MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v5 Chapter 67 ignite the star torch

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A pale corpse curled up in the bright red liquid with eyes closed floating. About four or five meters high, a huge machine group occupying tens of square meters.

More than thirty human brains were neatly arranged in containers.

Coupled with the dense and orderly distribution of various lines and pipes...: It is almost reminiscent of the blood vessels of some indescribable terrifying creatures. The gurgling sound of the bubbles was thick and muddy, as if a monster in the deep sea was breathing and trembling. Seeing this incomprehensible scene, Kalijia couldn't help but began to tremble slightly. She felt a real nausea...and a strong, inexplicable sense of dread.

"Are you... Leonardo da Vinci?"

Kalijia's voice was dry and hoarse: "The one who died hundreds of years ago?

Leonardo's voice didn't sound in Kalijia's earphones this time, but sounded in all the surrounding machines at the same time. There are many voices synthesized in those machines, including old people and children, men, women, elegant, and attractive... Many voices are mixed together, but they form a wonderful Kalijia who can't even distinguish his body Where is the voice, or is it not there at all.

If you are Leonardo, why do you say you have never lived? ' She suppressed the sense of fear that came from nowhere, and asked slowly in a trembling voice: "Not only has he lived, but he is also one of the greatest people in the world. If Lai Onna has lived...

The voice of "Leonardo" paused, then chuckled.

This time he returned to Kalijia's ear and whispered softly: "I just say that I haven't lived...

"Because I'm not Leonardo himself. I'm his corpse. I have everything he has, but I'm not him.

Corpse? "

Kalija repeated in disbelief.

A body that… generates self-awareness?

How is this possible

Or, is this Leonardo's psychic power? Back from the dead? But didn't he say that Leonardo was just missing? If he can, their purpose is to resurrect Leonardo?

A great man hundreds of years ago? Inventor born in the age of steam? Is Brahma's boss a fan of Leonardo?

Kalijia's face was blank, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

"It's different from what you think, Kalijia. I exist. It's not that my father's spiritual power is special enough...but his spiritual power is too powerful.

Leonardo said calmly: After his death, the spirit remaining in his torso dissimilated his brain and gave birth to will. This is me.

"I am very grateful to Brahma. After all, they dug me out from the bottom of the Antarctic glacier... I would also like to share my wisdom with them. But I watched them stick their mouths in the trough, as if arching my mouth The body may be suppressing something, so let them just cut off my head and bring it out.

"But they were still relatively greedy, and still took most of my torso. But it's okay, at least Emperor Wei is still healthy. And I finally escaped from that place, so I decided to forgive them and give them the necessary support love.

"They were still very vigilant at the beginning. Every time they entered and exited here, the attackers opened the lead wall layer by layer in accordance with strict biochemical safety procedures, and did not use advanced elevators and surveillance equipment. They even completely cut off and blocked all networks. Bionics are prohibited from leaving the lifting platform under any circumstances, no one is allowed to enter with electronic products, and no prosthetics are assembled on their bodies.

"They thought I was just a broken body. As long as I was fixed in an extremely deep underground room separated by two layers of thick lead walls, they could prevent my consciousness from lurking in electronic products and escape here.

It's ridiculous.

"They think, who is Dantalin who invented the Raymond Guyton system? How could 'Ramon Guyton' resist my invasion? His words are full of sarcasm: "All your achievements today are built on the ' Raymond Guyton system, but what if it betrays you?

"Yes, I escaped from the very beginning, and the entire base was included in my academic control on the first day I woke up. Everything they did after that was meaningless. However, I did not No one wanted to be their enemy.

"But they shouldn't have the idea of ​​a ring. They never know what they will face after losing their father's protection.

His voice is low and indifferent, full of strange rational charm

"In the face of those things, there is no absolutely safe place in the world. The reason why human beings can survive in this world is to rely on the protection of their fathers... and want to solve this crisis. They still" but they don't know anything.

"They think they are heroes of mankind! But they are just a bunch of ignorant and selfish bastards!"

The voice of "Leonardo" grew louder, and at the end it was like a thunderbolt: "Human beings are meaningless! You are always repeating the same mistakes, time and time again, time and time again!"

Wait a minute. Zheng Fu who puts his hope above human beings.

Zheng Fu dedicated his life to human history.

Also the father. his creator. his idol. his god.

What is it. The... pathetic. She stared blankly at the hair of "Leonardo" floating slightly in the jar, her eyes opened an invisible gap, and then a strong spiritual energy storm burst out from it, tearing her apart almost instantly In the invisible thought storm, Kali struggled to maintain his consciousness. She asked slowly, one word at a time: ...with me...she doesn't know anything about this

Kalijia felt wronged for a while, followed by confusion and fear.

This "Leonardo" is simply not human! His power is like a mortal god, what does Brahma think? They actually tried to control a god? At this moment, "Leonardo" gradually calmed down his anger. His tone returned to the tenderness and sunshine at the beginning: "You got it wrong. I'm not talking to you.

"I have always created my father through your eyes, your ears, and your mind. To the maker of human history, the greatest and last prophet on earth, the founder and creator of the age of gods, the foundation of all things, the soul The cornerstone of wisdom. The dawn star of the new generation, the glory of human wisdom, and the undead wandering in the world.

Great Solomon, **** and Gustus, Charles Solomon. Leonardo da Vinci speaks. "

His voice was like the waves of the deep sea, gradually drowning Kalijia's intelligence.

"Father, you and I both know that at least one-third of the people in this world are worthless stars. This is the most rational, most efficient and most utilitarian" player thinking!

"Those superficial evil gods are meaningless in front of you, because they know how bright the brilliance under your body is, so they will cross the limit and come here. And all of this, after...

"I will light the star torch for you!"