MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-Chapter 2 Anyway, take it off first

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After Solomon took the lead in attacking, the people around Adonija who surrounded him with malicious intentions were all stunned, and they all froze in place.

It was as embarrassing as if a group of extras surrounded the scene full of passion and forgot the words at the same time.

—However, Solomon suddenly made an angry look, and stood up abruptly.

He pointed at the people around him, and shouted angrily without fear: "My elder brother Adonijah walked with you, and you are the caretakers... But now he is injured in the chest, it is your negligence, this is Your stupidity!"

"But you didn't panic when you saw him hurt, which shows that you despised Adonijah; and that you didn't change your face when you saw him suffer, which shows that you didn't love him."

Solomon led the convoy down the barren mountain and walked slowly towards the west on the desolate sandy land.

While looking around, he pretended to be concerned and shouted back from time to time—by the way, he checked the colors of the names of the people behind him.

Most people's names didn't change much after that. Green remains green, yellow remains yellow. The only thing that changed was Joab who was with Adonijah.

Solomon watched clearly that Joab's name changed from light green to bright red a few minutes ago. So he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Now Adonijah may as well tell him."

He nodded with satisfaction.

He had already seen that Joab and Adonijah should be in the same group.

That's why when those people were trying to defend themselves, he would suddenly change the subject.

Although he had deceived Joab just now, Adonijah was going to tell him the truth sooner or later. And for Solomon, who can see whether others are hostile to him or not, it would be better for them to discuss in secret.

For example, if Adonijah had told Joab the truth in front of his face just now, if that reckless man became angry and came over, he would definitely beat Solomon to the point of bleeding.

...that would be **** up.

Solomon had already insinuated with Benaiah—his own potato-like attendant before. Joab is the nephew of King David, his older brother in terms of seniority, and he is also the current commander of Israel... Although the name is different, it can be understood in this way.

In short, Joab is the highest military commander in Israel. Besides, in this era, most of the people who can become marshals have good martial arts.

Adonijah, who was prestige as a young child of King David, together with Joab, the commander trusted by King David, and Abiathar, the priest Adonijah wanted Solomon to find.

It can be said that now Adonijah has almost controlled the entire upper level of Israel's military, political and religious circles.

The reason why he asked Adonija to take off his clothes to make a soft stretcher was to see if he could make Adonija's injuries worse on the road, and the rest was to take him back to the city like this, so that the half-naked and weak Adonijah, lying on a stretcher, paraded around the city.

In this case, it should somewhat dilute people's impression of Adonijah's "brave" and "good at fighting". And as the distance gets closer, the fear will also decrease a little.


Solomon, who was thinking about where to break the situation, was slightly taken aback when he saw a carriage coming from the other side of the mountain range.


And an old man sitting on the side of the carriage was a little startled when he saw the luxuriously dressed Solomon and the others, and then drove the sheep over enthusiastically.

"My lord! Do you need help!"

The old man with messy gray-black hair and a fishy smell yelled at Solomon.

Solomon didn't want to talk to him at first, but he thought about it...

...this might be an opportunity.

So Solomon waved to that side, and asked loudly, "Are you a doctor?"

"Me? I'm not a doctor, my lord."

The old man grinned and laughed: "But my daughter is a doctor. She has cured many people in the village."


Solomon's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He shouted behind him: "Stop! There's a doctor here!"

Hearing this, the people behind stopped one after another.

The two people carrying the stretcher stopped subconsciously, and Adoniya, who was on the simple stretcher, turned pale for an instant, grunted softly, and began to tremble uncontrollably.

But he didn't cry out—nor did his pride and his current situation allow him to.

...Anyway, it was only a minor injury, nothing serious.

Adonija thought.

He took a deep breath, endured the pain and said to the person who was carrying him, "You carry me to the front... and Joab, you go with me too."

"it is good."

Joab nodded, took the stretcher from the man in front, and ran forward with Adonijah.

While the two of them were running, Adonijah's upper body was shaking violently on the soft stretcher. Adonija suddenly turned pale.

ok, it hurts...

Are these two fools out of their minds... and that **** Solomon...

Solomon glanced at Adonijah, whose name seemed to be getting redder, and then solemnly declared to the two: "I am Solomon, the son of King David. The injured one is also the son of King David."

Solomon rode on his horse and asked the old man, "Who are you? Where are you going?"

The old man was also surprised when he heard this. A look of hesitation and fear immediately appeared on his face.

So he got out of the car immediately, bowed indiscriminately, and stammered in a humble voice: "My name is Noam. My daughter's name is Abigail...She and I went to Jerusalem to sell salted fish. We are Selling salted fish."

"Hello, Norm."

The names are all pseudonyms. And it is light green, it should be an honest person without hostility.

Solomon judged.

He nodded gently to the old man: "Your daughter knows herbal medicine?"

"Uh...she doesn't know herbs. But she did heal many people in the village..."

Noam lowered his head a little timidly, and his voice was a little weaker: "It will be fine soon. Just touch it and it will be fine..."

"I believe. I believe in you, Norm."

Solomon smiled slightly, and said in a calm and clear voice, "Please take your daughter with you... Do you need help?"

"Thank you, thank you...but don't bother, Your Highness Solomon. No need..."

When Norm tensed up, his tongue was about to tie up again.

He turned around and helped the delicate girl sitting on the other side of the car to get off. The two saluted Solomon together.

The girl named Abigail has curly long black-brown hair and unhealthy pale skin that receives little sunlight.

From the ID on top of her head, it can be seen that she is only sixteen years old, and her face is generally pretty.

But the most striking thing about Abigail is her clear, crystal-like pupils—this is not the exaggerated praise of the poet. Rather, it was a brown crystal eyeball that was really, really inorganic.

It looks like a doll. Although those eyes looked beautiful, Solomon always felt that the more he looked, the weirder he looked...

Those eyeballs seem to have an illusion that they are not human. the child blind?

Solomon looked down at her curiously.

He keenly noticed that after Abigail got out of the car, her head did not swing from side to side. Even after she and her father saluted themselves, they didn't look at anyone.

Noticing that Solomon's gaze stayed on Abigail's for a long time, her father Noam panicked a little.

"Salute Your Highness Solomon, Abigail."

"... hello, my lord."

Abigail greeted Solomon on horseback in a low voice.

The corner of Solomon's mouth raised, and he replied with a gentle smile: "Hello. Please cure him, my brother Adonijah. I will reward you."

"No, no, no, no, no... being able to heal King David's son is our reward!"

Noam waved his hands in a panic, and bowed carelessly to Solomon. He repeatedly looked at Abigail next to him. He looked at Solomon with pleading eyes.

Fortunately, the others didn't notice Norm's panic because Solomon stood in front of them on horseback.

"...No, I said I will reward you, so I will definitely reward you."

He paused, and repeated calmly.

His language seemed to have a certain appeal. It was obviously just an empty promise, but it made Noam's mood slowly calm down.

"So, do you know of any good place to heal wounds, Norm?"

Solomon asked.

Noam stammered and replied, "Here you can..."

"No. I think we still need a quiet and clean place."

Solomon interrupted him: "You don't want your daughter's healing techniques to be learned by others, Norm. If everyone knows how, how will your daughter make a living in the future?"

" are a generous and wise man!"

After understanding Solomon's hint, Noam bowed deeply to Solomon gratefully.

Solomon scolded forcefully: "You are stupid, arrogant, you have no lover, and you don't respect King David's son—if you still don't repent and don't know your mistakes, you are guilty!"

Seeing Solomon's anger, the surrounding extras panicked.

"No, no...Your Highness Solomon..."

"I don't, I'm not..."

"No, Your Highness Solomon, this is actually..."

"No! This is indeed our dereliction of duty—"

A man was full of fear, and just about to defend something to Solomon, his words were interrupted by another middle-aged man loudly: "But by my name, they will never despise Adonijah! Solomon, Forgive them!"

It was a dark-skinned, thick-lipped, bear-like man. His hair is already a little gray, but his body is extraordinarily thick.

After hearing his voice, the people around gradually calmed down.

…Who is he?

Solomon was slightly taken aback, and glanced at the pale red name above the old man's head.

—Joab, forty-eight years old.

He's bigger than Doniyah...and doesn't seem to have much respect for himself, for "Solomon."

Forget it, let's do this first. Solomon fell silent for a moment.

Including Joab, the names above the heads of those around Adonijah quickly changed from light red to yellow or light green.

Are you all cheap... Isn't this a curse.

Solomon twitched the corner of his mouth and heaved a sigh of relief.

He was the first to launch an attack in order to gain the upper hand.

Although it is not clear what the conspiracy Adonija arranged was, it was probably an act of coercion. It must be said that he suddenly howled that he wanted to kill him, and then let the people around him rush up and hack him to death... It can be said that it is a trick that is very in line with the IQ and philosophy of people of this era.

Judging from the previous hostility of those people, my brother should have spoken ill of himself to these people. But normally, as long as he doesn't want to kill, doesn't take the initiative to attack him, and doesn't get close to him, Adonija should have nothing to do with himself.

But for some reason, Solomon always had a vague feeling of something bad in his heart.

...I'm afraid he is going to assassinate himself, right?

Can't it? No... no luck. No matter what this cheap brother wants to do, let's mess up his arrangement first.

"...Solomon, you don't have to be so **** them."

Adonijah's tone was weak, but he said calmly: "Leave a few people to take care of me. I can't ride a horse anymore. You go back to the city first, and bring Priest Abiathar to pick me up. He can Heal my wound."

Although his tone did not become milder, it was much gentler than before.

But Solomon cursed MMP secretly in his heart.

This grandson looks quite like...

— Solomon clearly saw that after the light red names on everyone's heads faded, the names on Adonijah's head changed from light red to bright scarlet.

...Stable. He really wanted to kill himself.

Solomon didn't show any abnormality on his face. He just took Adonijah's words after a short pause and said casually, "That's not necessary, Brother Adonijah. I have a way to take you back—without a horse."

"You can't memorize it, Solomon..."

Adonija raised his voice slightly, and reminded: "I might die then."

Solomon shook his head calmly: "Of course not. Anyway, brother, take off your coat first."


"Find two pieces of olive wood, cut them into two long sticks, insert them through the middle of the robe, separate the robe to the two sides, and then wrap the four corners tightly with strips of cloth. This is like a bed, isn't it?"

Solomon replied casually: "I heard from my father before that the Egyptians used this method to transport gods. So it must not be bumpy. Brother Adonijah, just lie down on it... and let two men of the same height go together Carrying you forward one after the other."

What he said is the method of making a simple stretcher that anyone can know. As long as the clothes are strong enough, there is no problem in transporting the lightly injured.

Solomon's words were not purely to fool Adonijah.

During the New Dynasty of ancient Egypt, statues of gods were indeed transported in this way every year during the Opit Festival. As for whether they will transport people, I don't know... Judging by their reactions, at least Israel will not.

"Then just use their clothes." Adonija frowned slightly.

Joab said eagerly, "Then please use my clothes..."

"No. Even if it's my clothes, I can't use theirs."

Solomon immediately spoke out, interrupting Joab's words with righteous words: "They will not be anxious even if you get hurt, and naturally they will not worry from the bottom of their hearts because you are cold. In the cold early spring, naked, Trembling and trembling for such a long distance, most of them will feel resentment in their hearts. Besides, if they fall ill due to cold, it is tantamount to brother Adonijah, who took away the clothes, and you killed them. Therefore It's not as good as me..."

"...No, no need, Solomon. Your body is too weak. My body is much stronger than yours."

Adoni Ya paused: "What's more, I still have a thick inner coat. Let's use my coat."

When Solomon mentioned this, Adonijah didn't have the face to force her to speak, and asked others to take off their clothes and make a stretcher for herself.

So Solomon eagerly directed everyone to make a simple stretcher, and folded Adonijah's robe around the wooden strips in about a third of the position, and put Adonijah firmly on the stretcher. above.

Two wooden sticks and a thin coat can carry such a heavy person steadily with just a few folds - Solomon's operation also surprised the people around him.

Although this seventeen-year-old boy has long been known for his outstanding wisdom and insight, it is the first time for most of them to see it with their own eyes.

After Adonija confirmed the strength of the stretcher, the group set off again and walked slowly down the mountain.

"...However, if I remember correctly, a broken sternum should not be transported on a soft stretcher for long distances, right?"

— If so, great.

Solomon looked calm and murmured in a low voice.

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