MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 76 True and false

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After Cheng Wang became married, the Beijing city, which had been raging in abundance, gradually calmed down. It seems that no one remembers the great emperor who was detained in the Yueyue Building. No one remembers the imperial history that was killed on the top of the temple. People who live in the capital are often the most realistic. They will only choose the notes they can remember. The ones that are forgotten will never think of a half.

Just when everyone lived in peace, there was a news in the palace that the emperor was ill, Shu Guizhen and Jing Guiyu stayed up late for the night, and there was no improvement in the emperor. Shu Guizhen even smashed a hospital in Taiyuan. Judge.

The emperor was ill, and he was very ill. This is a signal in Beijing. If it wasn’t for Shu Gui’s decision to go to the hospital, I thought the news could not be transmitted. For a time, all the minds were different, but the ministers who were re-used by the emperor, such as Tian Jinxi, closed their doors and thanked them, and did not receive anyone.

There are also many people who inquire about the news at the end of the palace, not to mention the frivolity, even the maidens of Feng Zi, Jiang, and other people have to inquire, these people do not want to think, a Wangfu Xiaoyan’s family can know what, The real king is a fool, telling Xiao Yan about this kind of thing, and will let Xiao Xiao send a message to her family at this juncture?

I can only ask for a little sister's family, but also shows that there is not much ability, but also that these people's brains are not good enough, in this life, if you want to climb up, unless it is God bless.

Qu Weijun heard Jiang Yanbu to report someone to her mother's house to inquire about the news, so she let her sit down.

"My father didn't know much. When I knew about such a big thing, I had to quit all the words." Jiang Yan's envelope in his hand was presented to Qu Wei. "This is a list of visitors. My father is timid and put these people." The list and the gift of the gift are all recorded, please ask Wang Hao."

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾

In the eyes of Qu Wei, Jiang Yan may be one of the few servants of He Wei, the most visible form, and the one who will do the most. She even feels a pity for Jiang Yanxue. If Jiang Yanxue did not choose to be a woman, she would marry an ordinary rich child to marry her wife.

Jiang Yanxue saw that Wang Hao did not look at the envelope, but it was not accidental. With Wang Xi’s temper and acting, he would never look at these things. This is also the wisdom of Wang Shuo.

"The sewing thread in the slave room has not been finished yet, so I won’t disturb Wang Hao, and I will leave." The thing to say has already been said. Jiang Yanxu does not want to rely on the favor of Wang Yude’s prince. She now thinks very clearly, her There is no chance to win the favor of the prince. It is better to follow the steps of Wang Hao, and the days will be better.

Qu Wei did not leave her, nodded and let Muxi personally sent her out.

Jiang Yan smashed the door of the main house, and repeatedly thanked him for sending the raft. Finally, the raft sent her to the entrance of the main courtyard before turning and leaving.

Ai Green helped Jiang Yanbu to carefully step down the stairs. She looked back at the back of the hibiscus, and said: "The master, Wang Hao let the most trusted hibiscus girl send you, indicating that Wang Hao valued you."

Jiang Yanxu did not speak. When she went out, she saw that Wang Ye came from the other direction. She had a foot and bowed her head to the prince.

When He Wei saw her coming out of the main courtyard, she said: "Is there no nap for Wang Hao?"

"Back to the prince, Wang Cai has already got up," Jiang Yan replied honestly.

"Well," He said, nodding his head and heading for the direction of the main court.

Jiang Yanfeng stood up straight and looked up at the back of He Wei. He suddenly thought that now the emperor is seriously ill, if the prince is...

She shook her head. In any case, she had to respect Wang Hao. This palace was very clear to her. She had already been caught in the palm of her hand by Wang Hao. Even if there were other women in the government, it was only the prince’s stuff, Wang Ye. The love for Wang Hao is not pretending.

He Yi turned his mind on the list in his hand. He saw the frivolous and began to toss the potted plants. He said: "These people are insignificant. There are a few of them who are old and three hands to fish in the water. The Jiang family is very practical."

Qu 裾 裾 carefully cut out a rabbit ear, heard He Wei said this, and the next time, did not think that He Wei actually told her about the outside, is he really treating himself as his own, even these words Do not hide?

"Wang Ye means that San Shu is secretly doing his hands and feet?" She put down her scissors and turned to wash her hands. "Wang Ye, how about telling a folk story?"

"What story?" He Wei sighed and looked serious, waving his hand and letting the waiters retreat, only laughed. "It's better to listen."

"An old man has two sons in his family. The old man prefers the younger son. He always leaves good things to his youngest son. Later, the old man is seriously ill, and the younger son thinks that the old man will leave the family to himself, knowing that one day the younger son heard the neighbors say His father secretly gave good things to his eldest brother. The younger son was too angry. He went to find his father. Who knows that he was mad at the old man. The younger son regretted it very much. Later, he realized that the neighbor was telling lies, but the deceased had already It’s useless to succumb, regret.” Qu sighed and sighed. “You said that this little son has harmed himself. It’s not a good thing to see people.”

He Xiao smiled and said: "I just heard this story. I am really flustered and ignorant."

Qu gently smiled and said to him for a while, he saw him hurried away. She knew in her heart that what He wanted was not his own idea, but his attitude. This man has ambitions. He does not want his pillow to be inconsistent with his position. But he is satisfied with his pillow, so he just said what he just said to test himself.

It took less than a year to come to this place, but she understood what rights were and understood the terrible rights. With the right, women can also abandon their husbands. If they have no rights, they must bow to others.

I looked at the envelope left by He Wei on the table, and squinted and grabbed it and took a look. Slowly closed the list and handed it to Mudu to let her carefully close it.

Mudu looked at her worriedly, and now Beijing is in such a mess, I don’t know what will happen, "Wang Hao..."

"Don't worry, tell the people below that everything in the house is still the same, but if anyone dares to talk nonsense, all of them will be out of the house, and no one can be merciful." Qu 裾 裾 calmly said, "The priests of the government can not send letters to the outside world." If there is a disobedient, just report it to me."

"Yes," Muxi saw Wang Hao seem to have a well-thought-out look, and slowly put down a heart.

"Yiang Niang" a palace lady stunned and ran to the front of Shugui, and looked at the room where all were Shugui confidant, only to open the way: "The slaves only heard a message in the mouth of the Tianqi Palace Xiaodezi, today, the goddess of the goddess When I was sick, the emperor praised the king in front of many people."

Lying on the chaise couch, the lady who was pressed by the palace lady sat up straight, and her face changed slightly: "The emperor woke up?! What did he say?"

Her Majesty's majesty was a little scared: "The slaves heard that the emperor praised the king for his deeds, his chest had a gully, and he had the wind of the emperor."

"The Emperor?" Shugui wrinkled his brow. The Emperor was the Mingjun who was praised by many people. The Emperor respected the Emperor and often sighed that he did not have a Mingjun. If the Emperor had only one son, he would not be able to stand this emperor. These words are much more heard. Shugui knows the position of the emperor in the emperor's heart. Now, what is the meaning of the emperor taking the king to go to the emperor?

When the Yuanzi was born, the emperor did not say that only the eyebrows had a three-pointed emperor, how can he now exaggerate the son of Weishi?

"When you go to the palace of Xuan Rui Wang, you will say that the hospital is sick and sick, so that Rui Wang will be filial in front of the emperor's bed."

The cockroach on the ground hesitated for a moment, and finally retired silently. This moment, the niece said that she was sick and sick. Is there any suspicion of being unwilling to wait for the emperor in the eyes of others? It’s just that she is just a small palace girl. The nobles don’t like her much, let alone the emperor has always loved the nobles, and there must be no major events.

In the Tianqi Palace, Qingde Emperor woke up from his sleep and smelled the faint medicinal taste in the house. He had a moment of shackles and looked out of the account. He only saw a sly figure sitting outside the account, presumably kept guarding. He, his heart warmed, could not help but open the door, "Love, why don't you go to rest?"

"The emperor, are you awake?" The account was hung up, and the face of tears and tears appeared in his eyes, and he suddenly understood it. The one outside was Jinggui, not Shugui. At this moment, he was a little embarrassed. When he was sick and fainted twenty-three years ago, who was the woman who was weeping in his ear?

"The emperor, what's wrong with you, but it's not comfortable," Jinggui was full of horror on his face. He turned to let the doctor outside, and then squatted on his bed and cried. "The emperor, you are really scared." It’s awkward, if you have nothing, how can you make it?”

"Where is so serious," Qingde emperor coughed a few times, reaching out and patted her arm on the edge of the bed. "The children are so big, what do you cry like?"

"It’s just that the children are big, and there is nothing to worry about. If you are... you still have something to do," Jinggui saw the doctor coming in, stood up and wiped the tears on his face, making it a majestic voice. "Let's take care of the emperor's pulse. If you don't do your best, the doctor who used to spend the last day will be your end."

"Please rest assured," said the doctor to the Qingde Emperor, and reached out to give the emperor a pulse. After a long time, he slowly relaxed his breath. "The emperor is now waking up, but he has passed the mark, but he has been raging in the past few days. As for the weakness of the body, and the recent handling of political and tiring, I fell ill all of a sudden, as long as I have a good rest for a while, I will be able to heal."

"Do you say it is true?" Jinggui also refused to see the presence of a doctor, but also cried and laughed. "Thank God, thank God."

The doctors of the pulse are watching this scene. Some emotions are not that Shu Guifei is more favored than Jing Gui. How can this be that Jing Gui has been guarding the emperor, and even because the emperor's body is better and he is happy to cry. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shake his head in his heart. The woman who really treats her is not rare, but she loves the tyrannical sorrowfulness. The emperor is really wasting a sincere heart.

"Come on, let the emperor prescribe the prescription," Jing Gui said while wiping his tears. "When the emperor is healed, this palace will definitely reward you."

After the doctor went on, Jing Guizhen took the medicine porridge from the palace and served the Qingde Emperor with a small bowl. Seeing the face of Qing Dedi was better, he said: "Looking at the emperor, I remembered twenty. Three years ago, at that time, I was kneeling in front of your bed, crying and crying for the sky. When I fainted, I didn’t see you waking up.” She smiled bitterly. “Now, I’ve finally seen you wake up, it’s really God. bless."

"Twenty-three years ago, you..." Qingde's face changed. He looked at the face of Jing Guifei. After a long sigh, he sighed and took her hand. "You are tired of squatting." Go to the temple and rest for a while."


"Be obedient, if you don't worry, you will come to call you after two hours. This is the will of you." Qing Dedi's tone is very firm.

Jinggui had no choice but to get out of the main hall. After lying on the bed in the side hall, she smiled a little at the corner of her mouth. This good sister of Shu Guizhen always left such a good opportunity to her, so that she felt that if she did not catch I am sorry for these good opportunities.

Twenty-three years ago?

At that time, the seriously ill emperor did not have his own brothers. Only some of them were not close to the cousins. They did not have the shackles of their sons. Who is not crying for the life of the emperor?

In the main hall of the Tianqi Palace, after the Qingde Emperor’s lying on the bed for a long time, he was on the side of the **** who stood still: “What about Shugui?”

"Return to the emperor, last night when Shu Guizhen was waiting for you to suffer from a cold illness, the third time was taken by the palace woman back to the palace to rest and go to the hospital," the answer is the **** general manager, he whispered, "someone came to report in the morning, said Shu The noble lady is overworked, and if she is not cultivated, she will only fall to the root of the disease."

"When is the goddess of the goddess guarding the scorpion?" Qingde's face was a bit cold.

"Geng Guiyan Niangniang has been waiting for you to faint, and has been waiting for it," the **** supervisor glanced at the emperor's face and cautiously said, "In the morning, the goddess of the goddess was dizzy once, but the goddess did not want to leave, and the minions did not." Dare to persuade, so the goddess has not closed her eyes for two days and two nights."

"Well, I know." Qingde Emperor closed his eyes, and when the **** supervisor thought he was asleep, he said again, "Let the imperial family give the lily yam pigeon to the goddess, and remember her. Love to use this."

The **** supervisor was busy with the retreat, and stayed at the main entrance of the main hall. He looked at the sky that was dyed red by the setting sun. This day is afraid of changing.

In the quiet main hall, Qingde emperor sighed. Did he be wrong in these years?

The author has something to say: I believe that you will lose if you believe in Jinggui. This chapter may also be called o(╯□╰)o

I would like to thank the three large mines, such as Fei Dudu, Bai Ma and Yu Ting, and thank you for the landmines.

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