MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 101 Emperor's trust

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"Anniling," Huang Yang's forehead braved the thin sweat, and looked at the empress who was sitting at the table and eating. He didn't even dare to breathe too hard, as if a force would provoke the Queen's maiden to be angry.

“What’s wrong?” Qufu’s slow and sloppy eating of a bowl of chicken porridge, accompanied by a crispy sauerkraut, tasted quite delicious. She saw Huang Yang’s wish to say and dare not say it. She took the tea from Jin Hao and licked it. She took the handkerchief from the silver willow and rubbed her mouth. “Let’s say, what makes you like this? anxious?"

The soft palate of the boxwood is at the foot of the song: "Han Liangyu was discovered in the lotus pond in the Imperial Garden this morning, and people have already swollen."

The song is light and awkward, Han Qinghe is dead?

"Is this what can be said in front of the goddess?" Muxi frowns, and now the maiden is pregnant, these things are passed to the maiden's ears, not to scare the goddess and the small hall in the belly, "Hurry up." ”

“No problem,” Qu Wei’s left hand gently stroked on his slightly raised abdomen. “You look so ugly, it’s not because of these minor things, is it related to Han Liang’s death?”

Huang Yang saw the look of the goddess calmly, and had to bite his teeth: "The people in the temple of the province found a white jade in Han Liang's arms. Some people recognize that this is the thing of the goddess."

Jin Yu and Yu Yu heard this, and they were scared to change their face. The hairpins of the goddess of the weekdays were all two of them. The things of the goddess fell, and the biggest suspect was them. The two men squatted down and looked ugly: "The niece, the slaves are not well guarded, ask the maiden to punish."

Qu 裾 裾 裾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Now that the two mothers are managing the harem, we will go to the Fushou Palace, and this palace is also very curious about this."

The boxwood looked at the empress of the Queen, and the niece seemed to have no anger.

The raft was first glimpsed, and then the smile was restored. "But it is not that the boxwood is going to prepare for the phoenix. It has snowed since last night. The master now has the priest in the belly, but can't blow the wind."

"Yes," Huang Yang stood up with joy and turned and let the people below prepare for the phoenix.

In the Fushou Palace, the two palaces, the Empress Dowager, He Wei, the Princess of Jinan, and the other three monks, as well as the Central Superintendent of the Central Government, are all in charge of the death of Han Liang.

After listening to the following report of the palace lady, Wei Wei said quietly: "You mean that Han Liangzhu left alone at the time of the night of the night, and when you found out that something was wrong, you looked around with other waiters. The result is the discovery of Han Liangzhu’s corpse?"

"Yes," she was a close-knit woman of Han Liangzhu. She faced a high-powered person in the room and looked a little timid. "Before the master left, he said..."

"What else?" He said coldly.

"I also said that as long as the Queen Empress looks at her, she will be able to regain your favor in the future." After the palace girl finished this sentence, she touched the ground and scared her body to tremble.

"According to the meaning of this palace lady, it is said that the queen who invited Han Liang to go out is the queen, and the people in the temple of the province found the queen’s hair in Han Liangzhu." Wei Tai’s tears and the taunting taste, “meaning Said that the queen is the murderer who killed Han Liangzhu?"

He Yan frowned and said: "After the mother, the scorn is after a country, will you go to murder an insignificant little sister?" Last night he stayed in the front hall of the Tianqi Palace, not with contempt, but he believed Han Liang’s business has nothing to do with Qu Liang.

I heard that my son inadvertently called out the name of his daughter-in-law in front of so many people. Wei Tai looked at him with an eyebrow and said: "The mourner is also very suspicious about this matter."

"The Queen Mother, the emperor," the voice of the palace trembled: "Because the master had sang the emperor in the garden half a month ago, and was later discovered by the empress of the empress. After that, there was a case of deduction of the master. So the master went alone last night. Seeing the Empress of the Queen, it is also helpless, please the Queen Mother and the Emperor to preside over justice."

"It started snowing around the time of the last night. The Queen has been pregnant for more than three months. She will go to Han Liangyu on snowy days and push Han Liangyu into the lotus pond." Princess Jinan laughed and said, "When done." All of this did not even find that he had lost something. He turned and went back to the apse of the Tianqi Palace. The physical strength of the emperor was also too good."

"The slaves did not say that this was done by the Queen's Empress," the head of the palace retracted and stabbed, "and the slaves thought that it might be the next person..."

"Is it awkward, when is there anyone in the palace that is out of the door, isn't it clear?" He Yi took a table. "The Tianqi Palace has guards in the dark for twelve hours, not to mention the queen, even Ordinary Gongtai eunuchs will be recorded by others. If you fall into the Queen, you will want to fall behind the Queen. What is it?"

The talking palace girl apparently did not think of this embarrassment. She was brought in by Wang Qinghe from Wang Fuli. Where did she know that the guards of the Tianqi Palace would be so strict, and she would start to look at it for a long time: "The slaves do not have this intention, and they ask the Empress Dowager and the Emperor Mingjian. ""

Wei Tai’s back-end tea cup looked coldly at the girl’s palace, and she ignored her forehead and saw the blood. She turned to the Queen Mother’s Queen Mother: “Don’t say these people, even our sisters have been in the palace for several years to know this. I don’t know which daring thief murders the palace and falls into the queen. It is really sinful."

"But it is not that the mourners entered the palace in the same year as the empress for nearly a year, only to know that the Tianqi Palace has guards hidden in the dark to protect the emperor," the Queen Mother later smiled and smiled, looking at the river, Feng, Luo three Sweeping, "But no one in the past has fallen into a mourning home. Now the courage of young people is getting bigger."

Jiang, Feng, and Luo were still able to sit there. The three of them walked to the center of the temple and collapsed. Before the matter was found, the three of them were suspicious, but the murder of the Queen’s murder of the palace was to punish the family. Where do they dare to bear such consequences?

"Okay, you three don't have to worry about it," Dr. Wei put down the teacup. "The daughter-in-law of this palace, the mourner is very clear. She is not the person who does this kind of thing. Even if she does, she will not be so stupid. No matter who is so daring, but if the matter confesses itself, the mourner will not pursue her family, but if the mourners personally find out, don't blame the ruthless family."

The Zhengzheng of the Central Province and the two minor supervisors saw this. The two Queen Mothers and the Emperor were all guarding the Queen's Empress. The three of them worked together for many years. They didn't even have to exchange one eye, they knew each other's minds.

The central governor of the central government stepped forward: "The emperor of the emperor, the emperor of the two palaces, the slaves have just found out that Han Liangzhen has a trace of being hit by heavy objects in the neck, from the injured part and the light and heavy, the fierce The person should be a little shorter than Han Liangwei, and it is a woman. The Queen Empress is a little higher than Han Liangwei, and the pregnant person is the most important to lift heavy objects, so the perpetrators cannot be Queen Empresses, slaves, etc. Through the entrance and exit records of the Tianqi Palace apse yesterday to this morning, the imperial eunuchs served by the Empress Niangniang are unquestionable. Therefore, it is inferred that Han Liangxi has nothing to do with the Empress.

He Hao nodded and his face calmed down: "It seems that some people want to double-edged," he swept his eyes across the three squats, and finally his eyes fell on the Luo Xiaoshou and Feng Zikai who were shorter than Han Qinghe. Then, "Put the servant **** who is waiting for Luo Guizhen and Ping Cairen, and ask for an interrogation."

"Emperor!" Feng Zi took two steps forward. "Hey, hey, emperor!"

Luo Xiaoshou looked at Feng Zikai, who was excited and looked forward, and continued to bury his head.

"The emperor, the Queen's maiden to see." Minghe came in to report.

"Xuan," He Yan's cold face suddenly became gentle. When the song came in, he couldn't help but stand up and help the person sit next to him. "It's snowing outside, how come you?"

"I just heard that Han Liangxi was gone, and she happened to have a sly hairpin. Where can I still sit still?" Qufu smashed the moth, "The cockroach's hair was lost half a month ago, and it was in the Imperial Garden." After falling asleep, I don’t know where it’s falling. The emperor also specially rewarded a set of cat's eye stone hairpins. Who knows that it will appear in Han Liangzhu.”

He Wei remembered that now, half a month ago, he and Han Liang sang to listen to Han Liang, and he fell asleep. He took the man back to the Tianqi Palace and found two hairpins. He went to the next day. Let Minghe send a ring of inlaid cat's eye to the apse of Tianqi Palace. It seems that the white jade is one of the two that fell off half a month ago.

"Don't be annoyed, you know that this is not doing anything to you," He said, patted the back of her hand. "I will definitely let people thoroughly investigate this matter, and you will be innocent."

Qu sighed and sighed, followed slowly, and apologized to the two palaces: "Let the two mothers worry about their daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law is really filial."

"What does this matter do with you," said the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother. "You are too honest with the Queen. There are always some daring and daring people in the palace. The mourners and your mother are in the harem for many years. This stupid means. I have never seen it. If you keep such a person in the harem, you can’t feel at ease."

"No, you are pregnant now. Don't bother with these little things. Everything has a sorrowful family. You can't grieve you." After Mrs. Wei said, he said to him, "You will send the queen back, this is a sigh." Why should things taint the ears of the people, and your husband and wife will only rest assured that the mourners and sisters will definitely put the matter out of the limelight. You still leave here earlier."

He Wei got up and made a fuss about the two. "The son didn't have the energy to look after the harem, and he had to bother the two mothers."

"Let's go," Wei was posing with her hands, just like driving the ducks away. After the emperor left, she showed a sneer, not scornful: "But all suspicious, Through the heavy punishment, this palace will not be able to find out."

She squinted at the three screams of He Wei: "This is not allowed to be a smart woman in the harem!"

Jiang, Feng, and Luo couldn’t help but shake. Jiang Yan’s face was serious and respectful: “Thanks to Empress Dowager.”

Mrs. Wei gave her a slight sigh, and immediately followed Feng and Luo, who were squatting: "Before things are not clear, the two of you will stay in the province behind the Fushou Palace and reflect on it. Look at you."

"Yes." Luo Wei's sleeves were sloppy, and she knew in her heart that the Queen Mother had to cut off their backs, but since she had never done anything, what was she afraid of?

The author has something to say: thanks to the candy grenades and mines, thanks to Tong Tong's grenade.

Thanks for the five-flowered meat, the sparrows, the long, the post-rain Tingyuan, and the Asian and Asian giants.

In recent days, I have something in the house, so the update time is a bit unstable, but I promise that it will be even more stable. I will be able to stabilize after two days of update. This text month will probably end up.

Read The Duke's Passion