MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v5 Chapter 77 newborn daughter

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In the end Flora gave in.

With a bold decision. She is going to take her idol, Ludoveld L' Medici, to the mysterious realm of witches.

The act itself bordered on betrayal. If it was her a few days ago. It's almost impossible to imagine such a thing. She couldn't imagine that she would leak information about the sisters for an "outsider"...especially such critical information. Because Witchland is not like other places. It is related to the root of the forbidden fruit plan.

AI "Firstborn Daughters" - the key core they use to create "a brave new world. Mother of all witches. Daughter of all witches.

Flowing like the blood of a witch, artificial intelligence sublimated by humans.


The "Newborn Daughter" was originally a human being. This is the truth that only a few witches know. And her birth is closely related to Flora. Although the talent of a witch is almost inevitable, there are exceptions. And when a witch awakens her talent, at least after her personality is basically formed...about six or seven to twelve or thirteen years old. There are also precocious children who are four or five years old, or those who enter the witch dream for the first time in their twenties.

But there is absolutely no child who awakens the talent of a witch at birth.

this era. Several witches who founded the Antie Sisterhood made a statement. They thought at that time. The witch's ability may be a "shared psionic power". Since it is psychic power, it needs a process of awakening—after all, no one is born with psychic power.

However, in 1991, in an illegal synthetic human factory, the first synthetic human with psychic power was born, and she was named "Mayuko"

Because Mayuko has not been instilled with memory, no personality body was born at all. However, her memory and personality are blank, and she can't even speak, but she gave birth to a very powerful natural spirit. After she awakened her psionic power, she blew up the petri dish. Most of the factory was destroyed. In the end, he was successfully captured by four ghost agents. This matter has been widely circulated at the top of the federal government, and it is also the fundamental reason for promoting the increase in the scale of supervision in the field of synthetic humans in recent years. It was already two years later when the laboratory explored the reason for the birth of this strange "natural psychic". Because there was also a witch in that laboratory, they quickly learned the truth of the matter. The black factory that privately produced synthetic humans lacked fine gene modulation technology, so it was more likely to be stolen and sold. The tissue samples of several good synthetic human models are "pirated products" made by directly crossing each other.

In other words, it is not so much that they are making a synthetic human, but it is better to say that they are a test-tube baby made of two synthetic human chromosomes. And these two synthetic humans happen to have awakened almost the same spirit. And their psionic powers are almost identical to those of Mayuko.

In other words, if two people with very similar psychic abilities give birth to a child, it is possible that they will be born with psychic abilities.

There is another crucial factor, that is, due to misoperation, a very small amount of "sacred blood" was mixed into the nutrient solution of that batch of embryos, but it should only be a catalyst, and whether it is useful or not is a matter of two. Say. Because there were hundreds of embryos infected by the blood of the gods, but only this one mutated in the end. The subsequent experiment should still be going on. It is said that they are working on a project called the "Angel" project. But that has been moved to another laboratory, so the witch in that laboratory did not get new experimental data. But for witches. This conclusion is also enough: transforming humans into artificial intelligence. Not a particularly difficult technique. Memory box technology itself has stepped into this field with one foot. Even in recent years, some people advocate abandoning the body, mechanizing the body and entering immortality. As for the performance problem of artificial intelligence, it is best to solve it. Any new technology or new equipment can be installed at once. A problem that can be solved as long as status and money. itself is equivalent to non-existence.

Another key piece of information is that there is already a large amount of evidence proving that after a person's thoughts are transcribed into the memory box, there is a probability of about 100% in Yiri, as long as the original body's spiritual power is high enough . Because after transcription, the psionic energy will be greatly weakened instead of disappearing completely, and then transferred back to the biological brain. It will quickly return to its original strength. This proves that psionic energy is not exclusive to human beings, nor is it a special ability of the human body. The current mainstream psychic theory is that after the psyker's thoughts are transcribed into the memory box, they will be isolated from the mountain." Therefore, the witch's "Forbidden Fruit" plan itself is completely valid. Because for the witches Generally speaking, the strength of psionic power doesn't matter at all... as long as it exists, it just needs to exist.

The only question is, who will be converted into artificial intelligence? It's not a question of who is going to die.

It's a question of who is going to be Lord of the World.

A difficult problem that tortures human nature. Will someone really give their memory, personality, freedom, feelings, all wealth, knowledge and secrets to another person? Even if that person is an acquaintance...or, precisely because that person is an acquaintance, it is even more impossible. Witches can rely on and trust each other. But so far, no witch can be recognized by everyone and give her everything. Because they are all aware of each other's shortcomings, and know the fundamental problem of "no one is perfect".

In other words, they could not find a "world benchmark" from which to construct their new world. This is actually the fundamental problem with Taboo Fruit.

And the new technology of "Innate Psychic Power" gave them a new solution. That is, creating a "witch without personality" is not a witch who has been depersonalized, or whose memory has been wiped. Because after gathering all the witches' psionic powers, anything can happen to her, and it is necessary to avoid the unfolding that she suddenly regains her memory one day when everyone is living in her dream. Instead, it creates a witch who "never possessed any memory" but has awakened psychic powers.

She is the "firstborn daughter"

The blood of almost all witches was collected, and a large number of test-tube babies were produced with the blood of the gods as a catalyst. Because this kind of experiment is absolutely illegal, the scale of each batch is relatively small, but there are hundreds of numbers for one experiment. The psychic similarity of the failed products will be further improved, and they will be used as new samples for testing.

The only successful experiment so far is No. 006 of the third batch. She is the only witch who awakens psionic powers at the embryonic stage - and she was transferred to the memory box when she just differentiated her hands and feet. Using this as a prototype, artificial intelligence was created, and one of the sources of 3-006's genetic samples is Flora. Strictly speaking, she was her daughter's daughter's daughter.

Her duty is to take care of the "newborn daughter" on a regular basis.

Said it was a caregiver. In fact, it is to carry out advanced insurance research: through the experiment of psychic resonance, it is judged whether the "newborn daughter" who has no spiritual intelligence will obey the orders of the eight psychic fathers. If so... then to be fair, all eight of them will be executed. And after each new piece of data is entered in the "Newborn Daughter", the experiment will be repeated again. So far, they have been "nursing" for eighteen months.

After all, in this era where everyone has an absolute position, someone who suddenly loses contact and is reported by relatives and friends is a big case, and it can even be found on regional TV stations for several days. Not to mention they traveled to the same area before they disappeared so they were held before being held. Report to family and friends. Even if they are executed, they must be allowed to choose their own method of death and die by themselves, and they cannot be executed in secret. That would only expose their secret base. In this era full of advanced technology. It's not easy for underground organizations to mix. As long as someone reports it, they will be finished immediately. So Flora directly brought Ludwig in front of the library. He took a short breath a little. Pretending to be natural, he took Ludwig's arm.

"Going any further, I really can't take you in." She lowered her voice: "You wait for me here, and I will come out soon."

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a fat face and dressed as a scholar suddenly greeted her warmly and greeted Flora.

He rubbed his forehead in distress: "Yeah...what's your name Lairuo? Suddenly he couldn't come out when he was on the verge of speaking.

"Flora. Her name is Flora." Ludwig continued at this time.

"Yes, yes, Flora—I am your teacher, have you forgotten?"

Some chubby men smiled cheerfully: "I am the teacher in charge of your middle school, remember.

Are you Mr. Angus? "She asked with some uncertainty. Mr. Angus... Has he gained so much weight?

But when she compared the image of Mr. Angus in her mind with this man, she felt more and more like him.

"Ah, yes! It's Teacher Angus, I remembered!"

She clapped her hands suddenly in surprise, and almost jumped up in surprise.

She grabbed "Angus" by the hand. He said very enthusiastically: "I haven't seen you for seven or eight years, I'm very sorry. Teacher Yi has been working a little too much recently. All my classmates have pushed, I'm very sorry, very sorry "Angus" looked slightly at Ludwig, seeing him nodding, the smile on his face became more kind from time to time.

"I didn't expect to meet here...

So he also took Flora's hand with a smile. Shun Ruo said.

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