MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 96

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After a few minutes, they found the node to the next level. They have no choice but to enter.

"I guess Valentin is going to cramp up this time! I feel that the copy of the killer just came to give us directions!" Wenn said as he went down.

"Do not worry, I am walking in front, Valentine does not want my life." Jane turned back and showed a big smile in the direction of Xiao Yan.

The man’s smile was once bohemian, and now it’s heartless.

In front of it is a deep passage, the only thing that is fortunate is that there is no laser emitter on the wall of the passage after Kathy's scan. What is disturbing is that there are rows and rows of rooms on both sides of the passage. Xiao Yan looks at Kathy. If these are research rooms, they can find the terminal!

Hai Yin pressed Xiao Yan's shoulder to stop him from going forward, and made a "stop" posture for everyone, went to the first room, looked through the glass of the room, there was only one bed in this room, except There is nothing outside this. A young man at the bedside is doing the ball-picking action. He seems to be screaming at the song. He has some kind of terminal on his head. The terminal line is not in the wall and extends to the inexplicable place.

Jane came to Hai Yin's side and saw the expression of all this.

“Ah, welcome to the training room! This is the way Valentine gives them freedom. Put them on the terminal and the system simulates various scenes in their brains, such as the woods, the park, they even I can enjoy my father's love in the terminal, and this father will always be Valentine Sheen. So one day, when their good life was replaced by this cold little room, they began to take care of their father's attention. A small number of people will suddenly feel shocked that they have never really been loved by their father."

"That is to say the child's terminal is connected to the system here."

"In theory."

Jane’s voice just fell, Hai Yin took out the gun, aligned with the position of the door lock, and then fired until the condensing agent in the magazine was shot, then took out the sharp edge and slammed the thorn into the lock, swaying and sharpening. Slowly bend until the sliding door opens a slit.

"You have to be prepared, these children can be extremely ferocious." Jane also took out the sharp edge, pierced the gap, and cooperated with Hai Yin to open the sliding door.

At this time, the child who had just patted the ball suddenly turned around, his eyes were full of chills, and the action of pulling the blade from the bed was so fast that he was caught off guard, and he rushed to the sea, while Jane threw a sharp blade and wore it. Through his chest, nailed him to the wall.

Jane forward, the child is still staring at them, trying to pull Jane's sharp blade out of the body.

Xiao Yan and Kathy rushed to the door of the room and watched Jane raise his arm and cut off the boy's head. The blood splattered on the wall and blew open.

Xiao Yan did not show a sorrowful look. He was too aware of the terrible things of these seemingly harmless teenagers. They had already become an extension of Valentine, more sad than the human beings who had been living in the Shire.

"Hey... this is a bit bloody..." Mark touched his nose and said.

"Don't you need the terminal on his head?" Jane dismissed the boy's head.

At this time, Mark discovered that the terminal line penetrated the skull and directly connected to the boy's brain.

Xiao Yan has no nonsense. With Casey, the terminal is taken out of the skull. Casey is responsible for connecting the terminal line with the wireless terminal they carry. Xiao Yan quickly invaded. In an instant, his thoughts spread throughout the base and deepened. Finally found Jerry's brain.

Taking off the terminal, Xiao Yan looked at everyone very seriously.

"I have found Jerry's brain, but the biggest problem is that I suspect that Valentin has a whole army here." Xiao Yan's wireless terminal is connected to the liaison, popping up the base structure in his mind.

On the next level, Xiao Yan can feel a lot of organisms. By analyzing the operational information here, he calculated that there should be thousands of Valentin replicas in the base, and the signs of these replicas are normal, that is, They are likely to have combat capabilities.

This news made everyone quiet.

"Our problem is not to fight this whole army, because I have locked this whole layer. Jerry's brain is at the bottom, if Valentin is also there, then he should be with Jerry, we Only swim from this position to the next level through the nutrient solution transport channel."

"What, swam through the nutrient solution?" Mark squinted. "This is too disgusting!"

"It won't disgust you for too long, the nutrient will cycle regularly. We just need to wait until the start of the cycle to enter the pipeline, it only takes three seconds, it will reach the bottom. But when we reach the bottom, we must blast this position to leave, Otherwise it will loop to other places."

"I have no problem." Wenn nodded.

"I have no problem." Liv looked at Mark. "Hey, your reaction should be faster, or no one can hold you!"

Xiao Yan took a group of people to the end of the passage, where there was a huge nutrient reaction device. Xiao Yan raised the contactor to calculate the time. The discarded nutrient was continuously flowed through the filter device to make a roar.

Jane first hangs her own slippery buckle on Casey's body and looks back at the staller. "I am confident that I can get to the right place."

Hai Yin did not say anything, and locked his own rope lock on Xiao Yan's waist. Wenn and Liv looked at each other and hung their slippery ropes around Mark's waist.

"Ah, both of you are worried about being washed away! Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will hold you both!"

Wenn reveals a speechless expression, and Liv smashes Mark. "Idiot! We are afraid that you will be washed away and you can't hold you alone!"

"Time is up!" Xiao Yan suddenly put down his wrist and jumped with Hai Yin.

Seeing that the filter is about to push down, others are rushing to jump.

If ordinary people fall into such a viscous liquid, they are afraid that even if they move their arms, they will exert their full strength, but they are different.

When a powerful force pushes the still liquid to drop suddenly, they are oppressed as if they are going to fall into the depths of hell.

Xiao Yan's arm was smashed by a powerful force. He only heard the sound of the cracking. Hai Yin hung one hand on the edge of the broken duct and suddenly picked up Xiao Yan. When Xiao Yan's hands grabbed the edge, Hai Yin pushed him up with one hand. The wrist that had left the pipe buckled Xiao Yan’s wrist and pulled him up.

The nutrient solution continued to flow downwards. Liv and Wenn struggled to mark the mark that was about to be washed away. The nutrient solution at the foot was too slippery. Wenn even tried to fix himself by cutting the blade into the ground.

Hai Yin and Jane grabbed the rope together and finally got Mark up.

"Cough and cough..." Mark slammed **** the ground.

Everyone exhaled a heavy sigh, and Liv slammed Mark's foot hard. "Stupid!"

Xiao Yan wiped the liquid on his face, swayed and stood up, looked at the heavy holographic image here, calculated the scene simulation variables, and the dreams of the teenagers in the training room were completely revealed. Xiao Yan determined that this is the main control room.

Just, where is Valentin?

Xiao Yan was about to connect to the terminal here, Jane held his shoulder.

"Maybe Valentine is waiting for you to access."

"He doesn't know me, so he may not be able to deceive me in the world of thinking. Moreover, his speed of intervention is not necessarily faster than me." Xiao Yan put down Jane's hand and entered the system.

"I am going with you!" Casey also followed.

They kept searching and finally found the signal from Jerry's brain: What are you doing here! Leave now! Valentin is not here at all, this place is just a trap to trap Jane!

At that moment, Xiao Yan sensed that a node in the main control system was turned on. He tried to close that node and found out that it was a manual device! Xiao Yan discovered that a certain culture room was opened, and the teenager inside opened the node!

Xiao Yan control system, close all channels.

"We must evacuate immediately! Someone opened the upper level!"

"Give me some time! We want Jerry to be free!" Kathy shouted, and he stared at Xiao Yan.

Jane did not say anything, took the terminal from Xiao Yan, "I am coming! Kathy is not at heart!"

In an instant, a certain neurotoxin is automatically matched and injected into Jerry's brain.

Jerry’s brain reaction is gradually weakening and he is about to stop thinking, as if he is about to fall into a soft dream.

"Good night, my friend. You need to have a good rest." Jane softly.

Thanks, good night……

Jane slammed up and picked up Kathy, who was dull, "Let's go!"

They can only go up through the conveying pipe, and the wall of the nutrient solution that has already drained still lacks friction. They can only pry the blade into the pipe wall and climb upwards.

When they finally came to the top, they noticed that the filter was pressing at the nozzle.

"Mom--" Mark cursed loudly.

Hai Yin did not speak, pressed the bomb on the pipe wall, everyone had to crawl down a distance, when the pipe wall was blown, they finally climbed the second floor.

Xiao Yan had not had time to gasp, and a sharp blade hit his head. He took out the dagger in an instant and waved the other's weapons. Xiao Yan discovered that waiting for them was the group of teenagers in the training room. They didn't have any expression on their faces, and they held their weapons in their hands and swarmed.

"My mom - it's endless!"

These teenagers are not opponents of special forces at all, but their indifference to their own lives has made all actions a desperate madness.

There is no feeling in this fight, only the blade that flies, the blood that is scattered.

"I don't want to have a second time like this task!" Mark exhaled a heavy breath.

Footsteps are faintly heard in the depths of the passage.

Xiao Yan's pupils contracted for a while. He knew that these teenagers were only trying to stop the steps of their departure. Hai Yin picked up Xiao Yan and rushed forward.

They ran wildly, and Mark almost fell to the ground when he looked back.

Numerous copies of the same person as Jane, dressed in combat uniforms, are catching up.

With such a quantity, they have no chance at all!

When they came to the channel node, they realized that the sliding door was turned off!

Everyone took out the sharp edge and joined forces to open the door. When they ran up, they finally came to the second floor.

"Listen! The door at the entrance must be closed, and the door can't be opened!" Jane said.

Xiao Yan opened the contact in the running and transferred the base structure map again to find the weakest place.

"We have to go to the place where the failures are handled! The zenith that blasts there can go to the flight path of this base! When I get there, I can access the terminal to open the access door!"

"I hope the body there is already cleaned!"

The group rushed wildly, and Wenn had to pull out the condensation gun at the end and fired at the killer who was chasing. The front row of the killer was shot down and the other killers did not hesitate to step on their bodies and continue to catch up. Even if the fallen killer was stepped into pieces, no one stopped.

"It’s a group of monsters!" Wenn snorted.

They finally came to the place where the bodies were handled, as they came, and the light and tidy did not leave any traces.

Everyone took the bomb off the body, set the time to ten seconds, and threw it to Haiyin. Haiyin quickly tied them to the rivet with a rope. The rivet headed at the zenith with a bomb, and everyone looked at the killer. In the direction of coming, the heart counts down silently.

"five four three two one!"

The huge explosion sounded, and the zenith cracked into the gap. Haiyin threw the sharp blade in the center of the crack. At the moment of immersion, with the muffled sound, the zenith fell and it was just enough for one person to pass. Gap.

"Xiao Yan! Go!"

Xiao Yan shot his own slip line and went up.

A killer throws a sharp blade to Xiao Yan, and Hai Yin throws his other blade at almost the same time and blocks it.

Xiao Yan climbed up and bowed his head to see that the first killers had already rushed in, and Hai Yin was surrounded. Hai Yin’s movements, almost no thinking, but no predictability, these killers are constantly being forced to retreat.

But Xiao Yan quickly understood that the goal of the killers was Jane. None of them hurt Jane and tried to grab Jane's shoulder and pull him away.

"Li Fu! Go up!" Hai Yin was coldly ordered.

Liv stepped on Mark's shoulder and jumped up the rope and went up.

Xiao Yan clenched the condensation gun. Any killer intended to attack Liv, and Xiao Yan shot him to defeat him.

After Li Fu went up safely, Jane shouted, "Kathy! You go up too!"

However, only three seconds, Jane cut off the three killers, Xiao Yan bowed his head, watching Jane's back pulled a very strong line, each time the blade is heavy to the breathless killing.

"I don't go! Go first!"

It’s hard to kill this group, and there are more killers coming.

"I can't finish here with you at the same time! Don't you want to see Aiwei again!" Jane pushed Kathy under the rope, "Go up! Then protect Xiaoyan! They won't kill me! Think about us. Goal! Think about Claire and Jerry! Don't let them die!"

Jane's roar made Kathy give up her emotions, grabbed the ropes, and jumped up.

"Mark! You stupid idiot, roll it up!" Wenn yelled.

"I will go last!"

"Don't waste time! You have the biggest size. Try it now. If you get stuck, Xiao Yan will take you down. When you want to go up, you can't go up!" Wenn sternly smashed all the way to Mark’s side, "This is the order, don't forget, I am a major and you are just a few!"

"Mom! Mom!" Mark cursed loudly and grabbed the rope. "You guys will always use the rank to oppress me!"

There are only three people left, and their killing is even more difficult.

"Hey, let's go first!" Wenn shouted.

"Go up to protect Xiao Yan. This is the order, major!" Hai Yin's slashing more and more quickly.

Wenn gritted his teeth and held the rope but hesitated and refused to leave. Hai Yin suddenly came to Wenn and pressed the button at the end of the rope. Wen En suddenly picked up.

Finally, only the sea and the Jane were left in the whole space. The two men leaned back against each other, and they could make this whole group of killers no longer close.

"Hai Yin - Jane - you are coming up!"

At the same time, Hai Yin and Jane shot the slip line at the top of the head. At that moment, the killer jumped up and grabbed Jane’s leg. A sharp blade flew out and cut off Jane’s rope. At that moment, the sideline hook Lived Jane's broken rope, wrapped around the wrist for two laps, trying to take him up and away.

More and more killers are squatting on Jane’s legs, and Hai Yin’s low-pitched voice is harder.

The rivet at the upper end of the crack swayed, and there was a fascination from the wall.

At the moment when the rivet head fell, Xiao Yan slammed him, and Mark grabbed Xiao Yan's waist at the moment Xiao Yan followed the slide.

Wenn and Liv immediately stepped forward to help Xiao Yan hold the rivet head.

The sharpest part of the rivet pierces into the palm of Xiao Yan, and the blood slides down the rope and merges into the fingers of the rope.

"Kathy! Use my gun! Tracking bullets!" Xiao Yan's teeth creaked, and then the ropes were afraid to break.

Kathy took out the gun and aimed at several killers who were holding Kathy. When their heads burst open, everyone slammed them and pulled them up. When Hai Yin's hands were supported, Xiao Yan also pulled Jane to the place where he was only one arm away.

More and more killers are pouring into the area, filling the entire floor. They are stepping on each other, getting taller and higher, as if they are chasing honey ants, overlapping and stacking a frightening form.

"Upstairs - Jane--" Xiao Yan's hands clasped Jane's wrists, and Jane's legs were pulled by those killing hands. It was a huge force.

Xiao Yan clenched his teeth and the bones were pulled off. He Yin stretched out his hand to buckle Xiao Yan's wrist and helped him pull up. Mark couldn't hold Xiao Yan's waist.

Gathering sand into a tower, watching more and more killers stepping on each other and even holding Jane's waist.

"The last time you were desperate to leave me, this time it was so hard to keep me, this really made me feel overwhelmed." Jane Chao Xiaoyan raised his lips, the smile of that moment seems to be the first time in the Central Academy of Sciences Xiaoyan Hit his chest.

It doesn't matter to everything.

"Heyin Burton, you taught him fighting skills, but there is no law that teaches him to fight."

Jane is trying to get rid of Xiao Yan’s hand and slide down little by little.

"Jane Wallis! What are you doing! You bastard! What are you going to do! I know the **** rule - never look back! But I am not looking back now!" Xiao Yan couldn't help Jane. He can only look to Hai Yin for help. "We must take him away!"

"Don't look at Haiyin! Look at me!" Jane suddenly slammed out, shaking Xiaoyan's bones and shaking his shoulders. "You have to be decisive and have the courage to let go! This is what you should learn." Kathy, remember me, what have you promised me?"

"You can never change the nature of the miscellaneous account!" Casey gritted his teeth and squatted at Xiao Yan's side, so that he had enough strength to open Xiao Yan's fingers, even at the expense of his fingers.

"Kathy... Kathy, what are you doing..."

Xiao Yan is unbelievable that Casey will do this.

"Don't hear you briefly let go! You didn't hear it! Valentin is not here, even if they catch Jane, they must take him alive to see Valentine!" Casey's tears never fell in his eyes, "If You fell with Jane, everything he did is meaningless!"

What is the meaning?

At the moment when Xiao Yan thought, Jane broke away from his fingers, and the tower of the whole killer piled up like a lost heart. He smiled and looked at Xiao Yan, his mouth shape. It seems to be saying: Goodbye.

Hai Yin buckled Xiao Yan's neck and took him back.

Jane has been drowned by hordes of killers.

Xiao Yan still didn't come back, and Hai Yin's hands pressed his cheeks, forcing his eyes to focus.

"Major Xiao Xiao! Tell me, you are now planning to jump to save him, or go to the shutdown channel according to the original plan!"

Hai Yin’s line of sight is like a hot sun, with a burning temperature, piercing the bottom of Xiao Yan’s eyes, and the nerves are almost broken at that moment.

The eyes are like black holes, bringing together all the thoughts of Xiao Yan to form a force.

"Shutdown channel!"

After that, Xiao Yan turned around and continued to move forward.

They have to leave here as soon as possible and meet with the support forces! When they take Jane, they must use the aircraft. As long as they are connected to the terminal of the aircraft, Xiao Yan has 100% confidence to track their destination!

The pedestrian successfully arrived at the flight path, and Xiao Yan invaded the system and opened the access door. At this time, an aircraft was already in front of them.

The cabin door opened and Lauren’s shout came, “Hey – come up!”

"Lauren... How come you!" Wenn showed a surprised expression.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: what to do! The blind date object said that it was too busy to have a time to meet after the Ching Ming Festival. I actually felt a lot easier! Is this the rhythm of not getting married? 2k novel reading network

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