MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 91

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It is now impossible for Xiao Yan to turn around and escape.

The zombie clearly opened his mouth and bite into Xiao Yan’s neck, but in a moment he changed his hand and grabbed Xiao Yan’s chest. Xiao Yan held his arm and split, and the guy violently pulled back his hand and did not give Xiao Yan a chance to completely twist his wrist.

It gasped and made a heavy noise.

The two special forces are already at a disadvantage. If Xiao Yan does not hurry to solve the guy in front of him, the two special forces are afraid of being bitten.

These guys are learning, they take all kinds of fighting and killing skills from the special forces, Xiao Yan knows that if he wants to kill it, he must hit the middle and can not give the other party the opportunity to learn.

Fighting skills are never the most important, and speed and decisiveness can determine the outcome.

In the mind, the figure of Hai Yin flashed naturally, Xiao Yan rushed to the zombie, and it rushed up in excitement. At that moment, Xiao Yan fiercely slammed from the body of the zombie, suddenly Turning around with the knees as a fulcrum, he buckled the legs of the zombies and slammed it on the wall. The guy’s head slammed and cracked.

It swayed and stood up, seemingly losing balance. Xiao Yan didn't say a word, a side kick cracked its head on the wall.

At the moment he turned, a zombie had already come to him, and the greedy eyes of the other side were so clear in front of Xiao Yan.


This distance is too close, it can bite the carotid artery of Xiaoyan as long as it lowers its head.

Like a phantom, the zombie's head was shot open, as fast as the centrifuge in the lab, hitting the wall, fiercely counterattacking, the slashing blade flashed, and its head rolled down.

Haiyin Burton stood in front of him, cold and glaring. "They told you to go, why don't you listen?"

Xiao Yan opened his mouth, but when he had time to open his mouth, Hai Yin had turned and the blade pierced into a zombie eye that had been thrown up. The other side felt the danger and immediately retreated. Its eyes heal faster than Xiao Yan's imagination.

At this time, there was a chilling snoring sound in the passage, and zombies came in this direction.

Hai Yin and the two special forces together wiped out the remaining two zombies. They did not intend to fight, but ran in the direction of Xiaoyan Research Office.

"I hope that Lauren’s guy hasn’t left yet!”

"He hasn't gone yet."

Daddy, Hai Yin took Xiao Yan to the past, slammed his head, and the blade flashed. It turned out to be a zombie hanging upside down at the node of the passage.

It flashed through the attack of Hai Yin sensitively, and the zombies behind him quickly caught up.

He was surrounded by a research room with a sliding door. Xiao Yan seemed to think of something rushing in.

"Xiao Yan!" The zombie followed him and rushed in.

The speed of the sea is very fast. The blade is not where the shoulders of the zombies are cut off or the abdomen of them. But they have the intelligence to protect their necks from being cut off by the sea.

Xiao Yan kept avoiding the chasing of the zombies and looking for something. Just when he was stumped by something, the zombie rushed to his door. Xiao Yan’s ankle was on the abdomen of the zombie, and it was pushed into the air. The strength of this guy’s dive was not to be underestimated. At that moment, Xiao Yan raised his wrist and his finger was a condensation. The gun, the moment when the trigger was pressed, the zombie's head burst into the air. Xiao Yan turned his head and pressed between his arms, and lost the remaining trunk and fell to his side.

"Xiao Yan!"

The sound of Hai Yin came and it was very exciting. Xiao Yan picked up two other condensation guns, stuffed them in the waist of the military uniform, rushed to the front door and fired.

The first shot hit a zombie's thigh, and instantly its entire leg lost its ability to break, and Hai Yin decided to cut off his head. With the help of Xiao Yan, the speed at which they left this small group of zombies was greatly accelerated.

Hai Yin smashed Xiao Yan's wrist and took him to the channel.

The heart is mad, not the tension of life and death, but the shape of the man in front of him.

Wrapped in the shoulders full of strength under the combat uniforms, every run seems to open the air, even if the last moment comes, Xiao Yan knows that this man will not let go of his hand.

At that moment, unexpected things happened, and seven or eight mutant zombies rushed over.

Xiao Yan lifted the condensation gun, aimed, shot, and in one go, two zombies were shot down by it, but the filling liquid in the condensation gun was empty.

"Oh shit!"

Hai Yin clenched his double-edged blade and his wrist turned slightly. He looked back at Xiao Yan, his eyes were calm and there was no fear.

Xiao Yan nodded and read the meaning in his eyes.

Since this group of zombies know how to cooperate with each other, Haiyin and Xiao Yan can do it.

Just as the two or three zombies in front of them rushed to them, Hai Yin quickly kicked one of them and waved the blade to force the other, while Xiao Yan pressed one of the shoulders and lifted the knee. In the past, the guy's internal organs were all topped out. At that moment, Haiyin's knife backed Xiaoyan's back neck, a turn, just pierced the zombie's neck, the handle was rotated, and its neck bone disconnect.

Suddenly pulled out the blade, Xiao Yan pressed the arm of Hai Yin, slammed into a flip, and the head of a zombie that had been thrown up in the heel, his head only fell and was knocked down by him.

Two special forces solved a zombie, and the other three zombies did not leave their intentions, but surrounded them as if they were thinking about how to capture prey.

Suddenly, all the zombies rushed in the direction of Xiao Yan. Three zombies appeared on the top of his head. Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, raising his fist and splitting the chin of one of the zombies, while the sea Yin Sui Blade is about to cut off the other side, who knows that this guy suddenly took the blade of Hai Yin, one turned to buckle the shoulders of Hai Yin, the other bite to Hai Yin's head.

The original attack on Xiao Yan is just the illusion that they distracted from the sea!

At this time, there were zombies enclosed.

The two special forces could only barely fight, and two of them were surrounded by Xiao Yan.

They are not ordinary zombies, and every minute is thrilling.

Xiao Yan's afterglow always pays attention to Hai Yin, and the zombies clearly notice that Hai Yin is the most difficult one among them, and they have rushed to Hai Yin. Hai Yin opened one and the other rushed up. There were zombies in front and behind constantly trying to bite his neck. The zombie behind him was too embarrassing, and Hai Yin couldn't stab each other.

Just as Xiao Yan was forced to the wall by the two zombies, Hai Yin did not hesitate to lift his wrist, piercing the blade into his belly, running through his body, tied to the zombie behind him, and the zombie was sharp. The shouts, Xiao Yan was shocked by the horror but was restricted by two zombies, and could not rush forward.

"Hai Yin!"

Hai Yinli landed the blade and the blood splashed and dyed the eyes of Xiao Xiaoyan.

The sea has almost no pain, and the body has not yet healed. He has suddenly turned back and cut off the head of the zombie. The thigh is extremely powerful and backwards. The muscles are tight and the nerves are painful. Fly another zombie.

Then I went back and leaped in the air, and the momentum was pressing.

Xiao Yan was very tacitly low. Haiyin’s handle was on the back of a zombie, and Xiao Yan slammed up, **** the chin of another zombie with his palm, turning over and twisting it off. Its neck.

"Hai Yin!"

Xiao Yan’s horrified voice, a zombie’s handcuffs slammed into the belly wound of Hai Yin, trying to drag his internal organs out.

Every cell in the body is oscillating, Xiao Yan doesn't know where the speed and strength come from, buckles the shoulder of the zombie, and at that moment unloads its entire arm, and the zombie screams on his back and Xiao Yanzhen Broken his head, his brain ruptured and spilled over his face.

Hai Yin leaned against the wall, and the blood fell along the half of the zombies that were exposed.

Xiao Yan rushed to him, and the tragic scene in front of him made his heart fall. If it is not for the timely rescue of him, Hai Yin does not need to pierce his body.

"There is no time, you go right away."

Hai Yin pushed open Xiao Yan and he fell out.

"Heyin Burton! What do you think of me? Is there only a protected and protected relationship between me and you?"

"I am a man, you don't need ‘have 对’ for me.”

Hai Yin’s expression was light, and the zombies that had been raised and swung up were still strong and powerful, and they were extremely lethal.

Xiao Yan didn't speak. He came to Hai Yin and said in a cold voice: "First, I have to cut open the wound you have healed, separate the zombie's fingers from your internal organs, and then take the broken limb out."

After that, Xiao Yan moved his fingers and made a "squeaky" sound, and came to Hai Yin. He knows that his time is not much and he must be very accurate.

Xiao Yan took his blade from Hai Yin's hand. Hai Yin held the hilt tightly, and Xiao Yan, who was half-squatting in front of him, showed an unshakable expression. He had to release his fingers.

Xiao Yan's lips burst out with a very depressing curvature. The fingers plucked the ruptured combat uniforms, and the blade broke the muscles of the sea along the broken limbs. Xiao Yan's hand reached in.

The two special forces solved the remaining zombies and stood guarded by Hai Yin and Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan's fingertips touched the internal organs of Shanghai Yin. They were warm and humid, and he could even feel the other's heart. Xiao Yan found the zombie's fingers, opened them one by one, and carefully pulled out the broken limbs.

The breathing of Hai Yin was quite stable from beginning to end, and all the pain sensations were ignored by him.

Xiao Yan dropped the half of the broken limb, and the belly of Hai Yin was healing. There was no time to confirm it. It was faintly heard that there was another voice in the passage.

"Go!" Hai Yin picked up Xiao Yan and ran to the research room.

At this time, Lauren is still immersed in the data repair process, completely unable to feel the people who are desperately beaten outside the research room.

The zombies are getting closer and closer, and Ritz hates to smash the entire Shire face.

At some point, Lauren finally ended the data repair. When he was disconnected from the terminal, he finally realized everything that happened outside the door. He saw the frightened research supervisors on the glass window. He immediately opened the sliding door and everyone Embrace, but at the moment Lauren closed the sliding door, a zombie rushed in.

Everyone fled, and this closed study room instantly became the table of the zombies.

"Mom! If your kid opens the door early, it won't be like this!"

Ritz was pressed to the ground by a zombie and watched it bite on Ritz's shoulder. He only heard a "beep" sound. The liquid bomb of the condensation gun hit the wall along the zombie's cheek and the bullet broke open. An ice surface with a radius of about five centimeters suddenly appeared on the wall.

Under fear, Lauren’s gunwork was messy, and the next shot almost hit Ritz.

"Who is your kid aiming at!"

The zombies who felt the threat rushed to Lauren, and Lauren was repeatedly shot by the other side. The surrounding research supervisors hugged their heads and feared that they would be hit by Lauren.

The zombies were close at hand, and Lauren gritted his teeth and held his eyes. At this moment, the sliding door opened, and the blade of the special forces flew in and punctured the head of the zombie.

Lauren slowly lowered his arm and looked sideways at the sliding door. Xiao Yan slowly walked to Lauren and stepped on the head of the zombie. It was still dead, struggling to climb, but half of the body had already Lost ability to move.

In Lauren’s eyes, Xiao Yan, who had a look of awkwardness, lifted his knife and waved it. The head of the zombie rolled to Lauren’s side and he was shocked by the white face.

Hai Yin and the other two special forces have successfully retired into the research room, the sliding door closed and locked, and the remaining zombies came to the door and continually crashed, trying to break the glass on the sliding door.

"What to do... will they come in... What is going on?"

Xiao Yan walked to Lauren's side indifferently, lifting his finger holding the condensation gun in the direction of the glass. "They climbed in, you fired, don't tell me that you can't aim."

Lauren took a deep breath and the original nervous mood fell. He finally realized the situation at the moment, that is, all of them were trapped in this research room.

Everyone was shocked and their eyes were on Bein Burton.

Xiao Yan delivered the other two condensation guns in this lab to the hands of Ritz and Loch. "We have solved more than a dozen zombies on this road. Even if we have to break through from here, I believe We can still live. But there are too many people here..."

"We understand that I will try to ensure that Reitz does not drag you back." Loch answered in a serious manner.

"What is it that I am dragging my legs? You explain it to me! Bastard! If the system designed by this guy is really complete, how can it be easily captured by the tide organization?"

In such a situation, this pair of friends can still quarrel, Xiao Yan really wants to smash their heads.

“Who can tell me what is the situation now?” Lauren was the only guy who didn’t enter the situation, although the ranks of the research supervisors in front of them were staggering, but Lauren could not ignite at this time. Any admiration for them, everything that happened just too suddenly.

Not knowing what happened, in addition to Lauren, there are also discussions about how to deal with the "Witches" Claire's Lieutenant General Aiwei and Major General Gordon.

"What? An emergency meeting of the Central Academy of Sciences? Why don't I know!" Aiwei stood up after learning that the Central Academy of Sciences system was closed and almost all research supervisors were trapped.

"Xiao Yan! He is also trapped inside!" Major Gordon realized what.

"...Xiao Yan...I can't contact him at all!" Aiwei panicked. Someone could cross him and bring all the research directors to the conference room. The master of the Central Academy of Sciences failed. This is a big deal. What about the colonel?"

Gordon tried to contact Hai Yin and found that the data could not be traced. He frowned. "He should be with Xiao Yan... He never let Xiao Yan leave his ability."

This is the only comfort in this situation.

At this time, Lieutenant General Aivil got a message that all the holographic screens in the Shire, whether official or commercial, were maliciously invaded. A picture pops up from the contact, showing the government announcement screen of the central square.

On the screen is a man, his elegant irrelevance and glamorous temperament make everyone look up.

"Good afternoon, the citizens of Shire, I am very happy to meet you here."

The people are ignorant of each other’s arguments and speculate that this is a prelude to the presidential election. A candidate is about to deliver a speech?

"Tomorrow is the federal anniversary of Charles. I understand the inner happiness and the uncontrollable happiness. After all, Charles is a warm, peaceful and calm place, so beautiful that you completely forget the world. What it looks like."

Ai Wei looked at the man's lips on the screen, stiffly facing his face and looking at Gordon. "This is... Valentine Sheen..."

Major General Gordon did not say anything, contact Wen En and Ling Xiao.

"Ling Wei! You are going to the presidential palace now to protect all military and political officials! Wen En, you lead your troops to the Central Academy of Sciences, I don't care what method you use! Even if you razed the Central Academy of Sciences, you have to turn Xiao Rock out!"

The military tried to close all the displays, but they could not do it.

"The Lambs of Charles, enjoy the carnival before the fall of the sky."

After this sentence is finished, all the screens are like movies, and everything that happens in the Central Academy of Sciences is played. The mutant zombies attacked the research directors of the Central Academy of Sciences. They struggled on the line of life and death and struggled between the passages. Valentin is a close-up of Xiao Yan's figure. Every time he escaped the zombie attack, he was thrilled, and the people watching it shouted from time to time until a zombie almost bit his neck, and the picture suddenly closed, as if deliberately causing interest to everyone.

"Xiao Yan!" Avil, who saw this scene, clenched his fist and rushed out.

"Avil -" Gordon chased it up and gave instructions to Maya.

Maya took Ai Wei back. "Lord! Please calm down!"

"Calm! How can I calm down! Xiao Yan... He may be dead now!"

Gordon suddenly slammed into Ai Weier’s face. "Xiao Yan can’t die! If he is really dead, Valentin Shee will release that scene, he will introduce the people to Xiao Yan. Achievements, let the people know that this genius who solved the x-virus defect actually died in the Central Academy of Sciences, so that the seeds of fear can be planted in the hearts of all the people of Charles! We all know that Haiyin Burton will not let Xiao Rock is dead! Xiao Yan is not the kind of researcher who can't help but wind! You don't trust your own subordinates!"

Ai Wei looked at Gordon's eyes, breathing gradually and calming down.

"Valentin Sheehan must have his purpose in doing all this. This man has accumulated nearly two hundred years of madness, and his so-called ‘the falling of the sky’ must have a deeper meaning!”

At this time, the space above the head trembled fiercely, and the holographic image showed an explosion in the sky. What quickly fell, and a deep depression appeared on the ground. This destructive force is quite large in accordance with the volume of the falling object.

"Like... seems to be... high-density titanium that supports the dome..." Avil widened his eyes and looked at the scene.

"What? How can high-density titanium fall down?" Major General Gordon did not believe it.

At this moment, an aircraft slammed in the sky above Shire, and countless dust-like particles fell, reflecting the glow of the stars on artificial sunlight. After several tens of minutes of entanglement with the aircraft of several armed forces, they finally shot them down.

"This is what Valentin called "the sky is falling"...that's a particle bomb...they will quickly infiltrate the titanium...and then explode..." Ayville stepped back half a step, another deafening explosion, the dome Part of it fell to the special mission force headquarters, and the top of the passage fell at that moment.

Avil’s silly raised his eyes.

"Avil..." Gordon stretched his arm and was picked up by Maya.

The entire space is trembled with violent earthquakes, and the passage is as distorted as it can withstand weight.

"Lord! We must leave!"

"I ordered you to save Lieutenant General Aivil! Now! Immediately!"

The passage collapsed even more, and Gordon looked at Maya with blood-red eyes.

"I'm sorry... my job is to protect your safety."

"You can't protect me, Maya."

More and more collapsed parts, Ling Xiao’s urgent information came, the presidential palace will soon be unable to withstand the fall of the titanium and was completely destroyed, Ling Xiao requested to take the president away from the presidential palace.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Xiaer is to be destroyed, what should I do?

Hai Yin: It doesn't matter.

Fat winter melon: How can you care? There is no Shire, where are you and Xiao Yan going?

Hai Yin: Is there not an aircraft? 2k novel reading network

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