaking, seeing Ning Zui staring at him, he hurriedly added: "Of course, you definitely won't need this thing! Master, you are blessed with great blessings, and you will live forever!"

Ning Zui smiled suddenly: "You are much more mischievous now, you didn't dare to say such flattering words to me before."

"People have to learn to grow up by themselves." Song Lingshu smiled honestly.

Ning Zui: "..."

The Ganoderma pickers over there were still working hard, Ning Zui glanced at them: "This is not a difficult job, if they get it, are you really going to let them go?"

"Of course not, they still have to continue to work as coolies, build hot spring palaces, grow flowers and vegetables, and pour night fragrance! They are a brick of the Devil's Cult, so where should they move!" Song Lingshu showed the ugly face of a capitalist, "In short, to extract Give them the last bit of strength, our Demon Cult will never support idlers!"

Ning Zui, the only idler of the Demon Cult: "......"

Ning Zui: "Why are you saying this to me! Do you want to rebel!?"

Song Lingshu: "Don't dare, the leader is young and beautiful, with a long life!"

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2023-01-1917:49:11~2023-01-2017:37:56~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 2 for Cheng Mosky; 1 for CBY and CM;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 71 bottles of Xiao; 755 bottles of SeulBEAR; Love to learn, UFO is only one ID away, there are many, 20 bottles of crab shells; 18 bottles of giraffe; , Children, Doe.Aug.21,. . . . . . . Stranglethorn Valley sings cool, I am a nerd, either this or that, Tianli Xiyin, Yi Nian Qi, Floating Light Xia つ, Shen Nian, Qian Sui, Lin 123, Heng 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy