MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 42

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Assassination of the imperial concubine is a major event. Although the Qingde Emperor's temper is soft and soft, but when he encounters such a thing, he still feels that his face has been heavily smoked, and the current anger is a test.

He Wei stood beside He Wei and listened to the generous remarks of He Yu’s indignation, as if he was really worried about his father. He moved his eyes and silently bowed his head.

"In this case, the matter was handed over to Ning Wang and the Ministry of Criminal Investigation." Qing Dedi's anger has not disappeared, and his tone is somewhat blunt. "This is a sultry person, too crazy!"

"Children's life led." He Wei took the sacred decree on one knee, and his low head concealed the smugness in his eyes.

After going down, He Wei did not talk to other people as usual, but hurried away, and He Wei looked at He Xiao’s hurried back with a smile on his face.

"The prince of the king has heard the story of 螳螂 and 蝉," said the singer of the sect of the army, Luo Changqing, who walked over to He Wei and arched him. He smiled and looked at the back of Ning Wang. "This story is a bit more common. Still some meaning."

He Wei slightly decapitated him and smiled: "Luo Daren is high."

"What high is not high, but it is two nonsense," Luo Changqing licked his beard and his face continued to be a smile. "I don't know how the Royal Highness is hurt. We are really worried about making a courtier."

"Luo Daren, please don't worry, the king's fourth brother just hurt his arm. The person who reported the letter said that the injury has been controlled." He Wei took his hand behind him and took a half step ahead of Luo Changqing. "The father has sent a hospital in Taiyuan. The court sentenced the horse to rush."

"So very good, we are all ministers, but also free from worry," got the answer he wanted, Luo Changqing smiled and shook hands, "Dr. Wang, the minister, there is a step ahead, and leave."

"Luo Daren walks slowly," He said with a smile and nodded to him.

Looking at Luo Changqing's unhurried walking, the smile on He's face gradually disappeared. Luo Changqing, the old fox, was worried about his grandson. He said it for a long time, but he wanted to confirm the news of He Ming.

Thinking of the tricks behind the boss and the third child, He Wei hooked his mouth, this person is more faithful, but sometimes he will consider it for himself, such as the current Luo family.

If He Ming really did something, the Luo family’s girl was a widow, but she was afraid that the Luo family would not stop. Listening to Luo Changqing, the old fox, I must have guessed who the real hands are. As for why the other party told him, he didn’t care, at least one thing he was sure, that is, the Luo family had the boss and the third child. Feeling bad.

At the end of the palace, Qu 裾 looked at some lanterns hanging in the yard, let the people below take the lanterns up, the lanterns look good, but everyone lights up every night, but also keep people to avoid water The accident, this is too tossing people, although she loves to enjoy life, but she does not want to toss people for such a small matter. What's more, the good things are that you need to look at a specific time to be more beautiful.

"Wang Hao, the slaves heard that the Rui Wangfu was a little noisy today, and Rui Wang was so angry that he was sitting in the carriage and returning to his mother's house." Jin Hao walked behind Qu Guang, and lowered his voice. "There are some people outside the Chuanchang government who want to put Miss San sent to Ruiwangfu.” She couldn’t understand, Miss Ms., a young and singular lady, how could she think of being a side room?

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 去 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The good father didn’t even use it for a hundred days, so he hurriedly ushered her into Changde’s government. Everyone in the world had different ideas. The way others chose, we can’t go to it, as long as we have nothing to do with us. ""

Kim Min heard the indifference in this statement. She also understood that Changde’s government was not good for Wang Hao. She and Yin Liu and Yu Yu were placed in the public residence of Xiangqing, so that they could serve Wang Hao in close proximity. Ms. Mu is the wife who was brought back to the government when she was still there. Wang Hao was followed by Wang Hao after her birth. Even though they have tried their best to protect Wang Hao over the years, Wang Hao has been subjected to many grievances. It is too normal for Wang Hao to wait for the indifference of the people in the government.

"But the slaves are worried that they will do this, affecting Wang Hao's reputation." Jin Zhen remembered what the people in the government have done, and frowned. "It's really irritating."

"What is qi?" Qu 裾 裾 裾 , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个It was raised by the mother-in-law, and how the behavior of Qu Xuan was related to Liang’s, and it was not related to me.”

Kim Jong suddenly wakes up. Since Wang Yuyu, he has been alienated from Changde's office and is close to Xiangqing's waiting house. The past events have spread throughout the capital. She was somewhat grateful: "Thank God, I can't let these people influence Wang Hao." If Wang Ye misunderstood Wang Hao because of these things, it would be a disaster.

Qu 裾 裾 just smiled, there are so many lucky and coincidences in the world, but it is man-made. Thinking of the family, she smiled a little cold, and the world did not have so many complaints.

Walking out of the main courtyard, it is a bluestone trail. The green bamboo planted on both sides is hidden behind the rockery, and it has a little clean meaning. Passing through a moon door, facing the big garden of the palace, there is a small stream at the end of the bluestone path on the right, there is an arch bridge on the creek, the song is sloppy, nothing likes to feed the fish on the bridge, which is better than sitting in the nine It is interesting to see the goldfish in the lotus pond on the cloister.

Feel free to throw a fish meal, watching a few goldfish from time to time carefully and quickly swallow the fish food into the mouth, she pointed to an inconspicuous black-backed fishway. "This fish has no beautiful koi, But so quietly swimming next to the stone, I can’t find it without looking carefully."

Kim Min looked carefully and was somewhat uncertain: "It seems to be a koi, too inconspicuous."

Picking up an eyebrow and sprinkling a fish meal, she saw that the black koi was like a lightning bolt. It slid in the water and covered the fish food. It was a standard demonstration. .

Qu 裾 裾 some boring dumped all the fish food, boring Nai Road: "Who is going to the Princess House tomorrow?"

"These slaves are not clear, but I heard that the Princess has invited a lot of people," Jin Yu thought. "The slaves heard that many unpublished ladies in the capital also received invitations from the Princesses."

Qu 裾 裾 nodded, understand the meaning of the long princess, rather than a man sad, it is better to find someone to accompany them to have fun?

Woman, be nice to yourself.

“Changde’s government has also received it?” Qu Xuan suddenly thought that if both Qujou and Qin Bailu arrived tomorrow, I would not know what happened with Qin Bailu’s temper.

Jin Hao nodded. "The invitation was also received at the Changde Mansion."

Qu gently touched his chin and smiled and said: "I should be careful tomorrow, so as not to get angry."

Just after saying this, she saw Huang Yang rushing to herself, saying that it was a respectable reward.

The things that are respected and rewarded by the nobles are not qualified to pick up. The scorns have to take people to pick up the rewards. What makes her somewhat surprised is that Jinggui is actually bringing a few pairs of palace flowers and glass enamel. These workmanships are extremely delicate, and they are things that only the master can use.

Inexplicable, there is a kind of sorrowfulness in the song, and it is the feeling of looking for a place for her. There are many female guests coming and going in the long princesses of tomorrow, and the place where there are many women naturally loves the clothes and items, and the rewards are used in the palace. Something, at least shows one thing, there is Jinggui, this mother-in-law is very satisfied with her.

Stroking the palace flower, the scorn of the face reveals a smile, perhaps Jinggui is trying to tell others that her mother-in-law will not be dissatisfied with her because of Changde’s government.

Jinggui’s move not only blocked the ridicule that she might encounter in the two sorrows tomorrow, but also told those women tomorrow that Jinggui was standing on her side.

Although Jing Qiu’s reason for this move is more than half because of the end of the king, but this kind of goodwill is still scorned, because Jinggui has many ways to show his position, but he has only chosen this one to be most beneficial to himself.

"Ming Sun Gate used this palace flower and this glass enamel," Qu 裾 裾 chose two of them, put it in a small ebony box, and handed it to the jade that often gave her hair, "in the palace Things always have to be a little more refined and rare."

The most important thing is that you can recognize it with a bit of eyesight. This is something that can be used by the high-ranking masters in the palace. It is self-evident that things come from.

In Zhongjing Palace, Jinggui leaned on the chaise couch, and Ding Wei said to the side: "Since things have been rewarded, I hope that my daughter-in-law can understand."

"The niece is assured, the end of the king is a smart person, you can understand the pains of the mother," Ding Hao gave a cup of tea to her, carefully waited for the road, "the maiden heart, the king will definitely miss you."

"It doesn't matter whether you feel or not," Jinggui held the teacup and thought of his wife. He didn't consciously frown. Can the word smart be used on her?

Wei Dian, who is holding a plate of cakes, stands still in the same place. There is a trace of sadness and embarrassment in his eyes. Doesn't it mean that the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law are heaven and earth? Why do even the aunts have to worry about the end of the king?

I remembered that Wang Hao’s words and deeds, as well as what my aunt had said to her, Wei Dingbing clenched her teeth, but accidentally let the plate in her hand fall to the ground.

Jinggui looked at Wei Dingshuang, who stood at the door, and put down the teacup in his hand. He said faintly: "The days when you enter the palace are not too short. I think your mother will love you very much, and the Japanese Palace will let you send it." Go back."

The author has something to say: Thanks to linlinlee, rhyme, love the warrior! , 唫铯姩蕐, vivian

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