MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 69

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"Your Majesty, can you flop the plate tonight?" The eunuch, who is in charge of the emperor’s life in the temple, came to the palace in the palace, with fish-shaped tooth cards representing the identity of the palaces.

Qingde Emperor looked at the divorce of his second child, and did not look at those brands. He gently put the fold back on the table. "Going to Zhongjing Palace at night, Jinggui’s fear of the end of the king’s wounds, people lost a lot. Circle, you have to go."

"Yes," the **** who recorded the emperor's daily life wrote down the passage and threw himself out.

Qingde Emperor felt that although he liked Shugui in his heart, but Jinggui was always a whisper, and it was a heart-wrenching flower. When he was upset, he always loves to go there and think about it. Concerned, he felt that he was still somewhat distressed.

Recently, the emperor's opposite king and the guardian of the royal family have been taken care of by many people. Therefore, the emperor went to worship the nobles there, and no one was surprised. It was just that Shu Guizhen heard about this incident and smashed a cup.

"Wei's slut," Shugui gasped a few breaths, and He Yuandao, who was sitting at the bottom, "Yuaner, now the boss is defeated, you must seize this opportunity, don't let Weishi's mother and son drill a hole."

"The mother is relieved, even if they want to, they must see if the father can see it. Jinggui has played so many means, is the father not the most important to you?" He Yuan disdain, "the second child always loves Putting a look on the road, some people still eat him."

Shugui wrinkled his frown: "You can't underestimate the king. He can be valued by the emperor, and he must have the ability. Although this monk is not as good as me, but the emperor has not forgotten her for so many years, even the position is also Not less than me, you must be careful with their mother and child."

He Yuan listened to this speech, and some were unhappy: "As long as the father does not want to, they use whatever means."

Shugui opened her mouth, although she felt that she was sincere to treat her in these years. Even because of her complaints, she did not let other women in the harem have children, but I don’t know why, she has a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

"Tomorrow, you will hold a flower banquet in the house, so that your wife and the Jinan princess are close to each other. Although she has no real power, she is always the first daughter of the emperor. The feelings are different from others." I took a sip. "When she married, the emperor did not care for the minister of the ceremonial department. It was hard to seal the name of the princess to her. This kind of grace is not comparable to others."

The Dalong Dynasty dynasty Princess is basically a sister to the emperor. There is almost no special case for her daughter. However, the emperor gave it to him, and even the singer who gave birth to the tribute to the emperor was the emperor. It can be seen that the emperor pays more attention to He.

"Qin's behavior has always been emotional, and there is not much to say about her son and her." Think of Qin Bailu, He Yuan is not happy. "I knew that it was such a woman. When you were a mother, you might as well let me marry me. It’s better than Qin Bailu’s boring woman.”

"Because!" Although Shugui is proud of himself, he still knows that He Yuan’s words are too inconspicuous. "What is the identity of that Qu, what is the identity of Qin? Qin is behind the Qin family, which is highly respected by many readers in the world. You If she is married, she can get the support of the Qin family. Qufu’s fox-like woman can help you. It’s fortunate that the virtues of Changde’s government are not troublesome. Moreover, she is now your second wife. If this is the case, don't say it again!"

"What kind of scholarly family, I really can't see where the Qin family has the temperament of a scholarly family daughter," He Yuan was blamed by Shu Guizhen, but he was listening, but he was still dissatisfied with Qin. "There was a black smoke in the whole day." I am upset when I am squatting."

The mother-in-law has always been critical of her daughter-in-law. He Yuan said that Shugui is even more dissatisfied with Qin Bailu: "Qin is born better than Qu, but the method is really better than Qu. You don't bother. In this year's general election, I will pick a few people who can give you."

He Yuanzuo smiled and said: "That can be troublesome for the mother." He thought about it, it is better to pick a woman who is more flavorful than Qu, but thinking that Qu is his own nephew, he still did not say that the more Moment.

"Susu's tidbits are late, and Fifi's red pigment is light." Qu Fuyu stood on the stone arch bridge and watched the red petals floating in the stream. I couldn't help but think of these two poems describing spring. She sprinkled the fish food in her hand into the water. Inside, looking at the red koi in a group, the mood is quite good, "Mu 槿, tomorrow to go to the Rui Wangfu, just wear a few days before the piece of flowers, flying butterflies, wide-sleeved dress, such a good spring, Only live up to such a beautiful dress."

No way, she is a laity, she loves to wear beautiful clothes and wears exquisite jewelry. In this era, no network is enough to be miserable. If it is not allowed to find some interest, then the days will be too miserable.

"Yes, that dress is just right with the Feiyan ruby ​​inlaid lapis lazuli top comb that Wang Ye sent to you this morning, and the point of the five-flowered flower." Muxi thought in his mind and began to swear. What kind of necklace earrings bracelets are worn, even the accessories of the handcuffs and the skirts of the skirts must be matched without any deviation.

Qu 裾 裾 槿 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木Yan Guanqun is." That Qin Bailu does not like to wear light-colored clothes, like to play cold and noble, her vulgar had to develop to glamorous.

Think of a flower in the sea, she dressed in a glamorous standing in front of Qin Bailu, Qu Fu inexplicably feel that he has a good mood.

She knows that Qin Bailu can't get rid of her laity. She can't stand the behavior of Qin Bailu. Since both sides are sick, it is better to be addicted.

"Wang Hao, Luo Yu Niang wants to see you," Rui Xiang hurried over and blessed in front of Qu Wei. "The slave is not very good at Luo Yanniang. I think something is happening."

Luo Wei sleeve? In the impression that this person is silent, not arrogant, the song is not too deep for her. When she hears Ruixiang, she says, "Let her go to the outer hall and I will pass."

"Yes," Rui Xiangfu blessed himself and only retired.

"Wang Hao, how can Luo Yanniang suddenly ask you to see you?" According to Kim Min Jong, Luo Yu Niang is very responsible, and her courage is also small. In the face of Wang Hao on weekdays, she is also afraid to shrink and dare to speak. Now she is seeking a single person. I don't know what happened.

"Let's go and see," Qufu said that he was in the sidelines. Jiang Yanxue and Luo Weishou, if they could choose, would not be willing to do what Wang Ye side room, but the reality made them have to accept.

When I arrived at the main hall, Qu Weizhen just sat down, and Luo Wei’s sleeves slammed into front of her, and the song was light and he saw that Luo’s sleeves had burst into tears.

"Wang Hao, the slave pleads for Wang Hao to help the slaves!" Luo Xiaoshou cried a little, and he couldn't even say a word.

"What's wrong with this, Yin Liu is going to help Luo Yanniang," Qu Wei saw Roche crying and flushed, and asked, "What happened, you can make it clear first."

When Roche stopped talking, Qu Quan knew what was going on. Roche’s parents died early, and they were fostered in the family. It’s also very good to be a girl. Although it’s just a small seven-product experience, But she did not treat her half-pointed, fearing that even her biological daughter would be like this.

However, at this time, Roche received a letter from his family saying that he was ill and died. He will be buried three days later. Roche wants to mourn, but as a servant, she can’t leave the house without major events, not to mention the death. Not parents.

"Wang Hao, you also have a very good embarrassment, please pity your poor slaves, let the slaves go to worship, don't take long time, as long as you can squat on the day of the burial, please beg you." Cried, once again squatting in front of the song.

When He Wei stepped into the front hall, he just saw this scene. He frowned at his dissatisfaction. What are these shackles all day long? He was about to open his mouth and see the sympathy on the frivolous face. He closed his mouth and went to the side of Qufu. "What is this?"

Luo Xiaoshou saw Wang Ye, his face changed, his heart was cold, and Wang Ye would agree to such a thing? She stared at Wang Hao with a red and swollen eye, hoping that Wang Hao could say a few good words for herself.

Qu Weijun did not expect that He Wei would come out at this time. She looked at her eyes and sleeves. In fact, she was only 17 or 18 years old. She was in her previous life and was still a student preparing for the college entrance examination.

"Roche's cockroaches have passed away. Roche has been raised by him for many years. He should be sent to a funeral." Qu sighed and sighed. "There is a good blessing in the younger generation. How can the younger generation make the elders chill, I think, It is better to let Roche go to the two days in advance, and a few more fragrant wax papers are considered a filial piety."

Although He Wei does not like the acolyte, but Roche’s background has already been clearly identified, there is no suspiciousness, and the contempt is also taken care of by the caregivers, so this is not easy to refute. After the meaning of the frivolous song, he nodded and said: "At this time, you are the master."

When Luo Wei’s sleeves heard it, he burst into tears and cried two heads at the two sides: “Thank you, Wang Hao, thank you Wang Ye.”

The raft on the side looked at Luo Xiaoniang with some sympathy. This small thing forgot the order of thanks, it was sad and pathetic.

After Roche left, He Qi squeezed the scorned hand: "What do I want to give you something you like?"

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : “ : : : : : : : : : : : ?

"You like it." Seeing the scornful smile, He Wei showed a satisfactory smile, and he loved his own Wang Hao to dress up beautifully. This kind of thought probably could not be changed in this life.

The author has something to say: the previous state is somewhat wrong, and it’s too late~