MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 83

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I don’t know if Lauren’s kid is deliberately provocative. He even wants Xiao Yan to analyze how an aircraft can evade the president’s fire control system to complete the raid in one minute. The goal is to blow up the president’s office.

Xiao Yan fell cold sweat, thinking that he really wants to answer this question will not be suspected of the undercover of the tide organization?

Just when Lauren was proud, Xiao Yan joined the terminal and the countdown began. The fire control system of the presidential palace is very high. It is a masterpiece of the entire Central Academy of Sciences. The last time the tidal organization attacked the presidential palace. Although the two aircraft ran into the west wing, they did not successfully reach the presidential office.

Lauren obviously wants Xiao Yan to do an impossible task.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and his mind rushed. The picture on the holographic display was constantly flipped, and the data flashed like a light, but the aircraft in the simulated scene was still inaccessible in the artillery, and Lauren picked up his lips.

Time passed quickly, Lauren deliberately suggested, "Hey, there are still thirty seconds left."

There are already a lot of people around them watching the excitement.

"Look! There is a fool who wants to hit the president's office with an aircraft!"

"How is this possible! The fire control system of the presidential palace is the famous work of Major Reitz!"

"There are still twenty seconds!"

The aircraft flashed a smashing angle on the screen and suddenly began to attack. The presidential artillery automatically aimed at its flight path, and the aircraft suddenly pulled up. The power was three times that of normal flight, and it almost swept past the dome of Charles. However, the fire control did not have time to turn, and the aircraft crashed into the window of the president's office before the engine lost its kinetic energy due to overheating.


"Oh my god!"

All onlookers exclaimed.

Lauren stunned. In the first nine minutes, Xiao Yan’s aircraft was like a headless fly, just to find out the scope and angle of the fire control system. Collecting data, the last minute is the real breakout. But how fast is the speed of brain intervention to make such crazy trajectory calculations?

"Lauren, I am finished." Xiao Yan blinked at each other.

"Hey! What's great, I can do it in nine minutes and fifty-five seconds, you used nine minutes and fifty-eight seconds!"

Xiao Yan suddenly wanted to know what happened to Major Reitz when he heard this. Fortunately, the last time the presidential palace was attacked, Ritz has upgraded the main control, and now wants to capture the presidential palace within ten minutes. Xiao Yan knows that it is a mission that is really impossible.

"It’s my turn to come out." Xiao Yan closed his eyes, and the terminal with his brain outlined the sample of biochemical weapons that had been used in the tidal tissue, removed some complex components, and gave some hints, "This ingredient Once inside the special forces, it will affect the x virus, and the result is to reduce the oxygen supply capacity of the cells. You can try to create an antidote within ten minutes."

Although Xiao Yan would like to give him a complete sample of biochemical weapons, the confidentiality level of this study is orange. Once some key components appear in the system, it will directly cause an alarm. Although this question is not as large as a research project, the researchers of the Central Academy of Sciences have to spend at least half an hour to answer. Xiao Yan gave him a ten-minute limit... In fact, he was a bit bully.

Lauren sneaked into the terminal with a cold face, and made a gesture of contempt to Xiao Yan. Lauren really is not a regular guy, actually invaded a professor's terminal, stole a set of computing modes, saved at least ten minutes of computing time, and then easily got the answer.

It took only eight minutes.

"This is cheating!"

The onlookers called out.

Lauren bowed to Xiao Yan. "The conditions you originally set did not say that you are not allowed to invade other people's terminals."

"This is academic dishonesty!"

Other students also questioned Lauren.

Although the professor's terminal settings are far less complicated than in the lab, the kid can invade in three minutes, proving his thinking is fast and active.

"Really, I didn't say that I was not allowed to invade someone else's terminal."

"It's my turn to ask questions!" Lauren squeezed a smirk, Xiao Yan gave him a test question with the virus, and Lauren seemed to be in the same field and Xiao Yan, and also had a virus. The title, "You have the ability to synthesize the antiviral agent of this virus in ten minutes!"

At first glance, this virus is only a relatively complex and aggressive immune virus, similar to hiv one hundred and fifty years ago, but the virus is even worse, and it will be within a few hours of being infected.

Xiao Yan was interested, but ten minutes was too generous. Xiao Yan felt that it was time to frustrate Lauren's sharpness and instantly push the speed of docking between himself and the terminal to the limit. Unfortunately, the library system is not as fast as the processing room. Xiao Yan spent twice as much time as he imagined. Only get the answer.

"God, five minutes and forty-one seconds! Is this the speed of God?"

Lauren’s eyes flashed a bit, but he still had to face.

"Hey! I just want to let this game continue to be merciful!"

"I know."

Xiao Yan smiled, but Lauren was very dissatisfied.

"Why are you laughing!"

"Thank you for your mercy!" Xiao Yan touched his nose. "But now it is my turn to ask questions."

"You are out!" Lauren raised his chin and looked at what kind of expression you could play.

Xiao Yan felt that he could no longer be merciful to this arrogant boy. Daddy, there was a scene in his mind, and he and Hai Yin’s team were trapped in a closed room...

Ok, see how this kid will escape from birth!

In thirty seconds, Xiao Yan fictionalized a room that was exactly the same.

"Lauren, you are trapped in this room. Oxygen will be exhausted in ten minutes. You don't have any tools in your hands, but you have a special gun for the technical soldiers. Good luck."

Xiao Yan did not copy the details of the water injection, because he was able to escape by relying on special forces to stand on the door, but Lauren did not have such conditions. Xiao Yan just wants to know how this guy will respond in an emergency.

"Nothing but a gun? How do you open the door? I don't see any identification devices on the door!"

"How to open such a door? Is it a gun to shoot?"

"This is an impossible task!"

After Lauren confirmed Xiao Yan's setting of the door, he couldn't help but chill out. "This kind of door that can only be seen in the movie, you design it!"

"I like old movies. They are very important documents." Xiao Yan smiled faintly.

On the holographic screen, after Lauren carefully examined the circuit of the door, he decisively removed the gun in his hand, connected the energy conversion device to the door, buckled the trigger, and the door opened.

"Oh! This is fine too!"

"If it is in the real situation, I guess I will commit suicide with that gun!"

Lauren looked at Xiao Yan and pulled out a smug smile. "I hope you can come up with more difficult questions. But I admit that this question is quite interesting."

Xiao Yan knows that his time for Lauren is too full. After all, in reality, it is impossible to analyze the circuit of the door by means of the terminal. He must use his own brain to analyze the direction and function of each circuit, but he It is very practical to think of the energy converter in the gun. Although looking into Lauren's direction, Xiao Yan's mind was when he was looking for a drop gun with his own underwater. Hai Yin came to his side and took him. He still remembers the short moment of seeing the side of Hai Yin in the underwater of chaos. This man does not need any expression and does not want any gentle demeanor, but also can occupy his eyes and even think.

At that moment, Xiao Yan knew that he was thinking of the man uncontrollably.

"It's my turn. This time you don't want to pass easily." Lauren even synthesized a virtual virus sample, which is the gene in the comet virus that guarantees that the zombies can get energy from the sun!

“What is your question?” Xiao Yan concealed his surprise. This sequence is only mentioned in the senior virology practice class. This class is a specially designed course for the military. Thinking, whoever can offer groundbreaking insights will be transferred to important projects by the Central Academy of Sciences.

"Reducing the photosynthetic capacity of this virus." Lauren looked at the expression of the play.

I almost didn't laugh out loud. Doesn't this bear child want him to make a condensing agent?

"How long do you want me to finish?"

"five minutes."

“Five minutes is just to reduce its photosynthesis, right?”

"Yes. Can you still do something else in five minutes?"

Xiao Yan shook his head. "I just confirmed your question."

The manufacture of condensing agents is simple. The really difficult part has always been the raw material and stability of the condensing agent. This is why the condensing gun cannot be used on a large scale to fight zombies.

It takes no more than five minutes. Xiao Yan only needs two minutes to configure a medicine. Lauren's virus is in a low temperature inactive state under the influence of the medicine, and gradually loses the ability to accept heat.

Laurenton paused, which is obviously a headache for many senior students, and even few people can formulate such stable drugs...

"Hey! What the **** is this guy..."

Lauren’s words have not been asked, and Xiao Yan interrupted him. “It’s my turn.”

Close your eyes, Xiao Yan builds a virtual room in the terminal system, the only exit of the room is controlled by a cipher, which is a 12-digit password, and the password changes every second.

"Lauren, you have five minutes to leave."

Lauren reveals a disgusting expression. "Do you guys like to design a secret room? Or do you have any abnormal tendency, and you like to imprison people?"

His words provoked the laughter of the onlookers.

Xiao Yan didn't care, just made a "please" gesture.

"Tell you, there are no passwords in my world that I can't solve!"

After that, Lauren entered the terminal and began to calculate. He discovered that the key is absolutely complicated, including various variables of the space function, physical mechanics and electromagnetics, etc., and the wide range of stalks caused Lauren to raise his eyebrows slightly.

At that moment, Xiao Yan finally had a bit of shame, as if an adult was bullying the child.

But Lauren still exceeded Xiao Yan's imagination. When he had ten seconds left, he unlocked the key and entered the password.

Clearly the password has been displayed correctly, Lauren still can not open the door, the terminal shows that his power has reached the upper limit of ordinary humans, but this door does not move.

"Mom--" Lauren slammed his fist and slammed it on the hologram.

time up.

"What the **** is going on? Isn't he unlocking the password?"

"Or, the password is incorrect?"

"But there is no password error!"

Lauren looked at Xiao Yan, who was quietly watching all this. "Hey! What the **** is going on! Is it really my calculation error?"

"Your calculations are very subtle, and they are not bad." Xiao Yan pulled up his lips, and the smile seemed unremarkably flat in Lauren's eyes. "But I just told you to go out from this room and didn't ask you to calculate your password."

"What...what...?" Lauren showed an incomprehensible expression.

"According to my setting, this door is not locked at all." Xiao Yan entered the simulation scene, came to the front door, pushed forward with force, the door opened like this!

And Lauren has tried his best to pull the door open, because he regards it as a sliding door that can be seen everywhere in the Shire!

"You play me!" Lauren got up and slid over Xiao Yan's collar and waved his fist to his nose.

Xiao Yan grabbed his wrist easily and suddenly got up and put him back on the seat. The speed of the students seemed to move instantly.

"Mom! You are not a student here! You are a special soldier! Right?"

Lauren’s half face was pressed against the back of the chair, looking funny and embarrassing.

Xiao Yan was surprised at his own skill. His mind suddenly flashed in a training room, and he was buckled to the ground by Haiyin Burton. His hands were pressed behind him and his knees were against him. Waist. He can feel the change in strength when the sea is slightly low, and if the other person's steady breathing passes through the back neck, he even has an illusion that the other party is about to kiss.

"Hey! Hey! You **** let me go! My arm is going to break!"

Lauren’s shouting made Xiao Yan return to reality.

He let go of Lauren, and the other side looked at him with his shoulders in his arms.

"What the **** are you! Inexplicably bet with me, then use this topic to play me! You are not a student here!"

Xiao Yan sighed. "I didn't play you. You got used to Shire's sliding door, so I saw that every door felt that it was laterally open rather than pushed away. Such stereotypes would hinder you from studying. Thinking, you will be tied to a specific thinking logic, unable to break through the bottleneck, and will always be locked in the bottom of the glass bottle."

Lauren groaned, when he was about to say something, the sound of a sense of oppression in the indifference sounded.

"Whether your entertainment today is coming to an end, Major Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan’s shoulders were slightly rounded, and he turned stiffly. He saw Haiyin Burton, who was dressed in military uniforms, and his two guards who were responsible for guarding him were behind him. His face was embarrassed. After all, they were seen by the heads that these special forces were wearing the uniforms of the students and guarding the door of the library. It was very...

For a moment, the entire library was quiet, and all eyes were on the way to Hai Yin.

No one can say a word.

Lauren stared at Xiao Yan's back and left, until they disappeared outside the door, and the entire library suddenly collapsed.

"God! That person is Major Xiao Yan! Lauren, you can do it! Actually, I have a question!"

At that moment, Lauren suddenly launched a fire and rushed out.

"Xiao Yan -"

The two special forces easily stopped him, letting him struggle but unable to move forward.

Xiao Yan stopped his footsteps and turned around.

"You really are playing me right? Look at the trap that your ability is not as good as your own, is it a special sense of accomplishment!"

"I am not playing you, I am just looking for my own companion."

"What?" Lauren frowned.

"The military wants me to pick a research assistant, but I don't need an assistant. What I want is a guy who reminds me to try to push the door when I try to pull the door open."

"Ah..." Lauren stunned and forgot to struggle.

After that, Xiao Yan left behind Hai Yin.

The door of the magnetic levitation vehicle opened upwards, Xiao Yan sat in, and Hai Yin sat next to him.

The contact on the wrist popped up and the liaison officer's face appeared in front of Xiao Yan.

"Major, do you have an assistant in your heart?"

"Well, Lauren Ann."

The liaison officer’s brow screamed. “I’m sorry for the major. I didn’t find Lauren Ann on the roster. Do you want to take another look at the list?”

"He is not on the list. He is a student in the Academy of Sciences."

"...Are you sure to enable a student as your research assistant?"

"Yes, I am sure. When I became Kathy's assistant, I was just a student and a class b student."


The magnetic levitation car has stopped at the door of the apartment, the night is about to come, and all the street lights are on.

Just as Xiao Yan stepped out of the door, Hai Yin grabbed him.

"have dinner together."

Xiao Yan did not have the right to refuse, Hai Yin has changed the destination, they will go to the second tower.


The speed of the magnetic levitation car is extremely fast, Xiao Yan does not understand what they can eat at the No. 2 tower!

“From there, you can see the sunset outside of Shire.”


This is an experience that Xiao Yan had never thought of before.

The tower opened the first door for them, because there was no aircraft to dock, so the entire flight path was dark.

Xiao Yan touched the wall and walked forward. Even though he knew that there was no obstruction in the passage, he could not take every step as calmly as Hai Yin.

"Give me the handle."

The sound of Hai Yin was unexpectedly clear in this darkness.

Xiao Yan reached out and he didn't know where the other person was. He waved and suddenly was forced to clasp his wrist.

"let's go."

The senses were infinitely magnified at that moment. Xiao Yan could clearly feel the temperature of the fingers of the sea. His feeling of touching the belly and the skin was very special. It seemed that when the blood flowed, it rushed to rush out of the skin. belly.

It’s not enough... Xiao Yan... This is really bad...



At this time, the outermost side of the channel slowly opened, and the orange light rushed in along the gap. Xiao Yan first saw the small legs of the sea under the military uniform, which was slender and powerful, leaving elegance on the ground. The shadow.

The horizon is gradually widening, and the distant mountain rocks are invisible under the orange-red sunlight.

There are constantly birds flying towards the shadows between the mountains, dragging out numerous innumerable lines in the sky.

The sun is about to fall under the foothills.

Xiao Yan glared at the big eyes until someone brought a packet of biscuits around him.

"your dinner."

“Ah?” Xiao Yan took the biscuit, and Hai Yin had sat down at the edge of the passage. “You said that eating dinner is to eat compressed biscuits?”

“The military has improved its taste, and in order to accommodate the nutritional needs of the special forces, the heat is five to six times higher.”

Xiao Yan, who just bite a bite, quickly spit out the biscuits. "The heat is so high! It is not fat!"

If all the special forces use x-2, their energy will come from external food intake and daylight, but the heat of the food will be very important when they can't guarantee sunshine.

"I thought it would be good to have a piece of bread with jam. Can this be considered a dinner?" Xiao Yan whispered, sitting down far away from the sea.

"What kind of dinner do you want?"

"Ah..." Xiao Yan didn't think that the other person would ask for his opinion. "It's nothing. This kind of good scenery always thinks if there is a glass of red wine..."

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, these are meaningless, Hai Yin could not suddenly find a glass of red wine, and she is not waiting for a woman to be pleased. He still picked up the compressed biscuits and took a bite.

Hai Yin said yes, the taste has indeed improved, it is creamy vanilla, and even the taste is very soft. Xiao Yan used to be curious and smashed a piece. In order to ensure the nutrient reduction of the additive, the biscuit did not taste other flavors except the salty Xiaoyan, not to mention the dry biscuit **** slipping from Xiaoyan's throat... ...that is one of the most horrible foods in Xiao Yan's impression.

At that moment, a scene poured into his mind.

The author has something to say: Maya: dating a head is a tragedy...

Liv: I’ve got it for a while...

Maya: Do you still need nutrients?

Liv: Depending on the situation, continue to ask, do you want to be cut into bald, Maya? 2k novel reading network