MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 108 Competing for the emperor is not as good as the pet

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His Royal Highness the eldest son of the Emperor is the only son of the Emperor's knees. It is both long and long. Everyone knows how extraordinary the emperor's meaning is. Therefore, all the people who can come to participate in the imperial court of the Emperor's eldest son are prepared to be auspicious. The addition of the pottery ceremony expressed their interest in the emperor’s empathy and blessings.

Because the empress is still in the moon, the emperor's eldest son was actually taken out by the two queens, and the emperor also sat down from the beginning, and anyone can see the attention and high hopes of the giants in the palace.

After the third ceremony, some of the maiden women had the privilege of seeing the emperor’s eldest son. I went out of the palace and praised how good the emperor’s eldest son was. How good is the face, anyway, the imperial elder’s son is so good. taste.

Those who have not gotten their identity to the Queen’s side are also sighing with a sigh of relief. It seems that when they are late, they will sin.

So more and more people in Beijing began to hold the Tian family, but what is surprising is that the Tian family is getting more and more low-key, even the loyalty of the sisters who have been married, the low-key, let People have to admire the family and calmness of the Tian family.

After Tian Jia’s move to He Hao’s ear, he made him feel better about Tian’s. Soon after, he borrowed an opportunity to reward Tian’s things, suggesting that he was very satisfied with Tian’s practice.

The capital city has always been a prosperous place, and there are naturally people on both sides of the street. Therefore, as long as the stall owners saw that the high-headed horses with bright yellow silk were flying past, they knew that this was the person who intended the palace, and occasionally talked with the customers a few words, and discussed which adult was rewarded by the emperor.

"After the Empress's mother gave birth to the emperor, the Beijing capital is also followed by the excitement." A buns booth owner smiled and wrapped a bunch of buns with lotus leaves and handed them to the customers in front of them. "We can also follow the joy."

Qu Wang’s mood was complicated and he looked at the cabbage stuffed buns in his hand. Looking back at the distant horse, he wondered: “Is that alley in the past seems to be the Zhongyi Government?”

"No, Zhongyigong is a big good official, and it is the mother of the Queen's wife. What rewards are in the palace to the Zhongyi Government? Isn't that normal?" The boss put the good buns into the steamer and bowed his head. I looked at the fire in the stove and looked proud. "The Queen Empress has also bought the **** eggs sold by my big sister. Now many of the nobles in Beijing are visiting the stalls of my big sister's family. They all say the taste of my big sister's stewed eggs. Feet, like it very much. If the guest officer is interested, he will also buy two to taste." He pointed to the braised egg stall across the street, full of face and honor.

Qu Wang looked around and saw that many people bought a marinated egg around a stall. There were several people he even saw, as if they were housekeepers in several families. Some of them can't believe that those who live in the family will come to buy these things.

"Hey, isn't this the young master of Qu Da?" A half-year-old boy dressed in the student robes of Dongshan Academy was riding on the horse. He looked at the music and looked at the music. He smiled ridiculously. "What a good day, I was fortunate enough to see Qu Shaoye personally come to buy buns?"

The little cockroaches who held the ropes for the teenagers made a slap in the face: "The little ones have seen the young master."

Qu Wangzhi recognized that this boy was the son of a loyal and loyal sister. Now he felt his face burnt and panic, so he laughed and said: "Chen Chen is good."

"You can't be a singer of the young master," the boy was riding straight on the horse, and the ritual of the song was not dismounted. He sneered. "There are even wealthy people in the house that are not in the eyes of the empress. Where can the cold-door small households stand up to such a ceremony.” Liang’s priest’s sorrow, Liang’s ridicule of his mother’s anger, the mother’s crying after returning home, and finally she was unable to get up. If it was not half a month later, the Emperor would give a marriage to the cousin, but I was afraid that my mother would be sad for a while.

Although he had never seen his aunt, he listened to his mother saying that her aunt took care of her very much. She did not deceive because her mother was a prostitute, so even though she had been in the past ten years, her mother mentioned that her aunt was sighing again and again.

When I think of a family in Changde, he feels a little disgusting. It’s a grandfather’s house, but it’s not as good as ordinary people. Also, the Qu Da Shao was also very self-satisfied in the Dongshan Academy in the past. Every time he saw him, he looked like a nostril. Now that he sees this kind of sorrow, he thinks it is retribution, and his heart is also A lot of fun.

"Chen Shaoye said with a smile," the smile on the face of Qu Wang has not been squeezed out. He feels that the neighbors around him are also looking weird, as if they were smashing a mouse across the street. This made him face a good face, and he couldn’t hold it anymore. He said in a hurry. "There is still something to do, take a step first, and Master Chen is free."

Exercising and watching the crowd, he didn't even know that the buns in his hands were flattened, and the steps at his feet were getting faster and faster. In the end, he even ran up until no one looked at him again. A medicinal shop, grabbed a pack of medicine and went slowly outside the city.

After my father was specially shackled, because of the cold in the prison, the knees were broken. Now I can only lie in bed all day. My mother is crying because my sister is gone. My grandmother finally couldn’t help but go to the funeral. The sister, who is doing the money, thinks of the parents who blame each other, he wants to turn around and leave, never return to the dilapidated village house.

"Why do you blame me? When you asked for me to go to the government, your own daughter, no matter how good, now blame me for treating her, you don't want to think about what you did before?!"

"You virgin, I really shouldn't marry you that year. If it weren't for you, I am now the father of the country. I am the one who killed you."

Listening to the quarrel in the house, the look of the face of the track looked annoying, and finally put the buns and herbs to the door, and turned away from the noisy place.

In the apse of the Tianqi Palace, Qu 裾 裾 finally came out of the moon, and every day, I can take a shower, which is a great event for her. At this moment, she wore a beautiful veil, sitting on the edge of the bed and slowly swaying the fan to the son who was sleeping well, and finally couldn't help but kiss her son's mouth.

Muxi saw the action of the Queen Empress, and a smile appeared on her face. She walked over to the bed and looked at the emperor who was sleeping with a small fist. The little voice: "The Niangniang, Yinxian Niangnier will give you a courtesy."

"The sage is coming?" Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲

Jiang Yan was originally sitting in a chair and drinking tea. When he saw the song, he immediately put down the cup and got up and gave her a gift.

"Yin Yin does not have to be polite," Qu Shi smiled and sat down at the top. "Please sit down. When you enter June this day, you will be hot. How come you?"

"When I have nothing to do on weekdays, I have done some clothes worn by my Royal Highness, and I don’t know if it’s suitable." Jiang Yanxu took a stack of clothes worn by Ai Green, "I hope that Queens will not be disappointed." Awkward craftsmanship."

Qu 裾 裾 took the clothes and looked at it, sighed: "The sinister craftsmanship can be really exquisite, the things that this palace can do can't compare with you," she said, indicating that the raft had taken things down. "It's really hard for you, so hot. The days still do these blinking things."

Jiang Yan is busy: "It's just a little child's stuff, it doesn't take much effort. If you say the more you say it, you can't do it when you see the Emperor's Highness. You can make clothes for His Royal Highness, and I am happy." ”

"After that day, the clothes of the great emperor will have to bother you with this aunt." Qufu looked happy. "This is a lot easier."

After Jiang Yanfeng heard the words of Qu Wei, the smile on his face was much more obvious, but she was a very measured person. She knew that the emperor might have come over at this time, and she got up and retired. She now means If you want to live with the Queen, if you hit the emperor, what is it?

After the raft came back, he and the following people checked the things sent by Yin Xian one by one. "These materials are the best, and there is no problem."

"Well," Qu 裾 裾 is not unexpected, she knows that Jiang Yanbu will never do things that are unfavorable to her, so pick up a baby apron and choose a good satin. It is delicate and smooth, even in the hot summer, it is very refreshing. I am afraid that Yin Xian will use the best fabrics from her to do these things. I caressed the tiger pattern on the apron and smiled. "Wait After you have bathed your temple, change it."

The raft hesitated for a moment: "Mother, why are you so good?"

"She has never hurt me, and she has shown her intentions. Why do I have to make trouble for him?" Qu Wei looked at the children's clothes, and I don't know how long these clothes were cut. To be good, "It’s all women, I am better for her and I have any disadvantages for me."

The raft was slightly glimpsed, and then he understood the Queen’s thoughts and thought of the act of the sages. Some doubts: “Han Yin did not take the opportunity to win the attention of the emperor. It’s a bit of a surprise.”

"She understands what she wants," Qu Wei put down his apron in his hand and smiled. "She is a smart person, so I dare to treat her like this."

He entered the inner chamber of the apse of the Tianqi Palace, and saw that he was playing with a pile of clothes worn by the baby. He walked up to her and picked up a small scorpion. "The bat on this is a good embroidered."

"Well, Yin Xian embroidered the emperor," Qu Wei looked at him. "These clothes are doing very well."

Putting down the scorpion in his hand, He Wei asked, "Is the emperor still sleeping?"

"I have an hour of sleep, I am afraid I have to wake up," Qu squatting and pulling him to the bed to see his son, pointing to his son's limbs wide open, "like a pig."

"My son can be really domineering," He Xiao smiled and looked at his son up and down. By the way, he pulled the small silk quilt on his son's stomach. "It’s better to take a nap. The name of the milk is called a dinosaur, and the name is good to support."

Qu Weihao heard the name, the first thing that comes to mind is the porpoise of the finless porpoise, but when I look down, I don’t think my son’s sleeping phase is linked to this kind of creature. She blinks and looks at the silk. The rounded belly is almost like a small pig.

“I don’t like it?” He Wei saw her face confused and thought she was not happy. She pointed to her son’s stomach: “Hey, this is almost the same as the pig.”

Originally, the porpoise had the meaning of a pig. She laughed and said: "It is good to call a dolphin, I like it." What is not her appreciation.

May be awakened by his unreasonable voice, and the porpoise squinted and opened his eyes. After smelling the mother's taste, he didn't even cry twice, just when He Wei picked him up. A bubble of warm-hearted boy was sprinkled on the robe of He Wei.

The milky ladies next to them changed their faces, but they sighed and smiled, pointing to the robes of the dripping waters. "Emperor good luck, boy urine is a good thing to ward off evil, this year we are Dalong It must be a good year for good weather."

The porpoise snorted in his squatting body, as if agreeing with his mother’s proposition. He珩 had no choice but to touch one of his son’s buttocks and handed the child to the nursery, let them take the child to feed. Turn around and go to Qufu.

"Don't come over, it's wet," Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"How can my son's boy's urine be enjoyed by me alone, and scornfulness can also be used to ward off evil spirits?" He Wei pressed people under his body and reached out and touched the well-recovered waist. "All said that women will have a lower back." How thick is the thick, sloppy waist? Is it so soft?" Then he stole a scent on the sloppy face.

Qu Shiyan stretched out his hand to scratch his itch, but he was stopped by one hand, and the other hand grabbed her clothes.

Outside the wooden raft, Chang Xin and others waited for the laughter of the two masters in the house, indicating that the waiting person had retreated to the outside door, and then looked down at the lines on the floor.

After about half an hour, the emperor and the empress re-entered, and both of them changed their clothes and looked very good.

Qian Changxin and others were busy waiting for the lunch to come up. He looked at the emperor’s personal attention to the empress of the empress, and thought that the adults of the former dynasty were afraid that no one would have such a side. ?

I saw the empress of the emperor who had the opportunity to enjoy the emperor. However, it is difficult to find a woman who regards the emperor as an ordinary person in the world. The queen is also hard to find in the world.

As the sun sets, the Yuping Palace is full of excitement. It turns out that the emperor and the empress of the empress have rewarded a lot of things, which has aroused the joy of the palace.

Jiang Yanxu looked at these rare objects, smiled and rewarded something to the people who were waiting for him, and then let Ai Qing put everything into the private library, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

It seems that Queen Empress is really accepting herself, and she will have a solid dependence in the palace in the future.

"I didn't think that the emperor would reward so many things," Ai Green said with some delight. "It seems that there is still a master in your heart."

"You are a stupid girl, this is a compliment to me." Jiang Yan screamed at the corner. "Don't think about things that are useless, take care of your mouth and pass on dinner."

The emperor even had the right to have her own kitchen today, which means she is now the true head of the palace.

What do you mean by the emperor's pet who is destined to fight for it? It is better to go to the Queen's favor, and the days can be both free and comforting. Why not?

The author has something to say: update, what? 2~2k novel reading network