MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 83 Wind and rain

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Sometimes when people are most painful, it is not that you have lost everything, but when you lose everything that is most lonely, the people who were oppressed by you are standing in front of you.

Qu Wangzhi looked at the silver in the hands of the eunuch. Although he was a little embarrassed, he also knew that the amount of money in this package was not small enough to allow ordinary people to do anything for more than ten or twenty years. But even though he doesn't have anything now, he doesn't want to pick up the money.

Liang, who had been tears of tears, took the silver and the silver in his hand, and slammed it on the ground. He pointed to the song sitting in the carriage and said: "We don't need you to help you this time!"

The white silver rolled out of the cotton purse and spilled out of the ground, making it look even more dazzling in the sun. The lively people next to him saw this scene and began to whisper with their heads down.

Qu Huixue supported his grandmother, listening to the ridicule of the people around the Changde government, and embarrassedly bowed his head, but saw a piece of silver rolled to his feet. Somehow, she suddenly remembered that one day three years ago, the wife also threw the teacup at the feet of the big sister.

The cup of tea is very hot, obviously in the early summer, she can even see the white smoke rising when the tea poured on the instep of the big sister's instep, but at that time the big sister kept her head buried, she could not see the expression on the face of the big sister.

I don't know why, she suddenly felt a little happy. Liang, who had been in the scenery for more than ten years, Liang, who was harsh on her mother, finally fell to the end of today. Thinking of this, Qu Hui Xue showed a smile on his face, squatting down and picking up the silver at his feet, blowing the dust on the silver and putting it into the purse of his waist.

Liang did not notice her movements. The old lady saw the words but did not say a word. Although she was not smart, she could see the situation better than Liang, so she would not do anything more gossip.

Liang couldn’t think of his day of exchange with Qufu’s status. The memory of her loyalty became high, and she became a low-lying monk. She hated being unwilling to take the source of all these misfortunes. It comes down to the slap in the carriage.

Qu Wei calmly looked at Liang Shi, this woman does have a bit of beauty, but only a few points, she even can not understand how much Changde Gong is obsessed with her, will be mad to kill the wife, Such a ruthless man, do you really know what love is?

Looking at Liang, who had no image and lost his mind and rumors, Qu Wei felt that the heart of his heart was gradually dissipated. She held her chest and seemed to see the day when the lonely girl was spent in Changde. Day and night, I saw her marrying into the palace, seeing her resisting the man's approach, watching her quietly lying in the carved bed and quietly closing her eyes.

He Wei noticed that Qu Qushao looked wrong and gently held her hand. "Flick, what's wrong with you?"

Qu 裾 裾 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对After getting off the carriage, step by step to the face of the embarrassed Liang, with a very small voice: "If you are so noisy, it is not for the children. I don't tell you, I am very vengeful?"

Liang wanted to be angry, but she looked at the smile on her face, but she couldn't say a word. She turned her head and looked at her son. She remembered the daughter who was still in the Ruiwangfu, and gnawed her teeth: "What do you want to do?"

"You guess," Qu Wei sighed and took a few breaths. "After all, you have been taking care of me for so many years. I just have to remember the year and feel the tide and the difficulty."

"You are a curse!" Liang's hand stretched his hand and wanted to grab the frivolous face, but he was pushed away by Ming and his hand. He said loudly: "Let's relax, Wang Hao's old lady is old, and deliberately sends money to let you live. You are more generous, you don’t know how to be grateful, you want to hurt Wang Hao, and your mind is really poisonous."

The onlookers saw this situation and automatically supplemented the old lady who had been abused by the Changde government office. The old lady, who was sympathetic to the old man, was sent to send money. The vicious stepmother saw her and roared, no regrets. meaning. It seems that this Liang is more vicious than the rumors, and I don’t know how such a kind and filial Duan Wangjun came over under her claws.

Qu Weizhen was very distressed to see Liang, who was supported by Qu Wang, and some helplessly said: "Since you don't welcome me, I will not appear in front of you in the future." Please take care of yourself."

After doing this, the guilty look and the very lost hand holding the raft returned to the carriage. After the curtain on the carriage was put down, the loss on her face gradually disappeared without a trace, she loved to watch. Liang’s life was full of fear.

Maybe she has to worry every day that her prince will hurt her children. Maybe she lives in her own hatred every day, but these are not important.

"Go back," He said with a smile and holding her hand.

Qu gently smiled and nodded. "Go back."

The people at the end of the palace went away, and the people onlookers gradually dispersed. When the Qu family had not reacted, several hooligans suddenly ran over, and the silver on the ground ran away without a trace.

Qu Wangzhi looked at the hooligans who ran away, and looked back at his family. For a time, he felt that the world was big but there was no place for them.

"Let's go," said Mrs. Qu, who had a crutches and looked at Liang Liang coldly. "What are you doing here? This place is no longer my composer." The snow will go.

When Liang looked at his son, he had no choice but to follow the pace of the old lady. But every time she passed a place, many people pointed at her and even slobbered on the ground after seeing her.

She looked at these people blankly and finally understood that she was no longer a granddaughter, no longer rich and wealthy, she had nothing, and a daughter left by her monks wanted to count her.

It’s over, it’s all over.

The spring is gradually over, the summer heat is slowly coming, and the time is not good to go out at this time. More often, I hide in a cool and airy room, wearing a veil and shaking the beauty group fan to listen to Jin Yu Huang Yang to tell her. Big and small gossip in the capital.

The most fascinating thing in the past few days was that Qu Huixue was asked to go home by a show. Although this show has no father and no mother, but there is a good slave in the family. What is even more surprising is that this show was once a friend of Qu Hui Xueshengmu. After Xiucai took her home, she did not wait for her because of Changde’s past, and the husband and wife got along very well.

This incident is probably the most dramatic thing after the scorn of this era. This is also a testament to the fact that sometimes life is more surprising than the text. After learning about this, she asked Xiao Ganzi to send a lot of applicable gifts to Qu Huixue. Among them, there were also some questions and excellent answers in the past years. It was also a blessing to her husband and wife.

Qu Huixue did not have frequent exchanges with Qufu. She just wrote a letter of thanks solemnly, and sent some fresh fruits and vegetables and her own embroidery. After that, she lived in Anan. went.

"Wang Hao, this is the new lily of the white ear of Luo Han Guo Tang, you use some to eliminate the heat," Yin Liu put a bowl of soup in front of the Qufu, took the fan from the side of the hand, scorned the song Slowly shaking the fan, looking at the white sparkling sun outside, breathed a sigh of relief. "This day is getting hotter and hotter, I don't know when it rains."

"You just came in from the outside, there is ice in the house, don't get sick," Mudu pulled the silver willow away from the ice, smiled and took the fan from her hand. "A sweat, don't smoke Wang Hao." ""

Yin Liu shouted at the moment, the two of them clamored for a while, and provoked the music, and couldn’t help but laugh. She put down the spoon. "Let’s stop, let the kitchen give you a bowl of iced plum soup, block your mouth. ""

"This is good, the slaves are not in trouble," Muxi smiled and walked to the side of Qufu. She fanned her. She looked at the door and saw Huang Yang rushing in while sweating. She couldn't help but frown. Huang Yang’s work on weekdays is not such a panic. Is this happening?

"Wang Hao, Fang Cai Wang came back and said that he was afraid that he would not return home." Huang Yang was sweaty, and all the backs of his clothes were wet with sweat. He talked a little.

“Pour the cup of herbal tea for the boxwood,” said Qu Wei, a cautious face. “But what happened in the palace?”

Although Huang Yang scolded a few images in front of Wang Hao, the speed of drinking tea was obviously much faster than usual. A bowl of tea was under the belly. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve: "Ming and the father-in-law said that the emperor is suddenly going to the church today. The fainting passed, and all the doctors who were on duty at the hospital were called into the palace. Wang Ye stayed in the palace at this time. I was afraid that Wang Hao would worry about it and I would specifically call you."

Qingde Emperor is a younger sister, so come here every three times. Qu 裾 裾 了 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

After looking at the house full of dare not to speak, she said: "Commanded, before the return of the prince, the government does not treat guests, but if you want to go abroad, you must register with the governor, when to go out When you come back, you must register clearly. If someone violates it, you will get out of the palace."

Huang Yang’s eyebrows jumped, and he suppressed the panic of his heart: “Yes, the small side conveys it.”

When the boxwood is gone, the raft is a little uneasy: "Wang Hao, this matter..."

"The father is the son of heaven, and there must be God bless," Qu 裾 裾 took a spoon and took a sip of Lily sirloin, and looked calm. "Let the people below close their mouths, if I heard something that should not be said." All responsibility."

"Yes," Muxi noticed Wang Wei's prudence, exchanged a look with Yin Liu, and hurriedly withdrew to control the people below.

A bowl of lily white fungus Luo Han Guo Tang bottomed out, gently smashed out the handkerchief, slowly wiped the corner of the mouth, she stood up and walked to the bed, a gust of wind, thick black clouds gradually appeared in the sky, let the sky show half the sun Half of the clouds are low.

"Wang Hao, the slave is thinking that it is going to rain," Yu Yu saw the wind too big, afraid to blow the window to block Wang Hao's line of sight, and then handed the window against the window. She looked at the sky and said with emotion: "The wind is so big, the clouds are thick, and the rain is not small."

Qu sighed and smiled: "It's raining, it's going to stop anyway, we are in the house, what are you afraid of?"

Staring at the dark clouds that are getting closer and closer, the brows are light and wrinkled, and I always feel that my heart is not very practical.

The author has something to say: the small chrysanthemum has been turned, jj has pumped again, if there is a sister paper to buy chapters to repeat spending money, be sure to send a text message to the administrator to the money to deduct more money to come back. These two days have been drawn so that everyone has read hard work, I am really sorry, thank you, what?

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